The New Companion

By JazzyAdele

960 42 10

Charlie McDonnell, an ordinary YouTube sensation just like the others. Until however, a mysterious yet handso... More

The New Companion
Secrets Untold
The Truth
The Chameleon Circuity
The Kiss and The Mystery of Donna Noble
A Merry Whomas
Excitement is Infectious.
The Whispering Forests
We Need Your Help
Another Day, Another Life to Save.
The Hunt Begins
"That look in your eye..."

Nothing Else Mattered

21 1 0
By JazzyAdele

SO hello guys! I’ve noticed this isn’t getting many views and I was thinking of bringing this to an end soon. Maybe have 3 or 4 more chapters as a maximum – I would like to ask though if you’re reading this and enjoy it could you possibly leave a rate and comment so I know that these are still being read? Apologies just I would rather continue these knowing that people actually like it than not continue it and move to my Tumblr oneshots account when people were actually enjoying this! Anyway enjoy!!!


Charlie POV

Without much warning the TARDIS set flight, everyone scrambled to grab random items, the Doctor grabbed the control panel as his friends Rory and Amy grabbed some piping. Myself and Dannielle had grabbed onto the opposite side of the control panel as the TARDIS made its regular chaotic route down to Earth.

A few minutes passed as they we  finally heard the screeching of the TARDIS ending, we all began to try and catch our breath unlike the Doctor whom seemed to run out of the room and return with a massive box.

“So! This is a party, we need to blend in or the guards will throw us out! The TARDIS has gotten us clothes for this just so occasion!” Within seconds the Doctor was throwing items of clothing at each and every one of us, none of us complained or questioned it. We were just so used to his spontaneity by now we were surprised we hadn’t seen it coming in all honesty.

Once we had been handed our outfits we all made our way to separate rooms in the TARDIS alone, I found a quiet room with a mirror in front of it and looked down at the clothes in my arm. With a smile I placed the clothes on the bed and began to strip out of my clothes.

A few minutes of struggling to try and actually figure out how to put the old fashioned clothes on passed and I stood in the mirror, straightening my suit and seeing whether it suited me. It was a tail coat of sorts that ran down my back right down to the back of my knees. It was black with a strange gold piping down its edges. You had on a red closed off jacket on the inside, also piped with gold. You wore brown pants that tucked into your black boots, the collar was finished with a somewhat flamboyant white necker-cheif-thing? Was it called an ascot? You made a mental note to ask the Doctor later.

I made my way back into the room, looking around at the gorgeous ball gowns that the girls were wearing; the bottom was massive as it flowed out from their hips downwards. The tops fit perfectly and showed off enough cleavage to be modest. I’d definitely wear that if I were a woman.

I glanced over to Rory as he wore a similar outfit to me, he waved over a tad and smiled happily in my direction despite the glare from Amy and the fact she dragged him away from me and out into the party. Dannielle smiles softly in my direction and followed her grandparents out of the TARDIS, I sighed and shook my head a tad aggravated. Jesus what was that woman’s problem?

Glancing over to the controls of the TARDIS  I smiled slightly and slid my fingers across the buttons, I’d seen the Doctor do what I was about to do once or twice though it still felt pretty silly of me none the less.

“Hey there... uhm girl? Thanks for landing us and you know... not killing us and stuff. To be honest I’ve always wondered whether you actually listened in on the Doctor or not.” I felt myself let out a small laugh before shaking my head, “Anyway, just thought I’d say thanks and stuff because you’re one of the few people that actually like me so far, well at least I hope you like me.”



Oh Charlie you have no idea how much I love your companionship, you’ve done wonders for the Doctor... he was so alone even with all his companions.

I watched down on the young man as I saw the Doctor make his way into the control room, he had been watching Charlie for a little while, sneaky devil. He made his way up behind the boy, his arms snaking their way around his waist slightly with a small smile. Charlie tensed for a second before realizing whom it was and let out a sharp breath mixed with a laugh. He turned around in the Doctor’s hold and stared deeply into his eyes, a pink blush creeping its way onto Charlie’s cheeks.

“Y-yes Doctor?” Charlie’s voice was rather shaky, adorable if you ask me. The Doctor let out a small laugh and pressed a gentle kiss to the boys cheek before pulling back and motioning for the boy to follow.

“Come on Charlie, we’re going to be late.”


Doctor POV

We made our way outside of the TARDIS, she automatically locked herself on the way out and we made our way into the party. We whispered our names to the announcer whom nodded and blew onto his horn, before yelling out what we had told him.

“Presenting, The Doctor and Lord Wolfe.” If the Bad Wolfe signal didn’t tip Jack off then the The Doctor would definitely had done. We made our way down the stairs, I held onto a cane that I snuck out for myself to seem much more sophisticated. I do love my random accessories.

