Living With The Originals

By Dark-Violet

758K 12.6K 5.2K

Sequel to Living With Damon and Stefan. Marni's back, and ready to kick butt! After discovering that she's re... More

You Want The Sammich? No.
Why You No Like My Pick Up Lines?
The Bro-Code
Oh Hey, Is That A Cloud?
The Salt In Your Eye Is Beautiful
Hello Mr Pumpkin Goat
Sir Geraldalot, The Carrot.
The Glass Sparkle Named Windex
Bow Ties Are Cool.
The World's Ending? Fantastic.
Microwave All Of The Kittens!
Oh My God Stefan, You Can't Just Ask Someone Why They're Purple.
Oh, I Didn't Tell You? I Know What Colour Underwear You're Wearing.
Hey, Assbutt!
Four For You Glenn Cocoa
The End.

The Dinosaur That Leaped Into The Shoe

39K 600 188
By Dark-Violet

I crossed my arms and leant against the wall as I watched the scene in front of me. 

Klaus was clearly taken off guard, and he wasn't sure of how to act, as his siblings drew closer.

"You know Nik," Kol stated. "I figure we put this behind us. I mean, we are brothers, after all. And I know how important family is. Which is probably why you daggered me, and locked me in a box."

"You had it coming," Klaus replied.

"I'm sure I did," Kol nodded. He spoke with an English accent, similar to the others. I frowned slightly. He was extremely familiar. I knew his face, but I couldn't place it. 

"And I'm sure Finn did as well," Rebekah continued boredly. "Which is why he's been temporarily dead for the past... how many years now? Nine hundred?"

"You have some explaining to do, Niklaus," Finn stated coldly. I found him rather intimidating. I think it had something to do with the clothes.

"Why should I explain myself to you?" Klaus countered, standing up and looking at them all. "I have nothing to fear from any of you, because last time I checked, I was the hybrid, not you."

"Save the threats, Nik," Rebekah said. "They're useless."

"So that's it?" Klaus asked. "Are you just going to stand here and attempt to make me feel guilty?"

I rolled my eyes. I could see where I got my bad people skills from.

"No," Elijah answered.

"We want an apology," Finn finished.

"An apology?" Klaus repeated.

"Yes. We're willing to let what happened be in the past," Kol stated. "So long as you don't make the same mistake."

"I know you Kol, there's a catch," Klaus assumed. "What is it, I wonder?"

"No catch," Kol replied. "And besides, we all know hard it is for you to give a genuine apology."

"The family drama's getting a bit old, don't you think?" Rebekah asked. "After all, family above all, right Nik?"

Klaus looked at them all for a moment, the hint of a smirk on his face.

"Very well," he agreed. "I apologise. As you know, I have what some would call, a bad temper. I did what I did out of anger, and I deeply regret it. I'm sorry."

None of them looked convinced, but Kol merely shrugged.

"Close enough," he muttered.

"Are you going to tell them how you were the one who killed our mother?" Rebekah asked, tilting her head.

"We already know," Kol announced. 

Rebekah raised an eyebrow. 

"Why do you think he daggered me?" Finn asked.

"I've always had my suspicions," Kol shrugged. "Doesn't mean I like Mikael any better."

"Then you should be happy to know that Mikael's dead," Klaus declared. "Permanently. I saw to it myself."

The others nodded appreciatively.

"Well," I said, speaking for the first time. "This is all well and dandy. Never knew family reunions could be such fun."

Five heads turned to me and I flashed a brilliant smile. I noticed that Kol was frowning.

"Have we met?" he questioned.

"Not that I'm aware of," I replied.

"Finn, Kol, this is Marni," Rebekah announced. 

"Ah, you're that girl," Kol realised.

I raised an eyebrow. "The who now?"

"You scared my food away," he commented. Realisation hit me, and I figured out where I knew him from.

"Oh..." I said. "Hey! I remember you! You tried to eat me."

"It was only fair," he shrugged. "But what are you doing here?"

"Kol, Finn, this is Marni," Rebekah announced. "She's a witch, and quite a powerful one at that."

"Another of your pets, Nik?" Kol asked. I shot him a glare.

"I wouldn't insult her," Klaus smirked. "She gets her temper from me."

Finn raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not quite sure I understand," Kol frowned.

"It seems that our mother had another child, before all of us," Elijah stated. "Marni is the descendant of our mother."

"We've opted to call her our little sister," Rebekah sighed. "It's much easier that calling her our... whatever you would call her."

"Ah," Kol grinned. He turned to me. "Welcome to the family then."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Finn nodded. Wow. This guy was more serious than Elijah... Though somehow I didn't think not being serious would suit him.

"Likewise," I smiled. I looked at Klaus. "And whilst we're on the subject of happy things... There's something I need to tell you-"

I was cut off my the door slamming. Everyone looked over my shoulder, eyes wide. Even some jaws were dropped. I turned, and standing in the doorway was the last person I expected to be there.

With her long blonde hair flowing and her dark eyes looking as if they could peirce your soul, the Original Witch looked down at us all.

I stared at her, mouth slightly agape, confused as hell.

"Mother?" Rebekah whispered.

"Da fuq?" I uttered almost inaudibly.

She looked at all of us, before fixing her gaze on Klaus, who, for the first time I'd seen, looked somewhat scared. She walked forwards, stopping in front of him. Klaus looked away from her, cringing slightly.

"Look at me."

If I wasn't so shocked, I probably wouldn't broke out in laughter at how much she sounded like the Terminator. It probably wasn't the best time.

"Do you know why I'm here?" she continued.

"To kill me?" Klaus guessed, looking up at her. He'd gone calm, as if he was accepting what was coming to him.

"No." She turned to the others. "I want us to be a family again."

I had to admit. I did not see that coming. I was expecting her to rage at Klaus or something... or atleast backhand him. Now that would be a weird thing to see...

Everyone was silent for a few minutes, taking in what had just happened. Then realisation hit me like a truck.

"Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh," I spoke, tilting my head back. "I get it now! It was you that was in the coffin! Wow... Had me confused for a second there."

"Yes. I have you and your friend Bonnie to thank for setting me free," the Original Witch nodded.

"Bonnie's not my friend," I said immediately. "In fact, I don't even like her."

"That's unfortunate," she said. "She's a bright witch."

I made a face.

"Well, this is an interesting turn of events," Elijah commented.


An hour or so had passed, and everything had calmed down some. As it turned out, Bonnie's ancestor had helped Esther, aka the Original Witch, cast a spell to preserve her body, and when Bonnie cast the spell, her spirit went back into her body. 

The Originals had all decided to stick around for a while, and try out this whole family thing. That was part of the reason Klaus had renovated the mansion. Sooner or later, he was going to undagger his siblings.

