
By Desglizzy

6.4K 389 26

My mother is deceased.... I have no siblings... My father and I haven't spoke in years... I have no husban... More



414 31 2
By Desglizzy

After finding out about my father and his heart attack I immediately made my way to Texas. Royalty and Chris even tagged along.

The whole way to the hospital I laid my head against the window... 10 years. After 10 years I'm finally facing the man who created me.

As we pulled up to the hospital Chris started to get out. I stopped him by placing my hand on his shoulder.

"No. You and Ro go to the hotel. It's really early, and I know y'all are really tired." I explained.

He nodded.

"Be careful. Everything's going to be fine."  He said.

I just nodded my head and turned away already filling the tears building up.

I got out the vehicle and made my way inside the hospital. I had on skinny jeans, one of my tour t-shirts, and some white converse. My hair was in a messy bun and for once I had on no earrings nor makeup.

I walked to the front desk and I didn't even have to speak or introduce myself. They immediately led me to the floor he was on.

His door was cracked open a little, so I just knocked and stepped inside. He wasn't sleep like he should be at this hour. Typical Mathew. He was up on his phone instead. When he noticed me he had to do a double take. I stood there in silence not knowing what to do. I could already feel the tears threatening to fall.

He sat up and took off his glasses. Oh great, he's crying too.

"Don't just stand there come here baby." He held out his arms for me. I moved quicker than I intended.

"Daddy." I embraced him as my tears began to fall.

"I missed you. I missed you so much." He kissed my forehead.

"I missed you too." The tears were still rolling and I started to cough.

"I'm so sorry Beyoncé. For everything." He wiped my tears.

I nodded.

"I'm just glad you're okay daddy." I smiled a small smile before fixing his shirt that I wrinkled up.

"I'm surprised you came all this way." He said.

"Well daddy... you are still my father....You are the only person I have left.." I looked down.

I know he saw the sudden change in me.

"Bey." He cleared his throat. "I love you very very much sweetheart. I do. I want for us to start over. I know I haven't been the best dad." I cut him off.

"You've been a great dad. You're a good man daddy." I was looking him dead in the eyes. I saw a flicker of doubt.

He hesitated, "Thank you. You've been a wonderful daughter and I'm so proud of you."

Hearing him say that meant so much. I never realized how badly I needed to hear those words from his mouth.

I looked around, "So, how long are you here for?"

"They said I could be out as soon as tomorrow." He explained.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"A tea would be nice." He smiled.

I smiled and nodded.

"I'll be right back then."

I made my way to the cafeteria and I fixed dad a tea and myself a coffee. I even grabbed him some watermelon.

When I returned to his room I sat the stuff on his tray.

"Thank you baby." He said.

"You're welcome." I sat in the recliner beside him and we watched some tv.

It wasn't until a nurse rolled in his actual breakfast when I realized I had fallen asleep.

"You should really take some time out to rest." He said as he cut into one of his pancakes.

"I do rest." I said as I stood up to yawn.

"Would you like some?" He asked.

"No thank you." I smiled. "I should get going."

"When will I be able to see you again dear?" He was looking over his glasses and sipping his orange juice.

"Whenever you want to dad. I cut you from being my manager. Not my father." I explained.

He chuckled. "Ok sweetheart. I just didn't want this to be your last time coming to see me. Especially on this circumstance."

I chuckled as well.

"You have my number. Just call me whenever you want to."

I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room. On my way out I stopped by the front desk.

"Hello. I'm Beyoncé Knowles." I smiled.

"I know!" The nurse exclaimed excitedly.

Okay someone's a fan.

"I was wondering how much my dad, Mathew Knowles, hospital bill will be?"

The nurse looked in the system for a couple minutes, typing here and there, before she turned to me again.

" $38,501, but his insurance spends $14,000. So $24,501." She explained.

I nodded, "Okay. Can I pay the rest today?"

Her eyes got big. "Um, yes of course! This is the first time someone has asked to pay a hospital bill upfront." We laughed.

I paid for his hospital bill, and then left. When I arrived at my hotel I could smell the food. I entered through the door and there was Ro and Chris. Sitting at the dinning room table having breakfast.

"Good Morning Ms. Bey!" She stood on her knees in her chair to look at me.

"Good Morning sweetheart." I grabbed her face and kissed her forehead. "Something smells great."

"Just a little room service." Chris chuckled. I laughed before sitting next to him at the table.

"How's your dad?" He asked.

"Amazing." I chuckled. "Better than ever."

"I take that it went well." He smiled.

"It went great. We still have a long ways to go, but it's a start. I'm happy." I smiled.

I began digging into my food that they ordered for me.

"Daddy." Ro was giving Chris a look.

Chris coughed before looking at me. I sat my fork down and continued chewing my food.

"Um, I know you've been stressed out lately. You know, with the tour and everything that has happened." I nodded in agreement. "I was just wondering if Ro and I could take you out for today, and later tonight you and I can go on a proper date."

I heard Royalty giggle and sip her drink. Chris looked really nervous and vulnerable.

I continued chewing my food as I looked back and forth between the two. I coughed before speaking.


Chris face dropped.

"I better go shower." I smiled at him as he looked up.

Royalty clapped. "Yay! Come on daddy let's go get me ready."

We both chuckled at her. She's a silly silly girl.

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