By mediagirl94

405 206 0

*COMPLETED* Have you ever seen a ghost? A faint memory of someone you once knew but now forgotten. That's exa... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Fifteen

10 9 0
By mediagirl94


I was sitting in the office at the coven house scrolling through the internet trying to pass the time when the phone on the desk started ringing which was strange because most people called me on my mobile. Turning off the computer I sit back and pick up the phone.


"Kyle we have a serious problem." Lee's panicked voice comes down the line.

I sit forwards paying attention, Lee was never panicked.

"What's happened, Lee?"

"Josh and his loyal followers have been found dead and mutilated in the same warehouse they kept Rose in. You need to get over here and see it for yourself, Kyle."

I was stunned to silence. Yes, I wasn't Josh's biggest fan, but to find out he'd been murdered and mutilated seemed out of place. Another vampire would have killed one of our own, and the werewolves didn't want to start a war. So that only left one question. Who would dare kill a bunch of vampires? Lee was right, I needed to see the site for myself.


Jordan, and James and I meet Lee and Owen outside the warehouse. The stench of blood and death hit the nostrils hard, decaying bodies didn't give off the nicest of smells. I knew Josh had loyal vampire followers but I wasn't expecting to find twelve deceased vampires in one space. This had to have been done by more than one person.

"You have to see the message left in Josh's blood."

Lee motions for me to follow him into what looked like an old office, where Josh's body had been nailed to the wall with a wooden stake clean through his chest. Next to Josh's body written roughly on the wall was a very ominous message that had me thinking I knew exactly who'd done this horrendous murder.


"I'm going to ring Liam and Lucas, they need to see this."

Lee nods and leaves the room. I send out two brief messages and then set about thinking how we were going to dispose of the bodies without being noticed. Luckily the building was abandoned and isolated.

~Thirty Minutes Later~

"What's this about a message Kyle?"

I lead Lucas and Liam into the building where the rest of the coven were piling up the bodies to be burnt.

"This is the message, Lucas. It looks like our time has finally run out."

Motioning towards the bloody message I stand back by the door while Liam and Lucas take it all in.

"Well, the hunters have a flair for the dramatics," Liam mutters to himself under his breath.

"I hate not knowing more about the hunter's plan. We can't have them two steps ahead of us."

I notice Lucas visibly tense at my mention of the hunter's plan. But think nothing of it with everything going on.

"We should let you burn the place down Kyle, put the vampires to rest. Come on Liam we'll wait outside

Lucas pats Liam on the shoulder and the two leave the room. Taking one last look at the bloody message I walk out after them smelling gasoline. Once outside I take out my lighter and throw it through the open door watching the building go up in flames. This meant war with the hunters.


I was getting ready to go on a night out with Ethan to some under 18 club because we weren't of legal drinking age when my phone vibrates on the bedside table with a new message off Lucas.

Lucas: We all think the hunters are in town Rose so please be careful tonight

Rose: If anything happens I'll ring one of you. I'll also keep an eye on Ethan, can't have anything happening to him

I don't get a reply off Lucas.


Despite both of us being underage Ethan and I had managed to get our hands on some alcohol and were slightly tipsy. Ethan drags me onto the dance floor and we dance like idiots like no one was watching us. We both needed this night to be ourselves and to have a good time with all the shit going on around us.

He spins me around laughing, but over his shoulder, I swear I see two familiar faces amongst the dancing people who weren't dancing. I lock eyes with Jack and Rian shocked after not seeing them for so long.

"Are you okay Rose? You look like you've seen a ghost." Ethan jokes.

Jack and Rian don't move at all simply staring at me. If these two were here that meant Zack and Alex had to be around somewhere. I needed to get out of this club. I needed to alert the others that they were really in town.

"I feel a bit light headed Ethan, I'm going to go outside for some fresh air."

He nods and releases my hand allowing me to get off the dance floor and outside where there were fewer people. Pulling out my phone I dial Liam's number knowing Kyle was still grieving the loss of some more of his coven. Liam picks up straight away.

"Rose, what can I do for you? I thought you were out with Ethan."

"I saw Jack and Rian in the club, Liam, they are here in town."

Liam curses on the other end of the line, "I'll be right there, stay in sight of people and keep alert."

I hang up and Dial Lucas's number knowing he'd like to pick up Ethan to make sure he was safe. Lucas picks up, knowing I wouldn't ring him tonight of all nights if something hadn't gone down.

"Tell me what's happened, Rose?"

"I saw Jack and Rian in the club and made up an excuse to Ethan to get outside to ring Liam. He's coming to pick me up. Do you think you could pick up Ethan? I don't want him to meet any harm by the hunter's hand. Tell him I'm sick or something."

Lucas inhales sharply, "I have a confession, Rose. When Liam gets there tell him that you, him and Kyle need to meet at my house as soon as you can."

Before I can question him Lucas hangs up leaving me confused. What did he have to confess? He hadn't done anything wrong.

A car pulls up alongside me and the window rolls down revealing Liam.

"I've come to rescues the fair maiden."

I smile and get into the car feeling safe.

"Lucas wants us to meet at his house straight away and to bring Kyle. He said he had a confession or something."

Liam tilts his head in confusion before smiling, "looks like we're picking up a vampire on the way. I wonder what Lucas's got up his sleeve."


The three of us pull up outside Lucas and Mike's house. Kyle didn't know why Lucas had decided to summon us either. The three of us all agreed it had to have something to do with Rose seeing Jack and Rian in the club.

Once inside Lucas ushers us into the lounge and we all sit down.

"What do you have to confess Lucas?" Kyle's bluntness didn't take any of us by surprise.

Lucas shuffles on the spot before leaving the lounge, only to return a few seconds later holding Ethan's hand. Rose's jaw hits the floor as does mine and Kyle's. Why was Ethan here? He didn't know anything about this world or life.

"Err Lucas why is Ethan here? No offence Ethan." Rose questions.

Lucas sighs, "Ethan is a hunter working for Alex and co. He was sent here straight after you returned to San Diego to spy and report back to the hunters."

Now those were the last words I expected to ever leave Lucas's lips. Ethan didn't look like a hunter. But anyone could be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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