atla one shots

By Polarbear-Pancake

134K 1.4K 779

Just a whole bunch of one shots for Avatar: the Last Airbender. I personally like Zuko a bunch, so these will... More

1- skin n bones
2- cuddles
4- past abuse
5- touch starved
7-inner fire
11- attack
12- omega
14- helping
16- shifters
17- secret
18- prisoner Zuko
21-sleep deprived
22- protective
23- home
24- never have I ever
25-hanging around
26 - Combustion man
27- soulmates
29 - chained and whipped
30 - bleeding out
31 - tears
32 - magic AU
33 - Hero Au

10- wings

2.9K 58 37
By Polarbear-Pancake

This is based off the fact that in an AU everyone has wings and to touch another's is ok always, but only on Urge day, a day every month where they need to be surrounded by other people and touch, is touch absolutely necessary.
Zuko's pov

I groan and yawn, carefully moving my wings around behind me, making sure not to break or ruffle any of the feathers. I glance behind me and then get out of bed, stretching out any kinks or aches I may have. The black and red feathers rustle behind me and I flinch when a slight pain shoots up the left one, before going down to a throb that will disappear soon enough. I've lived with the throb for ages now, and know it disappears after about 4 minutes, and then I can do as I please without it bothering me for the rest of the day. Now, my wings are most unusual, especially for the royal family. Being a descendent of both Avatar Roku and Firelord Sozin, means I have two different types of wings. The left one, is a feathered one similar to an angel like wing, while the right one is a dark wing, made entirely of shadows. I don't have to be in shadows for it to move or work, but it is literally made of darkness, and can't be touched, but anything trying to harm it can hit it.

Now, the disadvantage to this, is that wings say a lot about people, and my wings show that I am a disappointment and a failure, while also showing me as a worthy and noble person. Since they contradict, many people hate me for not being able to know anything about me. I can't help it, my wings came as they were, just like everyone else's. I feel odd in this group, because everyone elses' show a lot about them. Aang's light grey ones, feathered as they are, tell you he's playful,and mischievous. Toph's leather like ones, brown and dark grey mixing together, say she's soft, but in a hard way. Sokka's water substance wings, nice lovely ocean blue ones, they show he's proud and surprisingly sneaky when he wants to be. Katara's wings, being infused with her bending, show she's proud, but holds onto the past, the silver-ish blue marked by dark blue. Teo's are a nice dark grey, showing his intelligence and curiosity, being made of metal like substances. Haru's feathered wings, green and brown, show he's got a nice soft and squishy character. The Duke's small, leather-ish ones tell you, with their majestic golden color, how he's brave and lonely. Hakoda's wings, feathers of soft grey and blue, show how gentle and kind he can be. Chit Sang's fire substance ones, showing he can be passionate and protective. Suki's show that, with their gentle green and hard eradic red, she can be fierce and kind.

These variations tell you so much, especially since most days, we with wings like to just stay in with others and enjoy the company. I know today is one of those days, but I have never been invited, so I decide I'm going to eat some food and then leave, as quickly as I can. I leave my room, swords strapped in a way that won't hinder my wings, and quickly head for the main area. I make a small breakfast of cut up fruit and some jerky of some kind, before I head off. I can hear someone coming and decide to go up top for a little while. No one will miss me. I go up to the edge and glance around, before uncurling my wings. It takes only a second and then I tip forward, letting my wings open wide. I fall for a few moments, getting the feel of the air and then flare my wings, shooting back up and floating for a few minutes, hanging just barely in the lower clouds, enjoying the feeling of flying, since I haven't done this in a while. Haven't been able to. A shooting pain in one of my wings reminds me why and I sigh as I descend onto the top of the upside down temple, resting on the flat ground.

