Noble Love - Bleach (Kuchiki...

By amaya9801

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[Previously titled "Cherry Blossom Illusion"] Yamamoto Asa, the granddaughter of Genryuusai Shigekuni Yamamot... More



2.6K 57 0
By amaya9801

At the release command, his pupil dilated, and his Zanpakutou bent a few times into the shape of an edged spiral before a thick white smoke emitted from the corners of the spiral. The smoke shrouded his body and then transformed into a thick, white, foamy liquid. Once it melted away, it revealed Zommari's body that was entirely covered with many open eyes of his own. His legs, along with his lower body, were replaced by a pink round structure that was surrounded by cyclopean faces which that resembled his own face. His neck was covered in a skull-shaped neck brace with an open eye in the front. Black markings also appeared on his face in the form of two downward triangles starting from his eyes, and another five triangular markings appear under his mouth.

Byakuya kept his guard up, for he didn't know what to expect from his enemy in his released form. But the moment he held his hand out towards him, the pupil dilated before the entire eye on his palm glowed purple. Byakuya immediate used Flash Step to get out of the way and kept his gaze on the hand.

"What's wrong?" taunted Zommari, which caused him to furrow his brows. "You assumed that I was preparing to release my attack, and yet nothing had happened. It seems you are unable to comprehend the reason why. Such a shame." He suddenly grinned before saying, "It has already happaned!" Byakuya's eye widened with shock before he looked down to see a sun-shaped tattoo on his left foot. "Your left leg now belongs to me."

"What's this?" he demanded.

"Everything holds sovereignty over something else." explained the Espada. "Subordinates are at the command of their supervisors. Commoners are at the command of their king. The clouds are at the command of the wind. The light of the moon is at the command of the sun. Brujería's ability is to steal that sovereignty away from whatever my eyes gaze upon. I refer to this ability as "Amor"." He then took note of Byakuya staring at him and said, "You still appear to be confused. I pity you. Your lack of knowledge has left you surrounded by countless things you cannot understand. It must be infuriating. But in spite of this, everything will make sense once you experience it." Using his left hand, he started making a gesture for something to go to him. "Now, come here, left leg."

At that moment, Byakuya's left foot began to move without his consent, and he tried to fight against it but failed. "Resistance is futile. Your sovereignty no longer extends to your left leg." He waved his hand again and said, "Now, one more step." When this happened, Byakuya immediately used his Zanpakutou to slice his own leg, causing a lot of blood to spill from the gash. "Oh, you've separated the nerves in your left leg from the muscles. That will certainly prevent me from moving it. You make decisions and take action so wonderfully fast. But then, how will things go over here?"

When he glanced at the two unconscious Shinigami, Byakuya's eyes widened with horror and he used Flash Step to reach them with his hand raised in front of his face just when the Arrancar was about to use Amor on them. "Oh? Even on one leg, you can move that well? Just what I'd expect from a Captain! Most admirable!"

"Cursed filth." hissed Byakuya while glaring at him.

Suddenly, they heard someone running towards them, and out came another Shinigami. "I finally caught up with you!" he said tiredly. "Leaving me behind like that was so mean, Kuchiki-taichou! I told you that I can't use Flash Step, didn't I?" He stopped next to the said man and rambled, "I can't run quickly. It's scary being all alone in a place I've never been to before, the inside of the building is frozen and cold, I'm hungry, and I don't know my way around so I almost got lost-" He stopped when he noticed Zommari and yelped out of shock before hiding behind the Captain, where his gaze caught hold on the dripping wound, making him gasp. "Kuchiki-taichou, your leg's been seriously wounded!" He then noticed the two unconscious Shinigami and panicked even more. "And Rukia-san and Asa-sama are over there?!" He took a step towards them while calling their names, but slipped on the floor and fell on his face. He sat up while wincing in pain and rubbing the part that contacted the ground. "Ow.."

"I see we've been joined by a lively one." stated Zommari.

"Yamada Hanatarou." called Byakuya sternly, which caused the said man to immediately stand on his feet.

"Y-Yes?" he responded.

"Get back." was his order.

"O-Okay!" responded Hanatarou. "I'll get back right this minute! I'm in your way, aren't I?"

However, the Captain raised his spiritual power that was strong enough to cause some of the ice left by Rukia's Shikai to chip from the walls. "I'll say it once more - Get back. Right now, I can't guarantee that I'll be able to fight without you being drawn in." He then his lowered his reiatsu before hold his left hand up to see that Zommari had imprinted another mark on its back.

"Kuchiki-taichou, that's-!" gasped Hanatarou, who saw the mark. Zommari looked at the said man'd hand before his eyes glowed purple, commanding it to strangle himself. Byakuya tried to resist it, but failed. "Kuchiki-taichou!" At that note, he used his Zanpakutou once more to cut his arm, severing the muscles in it to stop the Arrancar from controlling it. "K-Kuchiki-taichou, what are you doing?!"

The said man didn't answer him and instead ordered, "Get back, Yamada Hanatarou."

