The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis A...

By HoldinOnToDaylight

961K 33.9K 31.4K

{Completed; 14.11.2018} Louis is omega. That makes him one of the lowest of the werewolf ranks. With being an... More



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By HoldinOnToDaylight

So do you remember how I said the story is coming to an end soon, like a hundred chapters ago? Well, the next one will be the last and then the epilogue, so yea...

I hope you enjoy that chapter and see you for the next one😘


"Bye love, see you soon." Louis says, kissing Charlotte's cheek as Jay waits for him in the car.

"Come to play with me soon." the girl mumbles into Louis' shoulder as she hugs him.

"I will." the omega assures before standing back up. He looks at Harry and scratches the back of his head. "Uhm, thanks for tonight. And the tea this morning." he says.

Harry smiles before pulling Louis into a hug, kissing his temple. "It's nothing. I would do it again any time." he says, making Louis smile a little.

"Come, Lou." Jay says from the car. "The girls are waiting." Louis nods and turns to walk to the car, but after the first two steps he took he turns around, running to Harry to peck his cheek before hurrying into the car.

The female omega starts driving as soon as Louis buckled up and pulled his knees up, arms wrapped around his legs.

"So what's up with you two?" Jay asks out of nowhere, eyes fixed on the street.

Louis looks at her wide eyed and shocked. "W-what do you mean?" he asks.

"Lou, I am you mother and I know you very well." she claims and Louis sighs.

"How did you figure?" he asks and tries to avoid his mothers question. He doesn't know how she will react if he tells her.

"So something did happen." she states. "I wasn't a hundred percent sure, but the few times I saw you together you always somehow touched. You always smiled, stealing glances at each other. Not yesterday though. You acted as if you two are fine, but I was confused, because you were on opposite sides of our garden. You would both look at each other secretly and when your eyes met, you immediately looked away. Harry kept looking. There was and still is this hesitation in both of your eyes and this kinda sadness. And also this longing as if both of you just want to touch the other, but something stops you." Louis looks shocked as Jay tells him that. He looks at his mom, while she looks at the street. "So what happened?" she asks again.

Louis sighs, looking out of the window. "He and Zayn did a bet, wether or not Harry can bring me to submit to him." he tells her in a low voice.

"They what?!" The femal omega hits the breaks, causing Louis to fly forward, but he is quick to stop himself with his hands from crashing onto the dashboard.

Jay looks at her son shocked. "Who's idea was it?" she asks.

"Zayns." Louis simply answers, not looking at his mother. "Did they apologize?" she asks, turning the car fully off.

Louis nods. "Yea, both."

Jay tilts her head. "Do you forgive them?"

The omega shrugs. "I guess. I think I couldn't stay away from Harry any longer. Physically and emotionally." he says frowning.

His mom smiles at him fondly. "You know, Sophie told me that you asked her about soulmates." she says, bringing Louis to look at her. "You think Harry is your soulmate?" she asks, even though she is pretty sure she knows the answer already.

Louis shrugs once again. "I don't know." he mumbles unsure, biting his lip.

Jay sighs. "I don't know if that's a common thing, but for me at least." she starts. "I never thought about your dad maybe being my soulmate once. I loved him, yea, but not like I love Yasar now. Not this 'soulmate-love'. Your dad said the same." Louis frowns a little not sure what his mom wants to tell him. "Did you ever think about Stan being your soulmate? At the beginning, when you had a good relationship?"

Louis grinches. "No, never." he answers. "But what do you wanna tell me?"

"When did you think about Harry may being your soulmate?"

The younger omega shrugs, looking away again. "I don't know." he says frowning. He really can't remember.

"Okay, close your eyes." Jay tries instead. Louis giving her a sceptic look, but closes his eyes anyways. "Imagine yourself in ten years." she says softly. "You sit on a chair in your backyard, watching your kids play together, laughing, having fun." She watches the small smile that appears on her son's face. "You close your eyes to enjoy the sun shining on your face as you hear the back door open and close gently. You smile, because you know it's your mate, your husband. Your eyes stay closed as he puts his arms over your chest from behind you, gently rubbing his nose through your hair. Then you open your eyes and you turn around to be greeted by the eyes you love the most. After your kids. Those gentle brown eyes looking down at you." Jay smiles as Louis opens his eyes confused to look at his mom. "You imagined Harry, right?"

Louis doesn't answer, just frowns. Jay doesn't need an answer though, his face telling her everything. With a happy smile on her face she starts the car back up and drives back home.


