Temptation: The Love We Make...

By scorpionmisfit27

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Meet The CEO of Purple Rain Industries Nelson Corporation Enterprises or P.R.I.N.C.E The illustrious Prince R... More

~Good Morning Mr. Nelson~
~Welcome To Neverland~
~The Dinner Party~
~Lobster City Rendezvous~
~LoveSexy Launch Party~
~You Don't Know Me...~
~Let Me Take You To The Moon...~
~Do Me Baby!!!~
~My Girl is My World~
~Is That Really You?~
~Eye Love You But Eye Don't Trust You~
~Damn You~
~How Dare You?~
~Am I Ever Going To See You Again~
~In These Arms Of Mine~

~Don't Forget Your First Love~

317 16 26
By scorpionmisfit27

Prince's Point Of View:

"Good Morning Mr. Nelson..." Some of the ladies say as I walk in the office smiling from ear to ear as I am thinking about my baby.

She has really got into my presence and I can't wait to see her again today. I really can't wait until the weekend. I want to have her next to me all the time it's crazy.

"Good morning Mr. Nelson you have a meeting in 15 minutes..." Carmen says as I don't pay her no mind.

"Cancel it..." I say as I sit down at my desk.

"But sir this is an important meeting to talk about sales and distribution costs..." Carmen says making me annoyed. She is trying bring down my mood.

"I don't give a rat's ass now cancel it before I cancel you...got me?" I say a bit more stern looking her in the eye.

"Okay Mr. Nelson anything else?" She asked trying to sound hopeful and all I can think about is Cassie.

"Yeah if you ever come to my house unannounced or speak ill to my girlfriend Cassandra again there will be consequences alright you're dismissed...." I say swiveling my chair towards my office window and stare out at the sight before me.

Not caring that Carmen's jaw is probably on the ground as it takes her a few minutes to dismiss herself but I could care less.

"Hello I like to place a order..." I say as the sun shine so bright matching my mood of happiness.

Cassandra's Point Of View:

"Okay I need all the details he did WHAT?" Zoe asked and I smiled nervously.

"He took me to the moon Zoe...We went to an observatory and he took me to the moon and the stars and everything in between. It was amazing the best time of my life. I wonder how many girls he made feel this way..." I say a bit sad as I truly feel some deep feelings for Prince.

Although he explained his life story behind his player ways. I am scared that I am not enough to change them completely and he may want another or others.

"To my knowledge he never took a woman on a real date before. Even with Cici it was casual hookups and at best maybe a home date or two...You are his first real date since his wife died...." Zoe says making my heart sink.

To think of the things Prince told me these past few days. I couldn't believe he has went through so much and with this news. I know he meant those words...I Love You...

I can't believe it I really fell in love with this man more than my own husband or maybe I said it on impulse? I don't know but I do know I feel for him deeply.

"Mike man this place is amazing you designed this layout all by yourself?" I heard a voice I never thought I would hear again.

Okay Cassie calm down you are tripping. That can't be him surely not. Because you left him in Minnesota.

"Zoe and Cassie I want you to meet Carter. He is my new client he want me to build a house for him here. He just moved to California and is looking to build his nest egg..." Michael says and it takes everything in me not to turn around from the sink.

Okay there like a thousand Carters he is not the only one.... I am sure this is all just a coincidence right?

Turning around from getting some more water. I connect with his piercing blue eyes and I drop the glass on the ground.

"Cassie are you okay?" Zoe ask as I break my stare to immediately clean up the mess I made.

"Sorry I must of surprised her..." Carter says smugly I bet and I scoff. I managed to get all the glass up frantically.

Throwing away the glass I stupidly manage to cut myself wincing at the pain as I inspect my finger.

"Ooh now Sweet Pea...I always told you to be careful with sharp objects...Didn't I?" Carter says as he wipes the blood off my finger kissing it before running it under cool water.

His touch still electrifies my body even when I don't want it too. I can't believe I am staring at my ex-husband after so long. He still managed to track me down after all this time. See this is what I was afraid of.

"Sweet Pea? You know my nanny?" Michael says and that breaks me from his trance and nudge him away.

"Obviously he does Michael..." Zoe says swatting his head making me chuckle at them.

"You're laugh is still the cutest laugh I ever heard..." Carter says and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah must not had been cuter than the woman I caught you fucking on me with. While I was suppose to be at work go figure?" I say as I grab a band-aid and some neosporin.

"Come on Sweet Pea I said I was sorry. I didn't mean for you to find out that way. And you never gave me a chance to explain what happened. You just left Minnesota and then months later I get divorce papers mailed to me by a stranger...." Carter says and I roll my eyes. I am not doing this with him now.

"Zoe and Michael this is my dumb ass ex-husband Carter...Now if you'll excuse me..." I say as Carter grab my arm and I flinch as a reflex.

"Sweet Pea are you okay? I think we should go out for lunch or something like that to talk. I hated how our marriage ended and to be honest I miss you and your friendship..." He says with that cocky smile that usually charms women.

But in his eyes I know there's a more sinister being within him. Being with him for ten years I know his body language all to well. He wanted to try and talk me back to being with him in that hell hole he called a marriage.