"Y-Yes, sir!" he responded before moving over to the two Shinigami to check on them.

"I see." said Zommari. "You not only abandoned your left leg without any hesitation, but your left arm as well. Anything that you have lost sovereignty over is quickly deemed an enemy and abandoned, even if it is your own flesh. How ruthless! You make such weighty decisions without losing your composure. But I would argue that you make them rashly. Your only remaining limbs are your right arm and your right leg. Claiming you could fight an Espada with merely one arm and one leg would be far too arrogant, even for you. Don't you think so?"

"I've told you before." retorted Byakuya. "The gap between your power and mine is like the gap between heaven and earth. I realised it's a different concept, but I've abandoned my left arm. I've also abandoned my left leg. But even so, you are a long way from standing on equal ground with me."

The Arrancar furrowed his brow at this. "What a shame." he said. "It seems you understand your place even less than I thought. There's also one thing that I neglected to tell you. Each of my eye is able to gain sovereignty over one object." Byakuya seemed to know where this was going because it was his turn to furrow his brows, which was noticed by Zommari, who continued, "I'm glad that you caught on to that quickly. Earlier I used two of my eyes when I released Amor. In other words, I gained sovereignty over something else besides your arm."

At this moment, another sun-shaped mark appeared on the unconscious Asa's head, possessing her to grab Rukia's Zanpakutou and sliced Hanatarou across the chest while he was preparing to bandage Rukia's wounds. Hanatarou was too stunned to say anything and merely landed on the ground, becoming unconscious as well. Byakuya, who witnessed the whole scene, rushed over but Asa turned around and attempted to stab him, who managed to step aside despite his injured leg. He used Flash Step to get away when she attempted to attack him again.

"One eye can only gain sovereignty over one area." stated Zommari as he watched Byakuya dodge every one of Asa's attempts to land a blow on him with his sister's Zanpakutou. One of the eyes on his right shoulder that was controlling Asa had its pupil dilated and glowed purple. "However, if I can gain sovereignty over a person's head, then I have gained control of their entire body. That person's injuries have no influence on my ability to control their body." Byakuya stepped away from Asa, who landed on the ground while trying to strike him. She turned around and tried again, only to have him use his Zanpakutou to deflect the attack, making her stumble a few feet backwards.

When he was about to rush over, Zommari suddenly yelled, "Freeze!" To Byakuya's shock, Asa held the Zanpakutou over the unconscious Rukia, placing it near her newly healed wounds. "Drop your katana, nameless Captain. You have lost." The Shinigami glanced at him over his shoulder and complied, letting his Zanpakutou drop to the ground. The Arrancar smirked at this, thinking that he had won the fight.

"Bakudo #61: Rikujokoro." Pointing his index finger at the Asa, Byakuya generated a spark of yellow energy, which summoned six thin, wide beams of light that slammed into her midsection.

The Espada was taken aback by this and glared before attempting to control Asa, but failed. "What is this?!" he demanded as he started to panic when she was completely held in place. "Curse you! Move! Move! Move! Damn it! Damn it! Move!"

"Sovereignty." said Byakuya, who was standing behind him. He turned around to see the former holding his Zanpakutou up with the blade pointing downwards. "It means absolutely nothing against me." He dropped his sword straight down, letting it phase into the ground before energy ripples expanded out, turning the surrounding area dark. "Bankai." Zommari watched with worry written all over his face upon hearing that word. "Senbonzakura Kageyoushi." Within seconds, two rows of a thousand giant blades rose up from the ground.

"Th-This is..." trailed off the latter while looking at them before they scattered into an infinite amount of cherry blossom petals dancing around him. "Damn you! This pathetic-" He placed his hands together, and all the pupils dilated as he attempted to control the petals, including the ones on his palms. "I'll steal the sovereignty from them by using Amor with all of my eyes!"

"Give up." said Byakuya from behind the huge wall of cherry blossom petals. "You said that each eye can only gain control over one object, didn't you? Including your own two eyes, you have a total of fifty eyes covering your body. How do you intend to control one hundred million blades covering the sky with merely fifty eyes? You had told that resistance was futile. So let me tell you that in the end, there is nothing you can do. Anything you could do in this situation would be meaningless."

Zommari clicked his tongue before yelling, "Damn you!" With his hands outstretched to the side, the eyes glowed purple. "Move as I command! Move as I command!" But no matter how hard he tried, most of the petals failed to be controlled by him.

After creating a barrier around the three Shinigami, Byakuya said, "Goukei, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi." The number of tiny blades increased immensely, creating a spherical formation of innumerable blade fragments that swirled around Zommari like a cloud. Byakuya then left the room using Flash Step because he knew what would happen next, and he didn't want to get caught in it. "Senbonzakura Kageyoushi is made up of a hundred million blades. They enclose the opponent in a spherical shape, and then slash at you from every conceivable direction. Be swallowed by their bladed throat, and perish." At his command, the petals flew into Zommari from every angle to attack him, releasing a force that was so strong that it completely obliterated the room that they were in.

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