Why Me?

By JRae728

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Evangeline Summerton had always had a rough life. Her mother is a jobless tramp and abuses her physically and... More

Chapter 1 The Begining
Chapter 2 Beckett's Life
Chapter 3 Settling in
Chapter 4 Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 5 Looks are Deceiving
Chapter 6 Falling in Love
Chapter 7 A Good Day Ends Badly
Chapter 8 More Questions Than Answers
Chapter 9 A Heart is Broken
Chapter 10 She Finally Breaks
Chapter 11 Feelings Fly Free
Chapter 12 Happily Ever After?
Chapter 13 A Devilish Plan
Chapter 14 The Party Part 1
Chapter 15 The Party part 2
Chapter 16 The Party: The Conslusion
Chapter 17 The Devil Finds Herself A King
Chapter 18 Predictions and Pain
Chapter 19 A Broken Boy
Chapter 20 The Hunt Is On
Chapter 21 Everything Comes With a Price
Chapter 22 Surprises Part 1
Chapter 23 Surprises Part 2
Chapter 24 Breaking Point
Chapter 25 The End?
Chapter 26 His Struggle
Chapter 27 A Pause In Time
Chapter 28 She's Safe But Is He?
Chapter 29 He Does Have A Heart
Chapter 30 Cuba
Chapter 31 She Has A Story Too
Chapter 32 Awakening
Chapter 33 Reopened Wounds and A Chance At Freedom
Chapter 34 The Hunt Is On
Chapter 35 Enlisting Help
Quick Note
Chapter 36 Going To Cuba
Chapter 38 Life, Love, Pain

Chapter 37 They're Coming

32 3 3
By JRae728

Uncle Pedro

     This little puta thinks she has gotten the best of me; I think not! Yes I was currently tied up in the back of a van and yes my nephew had beaten me to a pulp, but Señor Pedro would not be silenced.

     “Juan, mi hijo, why are you doing this to your poor Tío?” I asked, trying to prop myself up. The van  was filthy and cluttered with items ranging from shovels to cement . Beckett was lying across from me, still knocked out.

       “Because Tío, you were conspiring with the Gringo. You were going to set him free and that would put of lives in jeopardy.” Juan’s head was slightly visible through the tiny window that connected the back and front of the van together. He looked torn between being angry and being hurt.

     “The Gringo would not have told a soul!” I yelled back in an oddly high pitched voice. “Beckett only agreed to do this job because he was threatened by this puta loca.”

     “Cómo te atreves!”

     “I will speak anyway I want. I did rent this van you know.”

     “You son of a bitching,”

     “Enough!” The wench had finally spoken. “I’m going to go back there and shoot you in the head if you don’t shut up.”

     “Ok” I said sighing. I need my energy for later and I didn’t need to waste what I had left arguing with it. With a huge bang, Juan slammed the window shut and I was left to listen to the tire scrap against the road. I looked at Beckett. My sweet, little Gringo, he must be having good dreams. After thinking about how peaceful he looked, I shoved my foot into Beckett’s face.

     “Ohhhh ssshhhiiittt.” He groaned, waking up out of his slumber. “What the hell Pedro?” he managed to say as he coughed violently.

     “That’s Uncle Pedro to you and I have a plan.” I said confidently.

     “No offense Uncle Pedro, but every single plan you’ve made has failed miserably.” He said while he attempted to sit himself up.

     “Si, this is true, but this plan is a surefire one.” I said, getting ready to start my briefing. “First, you will retrieve for me that pocket knife that is hidden under those dirty jeans.” He looked to his left where the jeans lay in a filthy pile.

     “I can’t reach that.”

     “Not yet you can’t.” Then, without warning him, I tickled Beckett on the ribs on the left side of his body. He instantly shot up with no problem, showing restraint as he smiled.

     “Stop that.” He said, getting back into his serious manner.

     “I think I shall call you Giggles instead of Gringo.” Beckett’s face immediately turned red from embarrassment.

     “Don’t, please don’t.”

     “Ok Giggles,” I giggled a little myself. “Back to the plan. Now that you are up, scoot over to those pants and retrieve the knife.” He did as I said with ease, seeing as we needed to untie ourselves.

     “Ok, now what?” he asked, sliding the knife over to me.

     “Now you see that pail in the corner, I have a handgun in there. Please get that too.”

     “You have guns in here?”

     “Well of course Gringo. There are three things you always bring to a drug meeting; the drugs, the money and the guns. I also have a grenade launcher taped to the underside of the van.” I said with a smile. Oh how I loved my artillery. Beckett though, he looked perplexed.

