One Shots [Closed]

Von irwinniwri

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Chance Encounter (Shelby/Niall)
Surprise (Harry/Margaux)
Bittersweet (Zayn/Madda)
Wake Me Up (Liam/Laura)
Thirty (Harry/Em)
Food Fight! (Niall/Natalie)
Meet Me (Harry/Mina)
Cuddle Me Up, Cuddle Me In (Harry/Taylor)
Knock, Knock (Louis/LA)

London Eye (Louis/JB)

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Von irwinniwri

“Are you ready to go?” Louis, JB’s boyfriend of a few months asked her from the living room of her flat in London.

Instead of answering a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’, she ran and jumped, propelling herself onto Louis’s back.

He laughed, opening the door and then wrapping his arms around her legs, walking outside.

“Where are we going?” She asked him into his ear as she leaned her head against his.

He just smiled smugly. “It’s a surprise.”

“A surprise!?” She shrieked dramatically while still clutching onto Lou.

He laughed, a grin plastered onto his face from ear to ear as he opened the passenger door and set JB down.

JB jumped into his Porsche as he walked around and got in his side.

He revved the engine and smiled. “You’re gonna love this.”

Louis made her promise to keep her eyes closed the entire ride. “No peeking.” He demanded as he took another turn.

JB kept her eyes squished tight, trying to follow a map in her brain of London, but it wasn’t working out that well.

Two lefts and a right.

JB thought to herself, “What is two lefts and a right away?”

“We’re here.” She heard Louis say. It was clear that he had a smile on his face from the sound of his voice.

“Can I open my eyes?” She asked excitedly, basically jumping out of the seat that she was in.

“No!” He said, running around the car and opening her door.

He placed a warm hand over her eyes, wrapping his free arm around her waist, holding her tightly.

He started giggling.

“What?” JB asked with a smile forming on her lips.

“Everyone’s looking at us like we’re nuts.” He whispered into her ear.

JB laughed along, just picturing them walking down the sidewalk together.

“Two please.” She heard Louis say to someone else. “And could we get a private one? I’m willing to pay more.”

Nothing else was said, but next thing that she knew, she stepped up into something and sat down.

“Where are we?” She asked excitedly still.

“Shh. I’m not telling you yet,” He teased, still holding onto her tight.

She could feel that she was moving. It felt like she was going on an elevator, but she didn’t know where elevators were that would be some place surprising.

Every now and then it would become still.

“This is torturous.” JB laughed. She just wanted to open her eyes again. She wanted to see. She missed light.

After a few more minutes, Louis stood her up and had her walk a few steps forward.

“Okay, you can open your eyes now.”

JB flicked her eyes open quickly, only to stumble back into Louis’s arms. Thank god he was there. If he hadn’t been, she probably would have fallen backwards.

She realized exactly where she was.

She was in a capsule of the London Eye. The world’s biggest Ferris wheel.

Displayed in front of her was all of London.

She could see Big Ben standing tall off in the distance.

Below her was the Thames River, bursting with boat after boat and beyond that was hundreds of gorgeous buildings.

“Oh my god.” She whispered.

“Do you like it?” Louis asked quietly, a huge smile on his face.

JB turned and wrapped her arms around Louis’s torso, hugging him tightly, looking out at the view that they had in their own capsule.

“Louis, this is gorgeous.” She said looking into his eyes. “I can’t believe you did this.”

She was thinking about saying something that hadn’t been said yet in their relationship.

No one wanted to be the first to say it, even if they felt it.

“I love you.” Louis smiled down at her, a rouge color floating onto his cheeks.

Her heart leapt up into her throat, almost making it impossible for her to speak.

“I love you, too.” She whispered.

Louis tilted his head down, meeting JB half way.

He pressed his soft lips to hers as they both had their hearts racing out of their chests.

“Is this what a heart attack feels like?” JB joked as they pulled apart.

Louis smiled smugly to himself and hugged her tightly.

“No, this is what true love feels like.”
