Two weeks with you ✅

By Feeexoxo

15.5K 1K 207

a soft/fluffy hyunghyuk story with a tiny bit of angst [side changki] More

The Bet
Day One - Monday
Day Two - Tuesday
Day Four - Thursday
Day Five - Friday
Day Six - Saturday
Day Seven - Sunday
Day Eight - Monday
Day Nine - Tuesday
Day Ten - Wednesday
Day Eleven - Thursday
Day Twelve - Friday
Day Thirteen - Saturday
Day Fourteen - Sunday

Day Three - Wednesday

998 73 26
By Feeexoxo

"Good morning."

Hyungwon looks up from his book. He has almost reached the last chapter when Minhyuk sits down in front of him, putting his tray on the table and starting to eat a sandwich. Hyungwon scrunches his nose at the loud eating noises.

"Good morning."

He then mumbles, clearing his throat and concentrating on his book again. Minhyuk stays quiet. He just stares at the slender boy, his eyes examining the latter's face, savouring each glance and finding something new in everything he has seen before. It's as if his eyes have lit up, his cheeks are now having a rosy shade and his lips- He shakes his head. No, they are still the same plump, rosy and tasty lips he has seen yesterday. The lips that were so close to his ear at the planetarium, softly whispering into it. The thought of it gives the young boy goosebumps.

"What's our plan for today?"

Hyungwon asks, breaking the silence and putting his book away. He can read the last chapter later. Right now, the suddenly rather shy boy in front of him is much more interesting.

"There is no plan for today. I have to study at the library for an exam tomorrow. But you can join me if you want to."

Hyungwon nods.

"Sure. I can search for a new book then."

"Have you already finished yours?"


"And you want to join me? Voluntarily?"

Hyungwon shrugs his shoulders, giving Minhyuk a shy smile.

"As I said. You've made me curious. And besides that, you're not as loud and annoying as I thought you'd be. So it's okay."

Minhyuk huffs at Hyungwon's statement. He is unsure if it's meant as a compliment or if he is teasing the boy again.


He takes another bite of his sandwich and turns around to look at his friends. It's the same picture as always. Wonho is eating quietly while Kihyun and Changkyun make out next to him.

"Why are you here and not with your friends?"

Hyungwon asks, noticing the gaze of the boy in front of him. Minhyuk answers with a short shrug of his shoulders. He really doesn't know. He obvioulsy had to be with Hyungwon to win the bet but since yesterday, after everything that happened at the planetarium, he actually wants to be with him. He wants to get to know him more, wants Hyungwon to like him. Minhyuk turns around with a smile on his lips.

"I just like being with you Slender man."

Hyungwon rolls his eyes. 'Slender man'. Great. How much must Minhyuk really enjoy being with him when he gives him the nickname of a horror figure? The break ends and the boys get up almost simultaneously.

"Soo...see you after school at the library?"

Hyungwon nods in agreement.

"I'll wait in front of it."


"You're really here."

Minhyuk says, surprised to see the tall boy in front of the large doors of the library. He holds up his book.

"I finished it so I need a new one."

Minhyuk nods and they enter the library together. He hates being here. It's too quiet, too empty. The atmosphere depresses him but it's the only place where he's able to learn in silence. Hyungwon on the other hand loves libraries. It's perfect for him. There aren't too many people, it's not too loud and it's a place filled with creativity.

"I'll quickly search for a book."

Hyungwon whispers as his slender silhoutette vanishes in the endless corridors of book shelves. Minhyuk sighs and sits down at a table, pulling out at least five different books and starting to search for the right pages. Biology is one of his most hated subjects at school (together with math of course). Not because he doesn't understand it but because it's always so much to learn. He can't remember all of it and it frustrates him. Minhyuk shakes his head, trying to concentrate on writing notes when Hyungwon sits down, smiling at him and showing him his new book. Minhyuk scrunches his nose and lets out a chuckle.


Hyungwon nods excitingly and opens the first page.

"Romeo and Juliet."

He starts reading so Minhyuk concentrates on his own books again. He bites his lips every now and then, whenever he had problems in understanding the texts. Hyungwon notices the small gestures. It makes him smile.

Just some minutes later they both start hearing strange noises. They look at each other.

"Do you hear that?"

Minhyuk nods. Both of them get up, entering a rather dark corridor of bookshelves and unknowingly Hyungwon takes Minhyuk's hand. He follows him closely but manages to stay behind. The noises get louder and they now realise what it sounds like.
Moans. Quiet, soft, almost whining moans. And one look around the corner solves the mystery.


