The Army Returns

By Kara_Sage

11.4K 399 107


1. Silence
3. Who Are You?
4. Wait Fireworks?
5. A Private Talk
6. Oh My Gods
7. Hostages
8. I Don't Know
9. She's Forced to Hide the Pain
10. An Iris Message
11. A Flashback
12. Fake?
13. A Hologram?
14. Funny You Should Ask....
15. Secrets Out
16. She's So Gone
17. Dreams
18. I Can't Believe It
19. Oh Gods
20. All To Well
21. Any Means Necessary
The Next Book

2. No! He Can't Be Dead!

830 26 7
By Kara_Sage

Percy's POV

Honestly I was afraid. With the upcoming war, what if someone on the enemy side knows what I did with Heather? What if they tell someone else? Well if that happens I'm as good as dead. And who knows what Justin would do to me if he knew.

Justin's POV

I was utterly shocked. Percy had just told me what he had learned at the counselors meeting. "What?" I asked him for about the millionth time.

"Justin, I've told you a million times already! Apparently Heather wasn't a child of Hecate."

"Yeah, I heard you but, but how could someone trick the gods into thinking something like that without them even a hint of suspicion until after they die!?" I asked, waving my hands in the air in gestures as I talked.

"Maybe she's not the one who tricked them..." Percy muttered quietly. I got the feeling I wasn't supposed to hear it, but I did. I wonder what he meant.

-----TIME LAPS-----

I had to admit Percy had been acting weird lately. It's like he's hiding something, something he would do anything to keep a secret. It isn't like him. my thoughts were interrupted when I felt someone slip their fingers into mine. I turned my head to see Reyna, and I smiled widely.

"Hey Justin." She said. "Hi beautiful" I replied as I gave her a small kiss on the cheek. She blushed. While she was distracted I gave her a small peck on the check, and she giggled pushing my face away with her hand, her nose scrunched up. I laughed at hr childishness, and we just sat next to each other for a while, watching the waves lapping on the sand.

What made the scene even more beautiful was the sun set casting orange and pink colors across the sky an the clouds. But it wasn't nearly as beautiful as Reyna. Yeah, I know, I'm so cheesy.

We sat their for what seemed like forever. But then, we both jumped as the counch horn sounded, and then, as we turned around, we noticed the huge army at the hill.


Percy's POV

I was just sitting in my cabbing with Annabeth. We were simply just hanging out and talking, when out of no where, and for no reson at all, she asked me this.

"What's wrong?" She gave me a questioning look.

"What do you mean? Why would something be wrong?" I say, and Annabeth sighed.

"Of course something's wrong. Percy, do you really expect for me not to notice? Something is definitely going on with you lately, why can't you tell me what it is?" She asked, and I thought I detected a bit of hurt in her voice.

"I'm just kind of mad. We've already fought enough wars, and we have to fight another one. People will be hurt and killed again, and, I'm just mad that we can't have a peaceful life for just a little." I say, and it was true, I was mad, but it wasn't the real reson I was acting like I was. Suddenly the counch horn sounded. I counted in my head haow many time's, then suddenly mine and Annabeth's eyes widened. The camp is under attack!

We both ran out and saw an Army at the camp border's. But that wasn't the worst part, oh no. It wasn't close. The worst part, was who was leading them.

Tarterus. And what scared me the most, is what he said next.

"Kill everyone, except Perseus Jackson, he's mine." Tarterus said. Then without any struggle what so ever, he broke through the barrier, then the entire army charged.

To say that the fight didn't go in my favor, would be an understatement. The first thing Tarterus had done was charge stright towards me. And that wasn't good for me. As soon as he got to me, he threw some sort of dagger at my heart.

Luckely I'd moved, but I wasn't fast enough to avoid it completely, and the dagger hir me in the shoulder. I shoutted in pain as some sort of poison spread through my body, and I suddenly fell to my knees. Tarterus had thrown the dagger with such force only the handle stuck out of my shoulder. He walked up to me and pulled the dagger out of my shoulder. I shouted in pain as he threw it to the ground.

I watched, helplessly, as Tarterus unshethed a long sword, four feet long at the least, then the blade ripped through my chest and my vision was starting to go black. But not before I saw a very satissfied looking Tarterus.

"Kill the rest." He shouted, and I heard nothing else after that due to the ringing in my ears. Then Tarterus simply just dissapered. NO! I can't let anyone else to get hurt! I dessperatly serched my mind for that one link. The one thing that kept me connected to them.

Then, I found it. Help me. I sent throuh the mind link with the last strength I had left. Then I collapsed, unable to stay conscious any longer.

Annabeth's POV

No! He can't be dead! I watched not beleving my eyes. Not wanting to beleve my eyes, as Percy fell to the ground with a sword in his chest. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I should cry or scream or attck Tarterus out of fury (even though that would be suicide but people rarely make rash decitions when their mad). I just couldn't process it. I stared as I saw Percy's body. Dead on the ground. Perceus Jackson the greatest hero ever to live, defeater of Kronos, bane of Geae, Slayor of pretty much everything, and most of all, the love of my life. Just like that - gone.

Just like that - dead.

Unkown POV

I was just sitting down on the couch when I saw Dragon, and he was grinning like an idiot.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked him. "Storm." he said, and I understood immediately. See, Storm is his girlfriend. She's also our commander. Then, speak of the devil, Storm walked in. She looked really rushed and really worried.

"We have a new mission. Get ready, now!" She demanded. "I'm going first you guys catch up." She was about to run out, but before she could,

"Where's the mission?" I asked her. She gave me a quick glance.

"Earth." She said. Then she looked away, and ran out of the room.

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