โœ“ SILVER LININGยน โ˜พ ๐Š.๐Œ๐ˆ๐Š๏ฟฝ...

By fantasysteph

843K 23.1K 4K

Odette Jade De Marie travelled to Mystic Falls with the intention of gathering information for her best frien... More

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7.9K 252 30
By fantasysteph

I arrive to the compound tired only to find Klaus sitting next to a sleeping Elijah, which at first glance would be normal since he kept his word in getting his brother back. Yet as I stood by the door frame, I take a notice that they were both shaking and in the mirrors reflections I saw that Klaus was in pain and that his nose was bleeding. Making me quickly rip him away from what he was doing, turning him around to face me as he places his hands on my shoulders

"What are you doing?!" I question worried as Klaus pants in an attempt to catch his breath as he wipes the blood from his nose

"I'm trying to enter Elijah's thoughts to wake him" Klaus says gesturing to Elijah who is still sleeping "Esther's locked me out"

I walk over to Elijah noticing a red scaring on his neck making me move his white shirt, to see a flower petal-shaped wound on his neck. I turn to look over at Klaus, "Might this rash be a side effect of his witchy acid trip that he's on?"

Klaus frowns and returns to Elijah's bedside to examine the wound more carefully "I haven't seen this since I was a child. Mikael would return home from battle more blindly temperamental than usual, and our mother would use the petals of a rare merlock orchid to put him to sleep. She would mend his mind with a spell, and then wake him with the roots of the same plant" Klaus then turns to look at me hopeful and with a plan, "If she has access to it now, then maybe it also grows in the Bayou. You stay here with your wolves and mind the fort"

Before Klaus can take another step towards the door I speak up not liking the fact that once again I'm being told to stay home "Why can't I just rip your mothers head off?"

"Stay clear of her" Klaus says serious making me look away from him not liking the order "I mean it, Odette. She already got to Hayley once. What would happen if Elijah were to wake and find both you and Hayley a victim of her madness?"

"Right, Elijah. I won't go after her and I won't let Hayley do anything stupid. I promise." I say looking at Klaus and yet he still was reluctant to leave making me drop my demeanor "is there something you need to tell me?"

"How much do you wish to see your mother once again?" Klaus says making me take a step back not knowing why he would ask such a question

"Klaus, what's this about?" I ask worried as to what me wanting to see my dead mother played a part of this all

"My mother proposed that she can give you a second chance with your mother if-" Klaus says but before he can finish telling me Esther's proposal I interrupt him

"No" I blurt out, not giving it a second thought "I would do anything to see my mother again but if I were to see her once again. I'd want to be the person she raised, not some stranger. l also can't think like a child who once lost a parent, that pain will always be with me but I'm a parent now, we both are. I can't do the same thing to our child, I won't put myself first"

"My siblings were not the only people my mother brought back from the dead. She resurrected my real father" Klaus says making me look at him not knowing what to think

"W-what are you going to do?" I ask since this is new information, his biological father was out there

"What do you suggest I do?" Klaus says asking for my option making me feel like a fish out of water not knowing what to say and I didn't want to say the wrong thing especially since he was asking for my opinion

"I promised our daughter that she will always have someone to fight for her. So I suggest that you fight so one day we can bring her home"


I had promised Klaus that I won't go after Esther and that I would make sure Hayley wouldn't do anything stupid. So I came up with a plan to go after everything Esther loves, which was Finn. Our first stop was the Bayou.

Hayley and I had arrived at the Bayou where we found Jackson near the old cabin in the woods sitting on the dock drinking as he stared into the water at what I believe to be Oliver's corpse on a canoe. I stood behind letting Hayley say her piece first knowing that Jackson is hurting and I didn't want to be mad at him when, I came to help.

"I'm so sorry, jack," Hayley says as she stands behind Jackson only for him to jump to his feet with an almost empty bottle in his hand

"This is bull, Hayley. Crescent tradition says you have a funeral at dawn, and no one is here!" Jackson says angry and just broken "that loyalty.. it's gone"

"We're standing around moping over Ollie's body when there's a war to be fought. I understand that you have to grieve, Jack. You waited for me, so I'll do the same for you. But, our people need their Alpha" Hayley says as she then grabs the bottle from Jackson's hand and walks away from him leaving him staring at the lake

"I'll meet you at the loft, but I'll need that bottle," I tell Hayley as I extend my arm out for the bottle in her hand

"Odette, he's not ready to become an alpha again," Hayley says as she hands me the bottle

"Wish me good luck then," I say taking a sip of the drink and puckering my lips having forgotten the taste of alcohol. Hayley laughs at my facial expression before wishing me good luck and leaving. With a sigh, I walk over to Jackson who still stood facing the lake looking at the canoe.