This is as good a place as any to meditate to alleviate any sadness or loneliness I may have accumulated, especially since no one here is particularly interested in being near me, let alone touching me. I don't think they realize what they're doing, and if they do, then they don't care. I can understand why Toph, Aang, The Duke, and Teo wouldn't know, being as young as they are, or old, but the others? They probably have a 50% more chance of knowing what they're doing, and just don't care. I set my wings down around me and start to go through the feathers as I stare out into the sky, wishing desperately that my Uncle were here. He never let me spend these days alone, even when I wanted to be alone. I pluck out the bad or loosened feathers, making a small pile beside me, before glancing at my other wing. I can't really do anything to fix or mess with it, but I can infuse it with some of my bending so it stays strong. I make a fire and hold it over the shadow wing, letting it absorb and use the energy from the bending to make itself more sturdy. My left wing twitches and I hiss, massaging near the base in an attempt to sooth the aching shooting pain running throughout my body.

You see, having wings, means everyone of us wants to have a day where we're just sitting around, preening and taking care of others wings, and not having to do anything, but still being in contact with other people. I only ever had Uncle, since mom left when I was so young and Firelord spent his with Azula. Lu Ten use to make it a snuggling game, and we'd snuggle while watching the turtle duck pond, but then he died and I didn't see Uncle for months, so I found a way to deal with being alone on the days where the Urge to mess with someone else's wings came along. It's not a healthy way and it made my wing worse, especially since I was trying to save Uncle pain the first few months after I was banished, but he eventually caught me and started to search for me every Urge day, memorizing when mine was.

My way, had been to rub my wings with cloths, (wash cloths)to get a feeling similar to someone else's hand, while still cleaning and fixing my feathers, but that was damaging them and Uncle could see it. He hated it and demanded I stop when he found me, throwing the cloth and burning it to ash. Then, he had fixed my feathers, and I will admit, I melted, because at that point it had been nearly a year since I shared an Urge day with someone. Now, here I am, back at step one, with no way to deal with this. So, what should I do? Uncle would have advice, but he's not here and I doubt he'd talk to me, even if he was here. I hurt him sooo bad and I did it in such a way.... I wouldn't mind if he did, because I would deserve it. Just like I deserve many other things. I hear someone land and turn in surprise to see who's come to see me, and weakly smile when a fiercely parental glare is leveled at me from blue eyes.

"And what, Zuko, do you think you're doing up here? You need to join us. I know this is the day where you especially need to."

I blink in surprise -how did he know?- before I sigh and go back to watching the sky.

"There's no point. I've been here about two months and had two days, but none of the others have noticed. They have these days set up for everyone else's Urge days, but they never asked for mine, and I don't think I'd be welcomed, so I haven't bothered them. I leave and be by myself on these days. Beside, the younger ones don't realize what missing touch with others on Urge day does to someone. The others might,but with the way things are going, it's a 50-50 chance."

"Well, I am not leaving you up here alone, especially since I know you've missed the last two months. I am going to be here for you today and you can't stop me."

I go to argue, tell him his kids will get suspicious, but I only moan when he starts to comb his fingers through my feathers. I haven't felt someone's hands on my wings in forever, and since my shadow wing loves this too,it turns real enough to be pet and messed with. I shudder as he messes with one of the glands, but sigh as he massages the oil into my hurting, burning base and every other part of my wings, since he knows pretty well what not touching or being near others for Urge day does. If you miss an Urge day, you're wings start to degrade and fall apart. If you miss enough, the wings become useless. And it's not a painless process. The owner feels every muscle, every tendon, and feather and strand of leather or substance fall apart and disapppear, which isn't a nice tingly feeling, let me tell you.

"Hakoda.... you need to go...nnngh.... the kids will get suspicious if you don't show up. While I enjoy the company and would love to join you, I would rather not have hate filled glances aimed at me, or disturbed, fearful, etc. Urge day is a vulnerable day, and they wouldn't want the enemy sleeping in their home to see them on days like these. Besides, while this is nice, I would rather not have more untrustworthiness placed on my head. Or disappointment. Or failure. So, please head back to the oth- ngghmah! Hurts, stop it, ahhhh.... please.... stop....."