It's monday morning as Louis walks into history, looking for a certain omega. He spots him in the back were he usually is, talking to another omega.

Louis stops in front of them. "Hey Mikey, you wanna ditch?" he asks without giving the other omega a look.

Michael looks at him confused, before standing up and throwing his bag over his shoulder. He smiles at Louis. "Sure."

And so the two omegas leave the classroom and walk outside.


Michael and Louis sit down at the tree behind the school building, where Harry and Louis talked first in S/D class.

"So what's up?" Michael asks, taking an apple out of his bag and taking a bite.

Louis looks at him. "How do you know I wanted to talk with you?" he asks frowning.

The omega with now blue-ish grey hair smiles. "You never asked me to ditch before." he says.

Louis rolls his eyes, but smiles. "Well, first off I wanted to ask you if you think Calum is your soulmate."

Michael gets this goofy happy smile as the other one mentions the alpha. "Yea, pretty sure." he answers smiling like an idiot.

The blue eyed boy frowns again. "How do you know?"

The australian boy sighs. "I just know." he claims, helping Louis not one bit. "And he wouldn't have had this huge urge to mate me. Alphas usually only get that intense urge to mate someone if they are their mate." he explains, making Louis nod.

He heard about that. Does Harry have this urge? Louis can only asks.

"You think you found your soulmate?" Michael asks smiling. Louis looks ahead at the school building.

"Yea." he breathes, eyes moving back to his friend. "But I have another question." Michael nods, showing him to continue. "Whould you forgive him if he had a bet about you? I mean, you are a lot like me with alphas, not giving a shit what they say and stuff, but if... if Calum would've bet about you with Ash, before he even really knew you, would you forgive him after you got together and stuff?"

Louis eyes moved onto his hands that are over his crossed legs, so he doesn't see Michaels frown. "What would the bet have been about?" he asks.

"Uhm, t-that you would submit to Calum?"

"Harry bet about that?! What?" Louis looks up, surprised by Michaels outburst. "Louis, that's not cool! Why would he do that?"

Louis runs a hand through his brown hair and exhales deeply. "He said he was so shocked I didn't listen to him that first day of school and Zayn called him a coward or something like that." Louis shrugs. He looks back at Michael, who still looks shocked.

"That's not cool, Louis."

The omega groans, leaning his head against the bark, rubbing his hands over his face. "I know!" he says truthfully before looking at Michael with sad eyes. "But I ignored him now for half of last week and even as we were with my family. It just..." He looks away. "I really think he is my soulmate and I don't think I can stay away from him any longer."

Michael blows air out of between his lips. "Well, if he is your soulmate, then ignoring him even for only a few hours is torture for him." Louis looks at his friend.

"So what should I do?" he asks in a quiet voice.

"If you can't stay away any longer, don't. I think the days without you made him clear that he can't do stuff like that." Michael shrugs. Louis can't stop from smiling, making Michael chuckle. "Boy, you're smitten." Louis blushes as Michael nudges his shoulder with his own. "But I get it. I'm the same with Calum."

After that they talked about a lot of different things. Harry and Calum, music, family and other things. That is definitely better than history.


As Louis enters the cafeteria the same day he knows that he is in trouble. He sees Michael, Calum and Harry standing together at the side. The latter looks up as the omega entered the room. He bites his lip as he makes his way over to them.

"What's up?" he asks even though he is sure it's about Michael and him skipping history.

"Did you ditch history?" Harry asks immediately, arms crossed. His look and voice is serious and Louis can't help but shrink a little.

"Uhm, yea." he breaths, knowing that lying would only make it worse.

"Why?" Calum asks now, looking between the two omegas.

Michael looks at Louis, because he should tell them. And if he doesn't want to, then he should come up with a lie.

Louis runs a hand through his feathery hair as he sighs. "I wanted to talk with Michael about... something important." he decides to say. It's not a lie, so that's fine.

"What is so important to ditch a class?" Harry asks. He doesn't understand it. Why would Louis do that?

The omega bites his lip and looks around the big room filled with students. He wants to tell Harry, but not with all those people that could listen. So the blue eyed boy grabbed Harry's hand and pulls him towards the exit.

"Louis, what are you doing?" the alpha asks frowning as he follows the smaller boy. "Where are you going?"

Louis doesn't answer as he pulls Harry out of the school building and behind it, going to the tree he was sitting under with Michael just a few hours ago.

He doesn't sit down though, he just stands there and looks at Harry, who looks very confused.

"I talked with Michael about you." Louis says, shaking his head. "But first a question." He already feels his cheeks heat up. The omega rubs his arm up and down. "Do you ever think about... about mating me?" he asks in a whisper.