"You know I haven't drank alcohol since... I think the night I slept with Klaus" I say with a chuckle as I stand next to Jackson who didn't look at me "I'm sorry he died"

"It's not fair, Ollie didn't deserve any of this" Jackson says making me raise the bottle towards him to take but he didn't "I can't be the Alpha you and Hayley want me to be"

"You can't or you won't?" I ask as I walk over to the edge of the dock taking another sip from the bottle in my hand. I look out at the lake suddenly feeling very emotional as I see the canoe which held a dead Oliver float on the river bed, "the only family I had before coming to New Orleans was Hayley, s-she had become my family over the years. Then I get told I'm pregnant and that I'm a crescent wolf royalty and I get to meet my long-lost cousin..."

I take the ends of my sleeve and wipe the fallen tear from my cheek "I meet you a-and you accept me right away. You welcome me in with open arms, even the baby that was to be half-vampire. You did so much for me in those months. Y-you gave me a new home, a peace that I hadn't felt in years and you made me understand what it truly means to be a wolf. I'm proud to be your family Jackson, alpha or not. But- the thing is I see so much in you which is why I won't give up on you. I-I know you will bring peace and a sense of home to the next lost wolf that walks through these woods. So I'll wait and in the meantime, I'll fight for the pack. But a word of advice, Hayley doesn't like to wait"

I take a deep breath trying to gain my composure and then turn back to face Jackson. I walk up to him with a smile and kiss his cheek "I'll see you later"


I had met up with Hayley, and Aiden outside of Marcels loft and no Jackson by our side. Which is the first thing Marcel comments on when we walk though his loft doors, "Where is your alpha?"

With a sigh Hayley replies "Unavailable"

"So, you brought junior varsity? you know, I'm getting a little tired of you using my place as a den for wayward wolves" Marcel says from his seat on his sofa

"Marcel, I have zero tolerance at the moment so hear us out because we want to take down Finn Mikaelson today. So considering how he treated your vampires I assume that you would want in on the bloodbath" I say walking over to sit on the couch in front of him

"I'm listening" Marcel says making Hayley and Aiden sit by my side on the couch

"Well" Aiden says as he clears his throat having to sub in as being the alpha for the crescent wolves "it's not gonna be easy. He's surrounded by a pack of juiced-up wolves. He doesnt have a weakness"

"He does, actually" Marcel says as he pulls out his phone from his pocket "and, I have her on speed dial!"

Aiden and Hayley both looking at Marcel confused all while I stare in shock.

"Mamma's boy mikaelson has a thing for Cami?" I ask and he nods his head making Hayley comment on us using Cami as a diversion

"Klaus will go ballistic if we get Cami involved in this" Hayley says making Marcel shrug his shoulders

"Klaus ain't here! and Cami? Well, she's got this thing about people telling her what she can and can't do!" Marcel says as he starts to dial Cami's number and holds the phone up to his ear before addressing me "I trust you, of all people, understand"


Aiden, Hayley, Josh, Marcel and I are outlining the plan to take down Finn in Marcel's Loft. We had Cami doing her part already by inviting Finn out tonight.

Aiden smooths out a map on the coffee table as we all surround it. Hayley and I sitting on the ground, Marcel standing up and the couple sitting side by side on the couch

"Cami said Vincent wants to meet at Preservation Hall. But, he won't be unprotected" Aiden says as he points to a different spots on the map "There will be wolves positioned here and here"

"Can we keep this alley open?" Marcel says as he points to a different location on the map only for Aiden to nod in confirmation

"Alright, I'll wait there and rip Vincent's head off" Hayley says

"No he will only body-jump" I say knowing that it's what his mother would do, so it's most likely he thinks the same.

"His head stays on. He'll have a hard time answering questions without it" Cami says as she enters the room with a file box in her hands, and once she places it on the coffee table in front of us she opens the box and the rest of us start to look through it

"Sweet, it's a big box of dusty old junk. We're saved!" Josh says sarcastically making me smile and look at Aiden who was trying to hide his big smile

"They're dark objects my uncle left for me. I've been cataloging them according to Kieran's notes. As far as I can tell, these can be used against witches specifically" Cami says with a laugh as Marcel pulls a pair of shackles attached to a chain out of the box

"Kinky!" Hayley comments making Josh and I laugh

"Ah, I remember these! A hundred years ago, the Human Faction waged a war against the Voodoo Queens. They had a traitor spell these manacles. Slap 'em on a witch, they can't do magic as long as they're on" Marcel shares as he sets the shackles back into the box

"Alright, we're not gonna get the 'Handcuffs of Doom' on him while he's surrounded by a werewolf entourage" Josh brings up making Aiden give him the solution to his problem

"We can just lure him away. I can do that"

"Cami" I say turning to look at her making sure I have her word that she is okay with being the bait "If we do this, you are the bait, and there is no backing out once it's in play. So are you sure you're okay with that?"