"Uh Carter I think you should either finished up your business with my husband in his office or leave. I need Cassie's help with the children right now..." Zoe says and I fear she senses what I do too. I was very much still afraid of my ex-husband and he saw that too.

"Oh Mrs. Jackson I think we are done for now. I'll be leaving it was good seeing you again Sweet Pea and you have my number it's still the same. Please hit me up so we can talk about things okay....I still have love for you Sweet Pea..." Carter says as he turns on his way out and once he is out of my sight I breathe normal again.

"Cassie what is that about?" Zoe ask once we went upstairs into her room away from wandering ears and so we could talk without Michael feeling like he needs to stop work.

"What was what about?" I ask Zoe as my phone start ringing and I chose to ignore it.

"You and Carter? I know he is your ex-husband but he seem to think things are not done between you two and you seemed scared...or at least confused...." Zoe says as she sits on the bed rubbing her ever growing belly. She soon gives birth in a few weeks.

"He's just bad news and I rather not be around him anymore..." I say sighing as I silently pray that Carter don't start any problems while he is here.

"Okay but I think the only way you can fully move on and be done with him is if you talk to him and get that closure. I saw how you looked at him and how he looked at you when he kissed your cut. At how when he touched you it seem like you looked to be in a trance. I think you need him out of your system if you want to continue with Prince okay? Or this thing is only going to get in your way of moving on..." Zoe says and I sighed.

I knew she was right but I also knew she didn't know Carter and the hell he put me through. Although I am not with him I don't trust him as far as I can throw him. I know the things he is capable of doing and did. All the hell I experienced towards the end of our marriage.

"I don't trust him Zoe so I don't know about that..." I say as I joined her on the bed. We have became really close and I see her like a best-friend I never had.

"You don't trust him or you don't  trust yourself around him? I saw him he's fine and all that girl. But remember that he is the past been there obviously done that...Just remember how you may have something blooming with Prince. Even if you don't you need to be able to move on and not be so closed up anymore Cass..." Zoe says and I nod sighing.

Picking up my phone I see I missed a call from Prince's office. I quickly call Carter and tell him I'll meet him to talk on my next day off before I call Prince back to see how he is doing....

Carmen's Point Of View:

"No I love you more baby..." I overhear Prince talking into the phone and I know it's that bitch he is talking to.

I can't believe he left me for her, she was a nobody washed up has been. After all I went through to be with this man. He is just going to dismissed me like that? For someone who just showed up months ago. He don't even know her like he knows me.

Earlier I received a package with details of a meeting and I was curious as to what this could be about.

At first I thought it was Prince way of being spontaneous. But he came in so cold towards me and I never seen him like this.

"Seem as though the boss has finally realized...He can't break in walls that are non-existent huh? Are you salty Carmen?" Charlene from Marketing says and I roll my eyes I can't stand this bitch.

"Jealous I got to get some of the purple banana and you never will?" I say laughing as I grab my purse and my package before I go to tell Prince I was leaving for lunch.

He waved me off as he was laughing with that bitch on the phone. I could be dying of a heart attack and he could care less.

I had a feeling this bitch was going to be a problem from the morning she walked in demanding her presence.

Being I had the royal fuck of my life from my Prince earlier that morning. I waved her off and that was my first mistake.

But I won't be making anymore mistakes from here on out. I grab my keys and got into my car programming my GPS to the location on the package. I drive towards my destination 1738 Lowe Boulevard.

I arrive in the abandoned warehouse district of the city. Where there were a lot of bums and it just didn't seem safe. I grab my gun in my glove compartment and put in in my bag.

Re-Reading the note I figured out what warehouse it was. I walked in with no problems luckily. I definitely made sure my car was locked as well.

"Hello?" I say as I walk further into the the warehouse where there was plastic and abandoned furniture everywhere.

There's water dripping from the some broken pipe and light glaring through the windows. Thankfully there were no rats or I would've definitely high tail it out of there.

"Carmen...Carmen hello sweetie?" I hear a light voice say and I turn to face a shadowy figure.

"Okay who the hell are you and how do you know me?" I ask as I was both freaked out and intrigued.

"Questions so trivial when answers should only be on a need to know basis listen you want to get rid of Cassandra Lincoln don't you?" The figure ask and now they are talking my language.

"Hell yeah I do she is breathing too hard down Pr- My boss's neck..." I said not sure who this was and didn't want to give away Prince identity.

"Silly girl I know who the hell neck she's breathing down. Prince Rogers Nelson born June 7th 1958 born in Minneapolis Minnesota and his favorite color is Orange. He likes to confuse people into thinking it's purple. Oh honey trust me I know him very well and you certainly don't. But you want to don't you? Do you want the opportunity of being his object of affection?" The figure ask and I was shocked they knew so much about Prince. Hell they knew me so I guess they search it up.

"Yeah I do what are we going to do?" I ask as I couldn't wait to can get rid of this bitch once and for all.

"Patience is a virtue honey don't worry the plan is already in effect just be on call for when I need you alright?" The figure says and I can't believe my prayers were already answered.

"Hey you never told me who you were?" I asked them as they were turning away from me I need to know who I am working for all this shroud of mystery is so 1980s.

"You will know in due time sweetheart..." They say before disappearing and I stood there trying to understand it all but mostly trying to hold my excitement as Prince is soon going to be mine again.....

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