The Enchanted Forest {{Cancel...

By Linkinajar

274 30 12

A young boy named Michael Carris strays from the safety of his summer camp late at night. He wanders into the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

27 4 0
By Linkinajar

"Okay, meet in an hour?" Shadow asked before we left. DarkFur nodded, and then he, IceFire and Mountain turned and ran into the bushes, leaving Shadow and I alone. Before they left, we split into groups like I said, so it was me and Shadow on one of them, and everyone else on the other.

"C'mon." She said, turning around to leave.

"Hey wait." I said back to her. She stopped and looked at me. "Your friend-

"Brandon?" She interrupted.

"Yeah." I replied. "Your friend said that there was going to be a "surprise". What did he mean by that?"

She shrugged. "I don't know actually. It's always random and he never tells me."


"Well c'mon, we should get going"


"Hunting, duh."

With that said, she turned back around and sprinted into the forest, me running behind.


We made good progress by the time it was turning dark, which was when we met up with the others. So much for meeting up in an hour. Either way, we caught a lot of things, like voles, mice, squirrels and chipmunks, birds, (it turns out that they were right about Shadow. She is really good at climbing things. And she has really good balance too) and even one or two goats.

"Nice load!" Mountain exclaimed when she saw us. They brought back a little less then us, but they still brought back alot of prey.

"Man, you missed out!" Dark said laughing. "IceFire fell down that one hill you're always falling down Shadow!"

"Wow." Shadow said. "Thats a new one."

"Shut up." Ice grumbled.

Shadow giggled and stalked off to put our load in a pile where all our catches were.


After a while, we decided to do our own thing for a bit before we had to to sleep. I was laying on the ground, Dark, Mountain and Ice were sitting in a group talking about stuff, and shadow was asleep next to a tree in human form. She looked pretty. Really pretty. I watched her when someone suddenly spoke right next to me.

"Why you staring at Shadow?" They said. I looked, startled, and saw that it was just Dark.

"W-what? pfft please. I-I wasn't staring. She looked pretty though." I covered my mouth with one paw and spoke again quickly." I mean.. I, uh...."

I facepalmed myself when Dark looked at me and smirked. Uh-oh

"Do you....-"

"Nope. Nuh-uh. Not at all." I interrupted.

"You have a crush on Shadow don't you?" He said.

"No i don't, shut up." I said, looking away because my face was burning. So much for not having a crush.

"Aw c'mon. Just admit it. If you do I'll tell you who my crush is." He promised.

I was too curious for my own good, because i said, "Okay fine. I have a small crush on Shadow..."

"That wasn't so hard was it?" He snickered.

"I hate you. Now your turn." He stopped snickering and looked away.

I followed his gaze and realized he was looking at mountain.

"Do you have a crush on mountain??" I asked.

He looked at me, blushing, and nodded.

I anime gasped. "I ship it."

He playfully smacked me.

"Whatever." He said.

"It is my mission and duty to come up with a ship name for you two" I said.

He chuckled. "Ha. Duty"

I yawned. "Well, I'm gonna turn in. I'm tired." I said. Dark nodded and walked away back to the group he was at.

I laid my head on my paws and closed my eyes, and before I knew it, I was alseep.

*** 1:00 In The Morning ****

I woke up to some roaring in our little hunting camp. It was really early, I could tell. I sat up and immediately stood up in alarm when I saw cats stealing our prey and fighting with Shadow and IceFire. When Ice saw me awake, she yelled at me.

"Get the others up! Quickly!!" She yelled to me.

I nodded briefly and ran to Dark and Mountain, who were sleeping side by side.

"Get up you guys! Quick!" I said urgently.

"Ugh.." Dark groaned. "Is it time to get up."

"Hm, let me check, oh it's only There-Are-Cats-Attacking-Us-And-Trying-To-Steal-Our-Prey O'clock. Yeah, you can sleep for a little while more."

They immediately sat up.

"What?" They both said in unison. They looked behind me, and when they saw Shadow and IceFire fighting, they stood up and ran to help out. I followed, right behind them, when suddenly I crashed to the floor. I turned my head and saw that some girl cat pinned me down.

