The Phantom and the Ballerina

By MissyQueenofEvil7

34K 993 129

When a young girl falls into the world of The Phantom of the Opera she soon finds herself becoming a dancer o... More

A Mysterious Arrival
The Unexpected Note
The New Prima Donna
A New Family
A Rescue
The Opera Ghost
A Unique Friendship
Late Nights and Lovely Performances
Birthdays and Bad Actions
Nightmares and New Feelings
The Accident
The Face of a Friend
An Argument
Down Beneath
Disaster Strikes
Bad Performances and Broken Hearts
A Brief Respite
The Masquerade
Murder Plans and Mourning
The Phantom's Opera
Down Once More

The Beginning of the End

1K 29 6
By MissyQueenofEvil7

Juliette was excited. The company was putting on a brand-new show. It was called Hannibal. The costumes were glitzy and the fringe that served as a skirt was very riske. At least for this time period. The choreography was great as it caused herself and the other girls to push themselves.

It was the last day before the performance and the rehearsal was going smoothly. Juliette was in what Meg had nicknamed her "zone" which essentially consisted of Juliette focusing on nothing but dancing. However, around halfway through the practice, something occurred that shocked her out of said zone.

As Monsieur Reyer was correcting the lead tenor Piangi, the manager Monsieur Lefevre entered followed by two men. Lefevre attempted to gain the stage's attention but failed. He looked hopelessly at Juliette's mother who simply banged her cane once on the floor causing the entire stage to go silent.

"Thank you, Madame Giry. As you know rumors of my imminent retirement have been circulating. I am here to tell you that they are true," he said. Carlotta made an arrogant I-told-you-so expression. Lefevre continued, "I am here to introduce the new owners of the Opera Populaire, Monsieur Richard Firmin and Monsieur Gilles Andre. You may have heard about their recent success in the junk business."

"Scrap metal actually," interjected the shorter one. Within the chorus of ballet dancers, there were several whispers of,

"Oh, they must be rich..." Juliette and her friend Mary Ann both rolled their eyes. She also saw Elizabeth and Ann give looks of annoyance from the orchestra pit. In truth, Juliette thought that the pair of managers didn't really look all that bright.

Looking at her mother she could just barely see a look of disapproval. Juliette sent a glance over at her sister.

"Meg, never get involved with a man for money," she told her.

"No worries mother hen," whispered Meg jokingly. The chorus went back to dancing and Juliette overheard the men addressing her mother.

"We take pride in our ballet monsieur's," she said casually as they watched to practice.

"I can see why. Especially with those two blond angels over there," said Andre.

"My daughters, Meg and Juliette Giry," Juliette could have sworn she heard a sharp protective tone in her mother's voice. Juliette couldn't help but smile a little bit. Despite the fact that she had been adopted many years ago she always loved to hear Madame Giry call Juliette her daughter.

"And that exceptional beauty? No relation I trust?" Firmin asked

"Christine Daae. Another promising talent," stated Madame Giry shortly. Honestly, Juliette knew that her mother felt some level of protection for all the girls in the chorus.

The managers then got introduced to a preening Carlotta. They immediately started pampering and stroking Carlotta's ego. Well, Andre was. Firmin was just leaning on the piano looking bored. Carlotta started to sing. It might have been ok to listen to if she had not put so much arrogance into her tone. She was also pretty much past her prime.

Without any of the adults noticing, Meg mimed vomiting. As she internally agreed Juliette prayed Erik would intervene. It did not take long for her prayer to be answered. As she headed into the second verse a backdrop fell on Carlotta.

The bang of the backdrop jogged something in Juliette's mind and for the first in what seemed like forever she remembered that she was in the world of a fictional story. The plot of said story was racing through her mind and Juliette immediately promised herself that she would make sure Erik got the ending he deserved. At the fall of the backdrop the ballet dancers screamed and she heard Meg cry,

"He's there the Phantom of the Opera! He's there the Phantom of the Opera!" Meg ran to Juliette who placed her arms comfortingly about her younger sister. Firmin glared at Meg saying,

"Mademoiselle, show a little courtesy!" Juliette sent a protective glare right back at him. Her dislike for the managers was growing. Lefevre called the scene-shifter Joseph Buquet down.

"Please monsieur I was not at my post. If there was something there it must have been a ghost."

"Or a drunken hallucination," snapped back Juliette in an attempt to maintain calm within the chorus. Unsurprisingly Carlotta stormed off, claiming that she was quitting. "Ding dong the witch is dead," Juliette muttered under her breath.

