Maybe One Day (Geno Sans x Re...

By LunarEclipse0823

34.9K 1.1K 3.6K

(Absolutely beautiful cover made by @EverlovingCheeseCake aka @Ironic_Cheesecake!) What the heck? #1 in genos... More

Prologue: It's Not Over
Ch. 1: Number Nine
Ch. 2: A New Human...
Ch. 3: Missed Miss Wandering
Ch. 5: Leading Up To...
Ch. 6: Soul of Forgiveness
Ch. 7: So, Who Are You, Again?
Ch. 8: What Lies Between
So...Tagging's a Thing, Huh?
Ch. 9: Day 1, Part 1
Ch. 10: Day 1, Part 2
Happy Holidays
Ch. 11: Day 8
Ch. 12: Day 8, Part 2
Ch. 13: Day 13
1K...You Know What This Means.
Ch. 14: Day 32
Ch. 15: Day 58
Hey, Look At That! Another One!
Ch. 16: Day 72
Ch. 17: Day 81
This is Late, But...What is This?
Ch. 18: Day 99
Ch. 19: Day 113
Ch. 20: Day 126
€|-|. <>: |}4Β₯ ?????
Ch. 22: Day 148
Ch. 23: Day 157
Ch. 24: Day 164
How is This Happening?
Ch. 25: Day 165
Ch. 26: Day 170
Doing a Q/A! Or Something.
This is Probably Going to Go Terribly Wrong
Ch. 27: Day 175
I REALLY Need to Make a Book for This...
Ch. 28: The Last Day, At Last
Ch. 29: The Last Day, At Last (Part 2)
Ch. 30: The Last Day, At Last (Part 3)
The End...?
Wasn't It Just Yesterday?

Ch. 4: You Have One, Too?

1.3K 41 343
By LunarEclipse0823

I gulped, looking back at Grillby's behind me. I really didn't want to go in, especially after seeing the dust, but I was going to starve if I didn't get food into my stomach soon. Also, I needed to relieve myself. Hopefully there was a bathroom in the place.

The bell dinged again as I entered for the second time. Biting my lip, I walked to the back and behind the bar. I searched the area for anything edible, making sure to both not touch the remains, and not look at them. It was difficult work, but I was able to dig up a stale burger and fries without a peek at the dust. I hopped onto my stool and devoured my food.

Bathroom, bathroom, bathroom!

My bladder was killing me! I whipped my head around, looking for a bathroom. I sighed once I saw the word written above a door. (I don't care if this does not actually exist in game. Seriously, humans need toilets.) I waddled my way towards it, hoping that my systems would have mercy on me. Luckily, they did.

I dried my hands on my leggings as I exited the facilities. Looking around, I saw nothing of note left in here. So I left, the bell ringing once again as the door shut behind me.

Standing in the snow again, I felt a shiver go down my spine. The wind whistled and whispered in my ear. It was...odd. Chilling. I hated it.

My steps crunched in the snow as I set forth from my position, hugging myself in my F/C jacket. Was it now that the fear set in? The fear of complete and utter silence, besides the noise you make every time you move?

I swear a shadow lurked at every corner. My eyes playing tricks on me, I knew. But that doesn't mean my heart wasn't pounding and head wasn't reeling. Was it real after all? Doubt clung to me like the cold.

It was a relief when heat set in. I shook myself, glancing at the surroundings. Instead of the ground being covered by snow, it was dirt. It looked similar to the surface, if I had to compare. A random sign (that might or might not exist in the game, I can't remember) explained to me that this place was called Waterfall. Huh. I could hear the water, but I couldn't see it. Where in the world...?

I wandered around for a while, before I came across a field of glowing blue flowers...echo flowers, I think they're called? I brushed my hand over top of them as I made my way through it, hearing the faint whispers of the dead echo back at me.

As I touched a random one, I froze, and turned to stare at it. Instead of being tiny little voices, it was the sound of crying. A guy, by the sound of it.

"I'm sorry, Papyrus," he whimpered softly. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you from...her. I'm so, so sorry..." He started sobbing.

Looking down, my eyes widened as I realized where this flower was located. There was a raised bed of dirt here, with a stone on top of it. A grave. I kneeled, reading the tombstone to myself.

May He Rest In Peace
And Forever Love Spaghetti
I Love You, And I Miss You, Bro

Before I even finished reading, I felt tears welling up and pouring down my face. "You've got one, too?"

I had already put the pieces together, but this kind of confirmed it. This was the skeleton's little brother, like I had psychically predicted. His brother was...dead. Like mine. The red scarf must have belonged to him, which was why the poor guy was looking for it so frantically.

Papyrus and Sans, huh? They must have been a pair. Even though Papyrus wasn't Peter, he was pretty similar to him. Their favorite colors being red and  orange, and the love of race car beds, for two. Also, spaghetti? Peter could live off that stuff and be perfectly happy. Through my tears, now mixed between empathy and sorrow for my own brother, I smiled. I wonder if Sans is anything like me, then?

I made a silent prayer for Papyrus, then stood. My hand brushed another flower, and I heard crying again. Not normal crying, but crying snores. He was sleeping by his grave?

My eyes, barely even dried from a few seconds ago, started getting wet again. "What a dedicated brother," I murmured. "I'm sorry for your loss, Sans."

With that, I turned and left the field. But not before I picked a few flowers and placed them over Papyrus's grave. Also, when I reached the edge, I swear I saw a yellow star glitching out. But it disappeared. Again.

Would you like to continue?
•Yes   •No


I teleported to Waterfall again. I usually did this when the memories overcame me and/or I needed to cry. As it turned out, I came here every day. Heh. Chara would think me a wimp, wouldn't she? Maybe I am. But that's what happens when you're not a psychopath.

...Am I seriously taking jabs at her in my thoughts? *sigh* I'm going nuts.

When I opened my eyes, I stared at Pappy's grave. There were fresh echo flowers on it that I definitely did not put there.

I growled. The human was here. What is it with me and missing them? I'm always a step behind them! It's seriously getting annoying.

But...why would they place flowers?

I kneeled next to his grave and started tapping the flowers. The same, the same, the same, the same...wait a minute...

I went back to the last one and touched it again. I heard a female voice read his headstone aloud, and start crying. It had to be the human. However, her next sentence made me stop.

"You've got one, too?"





Did...the human...

Is that why...?

Why they...

Why she...

Did she have a dead brother, too?


I tapped the next flower, trying to ignore the pounding in my soul.

"What a dedicated brother. I'm sorry for your loss, Sans."


Thank you, my soul whispered silently. Thank you for telling me that. I needed it.




You know...


Your voice is...










I stood up suddenly, very furious.

What in the world was I just thinking?!

I can't feel like this! No! I just...I just can't!


Then why is my soul pounding so hard? Why can't I help but think about how kind they are? What is wrong with me?

I can't possibly...


Like her?

My hand clenched into a fist, and my eye burst into flames.

No. I will not tolerate this kind of behavior again. Next time, they are dead. So, so dead.

Then why do I feel like I couldn't do it, even if I wanted to?

(Hey, look at that, I posted a chapter! I'm not dead! It's a miracle! In all honesty, though, I'm sorry about not getting a chapter up soon enough. I've just been distracted by the gloriousness that is Wattpad. I know I probably won't keep this promise, but I'll try to get a chapter up sooner. Key word being try. See ya soon, Lunarlings!—Lunar)

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