     “You hid all these weapons in here and you expect me to believe Sarah and Juan don’t know about them?”

     “As I said when you were sleeping, I am the one that rented this fine piece of auto mobility. Therefore, I get to decide what I put and do not put inside of it.” There was a little bit of silence before Beckett spoke again.

     “Ok let’s stop talking about the van and get back to the problem. How are we going to get out of here?” He asked desperately.      

    “First we will escape our restraints.” I took the knife in my hand to begin sawing away at the rope rapped around my wrists. It took a little longer than I had anticipated but I finally cut it to the point where I could snap it off my wrist.

     “You are next my friend.” I said, sliding the knife over to Beckett.

     “Took you long enough.” He muttered under his breath.

     “Excuse me, what was that?”

     “Um, nothing.” As Beckett cut off his rope, I began rummaging through some buckets. That was when I felt the van stop moving.

     “Ok Uncle Pedro let’s…” Juan had opened the little door just as I looked up at him. I let a smile cross my face before I said,

     “Adiós gilipollas.” Then I grabbed my gun and turned to the back of the van. “Come on Gringo, we must escape.” He had just gotten out of his restraints when I grabbed his arm and pulled in along with me. But just as I was about to open the doors, they opened from the outside and I was suddenly face to face with the puta.

     “Now, now, now. Where do you think you’re going Uncle Pedro.” She said with a smirk. In a quick flash I pulled out the gun and pointed it at her forehead.

     “Take one more step and I will blow out your brains.” I said, moving a little closer.

     “Oh, come now Uncle Pedro. Do you really want to do that.” She asked stepping out of the way. Behind her stood five men with guns, all pointed at me and the Gringo. In the middle stood my buyer, Ernesto Silvio. He was one of the deadliest men I have ever encountered.

     “Hola Pedro.” He said smiling.

     “Hola Ernesto.” I said with a gulp.

     “Now Pedro, when your nephew told me you were a rat, I didn’t quite believe him,” He looked me dead in the eyes and pointed his gun at my forehead. “But now I guess I have no choice but to.” He pulled the trigger.



     Before departing from Texas, Sheriff Bronson, along with Evangeline and Cecilia, informed Rick of his son’s whereabouts. Shocked by the news, he of course wanted to attend the rescue mission. Although Agent Carter was highly against it.

     “Sheriff, we are going to a place where tensions between us and them are very high. I must disagree with your request to bring three civilians.” Agent Carter said sharply as all five of them stood in the center of Dallas Heliport, a private airspace where the FBI was waiting for permission to fly.

     “I understand that Carter but it’s very important that we bring ‘em. They could provide ya with valuable information.” Sherriff Bronson protested.

     “Oh really? What kind of information do they have that I don’t already?” Carter said with an ignorant smirk.

     “Let me see ya hand young man.” Cecilia said, stepping forward.

     “Excuse me but,”

     “Don’t ya dare excuse me boy. Give me ya hand.” Hesitant but intimidated, Carter reluctantly handed his hand over. Cecilia took it and for a solid minute, she stood there with her eyes closed, squeezing his hand. Then with a shudder, she opened her eyes and let go of him.

     “Ya wife is pregnant, isn’t she?” She asked. Carter slowly shook his head, not knowing what was going to come next. “Well ya goin’ ta have a boy an’ a girl, twins, and they’re names are Shirley and Clinton.” Carter’s mouth flew open.

    “How… how the hell did you know that? We haven’t told anyone about the gender or they’re names.” He was flabbergasted.

     “This is why ya need me son.” Then she quietly stepped back into her original spot beside Evangeline. Coughing a little bit, Carter recomposed himself and looked from Cecilia to Sheriff Bronson.

     “The old woman,”

     “Miss Summerton ta ya.”

     “Miss Summerton, has an impressive… mind, but my answer still stands.” On that note, Carter turned away from them and walked over to a few FBI agents.

     “What the hell are we gonna do now? I can’t just sit here and wait to see if my son is ok.” Rick said, frustrated.

     “Oh don’t ya worry. I had a feelin’ he was gonna say no so I came up with a backup plan.” Sheriff Bronson said, gathering everyone up. “Ok, so here’s what were gonna do,”


     “Carter, we have a go from the President.” And agent yelled through the noise of the helicopters.

     “Ok, let’s load everyone up.” He yelled back. Putting on his sunglasses, Carter walked over to Sheriff Bronson, who was now standing alone.