I struggled to get free when she bit my shoulder. I went limp and waited, hoping I could trick her the same way I tricked that kid when I had to battle to join the clan. The cat let go, confused that I gave up so quickly when I suddenly shot up and flung her off me. When she landed, she looked at me, then ran away. I looked around and saw Shadow get pinned down by a bunch of cats, and I was about to go and help when someone stopped me. It was IceFire.

"Wait. Watch this." She said, looking and Shadow getting pinned down.

"But-" I started.

"Trust me, she can handle it. She might be young, but she's strong." She assured me. "And she has a pretty cool way of handling it too."

I looked, and sure enough, Shadow turned into a legit shadow. She stood up, looking at the cats who tried to pin her back down, but their hands just passed through her. Then she ran, but so fast that it was a blur. Then, in a blink of an eye, the cats were lying on the floor.

Shadow went back to normal and ran over to us.

"See? What did I tell ya? She can handle it." Ice said, giving Shadow a high five. "Nice job youngster."

"Thanks." She said. "C'mon, let's go help the others."

With that, they ran back into the battle, me helplessly following them. I really didn't want to fight, but I had no choice.

*** After the Battle **

《 A/N; I'm to lazy to write out the battle XD 》

We all flopped on the ground, sighing with relief as the last cat ran out of our camp.

"I didn't know we're allowed to raid other hunting camps.." I groaned.

The others agreed.

"And now all our prey is gone!" Mountain complained.

"We have to go hunting again." Dark said.

"Why don't we rest for a while" Shadow said, laying on the floor facing down.

**** Hunting Time. Again. Yay ****

Once again, me and shadow set out to find prey.

"This really sucks." I said, trudging behind Shadow.

"Yeah. But then again, we would've had to go hunting again some point or another." She said.

"By the way, did you see which team raided our camp?" I asked.

"I think it was team 1." She replied.

I sighed, then thought for a moment.

"But wasn't it too many cats to be team 1?" I asked.

She scoffed. "For all I know, those idiots teamed up with another team"

"Oh that's just swell."

**** Le Time Skip Cuz I Can *****

《 A/N; It's 3:12 a.m while im writing this. Course im gonna be lazy. 》

"Ughhh. I'm tired." I complained.

Shadow sat down, obviously tired. "Me too.." she said.

We've been hunting for the whole day. I mean yeah, we've caught a lot of things, but still. I was kind of relieved that we were already heading back.

"Nice load you got there." Someone said. We looked around, but saw no one. Then some guy stepped out of the shadows and stood in front of us. There were a few of his friends behind him, snickering.

"What do you want Wolf?" Shadow growled.

Wolf came up to her and held her chin with a paw.

"Oh nothing, Beautiful." He said. "Just wanted to say hi to my beloved princess.

"I'm not your beloved princess. We've been over this." She said, looking away so that he didn't hold her chin anymore.

"Aw c'mon. You know I love you despite your attitude towards me." He said.

"Aw c'mon, you know I hate you despite nothing." She growled.

Wolf scoffed. He walked around her, tail rubbing on her cheek. Shadow scooted away, looking rather uncomfortable.

"Leave me alone Wolf. You know I don't have feelings for you."

"But I have feelings for you Princess." He said. "And I won't leave you alone 'til your mine."

That just made her even more uncomfortable.

"Hey." I growled. "She doesn't like you, so be a decent person and go away."

He looked at me. "What did you say?" He snarled, showing long fangs.

"I said, she doesn't like you, so go away." I repeated.

He looked back at Shadow and kissed her cheek, making her look completely dead inside, then faced me. He ran and me and pinned me down. I struggled, trying to break free, when Wolf laughed.

"You're so weak." He laughed, mockingly. I kept struggling, but it was no use. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. It was stupid, but it was better then nothing. I just hope it works...

"Hey fat head!" I said. He stared at me. First he was shocked and confused, then he growled at me. Shadow's jaw dropped.

"What did you call me?" He snarled.

"A fat head! I mean, your head is so huge, it would probably have the same weight of a wrecking ball."

"What the heck is a wrecking ball?" He asked.

I was confused for a second when I remembered that they were Mixed-Souls. They didn't know much about human stuff. And I couldn't reveal my identity.

"It's uhhhhh.... It's a giant boulder in the shape of a ball. There were a lot of those in some spot by my old clans camp. And we used to call it that too so... " I said hastily.

"Oookay" Wolf said. He shook his head, then went back to snarling at me. I growled back when suddenly I stopped and looked behind him, but up. Then I pretended to look confused.

