
By SummerStruck_214

82 3 0

This a story about girl who is tired of being in her little town she calls home. She meets a boy who's been p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 3

8 0 0
By SummerStruck_214

     I woke up feeling like something was different. I was excited about this change. I hurried up and got ready. Then I met B on his street which was two down from mine.

"Good morning," he said as I walked up to him.

"Morning," I replied.

     I texted Tyler and told him I'd meet them at school today. Therefore B and I walked alone. I was nervous for him to meet my friends but, right now I wanted him to myself. Lucky me we had the same homeroom.

       B seems pretty relaxed when we got to school. He moved so much he was probably used to it. I sat with him in homeroom. Ryan came in and he saw us talking. When I saw him, he had a look on his face I never thought he was capable of. Jealousy.

" Who's this," Ryan said coming up to us.

B smirked as he looked up at him.

"Ryan this is B. He just moved to Abbie. B this is Ryan, my ex-boyfriend."

" Oh cool. Hi," B said.

"Raina we gotta talk."

"We can later. Class is about to start."

I tried to avoid eye contact with, him. The bell rang so he sat two seats behind us. I could feel his eyes burning the back of my head. B was looking at me too I saw from the corner of my eye. You know how hard it was to focus. Honestly I felt like I couldn't breathe between the both of them.

Homeroom was also our first period. I was just counting on the minutes till this class was over. This was the most awkward class period  ever. Ryan stared at me all class . It honestly pissed me off.

Soon as the bell rung I was ready to run out the door.

" Do you need help finding your next class ?" I asked B.

" No I think I got it thanks."

"Okay I'll see you at lunch."

I left out the class room into the hallway. The hall was crowded by so many people but, I could breathe better out here than in the class .

The day seem to go on quickly. I was quiet today I got my work done . Then came lunch. B and I got our lunch and sat down. Which was different for me Ryan has bought me lunch since we started high school every single day.

Lacey and Tyler came over and sat with us.

"So this is why you ditched us this morning." Lacey said.

"I didn't ditch you guys."

" You did but it's ok." Tyler added.

" Well guys meet B. B this is Tyler and Lacey."

"B huh what's it stand for?" Tyler said.

" It's personal." B said.

"How you like Abbie so far? I hope Raina was a wonderful host." said Lacy

" Abbie seems nice and she has been."

"You play any sports? You into anything?" Tyler asked.

"I like art and I can play the piano . No sports ."

"That's hot." Lacey said.

"Um.. thanks. So what are your roles?"

"What do you mean?" Tyler asked.

"He means like social class but high school."

"Oh um. I'm not sure what you mean still ." Tyler replied.

"Okay Lacey is .. Queen Bee slash Cheer Captain . Tyler is Jock but humble. Me Antisocial artsy no body that has high stats because of association with Jockeys and Queen Bee."

" How did you guys become friends?" He asked

"We known each other forever but we weren't all friends," I replied.

"Why not? "

"Raina." Ryan said.

I turned around and looked at him. I glanced back at the guys .

"I'll be back be nice to him guys."

I got up and walked outside with Ryan. B watched me until Lacey got his attention.


" If you like Raina honey let it go . Ryan and Rain always get back together they never been with anyone else," she said rolling her eyes.

"Who says I like her?"

"I can see it on your puppy face. Everyone likes Raina when they first meet her. Right Tyler ?"

"Shut up Lacey. She's right though Ryan won't leave her alone,"Tyler added.

Ryan looked at me in the eyes again I was trying my hardest to avoid eye contact.

"What Ry?"

"We didn't finish yesterday."

"I had stuff to do."

"Like him?"

"So I'm like that now Ryan .Disrespect me again and I'll slap you."

" I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I just don't like him."

" You don't know him."

" I get bad vibes."

" I don't Ryan . I really like him,he's a nice guy and he's different."


"Stop being so jealous."

"Be my girl again. " he's said.

I stood there for second and I took a deep breath.

"No, Ryan especially because you're acting like an asshole ."

I turned around and went back in. When I opened the door Ryan yelled and everyone heard.

"Don't walk away from me Raina!" Ryan yelled.

All eyes were on me as I walked to my table. People whispered and keep looking at me. B turned to me as I walked to him. My chest got heavy and my breathing got hard. I started to hyperventilate so, B took me out into the hall.

"It's okay it'll be okay," He repeatedly over and over to me.

B got me to calm down and slowed down my breathing. The bell rung and the halls filled. Then we went to the nurse. Mrs. Rollins is Tyler's mom and my moms best-friend so basically my aunt.

"Ms.Evans what's wrong?"

"Mrs.Rollins I had a anxiety attack at lunch. My new friend B here had calmed me down. "

"Thanks you, what's your last name?

"Jacobs," he said.

"Thank you Mr.Jacobs for calming Rain down."

" No problem."

"I'll write you a note Mr.Jacobs so you can go to class . "

B sat next to me holding my hand while she wrote the note. I felt so calm I didn't want him to let go. Mrs.Rollins broke my lost in time moment by handing B his note.

"Text me," B said looking concerned.

"I will," I said smiling at him.

He left out and she gave me some water.

"Lemme guess you wanna go home?"

"I just wanna lay down. Ryan and I got into a fight at lunch. Everyone was looking at me and whispering."

"Has your anxiety been getting bad again?"

" Not really but it's my first time hyperventilating in a while though."

"I'm going to let you go home this time. Do you want a ride?"

" I think I'm okay to walk. Could we not tell mom about this ?"

"No promises. I'm surprised it wasn't Tyler bringing you to me again ."

"B just got me out of there that instant and calmed me down."

"Mr.Jacobs sounds like a natural healer. Now you should go home and rest my dear."

She got a slip from her desk and wrote on it . She gave me a hug and gave it to me. I took it to the office . Then they let me leave . A block away from school Ryan pulled up in his truck. I stopped and looked at him.

"I know you don't want to talk. So we won't just get in." Ryan said.

"No." I said.

"For god sakes get in the fucking truck Raina or I'll put you in it myself."

Ryan never talked to me like that before it was aggressive and anger behind it. Next thing I knew I found myself getting in the truck. He didn't say a word he just dropped me off at home. I watched him as he sped off.

I texted B as I went in to let him know i went home early.

Later on I got a call from Tyler.

"Hey Rain What happened to you ?" He asked.

"I had an anxiety attack so, I got your mom to let me go home. I was a bit shook from the whole thing."

"B got you out of there so, quickly we were worried . He seemed to know what to do though."

"Yeah he calmed me down so easy."

"Well Lacey wanted me to tell you to be at her party tonight. If you're not feeling up to it I understand she might not but I got you."

" Yeah I'll be there and I'm bringing B."

"Good I like him. He's like a boy you kinda but, mysterious."

" I can be mysterious."

"Oh really."

"Ok not to you we've known each other forever."

After I hung up with Tyler I started looking up NYU.

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