Not Living With The Biggest K...

By StormyRawr

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Last time Naruto and Harmony talked, it was when she confessed her feelings for him. Even though she's nervou... More

Not Living With The Biggest Knuckle Headed Ninja Anymore!
Naruto Recieves Private Lessons From Kaka-Sensei
Do You Know What It's Like To Give Birth?
What Was That Old Sag?
Off On A Mission To Save A Hair Color Stealing Punk!
Ironic Ninja Situations
A Promise To A Friend
Can I Make Having No Kazekage Jokes? Too Soon?
Shut Up No Pupils Boy
I Can Kick My Own Ass
One Thousand Chances Technique
Philosophical Usagi
13. No Matter What It Takes
14. A Live Kazekage
15. A Crash Course in Manners
16. Test Subject Friends
17. Do the Ninja Thing
18. To be stupid with Pride or stupid with Anger?
19. A week in Prison
Chapter 21. Learning to Carry Others
Chapter 22. No Matter How Difficult Things Become
Chapter 23. More People to Guide
Chapter 24. Wrecking Things
Chapter 25. A Reunion of Idiots
Chapter 26. He's Surprisingly On Time For Once
Chapter 27. One Stubborn Human Vs. Another Stubborn Human.
Chapter 29. Hokage Fangirl
Chapter 30. Trying to Impress Naruto's Dead but not Dead Dad.

20. Whatever we are

1.8K 103 17
By StormyRawr

"So you mean to tell me that I am still going to be targeted by other villages?" I asked Tsunade in a tone of disbelief. "We have my sign off by the prison and everything. I have been proven innocent." 

Tsunade sighed at my reaction and nodded her head in agreement. "That is true, and this is a real pain in the ass. The best we can do right now is keep you in the village to keep you from any possible risks out-" 

"I am a ninja! Every mission I do is going to be filled with risk, so this shouldn't stop me." I thundered in anger. A vein formed on Tsunade's head from annoyance. 

She slammed her fist on her desk, causing some papers to fall to the ground that Shizune quickly picked up in a scurry. "You need to stop being a brat and think this through more. At this point in time you would resemble a rouge’s life or someone in the bingo book since you have so many people who want your head now." 

I was silent for a few moments before I spoke, "I am going to be stuck in the village for such a long while then." Quietly, I stated to her. 

She simply shrugged her shoulders. "There is no way to say for sure if there will be missions you can go on in the future. For the time being, we cannot risk you going out of the village unless you want to risk your life for every single mission." I could see the look on her face. She was challenging me. “There might possibly be a few missions you can do, there is no promise though.”

"Okay fine, you win. I will stay in the village for the time being and try to wait out these clone bastards." I gave in and Tsunade smirked in victory. “I will wait as long as possible for that mission then.”

"Good, the village has a lot of grunt work that needs to be done in only a way a brat like you can do." 

"What did you just say?" I yelled at her. Things only went downhill from there for us. 


"That is so stupid!" Naruto screamed when I explained why I was gone for a week and why I would be stuck in the village for a week. "You are one of the best ninjas I know and there is no way you would do any harm to anybody innocent." 

I sighed as I sat down beside him. After my talk with Tsunade I walked around the village and met Naruto at the training grounds. Right away, I began to tell him the reason as to why I was gone for that past week and why I would not be going on many missions in the future. Naruto's eye brows furrowed together and a vein formed on his forehead. 

"I am going to kick their ass!" He roared as he held up a fist. "Nobody sabotages my friends like that." 

A smile formed on my face as I saw how fired up Naruto had become. "To be honest, I did not expect you to get so fired up about this." 

Naruto turned to me, grabbed my shoulders, and looked me in the eyes. "You are someone precious to me; I cannot let you be trapped and prevented from living your life." He said to me. It was only then that both of us realized how close our faces were together. We both blushed and turned away. "Y-Yeah, something like that," 

Lightly, I punched his arm in embarrassment as I turned around to face him. "Stop being so stupid like that, you baka," The words rushed out of my mouth as I refused to make eye contact with him when he turned around also. "Thank you though." I softly whispered to him. We were both silent for a few moments before I spoke up. "What did you do while I was locked away?" 

"We went on a mission to try to bring Sasuke back, it was a failure." 

Those words made my blush disappear and my gaze to meet Naruto's. So Sasuke is still being an ass? The thought ran through my mind, but I did not say it out loud. I knew that Naruto would be too up to hearing that. 

"It's okay Naruto; you are trying your best. All of us will help you get him back someday." I told him in a gentle voice. "This is going to take time." 

It was then that I saw worry in Naruto's eyes. He is scared there won't be enough time. I realized in amazement. It was then that I wrapped my arms around Naruto in a hug. He's worried when we do bring Sasuke back it might be too late. 

"We are a family. This family is going to get back together one way or another." I said to him with a hopeful smile. "Naruto, there is one thing I know about you and it is that you can be so headstrong it becomes a flaw. Sasuke will be different when we bring him back, because everybody changes whether it is a good or bad change. However, I know you will punch your way into his soul and fix things around in there if needed. You two have this odd bond that nobody can really describe. Even though you two are teammates, you have been able to do something else that Sakura, Kakashi, and I cannot figure out. Why you two have such a special bond is beyond me, but I do know you see him as a friend and I will do anything to bring our friend back.”

Both of us pulled away from the hug and then our arms were pulled away too. Naruto gave me a smile and lightly punched my arm. "Harmony-chan, you're smarter than you look." 

"What does that mean?" I asked him in a deathly cold voice with a smile forced onto my face. 

His eyes widened in horror and he began to wave his arms around. "Nothing bad, I promise you!" The blonde haired teen yelled in worry, a real smile formed on my face and I rolled my eyes. My anger had simmered down over the years, but Naruto was one of the people who could bring it up in an instant and cool it away within a blink of an eye. It boggled my mind that just one person could influence another so much. "It's just that sometimes you know exactly what to say to make me feel better, without even asking what it is. Sometimes I just think about how happy I am that we have become such great... whatever we are."

It was then that I smiled happily and held my right hand up. "Cheers, for whatever we are." 

He grabbed my hand and grinned like an idiot. "Cheers."


Hnnnnnn. I am sorry this is shorter than usual, but quality over quantity is my motto. I think this chapter has everything it needs. (: What do you guys think of it though? What do you think of Naruto and Harmony? Did they give you any feels this chapter? Is Naruto in character from your perspective? What's your favorite snack? Are you guys ready for school? 

Just a small heads up, school is going to be starting for me soon. So that means I cannot update this story every single week. It will be updated every other week and I will be switching off each week for which story will be updated. 

I hope you guys have a wonderful day and smile. ^w^ Farewell homies!

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