This Boy

By ZiggyBowie

38.3K 1.5K 1.1K

John Lennon was the most popular and most loved or hated boy in the whole of, what the friends see as, Liverp... More

1. I Won't Go Soft
2. What a Surprise!
4. Confusion
5. Now What?
6. Paul
7. Paul?
8. As I Stared
9. There's Someone at the Door
10. George
11. I Opened My Eyes
12. Tears
13. 9th October
14. She Lay on My Chest
15. Another Sleepless Night
17. What are you doing here?
18. C'mon
19. Who Is It?

3. Rain, I Don't Mind

2.8K 118 94
By ZiggyBowie

  "Rain!" Paul shouted, annoyed by the little drops rushing down fast.

  "I don't mind." I looked at him as he tried his best to cover his head with his school blazer.

  We'd just arrived at Strawberry Fields and I had only managed to get my guitar out of the huge log that I hid it under. The rain began to make our clothes and my guitar heavy and change their colors to somewhat darker. Our school uniform was black anyway but now, it now it looked like leather or a black, newly polished rubber boot. Paul rushed to find a shed or a tree but in this time of year, all the leaves had fallen and the tree was naked. There wasn't any 'shed' either but there was a little bike parking place which had a narrow and small roof so Paul hurried under that. Paul was like a girl. As soon as he was under protection- sort of- he started to fix his hair and his clothes.

  I laughed at him and stayed standing in the rain that progressivly got heavier. 

  "John!" Paul called, cringing and shivering in cold.

  "What?" I replied.

  "My socks and even my underwear are getting wet!" he exclaimed over the sound of the heavy rain.

  I laughed louder as I saw that Paul wasn't enjoying one bit of this moment. He blushed slightly in embarrassment.

  "Come out, Paulie!"

  "No!" Paul shook his head with a disgusted expression. "You're crazy, John! You're gonna catch a bloody cold!"

  "Why does it matter to you?" I closed my eyes and faced up to the sky with a grin.

  "Lennon, I can't stay here any longer!" he said, disturbed. "I AM GONNA CATCH A COLD!"

  "So what?"

  "What do you mean so what? Then I won't be able to sing my high notes! And your band is gonna go down!"

  "It's your band too, Paul."

  "But you're the frontman!"

  I just smiled and enjoyed every little bit of Paul's 'anger'. I layed down on the muddy grass and gently strummed on the soggy, wooden guitar. 

  There was a long, peaceful moment of no grumpy Paul. But then.

  "John," I suddenly opened my eyes as I heard Paul's voice much closer to my ear than before. I looked over my left shoulder and stopped breathing for a second or two as I found the most lovable face lying beside me, also closing his eyes, facing skywards.


  "Why do you like the rain so much, Johnny?" he asked calmly.

  I didn't really know the answer. I gulped and scanned his full figure. He had pulled his tie off and had undone his top two buttons. I stared at his smooth skin under his shirt. I gulped again and looked at his lower body. His trousers were so wet and soggy that they stuck to his figure- fully. I could just make out every single part. 

  "Hm?" I asked.

  This time he turned to look at me, smiling, "Why do you like it when it rains?"

  "I don't really know..." I looked away, breathing uncomfortably. "I just like it, you know."

  "There must be a reason, right?" he said in a clever boy tone. "I mean, it always rains here in England and you just never seem get tired of it."

  "I guess, I like the rain cos you hate it." I smiled.

  Paul laughed loudly, "You never gave anyone that smile, you just gave me."

  "What?" I frowned and blushed not-knowingly.

  "You know, the smile you just did at me." he touched my shoulder. "That was so... I dunno..." he looked away from my eyes and sat up. "Sweet?"

  I sat up too and I knew what smile he was talking about. I've never been a 'baby love' but now I wanted to be it. I smiled the same smiled and placed my hand on Paul's knee, "This smile?"

  Paul, weirdly, let out an unusual and uncontrollable sigh, which rung a bell in me as it seemed quite sexy... "John," he touched the hand I hand on his knee. I could suddenly feel his knee vibrating wearily. "John..."

  "What, Paul?" I whispered not breaking the soft volume he was speaking in. 

  Paul suddenly gave me a innocent, vulnerable look that controlled me to pull him into a hug. "What is it, Paul? Tell me."

  "I can't, John..." he pulled me to a tighter hug. "I just... can't."

  "Why?" I whispered into his ear.

  Paul, pulled me fully onto his chest and kissed my ear very softly. My eyes widened. I did not speak a word, just stroked Paul's back and processed the situation in my head. I could feel drops of rain trickling down his lips and on my skin. I started blushing brighter than ever when I heard, vaguely, what Paul whispered into my ear. 

  It can't be what I think he said, can it? Wait.. 

  "What?" I asked, softly releasing the embrace but still holding onto his waist and Paul with a firm grip in my shoulder.

  He nodded slowly, breathing strangely through his mouth. I stared at Paul's eyes and then his lips and back and forth. I noticed him biting his lower lip and slowly stroking my neck. I closed my eyes to try and understand  the station I was in. I suddenly felt Paul's breath on my lips as he said,

  "I hope you don't mind, John." and he layed his lips on mine.

  Well, I hope this little chapter was good enough for you. If not, let me know and you may request if you will because that will help me get ideas to write more. Thanks for reading!

Love & Peace,


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