Blood Bound- Book 1 of the Bo...

By MercyRose

8.1M 98K 7.5K

For eleven years, Leo Risso, a slave to the night, patiently watched over his charge without once letting him... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33, Part 1
Chapter 33, Part 2

Chapter 29

161K 2.3K 329
By MercyRose

“Blood Bound”

Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved

Chapter 29

Leo braced himself. He refused to let his bride kill the blood slave. He knew that when she realized what she had done, she would be devastated. As her life partner it was up to him to take care of Shelby and protect her with all that he was, even if he had to protect her from herself.

“Shelby,” he crooned and made sure to keep his voice soft. “You’ve had enough my sweet. I’m begging you to please not force my hand in this. It would be so much easier if you dropped the slave and took a step away.”

She slowly pulled her mouth away from the blood slave’s neck and her lips curled up in a wicked snarl but in no uncertain terms did she release her prey from her stronghold. She held the slip of a human tightly by the nape of the neck, glaring daggers in Leo’s direction. “Mine!”

His entire body tightened with desire. Despite the fact that he was going to have to take her down, he couldn’t help but to notice just how gorgeous she really was. She was standing there in all of her true vampire glory; her eyes glowing with the power from her recent feeding humming through her veins and her pointed newborn fangs shimmered brilliantly under the fluorescent lighting; both of them dripping with remnants of the crimson blood she had ingested. He was sorely tempted to hold her down and clean the tips of those beautiful fangs with his tongue.

Later, he told himself. His desire would have to wait until he could get his little bride under control.

“Shelby,” he repeated her name and took a step forward.

She took a step back and bent low, holding her prey closer to her chest. She pulled her lips back and hissed at him. “Mine!”

He shook his head. “No, she’s not. She was sent to you to use but now you’ve had enough. It’s time to give her back to the elders.”

“No!” she hissed again and dragged her prey even closer to her. Shelby sank her fangs back into the unconscious human and began to drink in large gulps.

“Alright, you can’t say that I didn't warn you sweetheart.” Leo said sounding resigned just before he lunged. In a move that was so quick that even Shelby’s pin slit eyes couldn’t track, he pulled her into his arms and left the human lying in the floor.

Her back was flush against Leo’s hard chest and he circled her mid section with his arms, chaining her hands to her sides. Shelby screamed out words that he couldn’t understand. She bit deep into his arm but he didn’t feel anything but his Brides pain.

Holding her tighter he whispered into her mine. Do what you need to do my sweet, get it all out. Bite me, claw me, kick me- whatever you need to sate the blood lust, I’m here for you.

The whispered words acted as more of a trigger. He wasn’t expecting the burst of energy she used to break his hold on her. She threw her arms up and spun around, sending a kick to his stomach that sent him flying backwards into the wall and landing on his ass for the second time today.

He held his head with his hands and tried to focus on Shelby. When he looked at her, there were two  Shelby’s staring back at him, locked into a fighting stance. He blinked to clear his vision and very slowly went to stand up. “Shelby,” he held his hands up, palms facing out in surrender, “please come to me.”

She answered him with a growl. He barely had enough time to sidestep when she came at him again. This time, she missed him and she went sprawling face first into the wall. The sound that she made was feral.

“Leo! What’s going on in there?”

Leo didn’t dare take his eyes off of his bride. He watched her every move as she stood back up and spun around. “Alex, my bride and I are just having a little disagreement, that’s all.”

He saw her grab for the lamp on the end table and instinctively ducked when the blunt object came speeding towards his head. His options were quickly running low. He tried to talk her down, he tried to force her hand and neither of those tactics worked. His next option was to wear her to point of exhaustion- he just had to make sure he survived in the meantime. “Come on sweet, you can do better than that,” he taunted her.

“Leo! What the hell is going-“ Alex barged into the room and closed his mouth when he saw Shelby’s savage state. His eyes went to the human blood slave lying on the floor and the disaster area that she had made of the room. “She’s in blood lust?” he finally asked when he found his voice again.

“That would be an affirmative,” Leo drawled out sarcastically while dodging a large crystal vase. The sound of the glass shattering drew Alex’s attention.

“Can you hold her still?”

“Don’t you think I’ve tried that already?”

Alex furrowed his brow, undaunted by the hissing noises that Shelby was sending his way. “She’s just a newborn; you’re much older and much stronger. Why can’t you holder her?”

“She has a consecration necklace.”

”Why didn’t you tell me?”

“At the time I was too pissed off at you for what you put her through. It didn’t cross my mind.” Leo grunted when Shelby charged him, putting his ass back on the floor.

Alex frowned. A consecration necklace was powerful and one that was strong enough to overpower a vampire as old as Leo had to come from an original coven. That probably meant that Sabrina was involved. She was the head Mistress of all the witched. Alex smiled when he thought about the very beautiful Sabrina. He’s been trying for centuries to wed her but every time that he asks her, she refuses claiming that her duty is to her coven.

Letting out a small sigh, Alex turned back to Leo. “Can you hold her for five minutes? Long enough for me to feed her a few drops of my blood?”