 Rebekah had taken Finn and Esther upstairs to show them around, leaving Klaus, Kol, Elijah and I downstairs in the living room. 

"You managed to kill Nik," Kol smirked. "Well done. I tell we're going to get along fine."

I laughed. "Well, it was kind of pointless, considering I brought him back."

"And imagine if you hadn't," Klaus stated.

"Well, for one, I wouldn't have had to travel back and forth across the country a million times for half a year," I replied.

"We had fun."

"Yes... All those times you almost got me killed," I reminisced. "Great bonding times."

"Well, you'll soon learn that I'm much more fun than Nik," Kol said.

I sighed and stood up.

"Maybe one day, but right now, I have some packing to do," I announced.

Elijah frowned. "Why?"

"I wasn't kidding when I said I might leave Mystic Falls. I hate the majority of people in this town, so why stay?" I shrugged. "It's been a while since I've been to Rome."

"But you haven't even gotten to know me yet, love," Kol stated, flashing a brilliant grin.

"That's the thing about living forever," I commented. "You have more time to do things."

"You can't leave," Rebekah argued, walking back into the room. Esther and Finn were still obviously upstairs. 

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because I don't want to have to put up with these men by myself," she replied, gesturing to her brothers. "Being the only girl is hardly any fun. Who am I supposed to shop with?"

"I'm sure Elena would love to join you," I smirked.

"Elena... the new Doppelganger, correct?" Kol asked.

"Yep. Complete bitch, too," I commented. 

"She's quite noble, putting herself in danger to save her loved ones," Elijah mused.

"Don't tell me you've fallen for yet another Doppelganger, brother," Kol scoffed.

"Not at all," Elijah replied. "It's just uncommon to find a human that's willing to do that."

"Well, I still think she's a bitch," I announced.

"Only because she kissed Damon," Klaus smirked.

I glared at him. "No. I'll have you find that I hated her before that, thank you very much."

He laughed under his breath and continued to drink for the glass in his hand.

Rebekah turned to me, going back to the previous subject. "You can't leave. You're a part of this family now."

"She's right," Klaus agreed. 

"Do I get a choice in the matter?" I questioned.

"Not exactly," Elijah smirked.

"Lovely," I stated. "Fine, I'll stay. For a little while, at least. But in the mean time, I should probably get going. I have some things to sort out."

"Do give the Salvatore's my best," Klaus smirked.

"I'll be sure to do that," I nodded. "Toodles."


When I arrived at the boarding house, an argument was in the midst.

"They undaggered all of the Originals?" Bonnie's voice asked incredulously.

"Yep. It was part of Marni's plan," Damon answered. "But that's not important. What was in the coffin?"

"I don't know. I turned my back for a split second and it opened, but when I turned back around, everything the just blank."

"Well, we need to figure out what it is," Stefan said. "Why did Mia want you to open it anyway?"

"She said it could help kill Klaus."

I decided that was my que to enter.

"Yeah... About that," I smirked, strolling into the room. 

"Mia?" Bonnie asked.

"Nope, that'd be me," Mia announced, walking in from the other entrance.

Bonnie looked back and forth between us, then glared at me. "Marni."

"Yep," I grinned.

"You got her to open the coffin?" Damon asked me.

"Uh huh." I positioned myself on the arm of the couch, swinging my leg back and forth.

"Stealing my identity again, I see?" Mia smirked.

"It comes in handy," I shrugged. I looked at Bonnie. "See, I knew you'd never help me unlock the coffin, but I figured if I made you think I was Mia, and that whatever was in the coffin would kill Klaus, you'd help."

"You played me," she glared.

"That I did. And I pulled it off beautifully."

"Well that's great and all, but we have no idea who was in the coffin, which is now roaming around Mystic Falls," Damon snapped.

"Actually, I do know what was in the coffin. I'm honestly surprised I didn't figure it out sooner," I stated. "It was actually really obvious."

"Who is it?" Stefan asked.

"The Original Witch," I shrugged. 

Bonnie frowned, as did Stefan and Mia looked as if she didn't care. Damon, on the other hand, looked at me as if I started speaking another language.

"The Original who now?" he asked.

"The Original Witch? You know, the one that created vampires? Or as I now like to call her, Grandma?" I told him.

"She was in the coffin?"

"Yep. Some witch," I looked at Bonnie. "Your ancestor, preserved her body. All that needed to be done was for a Bennett to undo the spell."

"And she's just walking around," Stefan frowned.

"Pretty much."

"This is just great," Damon snapped. "First off we had Klaus and Elijah, now we have the whole freaking Original family to deal with." He glared at me accusingly. "This is your fault."

"Never claimed otherwise," I stated. "I was the one to pull the daggers out, after all."

"Why did you do that?" Stefan asked.

"Things were getting a tad boring around here. I thought I'd mix it up a bit," I shrugged.

"You undaggered three Originals, because you were bored?" Damon asked incredulously.

"I don't have to explain myself to you," I glared.

"And while you're off playing happy family with them, the rest of us have to suffer," he growled.

"Your problem, not mine," I declared. 

"That's wonderful, that is," he muttered.

"Marni, we now have five Original's roaming around," Stefan stated. "There's going to be a trail of dead bodies soon."

"I don't care. They can do what they want."

"You've taken it too far this time," Stefan warned.

"Good," I smiled. 

"Innocent people are going to get killed," Bonnie glared. "How can you just accept that?"

"Because I can, Bonnie. I hate most of the people in this town anyway."

"You could've warned us," Stefan said.

"Yes, I could have, but why would I? Why would I tell you two anything any more?" I asked, looking at the brothers. "It's obvious I'm not trusted around here any more, so why should I trust either of you?"

"So that's it then?" Damon narrowed his eyes. "You choose them over us?"

"You people are so dramatic," Mia muttered, leaving the room. "I'm going to out."

"I never had a choice, Damon," I snapped. "You made that decision for me when you chose to go behind my back. And now Stefan's done the same."

"You've become reckless," Damon glared.

"And I wonder why that is," I smirked. "You know what? I thought I could do this whole, 'try and be civilised thing', but I'm sick of it now. Why put up with people I don't like?" My smile dropped. "I'm leaving. Have fun without me."

With a bitter smile, I left.


The Grill was quieter than I expected for a Saturday. There were only a few people, whilst I was up at the bar, swirling the straw around in my glass of coke. I stared at it, contemplating life.

I was sick of everything. If Damon and Stefan wanted to be like this, then they could. I no longer cared. I was done with everyone. Over a hundred and fifty years, we'd been like family. But things were different now. was different. I glanced at my arm and let out a laugh. I was going to die soon anyway, so why not make the most of it?

So Damon thought I was reckless? Good. That's exactly what I was going to be.

 I reached behind the counter and grabbed a bottle of tequila, as well as a shot glass. I poured myself a shot and tipped it back.