     “Sheriff, where is your trio of civilians?”

     “They gave up tryin’ ta come with us and decided ta head on home.” The Sheriff said with a smile. Before Carter could question him further there was an uproar on the airspace landing.

     “Someone catch that plan!” Rolling down the runway was a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III, the aircraft which was meant to transport the agents.

     “What the hell?” Carter yelled, whipping off his sunglasses. Then almost as soon as it started moving it stopped dead in its tracks. Confused, Carter yelled at few men before returning to Sheriff Bronson.

     “Very odd, that sorta thing happenin’ with all these people around.” And with that Sheriff Bronson walked past Carter and made his way towards the aircraft.

     “Yes, very odd.”


     “Is everyone in?” A man with broad shoulders yelled from the cockpit. There were nods and murmurs of yes’. “Ok hold on ladies and gentlemen .” The man closed the door behind him, and in a matter of minutes, the agents along with Sheriff Bronson were moving down the runway.

     “Miss Summerton, I advise that you and your companions step out from whatever compartment you’re hiding in before you get chopped to pieces or blown away.” Carter yelled across the plane. Sheriff Bronson snapped his head in Carters direction, wondering how he had known.

     “Yeah, yeah, were comin’.” Then, from behind some netting, Cecilia, Rick, and Evangeline emerged.

     “I have to say it was a brilliant plan, but unfortunately, when we land, I’m going to have to place you three under arrest.” Carter swiveled his head towards Sheriff Bronson. “Oh and I can’t forget about you, Sheriff. I’ll make sure to have you stripped of your badge.”

     “Ya know what?” Cecilia walked over towards Carter and strapped herself in right beside him. Evangeline sat next to her and Rick was a few seats away. “I’m getting’ sick of your mouth. Jus’ cause ya all high and mighty doesn’t mean ya can boss people around the way ya do.”

     “Well ma’am, it is protocol and,”

     “I don’t give two shits about your protocol. How bout instead of followin’ some rules written on paper, ya start followin’ ya humanity. What if Beckett was your son? Wouldn’t ya want to go get him ya self.” Cecilia said, poking Carter’s chest.

     “Well of course, but because of the rules,”

     “Is that how you’re gonna play this game? Puttin’ a set of words fore ya own family?” Cecilia looked at him with disgust and a little disappointment. “Let me tell ya this son, when those words become nothing one day, who are ya gonna have left? Your piece of paper or the people that would risk their life fa yours.” There was absolute silence. The whole plane had fallen silent. All that could be heard was the roar of the wind.

     “I know what you’re sayin’ ma’am.” A man, no older than thirty sat opposite of Carter. “I grew up in Galveston and my mama always taught me that your family is always gonna be there for ya, through thick an’ thin.” He said with a small smile.

     “When I first got out of college, I couldn’t find a job, I didn’t have a place to live and no money to spend. You know who was there for me? My grandma, the woman that raised me.” Another man further down the line said.

     “She’s right Carter.” A woman next to the sheriff said. I don’t blame them for sneaking on here. Just let them go.”

     “Are you all serious right now!?” Carter yelled, a little irritated. “They are breaking the rules! You can’t just let that slide! What if they get killed?”

     “That’s why they’ll stay on here with me.” A scrawny man with lopsided glasses and a computer in his lap spoke up.

     “I never leave the plan for any mission. I’ll make sure they don’t leave.”

     “You are all just going to let this slide? What the hell is wrong with you people.” Carter asked, running his hands through his hair.

     “We’re more human than you are.” A tall, built man said. He had on sunglasses and a scare on his left eyebrow. This shut Carter up, whether it be because of the man or his words. The rest of the flight was silent, until they reached Cuba.

     “We’re nearing the airstrip. As soon as we land, there will be vehicles that are going to take us to the hotel where the boy was last.” Carter yelled to the waiting men and women.

     “Wait.” Evangeline said, finally speaking up.

     “What is it now?” Carter asked.

     “I know exactly where they are going to be, drug lord and all.”      

Author's Note: Ok so sorry again for the long wait but as a thank you for putting up with my bullshit present, I made an extra long chapter for you guys. And I have another spurt of good news; THIS IS THE SECOND TO LAST CHAPTER! HURRAY!!!!!!  I will be writting some of the last chapter tonight and I should finish by tomorrow. I just can't believe it's all coming to an end. Well thank you guys and please comment, comment, COMMENT! ENJOY!  :)

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