Changkyun and Kihyun are leaning against a bookshelf, their hands explorating the other's body, their mouths covering each other with pleasing kisses. As soon as they hear Minhyuk's voice they turn around and put some distance between each other.


Changkyun stutters, his hand scratching the back of his neck.

"What are you doing here?"

"I am trying to learn. What the hell are you doing here?"

Kihyun puts his arm around Changkyun, a firm smirk appearing on his face.

"I'm teaching Changkyun some things, you know. Boyfriend stuff. Stuff you can't relate to because you are lonely AF."

He sticks out his tongue before he shoves it into Changkyun's mouth again, now completely ignoring the two boys in front of them. Minhyuk clenches his fist and pulls Kihyun away from Changkyun.

"Then teach him somewhere else or be quiet."

Minhyuk wishes that they would just stop. He and Changkyun made a promise before they broke up and he's afraid that Kihyun will break it. Changkyun promised to not sleep with Kihyun until he's an legal adult. That was and is still the most important promise to Minhyuk. But everytime he sees them making out he fears that Kihyun will force the young boy to do something he's not ready for. He only wants to protect Changkyun.

Kihyun huffs and frees himself from Minhyuk's grip. Then he looks at Hyungwon's hand which is still holding Minhyuk's and smiles.

"Well maybe you won't be lonely forever."

With that he turns around, dragging Changkyun with him and leaving the library. Minhyuk just now realises that Hyungwon is holding his hand.


He looks up at the latter who now quickly takes his hand back and clears his throat. Without saying anything he turns around and walks back to their table. Minhyuk sighs and follows him, sitting down and continuing to read.


It's getting late and both are still absorbed in their own books, not talking to each other, not looking at each other, not giving the other attention at all. Hyungwon has already read more than half of the book when he looks up at Minhyuk, now finally seeing how tired the boy in front of him is.



He doesn't move his head, his mind still focused on the text in front of him, trying to understand it.

"It's late."

"Go home then."

Hyungwon bites his lip. Yes, he wants to go home. He never stays out for so long. It's almost 11PM and they are alone in the library. Everyone else already left earlier. Way earlier.

"Maybe you should go home, too."

"I can't. I have to know all of this until tomorrow."


He looks up at Hyungwon, his face showing indications of exhaustion and his eyes red and glazed.

"God Minhyuk..."

Hyungwon reaches out for him, putting his hand against his forehead. Minhyuk sighs softly at the cold touch of the slender boy. He closes his eyes for a second, calming his mind and relaxing a bit.

"Minhyuk you won't be able to write your exam if you don't go to sleep now. You're overworking yourself, you'll be getting a fever if you don't stop now."

He bites his lips. Hyungwon is right. He won't be able to write the exam like that. He really won't.


He mumbles as he packs his stuff together, his exhaustion showing as he drops all the books at once and then falls to the ground, too. Hyungwon is quickly by his side, helping him up and carrying his books.

"I'll drive you home."

"You have a car?"


Minhyuk nods and smiles shyly at him.

"Thanks, Hyungwon."

The latter puts his arm around Minhyuk guiding him outside and helping him to get into his car. Minhyuk leans his head against the window and within minutes he already falls asleep. What a good thing that Hyungwon knows where the boy lives. Otherwise he would have a real problem right now. But just like that, Hyungwon drives calmly through the dark city. It doesn't take long until they arrive at Minhyuk's house. His gaze wanders to the sleeping boy, not wanting to wake him from his nap.


He nudges him softly. Minhyuk lets out a whine but doesn't wake up.

"We've arrived."

Minhyuk moves a bit, his eyes slowly opening. Then he yawns, stretching his body and sighing. He opens the door, letting one foot touch the ground when he turns to Hyungwon.

"Thank you. For staying with me and for driving me home."

"It's okay."

Hyungwon gives him a smile and suppresses a yawn. He's completely tired.

"Until tomorrow then."

"Yeah. See you tomorrow and Minhyuk?"


He gets out of the car but leans in again to look at Hyungwon.

"Don't worry about the exam too much. You'll ace it."

Minhyuk lets out a soft chuckle.


Then he closes the car door, takes his bag with the books and enters his house. He walks right into his room, throwing all the stuff into a corner and lying down on his bed without changing his clothes. He is way too tired to do anything at all. Right before he falls asleep however, Minhyuk recalls Hyungwon's words which now let him drift away with a smile on his lips.

"You'll ace it."

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