By mediagirl94

405 206 0

*COMPLETED* Have you ever seen a ghost? A faint memory of someone you once knew but now forgotten. That's exa... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

15 9 0
By mediagirl94



I gasp struggling to breathe, and bolt upright clutching my hand to my chest. That was the strangest dream I'd ever had. I dreamt I woke up in a coffin and clawed my way back to the surface only to encounter Kyle who helped me, there was an unnatural hunger searing down my throat and next thing I know I'm sinking fangs into someone's neck drinking their blood until the last drop leaves their body. Only vampires fed from people in that manner, but I wasn't vampire because I was human or werewolf since Liam did bite me.

Still holding my hand to my chest I'm shocked when I don't feel my heart pounding. What had happened in the cemetery after Jack shot me? Was I dead? I couldn't be dead because I was in a warm bed at Lucas's house. Glancing around the room I take note of Kyle sitting on the end of the bed playing on his phone, at least the Kyle helping me part of the dream was true.

"It wasn't a dream Rose it was real."

I didn't say anything out loud so how did he hear me? I watch Kyle put his phone away and stand up his sigh loud. He walks around the side of the bed and crouches down in front of me making me turn in the bed. There were sadness and happiness mixed together on his face.

"You will learn how to shield your mind Rose, but vampires can hear one another's thoughts. It's kind of how we communicate with each other."

I gulp, "so I'm a vampire?"

Kyle shakes his head, "you're a hybrid love, half vampire and half werewolf. When Jack shot you I fed you my blood not knowing that Liam had bitten you already."

He reaches out and takes my hand in his entwining our fingers, a wave of warmth washing over my body. I felt safe around him; he wasn't going to lie to me. I continue to stare at him still trying to get my head around the fact I wasn't human but now a supernatural.

"I clawed my way out of my own coffin. You helped me when I needed someone the most Kyle. Where's Liam?"

Kyle bows his head. Had something happened to Liam in the final fight?

"Liam skipped town Rose after he found out you were dead. He didn't even come to your funeral. I'm so sorry."

Tears fall down my cheeks. Liam was my first real friend and he'd just left town. Kyle looks up, and with his free hand wipes away my tears with the back of his hand.

"What's going to happen to me? I can't do this on my own."

I start to shake. Kyle releases my hand and with a flash of inhuman speed pulls me into his arms, allowing me to crawl onto his lap so he can comfort me. I nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"You're never going to be alone Rose, you have so many people who are going to help you. I'm going to teach you how to survive this next chapter in your life and the whole coven will support one of their own. Alex, Lucas, and Ethan are all downstairs waiting for you to wake up."

I pull back when he mentions Alex's name. Was Alex still here? I needed to see him.

"Kyle, can I see Alex please?"

Kyle nods and places a kiss on my forehead before getting off the bed to go and get Alex for me. Even though Alex was a hunter who kidnapped me at a young age, he was my main father figure and I needed to see him to feel safe again as odd as that sounded.

A couple of minutes pass before the bedroom door opens and Alex steps inside closing the door behind him. I throw the bed sheets to the side and jump off the bed, before throwing myself at him wrapping my arms around his waist nearly knocking him to the floor with my newfound strength.

He chuckles, "you really are strong Rose. Please don't break me."

I mouth 'sorry' and let him go. He looked tired like he hadn't slept the whole time I was out for the count.

"Hi, dad."

Those two words trigger something in Alex and he starts to cry softly. He wraps his arms back around me.

"I'm so happy you're alive even if you are a supernatural Rose. My beautiful little Rose is all grown up. You don't need your old man anymore."

I sniffle, "you'll always be my dad Alex. Just because I'm grown up doesn't mean I don't need you anymore. I forgive you for everything over the years. When I was shot I was sad at the thought of never being able to hug you again and tell you that I love you."

Alex cracks a smile, both of us currently emotional wrecks. I never had this kind of connection with my birth parents. Then my birth parents faces flicker in front of my eyes, stirring memories. I step out of Alex's embrace with one main question on my lips.

"What about my birth parents Alex?"

He sighs, "I hate to drop this bombshell on you right now Rose, but technically you died and had a funeral. You have a death certificate; in their eyes their daughter is dead. But this isn't the end."

"What do you mean?"

He closes the space between us again and cups my chin with one his hands, stroking my cheek lovingly.

"You can start a new life if you like Rose. This is your chance to be whoever you want to be, and do whatever you like. Not many people get this opportunity in their lives."

Alex was right; this was a big opportunity and one I couldn't give up. The old Rose dead, replaced with this new version of me. All my life people had morphed me and told me what I could and couldn't do, but now I could create a new life for me and that was both exciting and scary. I didn't want to do it alone.

"Can I see Ethan and Lucas please?"

Alex offers me his arm like a gentleman and I laugh before looping my arm through his, he never failed to make me laugh.

"I think they are just as excited as seeing you as I was. Especially Ethan, Lucas struggled to calm him down earlier."

A small smile ghosts my lips, I was pretty sure Lucas could calm Ethan down very easily if he wanted to.

The stairs squeak under our feet as we descend, now I was nervous about seeing my friends again. Last time I saw Kellin was just before I was shot by Jack, and the last time I saw Lucas he told me he wanted to get me out of town one way or another and had Ethan drug me.

"I would say take a deep breath but vampires don't need to breathe."

I laugh under my breath as Alex and I walk into the lounge. Ethan who was sitting on Lucas's lap sees me and his eyes light up as he squirms and jumps up off Lucas before running towards me.

"Oh my god Rose, I didn't believe it when Lucas first told me. I'm so sorry I should have done more to stop Jack shooting you."