"What do you think you're doing?" Ryan demanded when he spotted me.

"What does it look like?" I asked, taking another shot. He reached for the bottle but I pulled it back, a grin forming on my face. "Ah, ah, ah. This is mine."

"You're under age, and you haven't paid for that!"

I slipped my hand into my pocket and pulled out a fifty, flicking it on the table.

"There, keep the change," I winked, ditching the shot glass and drinking from the bottle.

"What you're doing is illegal," he insisted. "Give me the bottle?"

"Or what?" I grinned. 

"I'll call the police," Ryan glared.

"Go ahead. I don't care," I snorted.

"Look Marni, just give me the bottle."

"Hmm... No, I'll be right thanks," I smirked.

"I'm telling you this as a friend. Don't get yourself in trouble."

"Ah! He finally admits it!" I cheered. "I always knew you had a secret crush on me. And I appreciate the adice, Ryan, but I'm simply having too much fun. So go ahead, call the police. A party's never a party unless they show up."

"You could get me fired," Ryan snapped.

"Why? You didn't serve me," I grinned. "So how could you possibly get fired? Unless you don't call the police on me... Which I know you won't, because you don't want to see me get in trouble. Funny really. So if you'll excuse me, I'll be over there, having fun."

I blew him a kiss and took the bottle with me. I slipped around the little hallway, where a door led to a small room where the music was controlled. Matt had shown me this a while ago. I turned the volume right up, happy to see the Michael Jackson was playing.

I walked back out and found people cheering, and starting to dance. I grinned and joined in, laughing. I spotted a familiar face and pulled their arm.

"Shadow! Just the person I wanted to see!" I cried happily.

"Well, you're not sober," he laughed. His familiar silver eyes were filled with amusement, and his dark hair was swept to the side as usual. 

"Of course I'm not," I snorted. "But I need a non-sober buddy. Will you be my non-sober buddy? Please?"

"I'd be honored," he agreed, flashing a brilliant smile.

"Fantastic!" I cheered. "I want you to meet my friend Ryan."

Ryan glared at me when I pulled Shadow up to the bar.

"So this is Ryan?" Shadow asked. He studied him. "Hmm. I thought he'd be taller. Didn't you say he had a moustache?"

"I lied," I giggled. "Although, a moustache would suit him... Does anyone have a permanent marker?"

"What do you want, Marni?" Ryan asked, narrowing his eyes.

"He's angry because I took a bottle of tequila without asking," I whispered loudly to Shadow. 

"It's a criminal offence," Ryan snapped.

"Then why haven't you called the police?" Shadow asked sensibly.

"Because he doesn't want me to get in trouble," I laughed. 

"How cute," Shadow smirked. Ryan just glared at him.

"I suppose it was you who changed the music?"

"Yep," I smiled. "But you can't complain. People are enjoying it. Your manager doesn't seem bothered."

"My manager's not here," Ryan announced. "It's his night off."

"Oh. Well, your co-workers then," I shrugged. "Mimi's enjoying herself."

Mimi, a waitress, walked with a bounce in her step as served people.

Ryan sighed and shook his head.

"Any hoodles," I smiled. I turned to Shadow. "I feel like dancing. Do you feel like dancing? Let's dance."

"Sure thing," he grinned.


I was laughing uncontrollably, clutching my stomach as Shadow and I stumbled our way out of the Grill. We'd decided to leave, because we were getting bored.

"Can't breathe!" I gasped, trying desperately to get air. "Can't breathe!"

Shadow laughed at the fact that I was lacking oxygen. He was half supporting me as we walked towards his car, which was just around the corner. What I didn't expect to see, was Sheriff Forbes waiting for us.

"Marni," she stated, her tone professional.

"Hey Liz!" I grinned.

"I'm going to have to ask you to come with me," she said.

I frowned. "Why?"

"We've had some complaints about an under age girl who's clearly intoxicated," Liz announced.

"Huh." I nodded. "I'll let you know if I see her."

"What's going on here?" a familiar voice asked.

I turned to see that Damon and Stefan had joined us, as well as Elena.

"Uh, don't you people have lives?" I asked.

"You're sister has been drinking," Liz told them. "She took a bottle of tequila from behind the bar."

"Hey! At least I paid for it!" I defended. I looked at the three that had joined us. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"You were bound to do something reckless," Damon glared.

"I see. And Elena had to tag along?" I laughed.

"Marni, I'm going to have to take you in," Liz declared.

"The hell you are," I snorted.

She frowned. "Do yourself a favour and cooperate."

"Nah, I'm fine here. Why not take Elena?"

"Marni, don't be an idiot," Stefan warned.

"I'm not," I snapped. "I've done nothing wrong."

"Under age drinking is against the law," Liz insisted.

"Good thing I'm not under age then," I smirked.

"You're sixteen."

"Am I?" I asked.

"Marni, don't," Damon snapped.

"Why not?" I questioned. "It's about time they figured it out."

"You're being reckless," he glared.

I grinned. "I really don't think I am. Because if I was being reckless, I would tell Sheriff Forbes here, that both you and Stefan are vampires." Elena gasped, and Stefan and Damon widened there eyes. Liz dropped her jaw, and looked back and forth between us. "How ironic is that? The Secret Founder's Council, which focus' on getting rid of vampires, has one for a member."

"You're a vampire?" Liz breathed, looking at Damon.

"Yep," I answered for him. "Has been for a very long time. Oh, and did you also know that Bonnie Bennett is a witch? And let's not forget Tyler Lockwood, who's a werewolf."

"You're all in on it," Liz murmured.

"Yep. Every single one of us," I stated.

"What the hell are you doing?" Damon hissed, grabbing my arm. I ripped out of his grasp.

"Being reckless," I glared.

"Well this is an interesting turn of events," Shadow muttered.

"Liz-" Damon began.

"Stay back!" she warned, having pulled out her gun and aimed it at his chest.

"You should be scared," I nodded. "He is a vampire, after all."

She switched her aim to me. "So are you!"

"Not quite," I laughed, appearing on the other side of her. "I'm much worse."

She swerved to me and fired, but I was to quick and moved out of the way. In the blink of an eye, I had grabbed Elena. Elena let out a gasp and Damon and Stefan tensed.

"Ah, ah, ah!" I warned. "Do that again and I'll snap her neck."

Everyone froze, except Shadow, who looked slightly amused at all of this.

"What are you doing?" Damon hissed.

"Let her go, Marni," Stefan urged.

"I'll let her go," I smirked, looking at Liz. "But first, you're going to drop that pesky little gun of yours and kick it over to me."

Liz didn't move, her eyes wide with shock.

"I'll give you five seconds," I stated. "Or Elena's neck gets snapped." No one moved and I sighed. "Fine. Five, four, three-" The gun dropped and Liz reluctantly kicked it to me. I shoved Elena away from me and Stefan caught her. I picked up the gun and emptied it. "Wooden bullets. Typical."

