By mediagirl94

405 206 0

*COMPLETED* Have you ever seen a ghost? A faint memory of someone you once knew but now forgotten. That's exa... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Six

16 9 0
By mediagirl94


I'd somehow found myself away from Lucas and Ethan, I told them I wanted to grab something from my locker but they were so lost in conversation that they continued walking leaving me on my own. I should have been annoyed but it was obvious both Ethan and Lucas were blind to see the other one crushing on them; I would get them together one day.

Opening my locker after the third attempt I root through trying to find my biology book, and just as I go to pull it out I feel someone come up behind me and slam me into the locker. I swear loudly and whoever slammed me into my locker grabs me by the collar and turns me around to face them. Some tall blonde guy I'd never seen before in my life glares at me.

"How dare you be rude to my girlfriend you bitch."

"I don't even know who you are, let alone who the hell your girlfriend is."

I struggle against his grip but it was tight and now he looked even more pissed off.

"I'm going to teach you a lesson bitch, one you won't forget."

My eyes widen as he pulls his fist back and clenches it like he was going to punch me. Oh, crap he was going to beat me up for doing nothing wrong.

"Oi mate get your filthy hands off of her before I break them."

The new person grabs the guy holding me and yanks him off me before flinging him against the row of lockers on the other side of the corridor. The blonde guy clumsily gets to his feet looking scared out of his mind before taking off down the corridor with his tail between his legs and I can't help but laugh.

"Thanks for helping me err—"

"You can call me Oli lovely lady."

Damn Kyle was smooth. He gave me a little bow before taking my hand and kisses it like gentleman did in all the old romantic movies. He was very attractive there was no doubting it and when he looked at me I felt my cheeks blush, I wasn't use to getting the attention of anyone.

"Kyle do you think you can tell me where the Biology room is? I kind of lost my guide."

He takes my class schedule and glances over it before grinning.

"We have Biology together Rose so I'll show you the way."

He offers me his arm and I don't hesitate to loop my arm through his, I couldn't pinpoint why or what but I felt comfortable and safe around Kyle and I'd only just met him. Maybe it was the way he naturally oozed charm, but something inside of me felt drawn to him and I'd like to know what and why.

As we enter the science room I still have my arm linked with Kyle's and like our presence was a beacon everyone in the class stopped their conversations and stared at us like we were an exhibit on display. It made me feel very insecure and I found myself moving closer to Kyle as he led me towards the back of the classroom.

"Why are they staring at us Kyle?" I whisper.

"People are strange Rose, now here have a seat next to Lee. He's one of my friends and doesn't bite much."

Kyle sniggers at the last part and I notice his attention was on two boys sat on the same table as Ethan who tensed, had they heard what Kyle said? No that was impossible. I sit down next to Lee who smiles warmly at me before stretching out his hand.

"Hi Rose I'm Lee, but you already knew that because Kyle already introduced me."

I shake his hand, he seemed harmless enough. I then motion to the two guys still staring at our table even though the rest of the class had grown bored of us.

"Who are they, Lee?"

"Alan and Mason, they are friends with Liam. Kyle and Liam don't get along."

I nod and take my seat, the mere mention of Liam's name made my chest feel warm. I wanted nothing more than to remember my old friend but my mind was fuzzy.

Kyle pats my knee under the table, "you should have lunch with us Rose. We have more in common than you think."

I glance under the table and my eyes widen upon seeing Kyle tap a very familiar birthmark on his arm. Kyle was the other person I was linked to. Now things were going to get interesting. If Liam is a werewolf then what does that make Kyle?


Rose texts Lucas telling him she's having lunch with me, this would get that little peacekeeper on edge. Alan was still staring at me so I get my phone out.

Kyle (To Alan): Take a picture it lasts longer mutt

Alan replies immediately with a smirk on his face.

