730 days~ Batcat

By BlazeOfPhoenix

28.6K 541 69

Gotham fanfiction. Bruce x Selina. Set after season 4. Written from perspectives of both characters. Selina r... More

The Birth of Catwoman
Is this real?
Familiar Faces
You do care!
-Author note-
Up in smoke
Hollow tears
Biggest regrets.
Nine lives
21 days
The final straw
Damned thing
It's what makes us human.
781 days
The end ~ Authur note~

Looking for ghosts.

1.6K 37 5
By BlazeOfPhoenix

Selina pov

I wasn't sure what I was doing back here. Maybe it was the lingering anger from earlier. Perhaps it was the way my hand had stung after it connected with Bruce's face. Or maybe, just maybe, I wanted things to go back to how they were. Whatever my reasons, I didn't spare a second thought after I shuffled back through the study window. This time it would be different, this time he wouldn't know it was me. This time I was Catwoman.

I had on my usual attire, whip and all, so when I entered the room I was nothing more than a shadow. But I didn't come here to make peace with the boy of my childhood, I came to find out about the Bat.

I crept silently towards the desk, before crouching behind it and opening the top left drawer. Once there, I began to filter through the many papers and envelopes that were littered inside, but found nothing more than legal and financial information on Wayne Enterprises. Frustrated, I blew a stray strand of hair out of my face before quietly shutting the drawer and moving on to the next. This continued for several more minutes until I was satisfied that the drawers contained no useful information or false bottoms.

I stood and turned, ready to begin rooting through the extensive book collection that filled the bookcase shelves, when I heard footsteps in the hall. I instantly dived down, crouching behind the desk. Moments later, a weary looking Bruce entered the study, glass of whiskey in hand. Since when did he drink so casually? He downed the glass' contents, before removing a small silver remote from his pocket. From what I could see, it had one cylindrical button the in centre and the initials TW engraved on its top. Bruce set down the glass and pressed the button. At that moment, the fireplace began to vibrate and open, revealing a passageway. I smirked at his clever hiding spot. Bruce didn't hesitate to enter the mysterious passage, and I waited for a few seconds, and only when the door began to close did I followed suit.

Bruce pov

I entered the newly crowned Batcave and headed straight to my suit. I had to find selina. And since she clearly didn't want to see Bruce, she would have to see the Bat. I changed quickly, the memories of our meeting on loop in my mind. Even if I didn't speak to her, I had to see her. I had to know she was okay. I changed quickly, adjusting my mask and voice box before heading back into the main cave to grab the keys to the (also new) Batmobile.

Selina pov

I heard Bruce fiddling with something in one of the back sectors of the cave, before emerging in full Bat attire. I chuckled to myself at the concept of him being so committed to his little Bat act that he got himself a cave.

Surprisingly, he didn't notice me in my very covert position- sat smack bang in the middle of the room on his fancy spinny chair with my feet up on the control panels and arms crossed casually. He must have been too distracted by his little hero games to even expect anyone to be down here with him. When he came back into view, he wandered over to a cabinet before opening it and withdrawing a key from the top drawer.

"Are you going to invite me on this joyride or shall I wait here?" I chimed- I had to play it Catwoman- not Selina.

He turned, the the bewildered shock on his face was greatly amusing. He stumbled back a step, before regaining his composure.

"What are you doing here." He demanded coldly

"Oh you know, this and that. We cats are curious creatures." I smirked, enjoying his moment of weakness

"Haven't you ever heard of curiosity killing the cat." He muttered, before darting towards me, ready for attack.

I jumped from the chair in an instant, before doing a backwards handspring and landing in a crouch.

"And haven't you ever heard of satisfaction brining it back, Mr Wayne." I winked

He was about to go on the offensive again, but he dropped the act and slumped his shoulders. Exposed.

"You win. What do you want?" He questioned, clearly irritated but also saddened that I had made this discovery.

"What do I want?" I echoed. It never occurred to me that I wanted something, perhaps I did.

"Yes... why are you here?" He pressed.

I stood and leant back against one of the walls.

"Curiosity." I shrugged, dragging my thumb across the sharp nails on my gloves casually.

"If that is all then I have other things to attend to." He stated, turning away from me.

"I can help." I suggested.

"And why should I want your help?"

"Because... I've decided that that's what I want from you, for me to help you."

"That makes no sense."

"Neither does a billionaire dressing up as a Bat in his spare time."

"You dress up as a cat." He retorted.

"But I'm no billionaire. I do it out of practicality: mask means you don't get caught when ur stealing from socialites like you."

"Genius." He said, rolling his eyes sarcastically.

"Are we going to stand around like this all night or did you have work to do?" I grumbled, tired of the small talk.

"Get in." He said, motioning to the car that he activated with a click on the key that he held in his hand.

"Now that's what I'm talking about." I smirked devilishly as the winged doors of the car opened up and I hopped into shotgun.

He got in quickly after me and started the car. After pressing some weird buttons on his over complicated control panel, a door opened on the far side of the cave and we sped out, and into the streets of Gotham.

He drove like a madman, turning sharp corners and whizzing down bypasses. I laughed, ecstatic and elated at the thrill of the speed.

"Show off." I muttered between laughs, and I could have sworn I heard him chuckle too.

Soon though, he slowed down and we began to drive at a leisurely pace. This continued in silence for several minutes.

"I won't tell anyone." I muttered, referring to his identity.

"How do I know that?" He replied coldly

"Because I'm telling you." I said, irritated but understanding of why he didn't trust me.

"That doesn't mean anything to me." He said venomously.

"Nice to know." I spat.

We drove a few more minutes before he broke the silence again.

"Thank you." Was all he said. I knew what he meant. That was all that was needed.

We came to a stop behind an old apartment building in the narrows, and he parked the car down an alley before getting out. I stretched as I exited my seat, rolling out my shoulders.

"So what are we doing here anyways Batboy?" I questioned, studying the buildings exterior.

"I'm looking for someone." He replied rather quietly, ignoring my taunt.

"Who." I questioned, although I already knew the answer to that, he was looking for me.

"A ghost." He whispered, leading the way into the crumbling building. 

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