Changing Will Prompts

By promptingskenekidz

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Changing Will Prompts
Prompt #2
Prompt #3
Prompt #4
Prompt #5
Prompt #6
Prompt #7
Prompt #8
Prompt #9
Prompt #10
Prompt #11
Prompt #12
Prompt #13
Prompt #14
Prompt #15
Prompt #16
Prompt #17
Prompt #18
Prompt #19
Prompt #20
Prompt #21
Prompt #22
Prompt #23
Prompt #24
Prompt #25
Prompt #26
Prompt #27
Prompt #28
Prompt #29
Prompt #30
Prompt #31
Prompt #32
Prompt #33
Prompt #34
Prompt #35
Prompt #36
Prompt #37
Prompt #38
Prompt #39
Prompt #40
Prompt #42
Prompt #43
Prompt #44
Prompt #45
Prompt #46
Prompt #47
Prompt #48
Prompt #49
Prompt #50
Prompt #51
Prompt #52
Prompt #53
Prompt #54
Prompt #55
Prompt #56
Prompt #57
Prompt #58
Prompt #57
Prompt #60
Prompt #60
Prompt #62
Prompt #63
Prompt #64
Prompt #65
Prompt #66
Prompt #67
Prompt #68
Prompt #69
Prompt #70
Prompt #71
Prompt #72
Prompt #73

Prompt #41

17.6K 464 159
By promptingskenekidz

Prompt: Well, since I saw a request prompt where Dimitri's twitter is involve, how about Ethan's? Like, Will saw that Ethan only follows back hot guys and he found out that he flirts with them online and be like the adorable jealous little thing, ending it with Will making his own Twitter too (please).

A.N.- For those that somehow don't know, we have a roleplay thing going on, on Twitter. So, Ethan has a Twitter! It's SassMasterEthan, and Will's is WillDuvet, so feel free to follow and watch us have crazy conversations with other characters XD


                “Ethan,” Benji said with a sigh.

                “What about Ethan?” I asked, glancing over at him. I was sitting in the living room with Benji and Sonnet. Ethan was supposed to be coming over after he ate dinner.

                “His tweets kill me. Even online, he’s sarcastic as hell,” Benji said, shaking his head.

                “Ethan has a twitter?” I asked in surprise.

                Benji nodded. “Yea! SassMasterEthan. Here.” He handed his phone to me.

                I scrolled the Twitter, where there were a ton of sassy and sarcastic comments from my charming boyfriend. I stared at the Twitter suspiciously and tapped on who he was following.

                “Is he seriously only following attractive guys?” I asked in annoyance, scrolling through his flirty conversations with his followers. How did he even have followers? He barely had friends! “All he does is flirt on here!”

                “And people flirt back with him,” Benji said, laughing. “I guess people like his sarcasm. And he is really cute.”

                I thrust the phone back into Benji’s hands, not wanting to look anymore. I felt jealousy in me. He was flirting with other guys! And those guys were flirting back with him! Even some girls were flirting with him! He was gay!

                The doorbell rang and I got up, heading down and yanking it open. I gripped Ethan’s arm and dragged him down to my bedroom.

                “Whoa, someone is eager,” he said as I threw him on my bed.

                “Do you flirt on Twitter?” I demanded.

                “Hell yea I do. Some cute guys miraculously follow me,” he said, grinning. “Oh, and some weird guy named Austin. I don’t want to be his friend. He scares me. Save me, Will. And some kid that called me a snail. There are some weird people.”

                “You and your damn flirting,” I said, scowling at him.

                He pulled me down so that I was sitting next to him. He kissed me, his arms going around my neck.

                “I flirt, I don’t cheat,” he reminded. “But can you blame me? Seriously. Hot guys, William. Very, very hot guys.”

                “Ass,” I grumbled, pushing him off of me.

                “You’re hot too. But you’re mean to me. So I’ll just flirt online to satisfy my emotional needs,” he said.

                I scowled at him again. “I’m not mean to you.”

                “Yes you are,” he said, lying down, his head in my lap. He pulled out his phone and my scowl deepened as he pulled up Twitter and started with his damn flirting again.

                I ran a hand through his hair and he looked up at me. He offered me a cute smile and pat my crotch.

                “You are all I want,” he said with a wink.

                I pushed his hand away from sensitive areas. “You’re a perverted jerk.”

                “And you’re moody,” he said, pulling me down and kissing me. He released my shirt and I straightened up, watching him as he resumed his online flirting.

                I pulled out my phone and downloaded Twitter onto it. I typed in my name and email, making an account and searching for Ethan’s profile. Fine, if he wanted to flirt, I would just have to keep an eye on him! He was my boyfriend, not anyone else’s.

                “And so it begins,” he said with a sigh as he accepted my follower request. 

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