"What? Why?" Harry asks surprised. "Where is this coming from?"

Louis groans. "Just answer the question, please!" he nearly beggs.

"Yea, I do." Louis looks up, biting his lip as he starts to tell Harry what he talked about with Michael and also with his mom.


It's wednesday after school as Louis makes his way to a small cottage in the woods Niall once showed him. He got a message from Zayn to meet him there, wanting to apologize. The weird part is, that Louis found that message printed out on a piece of paper in his locker.

He and Harry are back together -not that they ever really broke up. They are very happy together and also very couple-y. Louis didn't really realize how much he missed that stupid alpha and he is very happy he can snuggle up against him again.

As Louis arrives at the cottage he looks around, not seeing Zayn anywhere. He gets his phone out of his bag to text him.

Louis: Where are you?

Zayn: Home, why?

Louis: Uhm, you wanted to meet me at that old cottage

Zayn: What? No, why would I?

Louis: To apologize because of that bet. That what your paper said

Zayn: Louis, you make zero sense. What paper? And why would I want to meet you at the cottage if we live in the same house?

Zayn frowns at his phone, an uneasy feeling spreading inside of him.

Louis: I don't know! Why would you?

Zayn: I come and get you, don't move

"Niall?" Zayn says and gets up from his bed. Niall does the same. "Go as fast as you can to Harry and bring him to the old cottage." The black haired alpha says while going downstairs.

Niall frowns, but follows. "Why? What's wrong?"

"I think someone set Louis up. Get Harry as fast as possible, I go there now." Zayn opens the door. "Hurry, Niall! Maybe Louis is in danger!" Then he changes into his wolf, taking off towards the cottage. Niall shifts too, dashing towards the Pack House.


"Hello Louis." The omega jumps, his phone sliding out of his hand as he turns around.

"W-what are you d-doing here?" Louis stutters, backing away from the alpha in front of him.

"Wow, I guess you are more stupid than I thought, Louis." Jason tsks, shaking his head as he steps closer.

"W-what do you want?" Louis asks, hitting the wooden wall of the cottage.

Jason steps right in front of him, breathing down at the smaller boy. His eyes are slightly red. "Harry always gets what he wants." he seethes. "He got Nick, who is now programmed to run after him. He got you and even after I told you about the fucking bet!" Jason laughs maniacally, making Louis wince. "You still go back to him." he growls, this time the omega whimpers.

"W-what..?" Louis can't even finish, too scared to ask right now.

"What I wanna do?" Jason guesses. "Well, I wanna take you away from him so he feels what it means to see someone you love every day, but you can't have him."

The alpha steps closer -Louis didn't know that was even possible- and puts his nose right onto the mating spot. Louis' eyes go wide as his brain processes what Jason wants to do.

He wants to mate him.

"Just imagine Harry seeing you every day, but you have to stay with me, because I'm your alpha and you have to every. Word. I say." Jason growls dark. A shiver of fright runs down the omega's spine.

Louis tries to push the taller wolf away, but the alpha is way stronger than he is. The omega repeats "No" many times, hoping Jason would have mercy and stop. Louis has no way of defending himself as Jason pins both of his hands over the omegas hand. He can't even kick Jason in the knee or his balls, because the alpha is standing just that close.

But all of Louis' hope leaves as he feels the alpha's canines scrape over his skin. Tears starts to run down Louis' face. He closes his eyes to prepare for the pain when Jason teeth break his skin to bond the omega to him.

It never comes, because suddenly Jason his gone from Louis. The omega falls to the floor immediately, full on sobbing as he pulls his knees to his chest and hugs them. He hears growling from a familiar wolf and then there is someone else in front of him.

"Lou, are you okay?" the concerned voice says, but Louis doesn't look at the person in front of him, he stares in the distance.

The person in front of him puts a cautious hand on Louis' knee, successfully making the omega look at him. "Louis, baby, are you okay?"

Louis sobs as he throws himself at Harry, Harry wrapping his arms tightly around the omega, rubbing up and down his back.

"Ssh." Harry tries to calm Louis down, but the omega pulls away. He looks at Harry serious with teary and red eyes. What he says next shocks Harry and he never thought to hear Louis say this. Especially after what just happened.

With full seriousness and a very desperate voice the omega says quiet, barely audible:

"Mate me, Harry."


Please don't hate me for that beautiful cliffhanger😁

What do you think how Harry will react?

See you in the next chapter, love ya'll😘

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