Out of the corner of her eye Juliette saw a white envelope drop from the ceiling. She disengaged herself from Meg and walked over to get the envelope in the wings. Upon the envelope there was a red, wax, skull seal. Juliette subtly returned and handed the envelope to her mother. She then inconspicuously slid back into the group of dancers.

"La Carlotta will be back," said not all together convinced.

"Are you sure monsieur?" asked Madame Giry mysteriously, "I have a letter from the Opera Ghost." Andre groaned.

"God in heaven you're all obsessed!"

"He simply welcomes you to his Opera house, requests that you continue to leave box five empty for him, and reminds you that his salary is due," she continued calmly.

"His salary?" said Andre in disbelief.

"Monsieur Lefevre payed him twenty thousand francs a month. Perhaps you can afford more with the Vicomte de Chagny as your patron." Madame Giry maintained poised as she informed the managers of what was going on. By now the managers were ranting about how they would have to cancel and refund the whole house. Suddenly, Meg stepped forward.

"Christine Daae could sing it sir," she said. Firmin was very dismissive of her comment prompting Juliette to jump in saying, "She has been taking lessons from a great teacher." When Andre heard the name Daae he called Christine forward.

"Daae, that's a curious name. Any relation to the famous violinist?"

"My father sir," Christine replied. "Let her sing for you monsieur, she has been well taught," said Madame Giry. This was the final push and the managers conceded to let Christine try out. Reyer, who looked like he was going to have a panic attack, signaled to the orchestra. Christine looked nervous as Meg pressed the scarf into her hands.

"I'm not sure I can do this," she whispered.

"You'll be fine Chrissy do it for your angel," Juliette replied in the same low voice. As the music started Christine began to sing. Her voice was nervous at first and she tried to stop but Juliette's mother banged her cane once and Christine stepped back. Slowly her voice became fuller and louder. It was clear Erik's work had paid off. When she was done the entire cast applauded.

"Well Ms. Daae, you will be our new lead," said one of the managers grinning. Juliette suspected that the grin was less from the music and more from the fact that the pair wouldn't be losing any money. Christine was rushed backstage so that the seamstress could make the alterations.

Juliette and Meg assisted Christine as Madame Giry gave her notes on the blocking. Not long before the show started Meg and Juliette rushed back from the dressing rooms of the chorus girls. Meg made it to the door more quickly. Before she could follow her sister, a voice spoke to Juliette.

"Good luck tonight," said the smooth voice of a certain opera ghost.

"I would think you would be encouraging your student right now. Thank you all the same. I also appreciate your apt timing with the backdrop," was Juliette's reply.

"I will get to Christine soon. But isn't supporting one another what friends do? Anyway, we needed to get rid of that pompous diva. Thank you for helping give Christine that extra push of support. What are your thoughts on the new managers? You didn't seem too enthusiastic about them," Erik said. They were in a secluded portion of the hall.

"I think they are morons with more teeth than brains who only care about money. Still, we shall see if my predictions are correct. I would be careful Erik. They don't seem as weak as Lefevre," Juliette told him a hint of worry in her tone.

"Don't worry Juliette I have it under control. Now if you will excuse me I have to check in on Christine." And with that, he left.

"What took you so long," said a worried Meg.

"I ran into someone," replied Juliette vaguely. The pair hurried to the wings where Christine stood nervously. "Everything will go fine," Meg told her.

"You have a gorgeous voice, Christine. Go out there and show all of Paris what you can do," Juliette told her. Christine nodded a determined look now on her face. As she sang the audience was captivated. Her voice was heavenly and Juliette could see why Erik loved her so much. However, she did notice something that disturbed her.

Leaning out of one of the boxes was a handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes. He had his gaze fixed on Christine and Juliette immediately knew who this man was. The Vicomte Raoul de Chagny.

Things were going to go downhill pretty soon, pretty fast. Juliette closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them. She had an evening to go before anything happened. She would allow herself to enjoy the performance tonight and worry about that all later.


He had watched as Carlotta "sang" and at the perfect moment dropped part of the backdrop on her. Not enough to hurt her but just enough to scare her. He gave a small smile as the three Giry's worked together to give Christine a chance.

Her voice was heavenly. Everyone immediately went back to work preparing for the night's performance. Just as she was about to get into the dressing room Juliette passed the hallway he was in.

"Good luck tonight," he said in his usual smooth voice.

"I would think you would be encouraging your student right now. Thank you all the same. I also appreciate your apt timing with the backdrop," was Juliette's reply.

