The Hate You Give

By c0cA1nE

25.1K 905 394

"I thought you hated me." "Whether I love or hate you, you still stay on my mind." {COMPLETED} More

You and Me
Don't Mess With My Girl
Wake Up
I'm Sorry
Its Okay
Another Lifetime
Making Amends
What Deal?
I Love You Too


536 29 17
By c0cA1nE

I really like this picture so ya...

Kehlani's POV

I woke up around 8. It was Saturday morning so we didn't have to worry about school. Y/N was still sound asleep in her bed, entangled in the blankets. I place a few kisses on her forehead and grabbed some sweats, a short sleeve shirt with a picture of X on it and some underwear, a sports bra, and socks. I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower. I peeled off my clothes and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water hit my body. I had to go the store and buy the soap I usually used so I used Y/N's instead which was vanilla scented. I scrubbed my body for a good 20 minutes before getting out and drying myself off. I put my clothes on and walked out of the bathroom. Y/N was still asleep so I placed a few kisses on her forehead and cheeks. She started to stir and groaned as I placed more kisses on her face. Finally her eyes opened and she stared up at me.

"Good morning beautiful." I say softly, smiling over her. She smiles and reaches up to touch my cheek.

"Good morning." She sat up and pressed her lips to mine for a gentle kiss before letting her body fall back onto the pillow.

"What time is it?" She asked sleepily. She rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Almost 8:30. Come on, get up. I'll make us some breakfast."

Y/N eyed me with a raised eyebrow. "You can cook?"

I shrugged. "Just something you've never asked about me. Anything you want, I'll make it for you." I say rubbing Y/N's thighs soothingly. Y/N thought about this for a moment before smiling at me. "I want an omelet." I nodded and grabbed her hands. "Are you gonna come into the kitchen with me or be a baby and have me bring it to you?"

"Can you bring it to me please?" Y/N asked in a baby voice. I laughed and attached my lips to hers once more before making my way to the kitchen. I got the eggs and bacon and peppers out. I mix the ingredients together and poured them into the skillet. It sizzled immediately as it started cooking. I added a generous amount of cheese and seasoning after flipping it. After it was finished cooking, I put it on a plate and poured Y/N a glass of orange juice. I carried her food to her room where she knocked out in the bed with the covers pulled over her head. I laughed and placed the food down on the nightstand and pulled the covers off Y/N's head.

"Y/N. Babe your food is ready." I whispered in her ear. She stirred but refused to wake up. I automatically knew what would wake her up. I straddled her and slowly started to grind on her. I leaned down and started leaving gentle kisses on her neck while running my hands up and down the sides of her body. She moaned and started to stir again.

"Baby. Wake up." I said, continuing to kiss her neck. After a moment, I gently bit down on her neck and I heard her gasp.

"Wake up." I said again and this time I felt Y/N's hands on me, running her hands along my body. She snaked her hands under my shirt and explore the skin that was under it. She attached her lips to mine and her hands trailed further up my body. Just as her hands we about to come in contact with my breast, I pulled away and sat up. Y/N groaned and smacked her lips under me. I laughed and patted her stomach lightly.

"Now that you're's your food." I say laying the plate down on her lap. Y/N just gave me a cold look before digging in. After devouring half the omelet, she looked up at me in shock disbelief. I laughed and sat down on the bed next to her as she finished her food, not saying a word in the process.

"Damn babe, was it that good?" I ask taking her now empty plate which only took her two minutes to clear. She drank her juice to wash the food down before responding.

"Holy shit. Can you cook for me more often please?" She asked finally, wiping her face with her hands. I laughed and took her cup from her, walking to the kitchen to do the dishes. I washed the dishes rather quickly and was on my way back to Y/N's room when the doorbell rang. My brows furrowed as I wondered who would be here around 9:00 in the morning. I went to open the door and was thrown back against the back of the couch as a deafening bang filled my ears.

Your POV

I busied myself by flipping through the channels why waiting for Kehlani to get back when I heard a very loud bang. I jumped out of the bed and ran into the living room to see the door wide open with a box that has been torn to shreds in front of it. Kehlani sat slumped against the back of the couch. I ran to her and kneeled beside her. She was still conscious but she rubbing her temples and muttering something.

"Lani? Babe..are you okay?" I asked, grabbing her arms. I helped her up and immediately she cried out as she grabbed her back. She fell back against the couch and steadied herself on it.

"Son of a bitch! That hurt." She said, wincing in pain with every movement. I rubbed her back gently, being careful not to cause any more damage.

"Baby tell me where it hurts. Where on your back does it hurt?" I ask her. She points to her lower back while whimpering slightly. I got to try to massage it but immediately Kehlani pushes my hand away.

"Just let me do it Y/N." She forces the words out with pain laced in every word.

Slowly, she stands up and stretches her back out. She screams in pain as she fully straightens her back out. I hear a pop and Kehlani releases. She falls back against the couch and rubs her lower back. Who in the hell did she think she was? Dwayne Johnson. I stared at her, flabbergasted. Kehlani looked up at me and smiled.

"I'll be fine. Just need to ice it. Or use a heating pad. Or icy hot..I'll figure it out." I laughed and pulled Kehlani into a hug, kissing her. I was just glad she was safe and didn't need to be hospitalized. I didn't need that on my plate and I know Lani definitely didn't with everything she's been through. Suddenly, Kehlani grabbed my chin and made me look at something on the door. A note. I broke from Kehlani's embrace and walked over to the note, taking it off the door and reading it.

Have fun going back to the hospital Y/N. I guess you could say my warning was both a threat and a promise.

I look up as all the color drains from my face. Kehlani looks at me oddly before running over to me.

"What? What does it say?" She asks frantically while shaking me.

"This..this was meant for me." I finally breathe out. Kehlani's eyes widened in horror and she pulls me further inside the house, slamming the door and locking it behind her.

I know it's kind of short but I didn't want to leave y'all hanging.

I just wanted to take a second to say I'm really proud of myself. I was starting to think this book wasn't really going anywhere and would be a failure just like the other one but here we are on chapter 20. Also I just want to take another second to say thanks to all of you who have read my book. Very special thanks to those that read, comment, and vote. I take time out of my pretty busy day to update for y'all and you guys are consistent and not only that but your comments make my day. Anyway I'm gonna stop being annoying and eventually stop typing but seriously, thank you guys so much. Love you babes.


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