He throws his arms around my neck, Alex stepping away just in time not to get pummelled by the raven haired boy. I pat Ethan on the back as he squeezes me tightly, I was kind of happy I didn't need to breathe because right now he was choking me.

"Easy there, Ethan. You couldn't have done anything to stop Jack he's always been a wildcard. I'm sorry for scaring you, it can't be easy seeing someone die in front of you. But now I'm back and we can start as friends again because I'm still pissed about the whole drugging me plan."

Ethan's eyes widen and he gulps before releasing me, then he points over his shoulder accusingly at Lucas.

"He gave me the stuff Rose, blame him and we can go back to being best friends because you can't stay mad at poor little old Ethan."

I shake my head and snort at how quickly Ethan threw his boyfriend under the bus. Lucas gets up from the sofa equally shaking his head but smiling.

"Geesh I feel the love Ethan. It's good to see you, Rose. When Kyle knocked on my door I thought he was joking. Sorry about the drugging plan, I thought it would save you but sometimes visions can be wrong."

We meet halfway across the room and hug. I couldn't stay mad at Lucas who had been my childhood friend and looked out for me when I returned. He was kicking himself for getting the vision wrong, but everyone's allowed to mess up in their lives. He didn't want to see me dead, and technically I wasn't dead anymore even if I was dead by law.

"I forgive you, Lucas. Don't beat yourself up over this. You can't get rid of me that easily, I always come bouncing back."

He looks relieved. Over his shoulder, I catch Kyle's eye who smiles warmly. With all these people around me, I think my new life was going to go without a hitch.


"Come here Rose, you can't get away from me that easily."

I yelp as Kyle wraps his strong tattooed arms around my waist and picks me up off the floor with ease and starts to spin me around in circles. We start to laugh and after a couple of minutes he stops spinning and puts me down, only for me to stumble slightly from the dizziness like I was drunk.

"I'd never run away from you Kyle, you need me."

He snorts and closes the space between us, cups my chin and smashes his lips down on mine roughly and with passion. I kiss him back, our lips morphing together like they were made for each other. I loved kissing Kyle, he was my addiction and I was his.

Five years had passed since the night I rose from the dead as a half vampire and half werewolf hybrid, the only one in the world. Kyle had kept his promise and stayed by my side training and teaching me how to deal with everything my new cravings and beasts threw at me. My vampire side was the more dominant supernatural, but occasionally on the full moon, I felt the effects on my inner wolf.

I still kept in touch with Alex, Lucas, and Ethan catching up every now and then. But after being accepted into Kyle's coven and taking him as my mate we left San Diego and returned back to his native home England. We made a home for ourselves and no one questioned Kyle's power anymore now he had me by my side. Alex also returned to England so I did get to see my dad more, and our relationship was stronger than ever, though it was sad to see him age every year.

Kyle made it his mission to show me everything the world had to offer so we were now in Paris having a romantic holiday just the two of us without having to deal with coven problems and issues. I wasn't the same girl as I was before. When I died my old appearance died with me. My hair was now longer and a vibrant crimson red colour that matched the blood I had to drink to survive.

"Kyle is that you?"

A very familiar voice cuts through mine and Kyle's passionate embrace, my whole body freezing on the spot. Instinctively Kyle places himself between me and the new male voice. It had been five years since I last heard or even saw Liam and now here he was in Paris of all places.

"Liam long time so see. What brings you to Paris?"

I move away from Kyle slightly so that I can take in Liam. He had changed slightly in five years, but to me, he would always be the same loving Liam. When Liam catches sight of me he too freezes, his whole face paling like he'd seen a ghost which he had.

"Rose...Is that really you?" he stutters.

"Yes, it is Liam. Surprise I'm not dead. But you wouldn't know that because you ran away before my funeral."

He bows his head as the words leave my lips bitterer than I would have liked, but he did leave me all those years ago and left me to deal with my inner wolf on my own. I take note that Liam wasn't alone but in the fact that Alan stood by his side holding his hand. Were they together?

"I'm so sorry for leaving Rose but I felt like a failed you in not being able to keep you alive. I couldn't stay in that place so I did leave with my pack. I see you moved on to Kyle, I guess I'm happy for the two of you."

I nod, "Kyle has helped me every step of the way along with Alex, Lucas, and Ethan. Yes, we are together. How about you and Alan? You two look pretty cosy.

Liam gulps, "I guess I realised my true feelings were for Alan. I think I thought I wanted to be with you because of the birthmark, but Kyle looks like he's been the better influence on you. Can you forgive me, Rose?"

I turn to face Kyle who was remaining silent knowing this was my decision to make, he'd never forced my hand on anything. I turn back to Liam and see sorrow in his eyes for what he put me through. Alan looked up at him with a sparkle of love in his eyes, they were meant to be together.

"I guess I kind of always shipped the two of you. I forgive you, Liam, because we're all adults here. I'm happy you found someone to spend your life with. Maybe we can be friends again? Take things slow to start with."

Liam lets out the breath he'd been holding, "I'd very much like to start things over again Rose. I'm sorry for running away Kyle and leaving you to train and teach her it can't have been easy at times."

Kyle walks towards Austin who breaks away from Alan. They meet halfway and Kyle stretches his hand out which Liam shakes firmly.

"If Rose can forgive you then I guess I can as well. We should keep in touch mutt, just in case you decide to run off again without telling anyone."

Liam laughs, "Agreed leech."

Two enemies had been brought together by their love for one girl, me. Vampires and werewolves were natural born enemies, but now this marked a new chapter and a potential future alliance. I was happy I got to see Austin again, I guess I needed some closure and I could put that night behind me now and fully move on with my new life. if I could go back in time I wouldn't change a single thing.

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