He lets got of the feather and gently starts to sooth it back into place, while I lean to the side, bumping into his shoulder, while I regain air. He probably hadn't meant to hurt me so bad, but being two months into the degrading process, before someone cared enough to stop it, my wings had gotten more sensitive. That had hurt, a lot more than I thought it would.

"I will not. They can come find me if they wish, but you need someone here or the process will further and I won't let that happen to a kid under my charge. Understand, Zuko?"

I nod obediently, before reaching hesitantly for his wings. He moves the one closest to me closer and I gently dig my fingers in, searching for loose or twisted feathers, even going down to the super tiny ones that the owner can't really reach, and the ones near the base as well. I smile and glance at the rather large pile by my knees, before it disappears when I remember why it's so big. He had been in a fire nation prison, and why would they care to give the prisoners anything to help with their wings? I wince and mess with one of the glands, smiling at his soft groan, before massaging the oil into his feathers. I gently move to his other side, before starting in on that wing, letting him mess with my feathered wing some more. He enjoys making me shudder and moan while he's messing with the glands, because he knows how sensitive I'm going to be.

I soon hear footsteps and tense, trying to move away from Hakoda, but he tightens his grip a little and I halt, because I like my feathers where they are, thank you. I hesitate, but decide that oh well, I have urges too, and start back on his wing, frowning as I pull a few more small ones out and fix a few of the twisted ones.

"Why are so many twisted? Did you roll around on the ground a lot or something? And why are so many twisted backwards? Did you do a back flip into a wall?"

"No, actually, I just never seem to be able to twist them into place correctly, so I don't bother. Plus.... I kinda did roll around in the ground.... a lot.... with a few other people when they tried to.... offer me services on my Urge day."

I wince in sympathy, patting his wing, some, before tsking as I pull out yet another one that has been twisted, gently whacking him with it. He rubs his neck and sends me a sheepish smile, which I roll my eyes and ignore. Footsteps stop at the rise nearby and then feet are running towards us. I glance up to see who it is and flinch when I realize it's Katara, with water out and at the ready. I tense and then sputter as the water hits me, with the force of a wave, possibly cracking some of my ribs as I land harshly in the ground. I wince and yelp,when a fiery pain shoots up my shadow wing, meaning it's been either dislocated or broken. I groan as I sit up, almost crying when I see all the feathers soaked and thrown about. Ya see, us with feathers like to keep the ones that are taken from others wings and use them as a type of comfort or gift, because it means they trust and care for us enough to spend Urge day with you. I was going to make Hakoda a gift, a bracelet of feathers, maybe a mix of ours, but there goes that hope.

"I'm taking back MY father now, and you're going to stay right there, because you are not invited to this gathering. Understand, you worthless, piece of shit? Ha, who am I kidding, of course you don't. Just stay up here and away from us for today, ok? Simplest terms I can put it in. Come on, dad, let's go. The others are waiting."

Hakado levels a glare at her and I flinch away, same as her.


I sit up slowly, trying to go unnoticed, but her water is starting to turn to ice in her disbelief.

"Excuse me? Father, I'm not apologizing. He knows he's not allowed to join us and to take you on such an important day? Stupid, is what he is. I mean, it's extremely important for us to have an adult around, to finally be able to feel like a flock, and he goes and keeps you to himself? How dare he, the worthless bastard."

I wince and look away, aware she's glaring at me with a smug smile. I hiss and reach for a wing when pain shoots up it, but another hand stops mine and sets it down, before reaching for the wing itself. I glance back at him in confusion,-why isn't he agreeing with his kid?- before he gently skims the lower part of the wing. I jerk and try to move away, but he grips my shoulder firmly and I whine.

"The lower part of this is broken,so I'm going to reset it before it starts to quick heal, ok?"

I groan and drop my head to my chest, before gritting my teeth and nodding. He tugs without warning and I drop to the ground, panting in pain and relief as the healing kicks in and pain washes away. I don't move,but ice wraps around my chest and gains points in the back, points that are sharp and dig into the tender under skin of the feathery wing.