I felt the smirk play its way onto my lips once I noticed Jack staring towards us, I quickly led Charlie down the floor. Once we finally made contact with Jack we noticed a lovely young woman on his arm, strange did he actually settle down?

“Hello Doctor!” We heard his loud and excited voice greets us, “Who’s this lovely fellow? Have you finally found yourself a “long term” companion if you get what I mean?” He smirks at his joke and winks Charlie’s way, something about that sort of annoyed me but I just let it roll off my back.

“Possibly, this is Charlie Jack a friend of mine.” Friend doesn’t exactly sound right. “Who’s your lovely companion here?” I smiled towards the young lady in front of me, she looked beautiful. Jack certainly must have spoiled her, her outfit was much more gorgeous than the ones the TARDIS had gotten for the girls. The dress sticks to her form perfectly, a modest cleavage with the white gown puffing out from her waist down to her ankles. There was a golden trim along the bottom of the dress and on the front sides of the cleavage. She had a small black ribbon holding her waist into herself, her black locks of hair matching the colour perfectly and even with minimal makeup she looked amazing.

“This is my fiancé, the Duke’s daughter, Yasmine.” He smiles down at the girl slightly, the girl bowing slightly in her gown towards me and offering me a warming smile.

“Pleasure to meet you Doctor.”

“Pleasure to meet you too Miss.”

Jack cleared his throat a tad as he smiled down towards Yasmine, “Would you mind giving us a minute my sweet? I need to discuss some matters of importance with the Doctor.” With a nod and a smile the girl was off, no doubt to talk to her friends whom weren’t off busy dancing.

“So what’s the problem Doctor?” Jack’s voice was much more stern now, worried and concerned.

“The Timelords are trying to destroy the library-“

“But Rivers in there-“

“Exactly, I have a plan on how we can get them out but we need your help to distract the Timelords while we get my daughter back into the library and shove the Timelords back into their crack in the universe.”

“I’ll do it.”

“You don’t even know what I need you to do.”

“Whatever it is I’ll do it, not like I’m dying any time soon.” Jack laughs a humourless laugh, well at least that was that sorted. Now I just need to- wait where did Charlie go?

I scan the crowd worriedly and suspiciously, my eyes squinting to try and make my vision the best it could possibly be at this point. No... no... wait is he dancing? I watch as Charlie’s arm snakes it’s way around a girl’s waist, the girl’s arms around his neck as they slowly dance the waltz. Wow, rude. I could feel the anger boil up inside my gut, you couldn’t just take Charlie from me we were having a discussion.

Within seconds I grabbed a partner and made my way to the dance floor myself, mimicking their moves up until I got to Charlie. We both spun our partners around at the same time and the second both of us let go I grabbed Charlie’s coat tail and dragged him out of the party.


Charlie POV

The Doctor dragged me out of the party despite my protests of “I was dancing with her!” and “How suspicious are they going to be of us now!?” He finally let me go when I fell into the TARDIS and stood up aggravated and upset.


“Doing what?” He asked genuinely surprised by my outburst, what the hell was his deal?

“YOU CAN’T JUST KISS ME AND THEN PRACTICALLY IGNORE ME FOR DAYS BEFORE YOU SUDDENLY GET ALL POSSESIVE ONCE I DANCE WITH ANOTHER HUMAN BEING! YOU CAN’T JUST USE ME LIKE THIS!” I couldn’t help it, the cap of my anger flew off, it was horrible feeling this way day in and day out, something needed to change and it was going to be me telling him how I felt.

“IT’S HORRIBLE AND HURTFUL AND I CAN-“ I was cut off immediately from my yelling by the feeling of his arms around my waist and his lips on mine. I melted into the kiss, his arms pulling me closer to him as my fingers slid into his hair softly, tangling in his locks. I felt his tongue slide along my lower lip as if asking for acceptance, I gladly agreed. The kiss deepened and within seconds I was pressed against the wall.

He pulled away for a second, only to breath one thing into my ear, “All you had to do was ask and I would have said we were a couple in an instant Charlie...” Then right back to the kiss...

He took over all of my senses, the smell of his cologne was all I could breath in, it was like a drug all of a sudden. The feel of his arms gripped tightly around my hips and waist only beckoned me to deepen the kiss. The sight of his eyes fluttering closed prompting me to do the same, all we could do was feel the kiss. The sound of his breathing, lulling me slowly to the point that our hearts began to beat in sync took over my entire body. Finally, the taste of his lips and tongue on mine, peppermint and some wine from the party earlier was the last sense he claimed ownership over.

In that moment it didn’t matter who I was anymore, what I was doing, who I was doing it with – hell the apocalypse could have happened and I wouldn’t give a flying fuck. All I cared about was his lips on mine and his arms around me. In that moment, nothing else mattered.

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