As everyone looks at Cami in concern, Cami then looks slightly nervous but then shakes it off, "Make it look convincing. The guy's really smart"

So it was set, a disguised Hayley would bite Cami's neck so Finn could watch. Then when he notices Hayley will climb up the building and when Finn looks up at her I will swoop in and remove Cami from the scene. Then Aiden will lead Finn towards the Church where we will be waiting for him.


"Well, he bought it. His locator spell will bring him here without the bodyguards" Aiden says as he walks over to Josh, Cami, Hayley and I as we sit on the sacristy of St. Anne's Church, Aiden having just hung up the phone with Finn.

Hayley bites her wrist and drips her blood into a golden cup used for communion while Cami watches her, her neck still bleeding from before

"I always thought having a woman's mouth on my neck would be more erotic" Cami says making Hayley and I chuckle

"Perks about knowing vampires is that you'll forever heal fast" I say as Hayley hands Cami the cup of her blood which she drinks to heal her wound "now, let's get all these lights off"

Aiden and Josh then start to snuff out the candles as they talk privately making me not listen in.

"Okay, tell me the plan one more time" Cami says trying to calm her nerves as she has a white cloth pressed up to her neck

"Aiden's gonna get Vincent to the altar, and then Odette and I are gonna jump him. He's powerful, though, so we only have a few seconds to get the shackles on him" Hayley responds in efforts to calm Cami's nerves

"Where's Marcel?" Cami asks having not seen him since we departed from making the plan back at his loft

"He heard Davina's back in town he's out looking for her" I say knowing that Marcel didn't patch things up with Davina back when we all fought Mikael

"Overprotective-dad stuff" Cami questions making me chuckle as I shake my head

"If you want to call ripping Kol Michaelson into a thousand little pieces 'protective dad stuff' then yeah." I say making Hayley and Cami laugh as Cami blots the blood off her neck with the white cloth


Aiden sides down the aisle slamming into a pew and knocking himself out. I wanted to check up on him but restricted myself unlike Josh who vamp speeds towards Aiden to make sure he is okay. Then the clicking of shoes gain my attention as Josh freezes in fear, meaning Finn was here. Soon all the candles are lit and Josh's neck is snapped by Finn making Josh fall right next to Aiden.

"Camille! CAMILLE!" Finn shouts as he continues to walk down the aisle making it the perfect time for Hayley and I to attack. Luckily I'm the one who gets to tackle Finn to the ground. Standing up I speak up as Finn crawls aways "First, I'm going to kick your ass"

"Then, we are going to take our pack back" Hayley says standing next to me as we stand over Finn who still laid on the ground

"Your pack?" Finn says in a weak laugh as he stands up "last I checked, your pack was blindly following me"

"Oh, you want to talk about following? How do your mothers boots taste?" I ask before kicking Finn in the face with my boot splitting his lip only for him to start laughing as he once again laid on the ground

"What have you done with Cami?" Finn questions only for Hayley to laugh sarcastically while I shrug my shoulders. Then telekinetically Finn throws Hayley down the aisle while he gets to his feet making me throw a knife at him only for him to stop it mid way and leave it levitating in the air

"Hybrids die by losing their head or their heart. And, given the choice, I'm going to take the organ that got you into this mess in the first place." Finn says before throwing knife at me and throwing Hayley down the aisle, as he begins to cast a spell. I catch the knife before it can hit my heart but as I do Finn starts walking towards us as he chants

"Le specto tre colo ves bestia! Le specto tre colo ves bestia!"

Suddenly Hayley starts clutching her heart as she starts to pit up blood and her bones start to crack. He starts to chant louder but this time he raises his hand at me making me paralyzed so I couldn't stop him. I couldn't move to save Hayley. All I could do was stare as the front of her shirt start to fill up with her blood right where he heart belongs. She kept coughing up blood and I couldn't move to save her

I wanted to scream but I couldn't even do that, I could only look up at Hayley dying in front of me once again.

Out of nowhere an arrow pierces Finn's shoulder front behind making him scream out in pain. He turns around to see our savior who jumps down from the balcony, then the mystery hero jumps down from the balcony as he shoots another arrow into Finn's thigh. That causes Finn to crawl up to the sacristy to get away from the culprit. Before Finn can react any further Cami appears and slams the cuffs onto his wrists.