"Katara, I want you to apologize. I've told you about the consequences of missing Urge days, of what feather gathering means to feathered wing people and I've told you how important it is to bonding, to not interrupt until it's done. You broke all three rules and should be glad you aren't over my knee right now. However, I have this kid I must attend to. If the others want to have this day with me so badly, they can join us up here."

"No, wait Hakoda, it's ok, just go down-!"

"See, Zuko's ok with it, so why not leave him here by his lonesome and enjoy the company of non murderers? Of actual important and nice people? Because this traitor, this worthless thing isn't going to be any good at anything this day requires, the touching and sharing and caring. He can't do any of that, not without being awkward. He'll ruin the day for everyone else if he comes. Now, let's go."


"Hakoda, just go. I'll be fine, I promise. Maybe we can....continue later, so I....can gather more feathers? If that's ok with you, if it's not I totally understand, I mean who wants to be with the awkward outcast? The worthless one who can't share or care?"

"We will be continuing later, and you better bet I'm going to have a serious talk with the others. They will learn what missing an Urge day does, and you won't be alone."

I watch him leave, though he obviously doesn't want to, before settling down on my back and slipping into sleep.

I jolt awake as I feel the energy that fuels me lower slightly, since the sun is setting and taking with it it's extra power it provides. I yawn and sit up, before I open my wings and fly down into the main area, aware I'm being stared at as I pass by where they're all cuddled and curled up, the talking having quieted the minute I appeared. I continue past and Hakoda happens to be asleep, so no one stops me. I wince once I'm out of sight, jeez, tough crowd. I change into sleep clothes and lie down, not expecting Hakoda to keep his promise, especially since it's to me and only Uncle has ever kept his promise to me. I slip into sleep and nuzzle my pillow lightly.

Hands settling on my shoulder wake me and I jerk up, blinking as I lock eyes with blue ones. I yawn and stretch, motioning for him to sit as I sit up.


"I'm ready to continue, if you are. Sorry I had to wake you. I'm going to tell the other children tomorrow, will you be there with me?"

"Umm.. I'm ready to continue, but the others have this thing where they stay together in their pile for three days straight, and the middle day is always the one where they get more protective and fierce to any perceived threats. So if I come, I'm standing far away from any water or having you between me and the water."

I shush and hum as he runs fingers through my wings, before I start in on one of his. Soon enough I've got enough feathers and I yawn, sluggishly untwisting a feather, realizing it's getting blurrier and closer, blurrier and closer-

My head meets his shoulder and I moan, not wanting to be awake any longer. I feel his chuckle, and then he gently lies me down and reaches for his feathers. I whine and try to reach for them, but he only sets them on my side table and I sigh. I settle under my blanket, then blink in surprise when I feel softness and warmth on my forehead, followed by a ' night, kiddo'. I slip into a nice sleep.

I wake to the rising sun, and wince, knowing I have to deal with the pain. Having someone with you helps, especially when the degrade gets bad, but I'm two months in and having already started this process once, it means it won't take as long to progress this time. The pain shoots up both wings and into my body, but I only groan, aware Katara is the one sleeping closest to me, and she will murder me if I wake her this early. To my surprise, when I get into the main area, Hakado is already there and holding something. I had used a few hours, maybe 2, to fix and make a lovely bracelet that should fit his wrist, or his shoulder, if he wants to wear it. Uncle is the only one who ever accepted my gifts, and mother as well, before she was gone, and he still wears his with pride, showing it proudly on his neck. His lovely bronze feathers sit on a necklace, with a tooth hanging in the middle. For Hakoda's, I set his feathers facing down and groomed them smooth and sharp looking, before melting some rock into a boomerang shape. It made the rock an interesting color, and harder, but it works.

I settle next to him, watching the sun, before gently offering the bracelet. I feel him looking it over, before glancing at me. He turns my head with a hand and has me watch as he takes it and puts it on. I relax and smile, noting how he fondly and amusedly looks at the boomerang. Then, he offers me something. I blink in surprise, before locking eyes with him.

