Master Of Death

By Thinking_Of_A_Dream

356K 12.2K 2.2K

Harry Potter is the only one left alive after the battle of Hogwarts and is visited by one of the Valar to be... More

Chapter One
chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter 5
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 - End

Chapter Eight

19.7K 764 195
By Thinking_Of_A_Dream

They were running through an open corridor, Orcs hot on their trail, trying not to be trapped. The Hobbits continued to fall behind, unable to keep up with our longer strides. I kept my breathing steady, ready to help anyone that fell too far back, I couldn't risk them being caught. It felt like we had run for hours before the Orcs finally managed to trap us. We were surrounded by Orcs, all growling, gnashing their teeth, some even smirked. The fellowship got ready to fight. This time I slipped the Elder Wand into my hand rather than using the sword. I'm still curious about my being able to wield it so well. It also felt like the time to use the most powerful wand ever created.

As I prepared myself to cast a spell, and Legolas grabbed two arrows, the darker aura suddenly moved. I tensed, not wanting to face it. There was a feeling of inexplicable fear that came with the atmosphere. Legolas and Aragorn both notice my tensed posture.

Then it roars. The sound vibrated my very bones, and everyone was instantly on the defensive. Even the Orcs made haste to scurry away from the beast.

"Run?" I questioned, in a voice soft.

"Run," Aragorn repeated.

We turn and rush down the corridor as fast as we could. However, we were forced to slow slightly as we reach the narrowing stone pathways leading to the exit, Orcs shooting at us in the distance. We stumbled along, Gandalf was up front and Aragorn bringing up the rear - trying to keep us together. Things were going well until we noticed there's a huge gap in our path, it continued to grow bigger with each passing second - the rocks crumbling into what seemed to be an unending cavern. Gandalf was the first to cross, followed by Boromir. Before anyone else could manage to jump across, another mass of rock crumbled off on the other side. The gap was now vast, and there was more than a few feet to jump. Legolas gracefully leapt across, landing gently in front of Gandalf before turning around - naturally he made it look effortless.

"You will have to toss the Hobbits over. We will catch them." Legolas held his arms out, determined.

"Sam, come here." Aragorn gathered the largest of the Hobbits, smoothly chucking him into Legolas' waiting arms. Once Sam was safely on the other side he repeats the action with Merry and Pippin, then turned to Gimli.

"Oh no! None tosses a dwarf." Gimli huffed out, then backed up for a running start. The second his foot left the pathway, I knew he would fall short at the other end.

"Wingardium Leviosa," I sputtered, helping the stubborn Dwarf to safety. Gimli glared at me, but I shrugged it off, looking to Aragorn.

"You should go next," I told him, a sense of urgency rushing through me.

"You -" Aragorn cut off, a sudden large boulder breaking from the ceiling, destroying the path behind us, tilting the piece we are on forward.

'Oh bloody hell.'

I steadied myself, glancing back at the Ranger, Frodo beside him with eyes wide in fear.

"Go, I'll be fine," I said again, this time Aragorn didn't argue and jumped across, Frodo clutched tightly in his grasp.

The piece I'm standing on tilted forward faster from Aragorn's momentum. I wait until it's at the correct angle - as soon as it was aligned just right, I jump, landing in Legolas' arms, our chests bumping faintly and our arms wrapped around one another. I cling to him a little out of fear as I watch debris fall down the never-ending pit.

"Um, thanks, for helping me land." I stuttered out, quickly removing my arms from his shoulders - leaving what could be a loose embrace.

'Could that even be called an embrace?'

I frowned, and we continued forward as quickly as possible in the hope of making up for lost time - we didn't move fast enough though - as soon as we reached the last bridge, the beast emerged.

"Balrog!" Gandalf spoke with dread in his eyes.

Without confirmation, I knew this creature wasn't going to be easy to get past or to destroy. The sheer amount of darkness oozing from its aura made me nauseous, but I managed to contain myself. I need to focus on escaping with everyone else. We got halfway across the bridge - we were forced to go single file - before Balrog attacked, the beast large and seemingly made of fire and coals, huge curving horns on its head and a vast wingspan.

"Go, I will buy you time to escape," Gandalf spoke urgently, standing in front of Balrog.

The fellowship quickly ran the rest of the way to the exit. However, I stayed a few feet from Gandalf, preparing to help. Gandalf didn't notice.

"You shall not pass!" Gandalf commanded.

He thrust down his staff, an orb of light circled him. I saw Glamdring shining as it too was held aloft, warding off the demon. The Balrog wasn't backing down, and Gandalf slammed his staff into the ground once more, creating with it a burst of magic and bright light.

"I am a servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame or Arnor; the dark fire will not avail you! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" he commanded once more, it seemed to force the Balrog back slightly.

Balrog released another roar and lunged for the Istari. I blocked him with a strong protego, the strongest I could manage, and it startled Gandalf.

"Fool, run!" Gandalf shot the words in my direction, but I ignored him. The protego shattering under the creatures sheer force. The bridge was beginning to crack under the power of my spell along with Gandalf chanting. I scowled, throwing a few curses and hexes at the beast, but they did no damage, almost like a dragon, they don't do enough harm - they just make it angrier.