With the anti magic cuffs on Finn's wrists I was free from his spell allowing me to run towards Hayley who sat weakly on the floor and hug her while whispering into her ear "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"

Soon our savior rushes over to us, making me smile as I look at him. He looks at Hayley checking to see how she was "Are you okay? I'm so sorry I made you wait."

"Your timing was pretty awesome, actually." Hayley says as she laughs in relief to be alive which makes Jackson laugh


I had left the church alone letting Jackson and Hayley alone as they seemed in the need for a talk that didn't include me. I enter the compound and walk towards Klaus room only to find him looking out of his balcony. I see a drawing of a boy and the strokes of the pencil didn't seem to be Klaus'.

"Is that you?" I ask gaining Klaus attention making him towards me as I hold up the sketch of the young boy.

"He said that was to be yours" Klaus replies as he points at Ansel sword sitting on the coffee table making me put some of the pieces of the puzzle together

"What happened Klaus?" I say quietly wanting to hear the words leave his lips so I can believe them to be true yet he doesn't say anything. I walk over to him and stand face to face not letting him leave without telling me "You have to let me in at some point"

And he does, just not in the way I though he would. He resets his forehead on mine and so I clear my mind so I can be able to see his memories.

The first memory is of Klaus in the day time, in what seemed to be not long before he was turned into a vampire, he stood in front of a man who was pinned dead on a tree. The next memory was longer and more recent, and the man before Niklaus was Ansel.

"The only moments of joy in your life, however fleeting, have been simple pleasures. As you climbed the Himalayas, as you tended to your horses. Quiet days, teaching that boy Shakespeare--" Ansel says trying to prove a point yet it seemed to overwhelm Klaus as he tells him to stop but Ansel doesn't "I watched you paint. I watched you start to create a family with that wolf. I watched you feel your unborn daughters kick-"

Klaus grabs Ansel in a choke-hold "I am no longer a father"

Klaus then stands and walks away from the campfire but Ansel continues talking "In our animal form, we feel everything more acutely. When you were a boy, after each full moon, I would wake closer to your village, having been drawn to you in the night. Since I've been back, each month when I turn, I wake further from New Orleans. I know the call of my own blood, Klaus."

Shocked by the revelation Klaus turns to look at him afraid of what Ansel's about to say, "I know your child is still alive"

"I want to help you defend her" Ansel says in hopes that Klaus will see that his intentions were pure

"I believe you. But, love is what Esther twists. She will take the best of your intentions, and she will use them to get to my little girl" Klaus says near-tears as he takes Ansel's hand in his own and claps it tightly "You waited too long before you came to rescue me. I won't make the same mistake with Hope."

Klaus then moves past Ansel and picks up his blade. Once Ansel understand what Klaus is to do with the blade he says "no"

Klaus then walks towards Ansel with the blade in hand making Ansel realize Klaus is about to do. So desperately Ansel says, "No, Klaus. I know you. You are not capable of this"

"That's the first lie you've told me" Klaus says before he slashes Ansel with the blade, sliding Ansel's chest open in a diagonal line. Ansel gasps, staggers forwards and Klaus looks horrified at what he's just done. He steps forwards and catches his dying father in his arms, slowly lowering his body onto the ground.

Suddenly everything that Klaus felt at that moment, I was able to feel which then pulled me out of the memory. Once I regain conscious of the real world I turn around and place my hands on the seat, trying to catch my breath and letting the tears fall from my eyes. It was as though I was trying to find oxygen in a place it didn't exist, which I had to believe it was what Klaus had felt during the moment that his father laid dying in his arms.

"w-wh-" I try to speak but my feeling and thoughts were all mushed together that I just didn't know what was right or not.

"Odette, what happened?" Klaus says turning me around to face him, and with tears in my eyes I look up at him still being able to feel everything he felt after having killed his father. So, I hug him knowing that if I was some how able to feel his emotions then he needed someone

"I'm sorry that the cost to bring our daughter home was you having to kill your father"


I meet up with Hayley and Marcel as they arrive at the Mansion with two guests. We situated the two guests in the ballroom before walking up to the second floor. We walk in to Elijah speaking with Klaus in the second floors living room, making our presence a surprise. 

"We need to make a move before she strikes" Elijah says just as Marcel, Hayley and I appear at the doorway

"Well, actually, moves were made while you were sleeping" Marcel says gaining their full attention

"Good to see you up vertical. Marcel and I each left a gift for you in the ballroom" Hayley says making Klaus look at us curiously "your welcome?"

Klaus looks at Elijah, who gesture towards the door making them pass us. Downstairs they arrive in the ballroom, where the brothers were to find both Finn and Kol. Each of them wearing enchanted manacles as they were suspended from the balcony by their wrists unable to do magic

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