"A...are you sure? I'm.. not the best person.... and I probably never will be."

"Zuko, the fact you think that pains me, because I love you as a son already, you are who you want to be and you're trying so hard to protect the others and keep them comfortable, and not hurt their feelings, while letting your own wings, degrade and break down. That says a lot about you, and since all it took was a look for me to know you're wings weren't alright, I knew you were a good person. So yes, I want you to have this. I'm sure."

The leader of a flock offering someone who is alone, or who's flock isn't anywhere nearby, is basically adopting that person, and marking them as their own. Uncle had given me a lovely ring, made of metal rock, and with a feather piece as the center, and I still wear it. I hesitantly reach out, about to accept the gift, when a blur of blue slices through it. I watch in horror as the feathers float down and fly away, while the string floats lonely in the wind. If another of that flock sees the gift giving and breaks the gift, they are denying that person the right to enter. However, that tends to piss off the leader, because leaders know best. I lock eyes with Hakoda and see his anger, flinching away from it even as his steely gaze meets with Katara's.

"Katara. Get over here, now. Everyone else, you get out here as well. I think it's time the young ones get a lesson on wings, I know most of them don't know about what happens when you miss Urge days."

Katara look so horrified at the prospect of telling them, but doesn't refuse, instead sitting down.... as far from her father as she can. He tightens his grip on the bracelet and then locks eyes with me, letting me know what he's going to do. I nod in consent, knowing it may hurt me.

Once everyone's gathered in a circle, I go to back up a little, but he settles in right behind me. I make a startled yelp as he settles in, not even bothering to stop, before he moves his arms around my waist in a hug and rests his chin on my head. I blink in shock, because again, Uncle was the only one to ever really touch me during Urge days. I relax as he starts to talk.

"Now I know you youngsters know about Urge days, wing type and those things, but do you know what happens if you miss an Urge day? Skip a month or 2 or 6?"

They all look horrified at the mention of it and I spread a wing at Hakoda's gesture.

"This is what's happens."

I shudder as he moves aside my feathers, to show the glowing red lines underneath. One glows more brightly and I keen as it starts to burn one of my feathers. None of the others burn or even catch fire, but that one starts to fall out immediately. The glow dies down and I relax as the pain fades slowly. He massages the area where that feather was as he shifts the rest back into place.

"Your wings start to degrade. It's not a painless experience and if you go through it more than once, it progresses faster each time it happens. I don't know why or how often, but Zuko here has gone through it two times already, from the looks of the progress of two months. Which means, that if he recovers from this time and goes in one more time, he's going to lose his wings. They won't work and he will be killed, on the spot, because wingless humans are despised by all people."

Almost immediately, a small hand reaches out and starts combing through my shadows, and I sigh, relaxing further into him as curls and knots are unraveled. Slowly, more hands start to groom and pet, getting bolder and sometimes amused by a reaction I give, when they see how relaxed I get. I feel Hakoda's fingers going through again and know he's going to remake the necklace he was offering me, in order to make it again. I hear him moving behind me, as the bliss of being groomed slowly pushes me into sleep. I faintly hearing giggling and soft chuckles before I sleep.

I wake on something soft and with other soft things around me. It takes me a moment to remember I fell asleep on Hakoda and surrounded by the others. I figured they would have gone inside, but I guess not. I move slightly and lock eyes with my pillow, who smiles amused and offers me a necklace. I roll my eyes tiredly and take it, carefully and gently pulling it over my head, before settling in again, letting The Duke stay on my back, which I somehow ended up on my stomach, with both wings unfolded, meaning Aang is lying incredibly gently on one, while Teo and Haru are sleeping under the other. Toph is lying against my side, half propped up and Sokka is on the other. Only Katara, and Chit Sang aren't touching me,one out of hate and the other out of respect. Suki is leaning against Sokka,one hand buried in my feathers. I smile, and snuggle into them all, before closing my eyes to go back into sleep.

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