"Harry, get out of there!" Legolas shouted, panicked.

"Idiot wizard's you're going to get yourselves killed," Gimli growled out just loud enough to hear.

"Gandalf, Harry, run!" Frodo begged, held back by a resolute Aragorn.

The shouts were distracting, but I kept my focus on the task at hand. Balrog was grabbing for Gandalf again, and I raised my wand toward him.

"Sectumsempra," I spoke the curse, hoping to sever a limb or inflict some sort of wound.

The spell barely affected it, only succeeded in getting Balrog to divert its attention. Its head turned and finally settled on me standing off to the side. I braced myself, thrust my wand out with another spell on the tip of my tongue. Then all I knew was pain and screaming.

'Is it me screaming?' I think, my mind was fuzzy, 'no, that's Legolas.'

"Harry! Damn it Boromir; you are going to release me this instant!" Legolas snapped out, in a harsh and desperate tone. I'm distantly aware of Gandalf in front of me, the Balrog was gone, and he pressed against my stomach.

"Stay with us, Harry," Gandalf whispered, attempting to heal the damage but failing.

Everything was starting to go dark, and I could make out very little of what was going on. I try to open my heavy lids, but it's a struggle.

"Gandalf!" I hear Frodo's scream, the sound is shrill, and it pierces my ears.

I managed to open my eyes for just a moment, just as something wrapped around Gandalf's ankle, and yanked him into the dark abyss below. The entire fellowship rush over, there is so much noise as they all shout and cry for their fallen hero, and yet not believing what's happening. The clearest sound was Frodo's sobbing. I can see Aragorn clutched him to his side, Sam and Legolas leaning over me. It's getting so hard to stay aware of what's going on, everything is becoming blurry, and the sounds getting harder to understand.

"Come on Mr. Wizard, please don't leave us." Sam smiled shakily. His small hobbit hand grasps my own - I feel comfort from someone outside of Legolas for the first time since coming here.

"Harry, you'll be fine," Legolas spoke softly, whispering, though I'm not sure who he was trying to reassure, himself or me.

I opened my mouth, to try to tell him I was fine, only to cough up an obscenely large amount of blood. There's a noise, sudden, next to me that sounded suspiciously like a strangled sob. I slowly turned my head, startled to see Pippin struggling not to cry. It seems they all cared more than I knew.

"Come on. We have to get him outside," Aragorn spoke as his gentle hands picked me up.

I can't help the groan of pain that slipped past my lips at the movement. It hurts to be moved, it hurts to breathe, it hurts even to have my eyes open.

"Sorry," Aragorn whispered.

It was the last word I heard before the blackness overtook me.

Legolas POV

It was like time slowed down completely as I watched helplessly; the Balrog turned to Harry, stabbing a clawed finger into his chest. The monster extracted the claw from Harry's body with a wet sound, and it was coated in thick, shiny red liquid. My stomach dropped as I watched Harry slowly and painfully slumped to the ground, there was barely a sound. I was only vaguely aware of Gandalf falling in the abyss. Not wasting time I run to Harry's side, turning him onto his back. There was so much blood, and he had become pale and cold. I could tell that he was only able to process the pain, at least that's what I saw as the wound in his chest burned causing Harry to scream. I couldn't look at it for long, his flesh in tatters around the gaping hole. The fact Harry was alive was a miracle. It was more than likely due to his magic keeping him alive. It was a futile attempt, though, I could see the life slipping away. Harry was dead by the time we got outside. I gently laid him on the grass, my ear pressed to his heart, but there was nothing. I kept my emotions hidden, the sorrow swirled inside me uncontrolled, but I was unable to leave him.

'I never got to know him better. I never got to give him those lessons. He didn't get the chance to grow old - to love.'

I squeezed my eyes shut, kneeled next to the man I had slowly started to care about. I hadn't told the others of his passing, I didn't know how to say it. I didn't notice the wound steadily knitting itself back together, well not until I heard a faint inhale from the body in front of me. I'm suddenly overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for my sharper hearing abilities. I lay my head against his chest once more, sure enough, I hear his heart, though barely-there, it was slowly getting steadier. I wanted to laugh or cry in joy, but my shock drowned everything else out.

'That's impossible. Harry was - he was dead. No one can come back from that.'

I was about to get the others attention, brushing Harry's hair from his face, when I'm suddenly engulfed in black - a dark void of nothing. I gripped my bow, senses on alert.

"Fear not Elf, I mean no harm." A dark, hooded male spoke. He stood to my left, and I turned swiftly, startled.

'How did he sneak up on me?' I didn't relax, on alert.

"Who are you and where am I?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at the strange being. I wanted to get back to Harry.

The man sighed, leaning on a cane. His hair was cropped short and messy, pure black, his eyes were bright gold with slitted pupils, and his mouth was pulled into a frown. He's wearing strange robes that look to be emerald-colored silk with silver along the edges and a weird crest on the right side of his chest. His shoes are black, and the cane that he held was plain. His appearance isn't in the least bit comforting.