"You're a monster," Liz glared.

I laughed. "I know. Aren't I just the most horrible person you've ever met? Well, you can thank Damon for that." In the blink of an eye, I had Liz by the throat, pinned up against the wall. "You know, I don't really appreciate being shot at."

"Marni don't!"

 I rolled my eyes and let Liz go.

"Relax guys," I scoffed. "Like I would actually hurt her." I looked at Liz. "I may be heartless, Liz. But I'm not a complete monster." I turned to Shadow. "I'm bored. Let's go find something fun to do."

"That's a good idea," he smirked.

I looked at the others. "You have yourselves a good night."

I linked my arm through Shadow's and we continued on our way, laughing as we did so.


"Uggnnnn," was the first sound to come out of my mouth when I woke up the next morning.

There was something underneath me, and it was breathing.

"Why are you lying on top of me?" Shadow asked, sounding as if he just woke up.

"I don't know," I groaned. I rolled over, to find that there was only empty space there. I cried out and grabbed Shadow, only to pull him down with me. I hit the ground, hard, and Shadow landed on top of me. The air rushed out of me and my face smacked the floor.

"Ooowww!" I moaned. "My face!"

"That's what you get for pulling me down with you," Shadow laughed.

The weight was lifted off me, and I dragged myself to my knee's. Smirking, Shadow held his hand out and pulled me up. I rubbed my face and frowned, looking at our surrounding.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"That is a good question," Shadow mused.

We were in a room that I'd never seen before. The walls were blue and the bed we'd both just fallen off had a purple cover. I spotted my reflection in the mirror and cringed at my hair. I pulled the hair band off my wrist and tied it up in a messy bun.

"Do you remember coming here last night?" he asked me.

"I don't remember a lot of things from last night," I declared. I examined him. "Well, the good thing is, we're both still wearing clothes."

"How is that a good thing?" he smirked.

"You are such a guy," I scoffed.

"You know you secretly love me," he grinned. "It explains why that was the second time I've woken up to find you sleeping on me."

"No," I glared. "You just happen to be a comfortable person to sleep on. And besides, I don't even remember how we got here. In fact, how did we end up together last night? Did I call you or..."

"Nope, I ran into you at the Grill. Right before you blurted to the town's Sheriff that Damon and Stefan were vampires," he answered.

"Oh yeah... I remember that." I thought about it for a second and then laughed. "Sucks to be them."

I spotted my heels over in the corner and picked them up before tiptoeing to the door and quietly opening it, Shadow right behind me. The door let to a hallway, and in that hallway, was some random lying on the ground with vomit pooling around his mouth.

"That's charming, that is," I muttered, being careful to step around him.

The hallway led us out to a large living room, which also had people passed out in it. There were streamers hanging off the curtains and there were red plastic cups spread across the floor. One of the people were snoring rather loudly and I made a face at the horrid smell of vomit mixed with body odor and alcohol.

"I suppose we crashed a party last night," Shadow guessed.

"Well, one things for sure," I announced. "We have terrible taste in parties when we're not sober. I mean, streamers? Really?"

"Didn't you have streamers at your birthday party?" Shadow frowned.

"Hush," I scowled.

We continued to the door, and left silently. When we got outside I slipped my heels on, not wanting to get a disease from the foot path. The sun was out today, and people were outside, walking their dogs or mowing their lawns. 

I recognised the part of town we were in. It wasn't far from Caroline's. Thankfully, Shadow's car was outside, so we didn't have to walk. We both decided it was a great idea to go grab some coffee, so it was about twenty minutes later that we were sitting outside of the Grill, coffee's in hand.

I'd stolen a pair on sunglasses from Shadow's car and slipped them on, the bright sun too much for my eyes to handle.

"My head hurts," I complained as I rested it in my hands.

"That's what you get for drinking," Shadow grinned.

"Hangover's are a bitch," I groaned. "How come you don't have one?"

"Because I know how to handle my alcohol."

"That's a lie."

"No it's not."

"Coming from the one with the hangover."

I made a face at him.

"Last night made me remember why I hate people," I told him. "I mean, I want to like people, but they're just so stupid." 

"Tell me. When exactly did you start hating people?" he asked.

I thought about it and started counting with my fingers. "Let me see... One... Seven... About since the day I was born."

He laughed under his breath.

It was then that a certain witch decided to make her presence known.

"Are you crazy?" Bonnie asked incredulously, stopping by our table.

"Not quite sure about that one," I muttered, looking up at her. I slid my sunglasses off. "Bonnie, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"How dare you?" she spat. "Are you that far gone that you would just expose us to the council?"

"Ah... I knew people wouldn't be happy about that," I commented, taking a sip of my coffee.

"You had no right!"

"I had every right, actually," I corrected. "It was, after all, my secret as well. I thought, why not share it with one more person? It's not my fault Liz didn't take it well."

"Why would you do it? What do you have to gain from this?"

I sighed and clasped my hands together. "In all honesty Bonnie. I did it, because I thought it would be funny. And I was right. It was funny. Your reaction is proof of that."

"You did it, because you thought it would be funny?" she asked incredulously.

"Is that not what I just said?"

"The whole Founder's Council will be after us now," Bonnie announced. "Don't you care?"

I frowned and thought about it for a moment. "Can't say I do, actually."

"They'll be after you too."

"Oh no," I gasped with mock horror. "What ever will I do?" I rolled my eyes. "Bonnie, if you think some pesky humans can do anything to me, then you're sorely mistaken."

"You've taken it too far this time," she glared. "You have to be stopped."

I flashed a grin. "You're welcome to try."

At that moment, a searing pain exploded in my head, causing me to suck in a breath. It took me just over a second to over come Bonnie's magic, and I shot up out of my chair, the legs scraping on the ground. A livid expression filled my face and I walked right up to her, so our faces were just inches apart. Her dark green were full of defiance, but I saw a flicker of fear in them.

"Don't ever do that again," I warned in a dangerous voice. "Or I will kill you."

She swallowed and lifted her head up higher.

"Is that a threat?" Bonnie asked.

"No," I smiled. "I don't make threats. But I keep promises. Now I suggest you leave before you piss me off."

She kept her glare even, but slipped by me before continuing into the Grill. I let out a laugh and sat back down, looking at Shadow who had his eyebrows raised slightly, a look of amusement on his face.

"And that, Shadow, is why I hate people," I smiled.

"Who knew you could be scary?" he smirked.

"I'm a very scary person when I want to be," I shrugged. "I am related to Klaus after all."

"That probably explains it," he nodded.

I groaned.


"I don't want to go home," I pouted. "There are people at home. People who I don't get along with at the moment."