Leo’s head snapped up so fast that the cracking sound it made reverberated on the wind. “Have you lost your mind?” he bellowed. “You’re a good friend of mine and I trust you but hell will have to freeze over before I let you feed my bride. That’s an intimacy that I will share with no vampire.”

Alex flashed in front of him. “Not like that you fool. A few drops of my elder blood will soothe the lust. She will calm down so that you can manage her.”

Leo stood up and snorted. “I’ve quickly learned that there is no managing Shelby, She is her own person.”

Alex grinned. “So she is a good match then.”

“In every way,” Leo agreed. “I can hold her for a minute but not much longer. You feed her from your wrist vampire, not by the vein in your neck or the vein above your heart. Just the wrist- are we clear?”

Leo’s eyes glinted dangerously. He was very serious about this.

“Crystal,” Alex remarked. “But you might want to duck again.”

Just as soon as the words were out of his mouth, Leo felt a sharp sting in his forehead. Glancing behind him, he saw the picture frame that his spitfire little bride just lobbed at him. “Damn it! Where did she get that arm?”

Alex chuckled and watched Leo’s bride. He was surely going to have his arms full with this one. “I’m waiting,” he reminded Leo.

Leo rubbed his temple and grumbled something that was inaudible. Without saying a word, Leo quickened his resolve and stalked towards his bride. He reached out for her but Shelby saw his intent and flashed away from him.

This time it was Leo’s growl that filled the room. “Sweetheart, that wasn’t a very nice thing of you to do to your husband.” His eyes narrowed and started to glow red. His beast finally came out. “I tried to do this the easy way but you’ve left me no choice.”

He stalked forward again and this time, he moved at the speed of light. He grappled with his bride and shackled her with his arms. Her slender, taught body squirmed in his arms and she fought his hold. “Now Alex! Now!” Leo strained against a fighting Shelby.

Alex was already one step ahead of him. He slit his wrist with one of his talon like nails and held it over Shelby’s mouth. She stubbornly closed her mouth, refusing his blood. “Come on child,” Alex coaxed. “open for me.”

Leo growled at the softness he heard in Alex’s tone. Shelby elbowed him hard in the gut. “For God sake Alex, open her mouth and feed her!”

He grabbed her chin with his thumb and forefinger, forcing her mouth to open. “I’m sorry little one, but it has to be done.” Alex held his wrist to her lips and turned is so that his dark blood flowed freely into her mouth. Leo pinched her nose giving her no choice but to swallow what was being forced into her.

After a good long minute had passed and Alex was sure she had enough, he took a step back and licked his own wrist. “Release her Leo. She should calming down now.”

Hesitantly, Leo let his arms slowly loosen around her. She was stiff in his lap but she wasn’t fighting him any longer. “Shelby?”

“I, I…” Shelby looked around her, confused as to what was happening. There was a strong metallic taste in her mouth and she didn’t know where she was. “Where am I?” she stuttered.

Alex stood in front of her. “You are at the Elders home. Welcome back child.” He smiled slightly and bowed his head to her.

“Welcome back? But where did I go?” She asked. She felt Leo’s arms come around her again and she soaked in his comforting embrace. She was suddenly so tired.

“You were in a state of blood lust my sweet.”

She turned her head so that she could see his face. “But I don’t understand. How did I go into this state of blood lust as you call it? Better yet, what is this blood lust you are referring to?”

“It’s a long story my love. All that matters now is that your back here with me. Your safe now.“

He turned her around in his lap, needing to see her beautiful face. He framed her cheeks with both of his hands and reveled in the silky smoothness of her skin. It was such a direct correlation to the hardened female he had fought with only moments earlier. Unable to resist and dipped his head to place a soft kiss against her lips. “Do you know how much I love you?”

“I …” she started and paused, rapidly blinking. Her eyes looked unfocused. “I feel funny,” she blurted. “Something’s not right.”

“What do you mean something’s not right love? Funny how?” Leo shot a glance over at Alex who looked as baffled as he did.

Shelby closed her eyes. “I don’t know. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s really weird-”

Leo was watching her one minute, holding her in his arms and listening to her talk to him and then in the next she was… gone. She just disappeared into thin air for no rhyme nor reason.

He looked over at Alex whose eyes had gone wide with surprise and then back to his empty arms.  Furious, he jumped up from the floor in one astounding bounce and frantically circled the room. “Shelby! Shelby!” he screamed out at the top of his lungs. “Where the hell are you woman?" Leo swung around and slammed his heavy fist through the wall. "Answer me Shelby?” he cried out gutturally.

Now in full blown panic mode, Leo went into a rage. He flipped the bed over and tossed the table across the room. He ripped the closet apart before coming back to the center of the room and falling helplessly to his knees. She was gone. He couldn't find his Shelby and when he tried to lock onto her mind, it was like he was hitting a brick wall.

He turned to his friend, feeling broken and defeated. For the first time in over a century he felt a strange wetness trail down the side of his cheek. “Where is she Alex? Where did she go?”

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