Alan (To Kyle): I just hope you can keep Lee's urges under control Kyle, none of us want to see Rose drained of blood in front of all these students

I was slightly confused by what Alan meant, but then a familiar metallic scent filled the air. Blood, in vials to be precise, were being handed out by the teacher telling us that today's lesson we'd be identifying the different blood types.

Lee had his fists clenched under the table and his pupils were slowly dilating as he tried to keep his vampire under control. We didn't need a bloodbath in the middle of a classroom. I go to intervene but Rose beats me to the punchline taking Lee's hand under the table and strokes his knuckles in a calming manner while telling him under her breath to take deep breaths and to concentrate on her voice and not the blood. I was shocked to see Lee return to his old self; he'd never gotten his urges under control that fast before.

My phone vibrates, with a new message from Lee.

Lee (To Kyle): Rose is a keeper mate never let her go

Rose would make a great vampire one day.


Lunch rolled around and I was shocked by Rose's message that she was having lunch with Kyle after he saved her from being beaten up by some jock. Ethan walks by my side with his tray of food and we come up to my regular table where my two best friends and younger brother sat. Mike was psychic like me while Tony and Jaime were magic users.

"Everyone meet Ethan. Kellin, the tall one is Mike who also happens to be my younger brother. The small one clinging onto him is his boyfriend Tony and that leaves Jaime."

Ethan waves and sits down next to Tony and the others make him feel welcome while I survey the canteen for Rose and Kyle. Just then I see Kyle walk out with Rose close by him and decide to tune into their conversation.

"So tell me, Rose, do you prefer cats or dogs?"

Kyle laughs while Rose looks at him slightly confused. Then I take notice Kyle said it on purpose in front of Liam's table. I couldn't let Liam get mad in front of all these students, so I excuse myself noticing Ethan looking at me oddly.

When I reach Liam's table I sit down next to the alpha who was cursing under his breath before punching the wooden table splintering it.

"Kyle's already won, Lucas."

I shake my head.

"You need to show Rose the friend she left behind Liam. Maybe it will help jog her memory. But you won't get anywhere hiding in the shadows, leave that to the vampires."

Liam stares at me with defeat written all across his face. He needed one small victory against Kyle to light the spark beneath him again.


I wasn't quite sure why Lucas was so interested in Kyle and Liam. Mike and Jaime were locked in conversation so I nudge Tony.

"Tony, I didn't know Lucas was friends with Liam."

Tony smiles, "Lucas is nice to everyone Ethan, he doesn't have a single bad bone in his body."

I nod at Tony before making a mental note to research my new friend Lucas. I was already curious as to how Rose was able to calm Lee down from bloodlust back in Biology. Luckily I had art with Liam last period so I could check out the werewolf.

Lucas returns and goes about eating his lunch.

"Was everything okay over there Lucas? Liam looked upset."

"It's all good now Ethan."

There was something different about Lucas but I chose to ignore it and eat my lunch. Until I swear I hear him whisper under his breath to Jaime something along the lines of 'why can't I read him?'. Could Lucas also be a supernatural being? I liked him and I didn't want him to get hurt when the hunters eventually rolled into town.


I was late for art like usual but the teacher didn't care because I got good grades in this class. My normal table at the back was occupied by Rose and Ethan. I knew Ethan was gay and Lucas had a crush on him so he wasn't any competition. I sit down next to Rose who smiles at me giving me butterflies in my stomach, I decide it was now or never to take Lucas's advice.

"Liam, right? I remember playing with you in the park, there was a ball and we went on the swings."

I nod, quite surprised that Rose remembered that much. Ethan was really focused on his drawing and paid no attention when I leaned over to talk to Rose more privately.

"And you're Rose. I know this seems kind of odd but the park is still there. Would you like to go with me after school maybe? I mean if it's not too stressful."

Rose's eyes light up.

"I would like that very much, Liam. I just need to tell my mum to not pick me up after school."

I might just be able to start making up for all the lost years we'd missed together.

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