"It was supposed to remain a secret for at least another 300 years. And then only because people would start asking questions. Or maybe it was 200 years? Life spans are so different for mortal beings. Alas, there is nothing to do about it now. I am Death, and it is a pleasure to meet you Legolas." I stared at the strange being, questions dancing through my mind.

"How do you know my name?"

"I know many things, Legolas Greenleaf. That's not why I brought you here. There are things you should know, things that the others do not need to know."

"Shouldn't Harry tell me?" I relaxed slightly, releasing my bow, but did not let my guard down. I still don't believe the things this strange being tells me, least of all that he is the fabled Death.

"The stubborn fool will take far too long to say anything." The man - Death - snorted, "But he cannot die."

"What? But he was dead. His heart stopped beating."

"Oh, honestly did you see that wound? I had to stop the blood flow in his whole body, thus stopping his heart, so the wound would start to heal properly and prevent unnecessary blood loss. He will be fine. He'll have to rest of course, since I used his own magic to heal him."

"Okay," I spoke slowly, processing the information. "How is he unable to die?" I ask confused.

"He is the Master of Death. There are many other perks to that title, but immortality is the big one."

"The Master of Death? So would that make him your Master? How?" My brows creased, contemplating the information overload, "so Harry can't die and he is the Master of Death. Is this what he meant when he said his lifespan wouldn't be a problem?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes," Death rolled his eyes. "He holds all three Deathly Hallows, and they accept him as their Master. You can ask him about that when he wakes."

"How long does he need to rest for?" I asked.

"It depends on the wound, this one? Maybe a day, or two," he replied.

Suddenly we were interrupted by a loud beeping cutting our conversation short.

"Ah, that's my cue to leave. Goodbye Legolas, and say hello to dear Harry for me." Death snapped his fingers, shattering the black space.

A moment later I'm back with the Fellowship, and it was like barely a second had passed. I looked up from where I kneel, and I find four pairs of Hobbit eyes looking at Harry, filled with tears.

"Is Mr. Harry going to be okay?" Sam whispered. He didn't look up, and his eyes were glued to the wound.

"I do not know," I answered without thinking. I begin wondering if not telling them is the best course of action to take. "I think he needs rest," I say settling for half-truths.

"We should keep moving; it's too dangerous to stay out in the open" Aragorn said urgently. His expression didn't reveal anything. I knew he was just as upset as the rest of us, that he would sooner collapse with his grief, but he held the burden of leading us.

"But Aragorn, Harry can't be moved!" Frodo exclaimed.

"We either stay here and be killed, or we move and survive," Gimli stated, standing beside Aragorn with a frown.

I remained silent, gently pull Harry into my arms gently lifting him. I winced at the weak whine the man gave at the movement, wishing we didn't have to move.

"Let's go. We shouldn't waste any more time," I say as I stand and pull Harry close to my chest.

The Hobbits slowly following behind Aragorn and myself, gently sobbing. The rest of the Fellowship were following suit. I know that it's only a matter of time before the loss of Gandalf truly sunk in for everyone - but right now we were running on adrenaline, and for me, Harry's survival was the priority.

We walked for hours, only occasionally stopping. I was adamant that I could carry Harry the entire way. We finally reached a river where we could spend the night. I recognized it immediately.

"The river of Nimrodel." I breathed out, laying Harry down gently. I wondered if this might help him.

"What?" Merry questioned, staring at the blue water.

"This river is well known, and the water can help heal weary travellers," I stated. "It's named after an elf maiden."

As I dip my hand into the water I feel the cold liquid brush past my skin, and I already feel that slight rejuvenation.

"Could we use it to help Harry?" Sam asked, eyes flitting between the river and Harry's lifeless body.

"Possibly. The song of the maiden, Nimrodel, is said to be heard in the sound of the river;

An elven maid there was of old,

A shining star by day:

Her mantle white was hemmed with gold,

Her shoes of silver-grey.

A star was bound upon her brows,

A light was on her hair

As sun upon the golden boughs

In Lórien the fair.

Her hair was long, her limbs were white,

And fair she was and free;

And in the wind she went as light

As leaf of linden-tree.

That is only a small piece of it," I finished the song, speaking softly.

I picked Harry up and waded into the river until he was submerged. I kept my back to the others, shielding us from them without thinking. My eyes didn't move from Harry's face, watching with a frown when the wound slowed in its healing, no longer steadily stitching back together.

'Maybe it would be best if I take him back out. This is unexpected.'

I was about to walk back when Harry takes a sharp inhale, and his emerald eyes snapped open, gazing directly into my own.

"Harry?" I breathed out, relief flowing through me, seeing him wake up was elating.

"Hello," Harry said, his voice was shaky from disuse. "Did I miss anything?"

I shushed him, not wanting him to strain himself. I helped him, and we turned and walked to the shore where everyone sat waiting.

"Harry!" Frodo sobbed out once we left the water.

I set the wizard down, where the hobbits quickly surrounded him. I smiled as he consoled them, hoping to get time with him later so we could talk. As though he felt my gaze, Harry looked up at me and smiled, the sight causing my heart to soar. I kept myself from reaching for my chest, wondering why my heart is beating so alarmingly fast; it was just a smile after all.

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