"Then don't," he suggested.

I raised an eyebrow. "I know I joke a lot about living in a gutter, but I'm not that crazy."

He rolled his eyes. "You know you're always welcome at my place."

"And this is why we're great friends, Shadow," I smiled. "You don't annoy me, and you play Xbox."

"I'm glad to know they're the only qualities you like about me," he said flatly.

"You have nice hair?" I offered. "And I like your car?"

He sighed and gave up.


Deciding that my clothes from last night smelt bad, I'd stolen a pair of Shadow's sweat pants and a shirt.

"You had to pick the Nirvana shirt, didn't you?" he asked when I walked into the kitchen.

"I love Nirvana!" I defended. "Kurt Cobain was a god."

"Didn't pick you for the Nirvana type," Shadow shrugged.

"Then you obviously don't know much about me," I announced, casually opening his freezer. "Oh thank God you have ice cream!" I pulled the tub out and grabbed a spoon from the drawer before planting myself on a stool.

"I know more about you that I care to," he commented.

"Okay then, what's my favourite colour?" I asked.

"Black, but that's technically a shade, so that'd make it dark purple," he answered immediately.

"Fine, you got that one," I grumbled. "Favorite band?"


"Middle name?"



"21st of September."

"Favorite book?"

"Skulduggery Pleasant."

"Favorite food?"

"Chips and gravy."

"Favorite tv show?"

"White Collar."

"Favorite actor?"

"Johnny Depp."


He went to answer and then frowned, realising what the question was. "Female?" he asked, as if it were obvious.

"Ha!" I shouted. "You got that one wrong!"

He stared at me, worried.

"I'm fairly sure you're a female."

"Do you stalk me or something?" I questioned. "How do you know so much about me?"

"We did live together, remember?"

"Yeah, but it's not like I know your middle name, or your last name, for that matter," I commented. "Come to think of it, I don't know much about you at all."

"Not many people do," he shrugged.

"Well, I want to."

Shadow laughed. "Why bore you with stories from the past?"

"Why not?"

"You want the whole life story, eh?"


"Fine, but you asked for it," he announced. 

I put a scoop in my mouth and waited. He sighed.

"I was born in Ireland, July, 1457," Shadow began. "I was the youngest of three children, Ash being the oldest, and my sister Astrid being the middle child. My last name, which you're so curious about, is Hallowan. I'd been practising magic since I can remember, but never when my father was around. He was a rather unpleasant person. He died when I was sixteen, and well... You already know how my mother died. Out of my siblings, Ash was the first to trigger his vampire side. When I was young, I used to follow him around everywhere, so I was all too eager to trigger mine as well. Astrid was different. She wanted nothing to do with her vampire side, but Ash didn't exactly give her a choice. He slipped blood into her wine one night. After my mother died, we all turned on each other. For over a century none of us spoke to each other, until I ran into Ash. Like I'd expected, he'd grown attached to his vampire side, and was what you'd call a ripper. We got in an argument, and we almost killed each other. I left, and moved on with life, moving to England. I ran into my siblings a few times over the next few centuries, but we all tried to avoid each other."

I swallowed my ice cream, my eyebrows raised.

"Wow," I finally commented.

"We're not exactly a functional family," he shrugged.

"I see that," I nodded. "So you were born in Ireland?"


"How come you don't have an accent?"

"Well, it was easier not to," he grinned, slipping into an Irish accent. "Less questions to answer, I suppose. After a while, I grew out of it."

"That is so cool," I announced. He laughed. "So, tell me more about Astrid. Ash didn't tell me much about her."

"What did he tell you?"

"That she was dangerous."

"That's an understatement," he muttered. "My sister is not someone you want to mess with. She's quite powerful, and not very nice. I suggest you don't get on her bad side."

"Is she more dangerous than me?" I questioned.

"That's debatable," he stated. "She shut off her emotions a long time ago. She's very cunning, and will do anything for her own gain. If you ever cross paths with her, I wouldn't piss her off."

"Can't wait to meet her," I grinned.

"I don't know who to be more scared of."

"So... Hallowan, eh? Sounds kinda like Halloween."

Shadow sighed. "I knew you'd say that."

"At least it's not McDonald," I pointed out. "I can't take anyone with that last name seriously."

"Why not?"

"Because whenever I think of that name, I think of food. I mean, if your name was Shadow McDonald, I would probably laughing on the ground right now, trying not to pee myself."

"That's lovely, that is," he muttered.

"Shadow Hallowan," I stated, getting used to the name. "It has a certain ring to it. I just can't picture you with a last name."

"It's not as bad as picturing Klaus with a last name," Shadow defended.

"Actually, I know what Klaus' last name is," I corrected.

He rose his eyebrows. "Really? What is it?"

"Mikaelsen," I answered, putting more ice cream in my mouth.


"Mm hmm."

"Klaus Mikaelsen?"

"Technically, it's Niklaus. Rebekah calls him Nik, I call him Klaus, but whatever floats your boat," I shrugged. "You see, their father's name was Mikael, and back then people's last names were an addition to the father's name, hense the name, Mikaelsen. Klaus told me about it way back."

"Ah." He stole the spoon out of my hand and took the ice cream. I glared at him but didn't say anything. "So now that you know you're related to the Originals, are you going to take that last name?"

I thought about it for a moment. "No. Probably not. I feel kind of intrusive."

"Well, Klaus didn't hesitate on going all 'protective big brother' on me the other week," Shadow stated.

I raised an eyebrow. "Did he now? And how exactly did this go about?"

"He pretty much told me that if I ever hurt you in any way, he'd gladly rip me limb from limb," he concluded. "He's such a lovely person."

"Huh. It still wouldn't feel right though, taking their last name," I frowned.

"So, sticking with Salvatore then?"

I sighed. "The Salvatore's and I aren't exactly on good terms at the moment. Everyone's under the impression that it's my actual last name, but I miss my real one."

"So, Marni Sage, eh?"


"How does it feel to be named after a plant?" he teased.

I glared at him. "I'll have you find that sage is also an adjective for wisdom, thank you very much."

He gave me a doubtful look. I snatched the spoon out of his hand, as well as the ice cream and lifted my head defiantly. 

"Fine. I see that I'm not wanted here," I announced. "I'm leafing."

I stomped to the living room and plopped myself down on the couch. I heard Shadow laugh from the kitchen, and I stared out the window, a sad look on my face.

"Goodbye my lover! Goodbye my frieeend. You have been the one! You have been the one, for me!" I sung, reaching out to the window.

"You are the saddest person I know," Shadow declared, sitting next to me.

"Ah... I hate my life," I sighed.

He patted my shoulder.


It had been days since I'd been outside. Shadow and I had been inside his house, ignoring the world and watching movies. I was rather enjoying not talking to people. I'd switched my phone off, so people wouldn't bother me.