"I will get to Christine soon. But isn't supporting one another what friends do? Anyway, we needed to get rid of that pompous diva. Thank you for helping give Christine that extra push of support. What are your thoughts on the new managers? You didn't seem too enthusiastic about them," Erik said. They were in a secluded portion of the hall.

"I think they are morons with more teeth than brains who only care about money. Still, we shall see if my predictions are correct. I would be careful Erik. They don't seem as weak as Lefevre," Juliette told him a hint of worry in her tone.

"Don't worry Juliette I have it under control. Now if you will excuse me I have to check in on Christine." And with that, he left. He couldn't help but agree with Juliette. The managers looked like idiots but he had more important things on his mind. He made his way to the two-way mirror in Christine's dressing room. She was alone.

"Congratulations Christine I knew you could do it," he said his voice seeming to come from nowhere.

"Oh, Angel! Can you believe this is happening to me? I could not have done this without you!" she cried. "I only hope I can make you proud."

"You will always make me proud mon ange," Erik told her. "Besides you already had a wonderful voice. I simply helped your song take flight. Good luck tonight. I will be watching"

"Will you come tonight after the show?" she asked. Erik felt his stomach flip. She wanted him to come again!

"We shall see," he said somewhat mysteriously. And with that, he left to go to his usual spot in box five, which gave him a perfect few of the stage. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Her performance was sublime. Christine radiated joy as she threw herself into the role. It was times like these that he was truly reminded of how much he loved her. Her hair streamed down her back in waves and she walked gracefully across the stage in the colorful dress.

She was truly a Prima donna he thought to himself. After the performance he hurried to dressing room mirror. Outside the door Erik could hear the clamoring of the ballet rats. The bang of Madame Giry's cane sounded and the voices stopped.

Seconds later Christine entered, accompanied by Meg and Juliette.

"Brava, Brava, Bravissimi," Erik called just loudly enough for Christine to hear. Juliette began to sing as she helped detach the skirt of Christine's dress and passed her a white robe,

Christine, Christine, Where in the world have you been hiding?

Really you were... perfect.

Meg now chimed in, I only wish I knew your secret Who is this new tutor?

Smiling at them Christine sang,

Father once spoke of an angel

I used to dream he'd appear

Now as I sing I can sense him

And I know he's here

Here in this room, he calls me softly

Somewhere inside hiding

Somehow I know he's always with me

He the unseen genius

Looking slightly worried Meg sang,

I watched your face from the shadows,

Distant through all the applause

I hear your voice in the darkness

But the words aren't yours

Sang Juliette, finishing the last to lines of the verse Then all three girls began to sing.

Angel of Music guide and guardian

Grant to me your glory

Angel of Music hide no longer

Secret and strange angel

Just as they finished there was a bang and the three whirled to face Madame Giry.

"Marguerite, Juliette, are you dancers?" she asked sharply.

"Yes Maman," said Juliette as the two headed out the door. Just before the pair left Meg turned back and childishly stuck her tough behind her mother's back. At this, his little dancer quickly pulled Meg out before Antoinette could catch them.

Erik had to hold back a slight chuckle at the girl's cheekiness. Antoinette handed Christine an envelope before leaving. As Christine took the pins out of her hair a young man entered the dressing room.

He had blue eyes and blond hair. There was also an air about him that suggested that he was born into privilege. This must be the Vicomte. Erik felt a wave of jealousy. As the two hugged. It appeared they met when Christine was younger.

The boy began to sing. Once they finished reminiscing the boy invited her to dinner. To his pleasure she refused. Ignoring her refusal, he left to grab his hat. Once the Vicomte had left Erik began to sing,

Insolent boy!

This slave to fashion

Basking in your glory!

Ignorant fool!

This brave young suitor

Sharing in my triumph!

Hearing him Christine sang,

Angel! I hear you!

Speak, I listen

Stay by my side guide me!

Angel my soul was weak

Forgive me Enter at last Master!

Quickly Erik replied

Flattering child You shall know me

See why in shadow I hide

Look at your face in the mirror

I am there inside!

Christine moved to face the mirror and sang with all her heart,

Angel of Music! Guide and Guardian!

Grant to me your glory!

Angel of Music! Hide no longer!

Come to me strange angel!

Erik undid the catch on the double-sided mirror and held out a hand to Christine.

I am your Angel

Come to me: Angel of Music

Even as he called her there was a shaking of the door and the voice of the Vicomte called, "Christine!" but to no avail. The door had been locked and Christine was already entering his dark domain.

Author's Note: Sorry for the late update. If you like the story PLEASE PLEASE leave a comment below. Until next week phangirls!                                                              

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