Chapter 15

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Legolas POV

Seeing Harry in the distance, charging towards the army without any back-up, had my heart in my throat. Knowing that he is okay was like a breath of fresh air, but it only lasted a few seconds as I watched as he clashed with the Uruk Hai, his spells flying and their swords clashing. It didn't take longer than a moment to know that Harry was being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the enemy. Watching him had me mesmerized, so much so that I'm only vaguely aware of those I felled with my long fighting knives. There was something about his gaze that worried me, something that said he wasn't entirely aware of his current surroundings. Part of me wonders if it has to do with what had occurred in his past? The look vanishes and is replaced with a mix of irritation and determination.

The sudden green gaze capturing mine is startling, only for it to disappear a second later, body and all. For a moment, I stop breathing, thinking that something terrible had happened. I am startled, and suddenly the anxiety disappears when a loud pop sounds right next to me.

"Later," Harry says breathily, hitting an Orc with a red-colored spell.

I don't question him and resume the action. After another three hours of battle and Gandalf's back-up finally arriving, the battle of Helm's Deep ends in our victory. Before anyone can manage to say anything, I'm turning and enveloping Harry in a hug. He lets out a pained breath, and I loosen my hold, but I don't let go. I am breathing in everything that he is, relishing in the fact that I have Harry back. Harry lets out a gentle chuckle, returning the embrace with just as much vigor. Eventually, the rest of the fellowship find us.

"Where is our celebratory embrace?" Gimli growls, his arms crossed awkwardly to accommodate the axe he still holds.

"I agree, this is a good time to celebrate," Aragorn adds, his face has an expression that is half a kind smile and half-amused.

"Well come here then, just this once," Harry says with a sigh.

I try to remove myself before the other two join in on what becomes a large group hug, but I was stopped by the sudden tightening of Harry's arms around me. Once everyone finally let's go, Harry stumbles. He only avoids collapsing to the ground by my grip on his elbow, which I refuse to lose.

"Harry, you must eat and rest." I crease my brow as I look at him standing back upright. Aside from Harry's chapped lips – which must be from lack of food and water – his eyes are heavy. Lined circles surround his green eyes, showing that he has had barely any sleep recently. It does not sit well with me to see him so worn down.

"Yeah, probably a good idea. Will you join me?" Harry tries to hide a shy smile that plays on his face.

"Of course." I nod.

I am quite comfortable not wanting to leave his side for an extended period. As we walk around Helms Deep, we notice just how much of a wreck it is; rubble and broken stone are littered everywhere. There are bodies piled against the walls, scattered everywhere — friend and foe alike. It takes too much effort to find a clear path amongst the fallen and the debris. We look for an area that has been set up to give the weary soldiers that are left standing, something to eat. I find a secluded area, somewhere hidden from the eyes of the rest of Helms Deep and that is free of rubble, and we eat the warm, hearty soup that was on offer.

Harry and I don't speak, we don't really feel the need for words, having each other's embrace is enough. Soon I notice Harry is nodding off. I gently tug him closer to me, wrapping my arms around him and resting my head against his. I listen to his faint breath as he falls deeper into his slumber. It's not long before I feel the same pull to sleep, the exhaustion of the battle catching up to me, being secure in the knowledge that we are safe — at least for the night, I drop off too.

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