"Marni, when was the last time you showered?" Shadow asked me on Saturday morning.

I frowned, and looked up from where I laid on the couch, reading a magazine.

"Um... about a week ago?" I guessed.

He made a face at me.

"What?" I defended. "I'm in weekend mode! I only shower when I have to!"

"I don't mean to insult you, but you smell bad."

I narrowed my eyes and lifted my arm up, sniffing my arm pit.

"Sweet mother of Jesus," I gasped, putting my arm down. "I smell like a dead animal."

"Come on, don't be so harsh on yourself," Shadow said. "It's more like a dead person, if anything."

I made a face and silently imitated him as I stalked to the bathroom. I didn't smell like a dead person. He smelt like a dead person, considering he technically is one. 

The shower was refreshing and I wrapped a towel around myself, clearing the steam with the wave of my hand. Humming softly to myself, I walked into the room I'd been staying in and opened the wardrobe out of habit. Dammit! I mentally cursed as I realised I had no clothes here. But much to my surprise, there were clothes in there. My clothes. 

"How the hell..."

"I took it upon myself to grab you some clothes while you showered," Shadow announced, leaning against the door frame. He smirked. "Well, you certainly smell better."

"How long was I in the shower?" I frowned, turning to him.

"Forty minutes, give or take," he shrugged. "Have I mentioned that you take extremely long showers?"

"Once or twice. But at least it was for a good cause," I defended. I lifted my arm up and sniffed. "See? I smell great now."

But Shadow wasn't paying attention to me. He was staring intently at my left wrist, horror filling his handsome features. 

"What is that?" Shadow asked in a tone so serious that I blinked.

"Nothing," I muttered immediately, quickly hiding my arm behind my back.

"No, that is not nothing," he argued, taking several steps towards me. 

"Seriously, don't even worry about it," I brushed him off airily.

"Don't worry about it?" he repeated incredulously, reaching behind my back and grabbed my arm, thrusting it out. "Marni, do you have any idea what this is?"

"Haven't a clue, actually," I replied, skipping back and turning to face the wardrobe. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm in need of clothes, so if you wouldn't mind."

Before he could argue, I sent a shot of air in his direction, causing him to stumble backwards, out of the room. With a flick of my hand, the door slammed and locked. 

Stupid, stupid! I mentally scolded myself. I began to get so good at hiding it, and then because of one little slip up, Shadow finds out. I would never hear the end of this. I glanced at my wrist and grimaced. It had gotten worse. The darkness was spreading up my arms, making my veins stick out unnaturally. I flexed my fingers, noticing that this hand still felt colder than the other. I glared at it before sighing.

On a higher note, Shadow had packed underwear for me. I wasn't sure whether to be happy or disturbed. I changed into a pair of black stockings and a crimson dress. As I reached for my jacket, my phone, which I'd ignored for the past week practically, started ringing.

Caller ID revealed that it was Klaus, and I looked at it for a second, before rolling my eyes and picking it up, answering as I did.

"You know, usually when someone doesn't pick up their phone the first twenty times, they don't want to be bothered," I declared.

"Ah, good to know you're still alive."

"It's been like five days. I love how you assume I'm dead," I scoffed.

"Well, one tends to get a tad worried when you expose most of us to the town and don't call afterwards,"

"Ah, you heard about that," I smirked.

"Your friend Damon wasn't too happy about it."

"One, Damon's not my friend, and two, who cares?"

"Where are you?"

"I haven't left town, if that's what you're thinking."

"No one's seen or heard from you in a week."

"Which explains all of the missed calls."

"Everyone's looking for you."

"And by everyone, I assume you mean people I talk to, because it would be a tad strange if the Queen of England was looking for me," I stated.

"Do you know how many times I've been approached by the Salvatore brother's this week? Even the little Bennett witch asked me where you were."

I smirked a little. "They're worried. They think I've gone crazy and started blurting out to the whole world about our exsistance. Now that's amusing."

"For you, maybe. But I don't exactly like being interrogated. I had to physically stop Kol from ripping Damon's head off."

"Aw, you ruin all of the fun," I pouted.

"I hear they think you've left the country."

"Now that's interesting," I grinned. "Do they really view me as that much of a threat?"


"Fantastic." A thought crossed my mind. "Isn't tonight some Charity Gala event?"

"Yes, although I highly doubt you're wanted there, what with the whole telling the Sherriff about our little secret."

"You're right... I probably shouldn't go..."

"I expect to see you there, then?"

"I never could resist a good party," I grinned. I looked at the door. "But first I have some things to attend to. I'll be there around seven."


Shadow was waiting for me when I walked into the kitchen. He had his hands clasped and was staring at the wall. I hesitantly took the seat across the counter and looked at him. There was something about his expression that made me want to run away and forget everything. But he knew something, I could tell.

"How long?" he asked quietly.

"A few months," I replied. "Just after I was brought back."

"Not good," he murmured, almost inaudibly.

"What is it?" I asked.

"What do you think it is?" he countered.

I sighed. "I assume it has something to do with me using Necromancy."


I raised an eyebrow.

"It's not because you use it," he stated, taking my arm and examining it. "It's because it's what brought you back."

I frowned. "What?"

"Necromancy is death magic, you were brought back from the dead, ergo it was Necromancy that brought you back," he explained. 

"No, the Original Witch brought me back," I argued.

"And how do you think she did it?"

"I don't know, she was a spirit at the time, she probably used some weird voodoo stuff."

"That's not how it works," Shadow said. "Infact, had you've been any other witch, it wouldn't have worked at all."

"What do you mean?"

"It wasn't the Original Witch's magic that brought you back. It was yours."

"That's impossible," I argued. "I was dead."

"Yes, but the Original Witch tapped into your magic, using your Necromancy to bring you back. Not even the Original Witch has enough power to bring someone back from the dead on her own."

"But I do?"

"Necromancy is a very powerful type of magic," Shadow commented. He pointed to my wrist. "And that there, is a consequence."

"Because I wasn't meant to come back," I murmured.

"Exactly. Before you died, the magic was in sync with your life. But because you actually died, the Necromancy is fighting against you, because it wants to return to it's original form," he told me.

"Death," I muttered.

"The more you use Necromancy, the more it fights against you." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. I knew he was keeping something.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Once it reaches your heart..." He closed his eyes. "It'll kill you."

I thought about it for a moment. "Thought as much." He looked up and raised his eyebrows. "Well it clearly wasn't anything good." I frowned. "How do you know all of this, anyway?"

"Because I've seen it happen before," he muttered.

My eyebrows shot up. "Really? When?"

"About three hundred years ago."

"Who was it?" I asked.

He hesitated. "Her name was Isabella."

"Oh? And what happened to this Isabella?"

"She died."