"Huh." I said. "That's a weird place to put a tree. "

He looked behind him, and so did the others.

I quickly focused on picturing me with super powers, like, electric powers.

I felt myself change, then Wolf looked back at me.

"What are you talking about?" He growled. "There is no tree."

"Uh yeah. I know." I said. I felt a feeling stir inside me, then I tapped Wolf's paw. All of a sudden, an electric shock coursed through his body quickly, and he looked like those characters getting electric shocked in cartoons.

He leaped off me, so I turned and ran. He caught up to me though, and pinned me down. All of a sudden, he got off, so I looked at him, confused. I realized that Shadow was grabbing him by the scuff of his neck. She walked backwards, dragging him with her, when she suddenly tripped. Wolf landed on her, so he smirked. Shadow froze, then she swiped her paw with her claws unsheathed, which caught Wolf's head. He snarled with pain and got off, letting her go free. She ran towards and past me, and when she ran past, she yelled, "Run!!"

I ran after her, and heard Wolf say, "After them you fools!" as we ran. His friends gave chase, so Shadow and I ran faster. We ran until we reached a high cliff with water at the bottom, I stopped running, causing Shadow to stop running as well.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Uh, if you haven't noticed, there is a HUGE cliff." I replied. Shadow looked down, then back at me.

"I know what to do, but it kind of includes jumping off..."

"What?!" I yelled. "We're trying to get away from those idiots, not commit suicide!!"

"We have to! It's the only way!" She yelled back. "Just.. do you trust me?

//| A/N; Ha, Alladin reference X3|\\

I stared at her nervously.

A second later, Wolf and his friends crashed through the bushes.

"You're not going to get away!" Wolf snarled.

Shadow frantically looked at me. "Do you?" She asked. I nodded.

"Okay good." She said hastily before grabbing my paw and leaping off the cliff. I screamed like a five-year-old when Shadow placed me on her back. I felt something feathery there, then all of a sudden, black wings appeared.

"You have wings?!" I screamed. "Since when?!"

"Since forever!!" She replied as she spread her wings, slowing down our fall by 90%. I held onto her neck, at the same time hoping a wasn't choking her. As we flew away, I looked back just in time to see and hear Wolf roar with rage.

"Yikes.." I muttered.

"Hold on." Shadow said.

"What, why?"

Then, without warning, she dove down, closing her wings. I screamed, and before we hit the ground, Shadow spread her wings once more, slowing our fall.

"Alright." She said, throwing me off. "Explain."

"Huh? Explain what?" I asked, confused.

"What you did. You electricuted him." She said. "And there was some sort of green ring that circled around you."

"Oh uh..."

'Shoot. She saw that?' I thought.

"It's one of my powers." I said, smiling nervously.

She looked at me suspiciously.

"Powers?" She said.

Shoot. I don't think they have super powers. Dang I messed up bad.

"I mean.. Uhh no, not powers.. Did I say powers? Heh I-I didn't mean that."

"Chill, it's fine if your a Royal." She said. She circled around me. "Though you don't look like one."

"... Huh?"

"Your a Royal, aren't you?"

"Oh! Uh, yep I'm a Royal."

"But how come you don't look like a Royal. Or have the same aura as them?" She asked.

"Well uh, that's because I don't have wings like you do."

She stared at me, making me shuffle my paws nervously. Did I say the right thing?

"I guess that makes sense. Not all Royals have wings." She said. She looked at me. "Plus, without wings your Royal aura gets weaker. Anyways, how come you didn't tell us you were a Royal earlier? Would have been helpful using your powers when we were getting attacked too."

"Oh. Well, I guess I was pretty afraid of my power not working in the middle of when I was using it."


"Uh.. S-sometimes my powers shut off automatically for no reason."

"Oh, that must suck then."

"Yeah well, come on. We should get going. The others will wonder about what happened to us." I said, turning around. I started walking across this dirt path, Shadow following close behind when suddenly, we heard something. Shadow looked confused, but I knew what it was. It was an engine for something. Suddenly a vehicle came out of no where. And not just any vehicle, it was a motorcycle, and it was heading in our direction quickly. I ran to the edge, and when I looked next to me, I realized that Shadow was still on the path.

"What are you doing?? Get out of the way!" I yelled. She didn't hear me, and remained crouching with fear.

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