My Kind Of Hell! (Male!Reader...

By NiceGameEh

401K 4.3K 8.3K

Y/N is a young guy, only 17. He attends school in a small town on the edge of a large forest. As long as he's... More

Suicide Singer
Angel of Despair
Get To Know You
Big Mistake
New Feelings
Date In The Woods
Beginning Of A Harem
Powers And A Competition
Jill's Date
Killer's Name
Time For Killing
Clearing Things Up
Some Real Shit
New Faces
Ready To Comply
The Reaper
Happy Halloween!
Harem Raid
Full Harem
Back Into Town
A Fine Addition To My Collection
Back To The Falls
Lemon? What Lemon?
Who Needs Eyes? I Have Knives!
Turning Tails
Harem Problems
Fem!Creepypasta x Reader Pitch Meeting

Who Are You?

6.3K 86 68
By NiceGameEh

A/N: Hey! So, last time I left you with a fun little thing. Pretty spooky right?

Yami: What did you do to the reader?

A/N: Just another key ingredient. You'll all get to see most of my full plan in this chapter. I've got big shit ready to go down!

Yami: Like what? Why don't you ever fill me in on these things!?

A/N: Because you spoil everything and I can't have these important things leaked before the reader can even see their character!

Yami: Hmpf!

A/N: Enjoy!


3rd Person POV

In the mansion, everyone was on edge. a full week has passed since Jess had called Y/N and he suddenly went missing. However, their ability to look for him was hindered by a strange character who has been guarding a line in the woods for the last 5 days. No one has seen their face or anything on them, just that they wear a hood and the air around them is very cold.

Jane: I can't believe it's been a week and we still can't find him...

Clockwork: I'm sure he'll turn up if we keep looking.

Jess: Where else are we supposed to look? We've searched the town, half the forest, even the neighbouring towns! The only place we haven't searched is that place the damn cold weirdo is guarding!

Benny: Then we just kill them and look there too!

Ann: It's all of us against one. We can do it. We'll get Y/N back, even if we have to spend every second looking for him!

Slenda: It could have been Zalga.

Everyone in the room tensed up.

Slenda: No doubt Zalga is aware of his power. If she's got him, he could be in big trouble.

Jackie: Great, we know where to look. But how do we get there? Zalga's fucking palace is crawling with her proxies!

Jill: We'll use that guy watching the woods. If we can question him, we may be able to find a secret way in.

Slenda: Then let's go. Jill, Jess, Benny, and Jackie. I want you four going in first. If you need backup, I'll send the rest.

Jess: I don't think we'll need backup.

Ann: Let's move!

Timeskip brought to you by Satan and Y/N arm wrestling

As the girls apeared in front of the figure, they could make out more details. It was male, and he wore a blue outfit with a hood that cast a shadow over his entire face. He also had gauntlets on with short blades coming from the knuckles. His entire body was covered, and trying to look for his face only showed a black abyss.

Jess walked forwards to meet the figure.

Jess: I'm going to ask you once. Where is Y/N.

The figure said nothing.

Jess: There's four of us, and one of you. If you care about your life at all, you'll answer my question!

They stayed silent, making Jess growl in anger.

Jess: Fine! We'll just beat it out of-

She was cut off as the figure drew their blades and slashed at Jess. She narrowly dodged, drawing her knife before lunging at them. They ducked under the blade and thrusted his blade towards her chest, following up with a sweep kick that knocked her down. He went to stab her but was stopped by the chainsaw of Jill. She reved her chainsaw before swiping randomly at him.

He quickly stopped her attacks, managing to trip her and bring his blades down on her. Once again, he was stopped. This time, by a set of chains wrapping around his arms from behind. He turned to see Benny holding him back with her shackles. She pulled the chain and sent the hooded figure flying. He hit a tree and was immediately forced to block a strike from a scalepel belonging to Jackie.

Jackie went on the offensive, slashing for weak points and vital organs. She landed a few hits, slowing him down, but he just grabbed her arm and slammed her on the ground. He brought his blades back and thrust down. Jackie grabbed his arms, trying to stop the attack, but he pushed harder and got his blades to stab into her shoulder a bit. She grunted in pain as she tried to stop him from digging it in further.

She was saved by Jill who kicked him away. Jackie backed off to recover while the others continued their onslaught. After another minute of the useless back and forth, both parties were tiring out. The hooded figure suddenly perked up and put away his weapons, bolting into the woods away from the girls and the mansion.

Jess: Hey! Get back here! We're not done with you yet!

But, the figure dissapeared and the girls were left with no answers. Just wounds.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Zalga

The girls were all starting to lose hope. If Y/N really was in Zalga's palace, how could they get him back? The silence was cut by Jane punching the table.

Jane: Dammit! This is useless! How are we going to get him back now!?

Clockwork: We just need one good opening!

The girls were all sad inside, but outside, they were furious. Ann was becoming more and more sad with every minute they couldn't get Y/N back.

Ann: Y/N... Please come back to us...


In Zalga's palace, there was a large room. Inside the room was an armour rack, with a familliar blue colour. Next to it was a stand with a curved sword resting on it.

Next to the sword was a hook on the wall. On the hook was a very familliar jacket. In the chair on the other side of the room, was a figure. He was hooked up to a machine on his head that covered the left side of his face and went over his mouth. The device was shocking him as he screamed in pain, his voice muffled by the device. Eventually, the shocking stopped and a figure, easlily identifiable as Zalga stepped into the room.

Zalga: I'm sorry we had to do this to you. Really, I am. But, you left me with no other choice.

The figure in the chair glared at the demon temptress.

Zalga: That's no way to look at your mistress~

The device stayed sequred to the figure's face, not allowing him to speak. So he continued to glare.

Zalga: Come now, there's really no need for hostility. I just need you to complete this one little job for me~

The light in the room faded away before Zalga spoke once again.

Zalga: Bring me Slenderwoman.

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for reading! So, I've changed the game a bit. Also, short chapter, I know. But, I felt this was important to establish what's going on.

Yami: I'm so confused. I feel like I know what's going on, but I'm worried about you yanking the story in a bunch of different directions and it makes my head hurt...

A/N: You think too highly of me. I can't do twists and turns. I'm much more linear. Anyways, I'm tired and next chapter won't be for a bit. Signing off!

- Iain

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