I was silent for a moment. "Ah. I see. Did the Original Witch also tap into her Necromancy power as well?"

"No. I did."

I frowned. "You saved her?"

He let out a bitter laugh. "Saved isn't exactly the word I'd use for it."

"Why did you save her?"

"Because I loved her."

Words ceased to come out of my mouth and I stared at him. A million thoughts crossed my mind, but I didn't say anything. He stared at his hands, eyes hard.

"I'm sorry," I murmured after a long silence.

"Don't worry about it."

"Is... is there a cure?" I asked quietly.

"If you stopped using Necromancy," Shadow said. "But if you do that, it'll kill you anyway."

"I figured as much," I uttered. 

He snapped his head up. "That's why you're doing this."


"Even though you are insane, you wouldn't just blurt to the Founder's Council what everyone is," he realised. "That's why you're being so reckless. It's not just because you don't care any more, it's because you've given up."

I laughed under my breath. "Well, I thought, why not have a little fun before I go?"


"You're not going to let me have fun?"

 "I'm not going to let you give up!"

"What's the point in having hope?" I asked. "It'll do nothing."

"You honestly can't expect me to sit back and watch you die," he snapped.

"What choice to you have?" I asked. "There's no cure, you said so yourself."

"That we know of. We'll find something."

"Well, you, Stefan and Damon have fun with that," I smiled.

I got up from my seat and headed to the front door. Just as I reached it, I heard Shadow stand up.

"Why are you so eager to die?" he called after me.

I paused for a moment, before looking back at him.

"We all have to die eventually."


As I expected, the Founder's Hall was swarming with people. Flutes of champagne were being served, and soft music played in the background. I grabbed a flute and entered, seeing the many familiar faces of Mystic Falls. I promptly avoided several of them, because they looked like they wanted to start a conversation. 

I made sure that my jacket sleeves covered my wrists. I didn't need anyone else questioning me about how my inevitable death was nearing. As I passed a room, I paused and looked inside. Liz had her back to the door, obviously busy with something. After contemplating the outcomes, I entered the room and shut the door behind me.

She whirled around, and her eyes widened when she saw me. Instantly, she reached for her gun.

"Relax," I told her, holding up my hands. "I'm just here to talk."

Her aim didn't waver.

"Fair enough," I nodded. I slowly walked further into the room, keeping an eye out for any sudden movements. "You have every right to be afraid of me. After all, I'm not human, am I?"

"I know what you are."

I frowned. "You're not still under the impression that I'm a vampire, are you?"

"You're a witch."

"Oh good, glad we cleared that up," I said. "May I ask how you know that?"

"I know about everything," she announced. "Damon told me."

"Did he now? I thought for sure he would've kidnapped you and waited until you were free of vervain so he could compel you."

"He was going to. Caroline stopped him."

"Ah, you know about Caroline," I nodded. "And I assume you convinced them that you wouldn't tell anyone?"

"I won't."

"That's great. But I'm not sure why you're still pointing that gun at me if you're so accepting," I pointed out.

"You tried to kill me."

I scoffed. "Oh come on! I did not! If I had've tried to kill you, you'd be dead. That's why I'm here actually. I owe you an apology. As you could probably tell, I wasn't exactly... in my right mind, that night. I'm not exactly seeing eye to eye with Damon and Stefan at the moment, so I acted recklessly. The fact that you were there was a bonus. There's nothing more they care about than secrecy."

"I noticed that you didn't mention Caroline when you revealed everyone," Liz stated.

"Yes, because I happen to like Caroline, unlike the others. You know that's the one thing she's terrified of? Your reaction to what she is. But now that it's all sorted, it shouldn't be a problem."

"I swore a duty to protect this town, Marni. I can't have threats walking around."

"I'm not a threat."

"No, but the Original vampires walking around are."

I smirked. "You got the whole story, didn't you? Let me guess. Damon told you that they were here to kill and maim. He could very well be right. But let me tell you this, Liz." I put down the pen I'd been fiddling with and looked up at her. "The Originals are not people you want to mess with. You think regular vampires are bad? You have no idea. If you make a single move against them, they will kill relentlessly, until there's no one left."

"Then how do we stop them?"

"You don't," I warned. "I assume Damon told you where I stand with them."

"Yes, we are quite close, aren't we?" a new voice asked.

Klaus was standing beside me, an amused expression on his face.

"I'd take her warning seriously, Sheriff Forbes," he continued. "We can be quite mean, when we want to. I've already told Mayor Lockwood of the situation. She and I have both agreed that as long as we stay out of your hair, you''ll stay out of ours."

"Wait, she knows?" I questioned.

"Yes, and she's agreed it's for the best to keep it secret," Klaus mused. He looked at Liz. "It's a good thing you two see eye to eye." He turned to me. "I believe we have have a party to get back to."

I nodded, leaving the room with him.

"So, are you the only one here?" I asked.

"Kol and Finn weren't interested, and Rebekah hates these things."

"And Elijah?"

"He's here somewhere."

"Oh good."

"So where exactly have you been the past week?" he questioned.

"With a friend, ignoring the world."

"Sounds fun."

"It was."

"Now they don't look very happy," Klaus smirked, looking to the side.

I glanced at where he was looking and spotted both Damon and Stefan staring at me with wary looks. Elena was with Bonnie, a few steps away from them, the same expression. I waved at them with a smirk.


"What are you doing here?" 

I was sitting at the small make shift bar, examining the wall when one of my least favorite people sat next to me.

"Enjoying myself, Damon. I suggest you do the same," I replied.

"Oh believe me, I am."

"Good. Do it else where."

"What you did was incredibly dangerous," Damon announced, turning to look at me. My gaze flickered to him. His ice blue eyes were guarded, but a casual smirk was placed on his mouth, as if he wasn't too concerned.

"I do a lot of incredibly dangerous things. You're going to have to be a little less vague," I stated.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"Oh yes, telling Liz... Well, can't say I regret it," I shrugged.

"It could've gone bad for all of us."

"Good thing it didn't then," I commented. 

"Hmm. I'm curious as to how Klaus managed to get Carol Lockwood to agree with whatever he says."

"That's Klaus for you," I stated. "He works in mysterious ways."

"So is this what you hoped to accomplish? Undagger all of the Originals and live happily ever after with them?" Damon questioned.

"Well, it's a little hard to live happily ever after when you're dying," I smirked. "I thought you would've guessed by now. It was all for fun."

"Fun," he repeated. "So that big plan was for fun."

"Partly. I'm happy with the turnout," I shrugged. "I for one like the Originals. And I figured, as long as I'm dying, I may as well go out with a bang."

Damon was silent for a moment. 

"There's got to be something," he muttered. "We've always found at least something."

"Why do you care, Damon?" I asked, turning to him. "You shouldn't. In fact, if I didn't know better, I would assume you hate me. You should."

