730 days~ Batcat

بواسطة BlazeOfPhoenix

28.6K 541 69

Gotham fanfiction. Bruce x Selina. Set after season 4. Written from perspectives of both characters. Selina r... المزيد

The Birth of Catwoman
Is this real?
Looking for ghosts.
Familiar Faces
You do care!
-Author note-
Up in smoke
Hollow tears
Biggest regrets.
Nine lives
21 days
The final straw
Damned thing
It's what makes us human.
781 days
The end ~ Authur note~


1.2K 26 2
بواسطة BlazeOfPhoenix

Selina pov

Our searched continued throughout the night, and we decided to split up to cover more ground. It seemed that he was beginning to place more trust in me. We would search our allocated building, then rendezvous on a rooftop, discuss our findings (this conversation never lasted more than a few seconds as we always came up empty), before continuing to the next abandoned lot. We repeated this ritual until the early hours of the morning, deciding to search the last house together. As usual, we found nothing useful. Although, on the 6th floor we did come across a few men counting up some stolen jewellery. Of course, Batman stated that it was 'imperative' that we return the stolen goods and criminals to the GCPD, and after a brief minute of name calling from me (Buzzkill still being one of my favourites), I agreed and the police were called. When we reached the roof of this building, the Bat looked exhausted and downtrodden.

"So, same again tomorrow?" I questioned, stretching out after a long night of playing hide and seek with myself.

He remained quiet, and I looked over to see him stood on the ledge, looking out over the city.

"Hello? I'm speaking to you." I said, wandering over to stand beside him.


"Listen, I know it's frustrating, but there is a whole city out there. I'm sure we will run into whoever it is eventually." I said, a little uncomfortable to be trying to reassure the Big Bad Bat.

"You were right." He breathed, his voice lifeless.

"I always am. What is it this time specifically?" I questioned

"I'm not going to find them like this. But I don't know what else to do." He sighed, turning to leave.

I don't know what made me do what I did next. Perhaps it was pity, or maybe I cared about the boy under the mask. I shook the thought from my head and put it down to wanting to continue my research on him.

"Come with me." I said, stopping him in his tracks.


"Because I'm going to show you how to looks for ghosts." I stated, as through it was obvious.

He turned to me questioningly, but when he saw I had already begun to make my way across to the next roof, he followed quickly.

I lead him over several blocks of roofs, until we reached a rundown chapel.

"Didn't peg you as a religious kind of girl." He joked, his spirits risen slightly.

"There is a lot you don't know about me Batsy." I winked, leaping onto the roof and walking towards the steeple. Once there, I scaled the brick wall and entered the tower through a stain glass window that I opened using my lock pick.

He followed, a little uneasy.

"Don't worry, I'm already going to hell." I laughed, before flicking a small switch on the wall.

Lights illuminated the room, revealing a variety or monitors, control panels, motherboards and more electronic software. Bruce stood, shocked, observing the room and it's advanced contents.

I walked over to the monitors and took a seat on my very own spinny chair. I typed away for a moment, turning on all of the monitors and accessing their programs. Each one ignited, revealing images of different buildings in the narrows. I clicked a button, and the images switched to ones of another collection of structures.

"I have eyes on each and every building, rooftop, basement and crevice you can think of."I said, turning to face him. He stared at all of he monitors, before looking down at me with genuine hope in his eyes.

I shivered slightly under his intense gaze before turning back to the monitors, tapping away, then spinning to hand him a memory stick. "And now you do too."

He took the device from my hand and examined it.

"It's a connection to these camera feeds and tracker programs." I explained. "If it's a ghost your looking for, its a ghost you'll get."

He tucked it into his utility belt before looking back up to me.

"Thank you." He said, a smile plastering his usually solemn face.

"Pfft." I breathed, casually flicking my wrist to make it seem as through it was no big deal. I mean, it wasn't like I was actually helping him. He had no idea he was standing in the actual home base of the person he was searching for. That made me even more cruel... right?

He nodded to me gratefully, and I smirked back, before the tension became too much for me and I wandered over an open window and leant my crossed arms on the ledge, looking out over the city. To my surprise, he followed me and mimicked my action.

"You know, I don't think you're all that bad." He stated, not looking at me, but instead focusing on the skyline.

"I have my moments." I breathed a laugh.

"What did you mean, earlier, when you said they were your actual eyes?" He asked. It felt odd to confess facts about myself to him, but it also felt okay. I mean, he didn't know who I was.

"I'm what you might call experiment 117B. Hugo Strange has a great time giving me catlike abilities." I shrugged, as though it was a casual thing.

"Strange? He did this to you?" He questioned, astounded.

"You make it sound like a curse." I chuckled dryly. "I have developed abilities beyond that of a human. It's basically a superpower."

"Sounds more like a mutation." He said thoughtfully.

"Well not everyone can get their abilities from a bottomless bank account." I hissed, offended.

"I didn't mean that. I meant that ur DNA must be mutant like." He tried to explain.

"Your not helping yourself." I said, laughing to myself slightly at his fumble to explain himself.

"What I mean is you're odd."

"You just can't stop digging can you. This hole is getting pretty deep." I laughed slightly.

"What I meant is you're different." He said softly.

"What's wrong with that?"


"Different makes you hard to predict."

"You're not wrong."

"Never am." I countered. We were both laughing now, somehow enjoying each others odd company.

We stayed for a while longer, enjoying the view as the sun came over the horizon and the beams coated the city. Only then did he excuse himself. I stayed, silently watching the streets below, wondering why I felt a knot in the pit of my stomach. 

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