Sleepover! | SeptiPlier |

By Mekiplier

21.2K 788 1.4K

Jack is hosting a sleepover party at his house for the weekend and inviting a few of his classmates to atten... More

Chapter 1: Welcome, Take a seat.
Chapter 2: Invited.
Chapter 4: Awkward...
Chapter 5: The Park
Chapter 6: Boyfriends! <3
Quick A/N & Your Suggestions!
Chapter 7: The last day
Really Quick A/N
Hidden chapter!
Chapter 8: Felix?!...
An apology.

Chapter 9: Left for dead

114 5 6
By Mekiplier

Felix's point of view.

The back of the car that I've been trapped inside begins to shift open, the sudden brightness blinds me but I can make out two figures standing in front of me. One of them is facing me while the other is pacing around in the background. I scream as loud as I can, hoping that someone will hear and come to my rescue. My vision is still blurred and my eyes burn, the person closest to me yells in a rattled voice.
"sHuT... Up"
The other figure that was pacing, slowly starts to walk towards me. As he stands over me he says "no one can hear you out here, so... you'd better not lose that voice of yours..." in a not so reassuring, calm tone.
My eyes start to adjust to the surroundings, I can see what seems to look like a dry, hot area with a dusty roads and no plants around at all except for dead ones. I look up and see a familiar face and I feel... relieved?

'Mark' didn't reply.
"Jesus Christ dude, you really need to get some fashion tips because that suit is totally not your colour, AND OH MY GOD it's ripped to shreds!"
'Mark' still didn't reply...
"Dude... why are you wearing eyeliner?..." "I get that you're gay now but you don't have to go all out on the makeup."
There was still no reply.

"Huh... green is a very... interesting choice of hair colour, did you just dye it?"
I got a better look at 'Jack' and saw that there was a few things off about him... LIKE THE FACT THAT HE LOOKED LIKE HE JUST WALKED OUT OF A GAY HALLOWEEN PARTY.
There was still no reply from the two people that I thought were Mark and Jack.

"Y-Y-YoU mADe M-MaNY miStAKeS..."
Jack sounded strange... like more grungy and jittery.
"And now... you will pay for those mistakes..."
Mark's voice sounded different... it was so much deeper than usual and it he sounded more confident with his words, more wise... more gentle.

I was starting to get scared. "C'mon guys this isn't funny... look at me, I'm hurt!" Mark lifted me up and dumped me right outside of the car and onto the hot road. I yelled again, "Guys this isn't funny, please stop!" I tried to get up but my wrists were tied together and so were my ankles. I started to sweat, I was terrified, I hope they're just fooling around and are going to untie me now. I hear footsteps so I turn over and see them walking towards the car, they opened the doors and then hopped inside.

As I can hear the car beginning to start, Mark says "my name isn't Mark... It's Dark. And I don't want you to call me by any names because... you're about to die." "Say buh-bye Anti..."
I'm guessing that the other persons name is Anti? What happened to Mark and Jack...

The car speeds off and green tire smoke trails after them, I can hear that devilish laugh fade off into the distance.

What do I do? What do I do? I have to get out of here! I need to get the ties off my wrist... I look around the road to find something that might help. A SHARP ROCK! that might help! I crawl over to it and pick it up, I stretch out the ties as hard as I can and bend my wrist down so I can start sawing at it with the rock, it works! but only slowly and I can see the sun setting already.

The only thing I can focus on is getting free... it feels like an eternity later but my wrists are free and I need to get my legs loose too, so I sawed at them as fast as I could... but suddenly I hear something, it was loud but it seemed a bit far away. It sounded like a roar from a lion which is what I assume it must be, but I'm terrified, it's probably a mountain lion... and those aren't known to be cuddly animals.

I fear my life and start sawing even harder, the rope snaps and I'm free! I get up but I'm disoriented and fall back to the ground. "my leg..." I say in agony, my leg must've gotten hurt while I was kidnapped. I catch my breath and try to stand up again, I manage to remain my balance but my leg is still in pain. I need to get out of here, it's starting to get dark...

I start to walk (limp) down the dirt road, hoping it would lead somewhere and then I remembered! I still had my phone in my pocket. I unlock it and check the battery, 3%. I need to make this quick, without hesitation I call the police and tell them what my name is and what happened, they asked for my surroundings and if I was in danger. After I answered these questions, I checked my battery again, 1%. Oh god, oh god, oh god! The police officer told me that they were tracing my phone right now and to stay where I am. "But... where I am isn't safe, there's —" the call cut out... my phone died...

I need the police to get here quick-

The mountain lion roar was heard again, but it as louder than last time... I started to panic, I can't handle this! What do I do? I want to stay here so the police can find me but I can't stay here in case the lion wants a snack.

I'm not sure what to do, I look around and see a dead tree... if I climb to the top will I be safe? I wasn't sure but it was that or nothing. I stumbled over it and started to climb, I climbed as best I could even though my leg was killing me... as soon as I got to the top, I scanned the area as I sat there for a while. The carcass of the tree wasn't very large as it was just a few metres tall.

I heard a slight growling sound from my left so I turned and saw my biggest fear at this moment... it was a mountain lion, walking towards me. I froze in fear, I didn't know what to do... I can't scream because that might attract more of them. The lion stops moving, I feel slightly relieved but then It let out another roar and started sprinting towards me. I screamed and the lion ran up to the bottom of the tree I was sitting in, trying to climb up.

This is the most fear I have ever experienced in my entire life.
I knew I was going to die tonight.

Thank you all for reading,
I appreciate every vote and comment!

(Also I wasn't sure what to put as the image so I just put a picture of my rabbit sleeping in a basket) <3

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