"I can't hate you."

I laughed. "That's your mistake Damon. You have hope. Hope that somewhere deep inside me, that I still care. That I still love you. I don't. You should realise that. Nothing's going to change. But you still think you can bring me back. Make me care again. You can't." I stood up and faced him. "You're a fool for having hope. It ruins everything."

I turned and left, pushing through the crowd.

I made my way out onto the balcony, where I breathed in the cool night air and stared out at the small fountain in my line of vision. I closed my eyes and sighed, trying to get rid of the headache that was currently passing through my mind.

"And here I thought you left town."

I opened my eyes and smiled slightly, not turning to look at Stefan.

"Nope. I just know how to hide."

"I know."

"Don't tell me you're here to lecture me about what I did," I stated. "Damon already beat you to it."

"Well, it was incredibly stupid, but I moved past it," he shrugged, leaning beside me.

"Good to know someone has." The wind tousled my hair, blowing it back off my face. "What happened to you, Stefan? I don't get it. One minute, you're all kick ass and do what you want, and the next you're team hate on Marni and the Originals."

He laughed. "I don't hate you."

"You have a great way of showing it. I see you've forgiven Elena and Damon. I suppose it's all happy endings for you now."

"Actually, it's rather boring."

"I can imagine. Mefan was so much funner."

"Without a doubt."

I sighed. "I miss this. I miss you. We used to be Mefan, the kick ass team that didn't care about anything else."

"I suppose things change..."

"They don't have to." I turned to him. "Look what's become of us. We've always been close Stefan. Our bond is stronger than blood, and here we are, on opposite ends of the battle field."

"Well, for what it's worth, I'd much rather be on team Mefan," he commented.

"But I suppose we can't go back to that."

"Just because our friends don't get along with each other, doesn't mean we can't. We'll always be Mefan, no matter what," he declared.

"You're right, Stefan. Screw everyone else. Mefan kicks ass," I grinned. I held my fist up and we fist bumped. I sighed and looked back over the balcony.

"You're scared," Stefan stated quietly.


"You don't want to die."

I laughed bitterly. "Not many people do."

"Then why accept that it's going to happen?" he asked.

"Because it will, one way or another."

"I don't believe that."

"Good for you. But for how ever long I have left to live, I might as well enjoy it." I turned to him and grinned. "Wanna go see Magic Mike?"

He made a face. "I'm not exactly thrilled about seeing a movie about male strippers."

"But it's got Alex Pettyfer in it!" I whined.

Stefan's expression didn't change.

"Ugh, fine. We'll go see the Bourne Legacy. I hear it's good."

"Much better," Stefan smirked. "This party was boring anyway."

"I know. It's full of old people."

"You are aware, that we're older than almost everyone here," he pointed out.

"Yes, but we still look fabulous."

"That we do."

We made our way back inside and passed by the people, until we were stopped by my least favorite doppelganger.

"Stefan, what are you doing?" Elena asked, her eyes narrowed as she looked at us.

"Well, Elena, I'm going to go enjoy myself," Stefan replied.

"Why are you with her?"

"Because I'm obviously far better company than you," I pointed out.

"And where are you two off to?" Damon asked, joining us. Unlike Elena, he looked carefree and unconcerned. I could tell he'd been drinking.

"To the movies, if you must know."

"Sounds fun. Funner than this place anyway," Damon commented.

"Damon," Elena scolded.

"Elena," he mocked.

"Can't you see what she's doing?" she persisted.

I laughed. Here we go.

"She's taking Stefan to the movies?" Damon frowned. Elena scoffed. "Elena, you're under the impression that I care about the fact that Marni and Stefan are friends. Jealousy was never a good look on you." I raised my eyebrows in amusement. Now that was unexpected. I was almost tempted to give Damon a high five. He turned to us. "If you'll excuse me, I need another drink."

And with that, he left.

I smirked at Elena, who looked as if she'd been slapped.

"Don't take it personally," I told her. "Damon hates everyone." I looked at Stefan. "Shall we?"

"We shall."



I missed Mefan so much. I love Mefan. It could quite possibly be one of my favorite bromances. They're just so epic.

Yep, so I sprained my ankle yesterday, hurt like a b*tch. Almost died. And you know how it happened?

I was racing my friend to the toilet, because we both needed to pee. -.-

On the way to the toilet, I twisted my ankle and as a result, I'm now on crutches. I was in bed all day today, watching Doctor Who, not being able to go anywhere because I couldn't walk and I suck at using crutches. I almost tripped over and died when I first used them. My mother laughed at me. I shall get my revenge one day.

So... what happened in this chapter.... ah yes, the Originals. 

Sorry there wasn't much of them in this one, but I promise there will be in the future. Kol and Marni's bromance has yet to blossom.


It was great.

Okay, it was actually a pretty crappy movie, and I hated the ending, but it had Alex Pettyfer and Matt Bomer in it, and they were naked half of the time, so I was perfectly happy.

I went to see it with my sister, and there was an old lady sitting at the end of out row.

She left after ten minutes. It was rather amusing.

So... Are Stefan and Damon starting to take Marni's side? Will Marni forgive Damon? Or will she die a horrible death before they make up?

Either way, I'm happy. So, there was improvement on the Sharni bromance. Shadow's obviously trying to find a way to cure Marni's problem, as is everyone pretty much, but why doesn't she want to?

To be honest, I haven't a clue. You'll have to ask her yourself. And I know for a fact that Marni hates talking to people. Especially the mood she's in now. 

*Ducks as a chair is thrown*

Oh lord. Someone stole her ice cream.

So yes, it's been a while since I've uploaded, and I'm sorry. I just have way too much of a social life. I've hardly been alone all week, and I can't write when friends are over. That on top of work and school... I actually hate life. I JUST WANT TO HYBERNATE AND WRITE. I HATE SOCIALISING.

But I have to.

Okay, so I know I've made out in the past few chapter's that Elena is a complete a-hole, but to be honest, I actually like Elena in the show. Sometimes, yeah, she can get a bit damsel in distress-like, but hey, isn't every main character? She's pretty cool, as well as Bonnie, although I don't like that Bonnie is almost constantly hating on Damon! It's not nice! He is a lovely guy!

Anyhoodles, I've been rambling on, and it's 1 in the morning and I have school tomorrow.

So, I'll talk to you peeps later.


A lot of you have been asking for photo's of Ash and Shadow, and I've looked, believe me, but I can't quite find the right ones, so, I'm making a competition. 

Whoever sends me the best pictures that I like, will get a dedication and a shout out, as well as their photo being posted.

Yeah, you're right, you guys have lives and probably aren't going to do this, and that's completely fine, but if you decide that you're bored enough, inbox me the link to the photo's.


Anyway, shall see you lot later,



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