The Story of Me, Spectre Z

By SpectreZ

255 17 0

Hiya! I'm Spectre Z, or as my friends know me, Liz. I live in Amity Park, though not sure how I came to be he... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4 (Under Construction)
A/N: Important Note

Ch 5 (Under Construction)

25 2 0
By SpectreZ

Of course I felt bad for blasting Danny and then leaving him there to deal with that teacher. I didn't mean to after all. Though it didn't help that I hadn't stuck around to apologize. But in my defense, I was a little busy chasing after a ghost, who could easily be mistaken for someone's grandma, and who also had kidnapped one of my new friends. The thought that there was someone like me made my heart feel lighter, but for now I needed to focus on this ghost.

I had chased her into a lower level of the building, which just so happened to be the storage area for the school's lunch ingredients. Mainly meat. Of course. At first, when I had gotten down into the storage area I had lost track of the lunch ghost. I landed and walked around, glancing here and there for her. I had found that in my ghost mode, I felt lighter and stronger than in my human form. I jumped and floated up, being a bit experimental with my powers. I lifted my hand and pointed at a crate labelled 'sirloin' and concentrated. That same green energy from before gathered around my hand and shot out, destroying the box in it's way. "Maybe that wasn't such a great idea, given the circumstances..."

"Who's there?" A voice called out angrily. I watched the sirloin that was inside the crate lift up and shoot off in the direction of the voice. I yelped quietly and turned invisible, watching as the Lunch Lady ghost came around the corner to investigate the noise. Using this opportunity, I flew past her silently, towards a giant pile of meat which just so happened to be trapping Sam. I turned visible again and flew down to her, looking at the meat pile. "Uh... this is a conundrum."

She looked at me with a bit of a freaked-out expression. "Who are you?" She whispered coldly, trying to wriggle away, but failing because of the weight of the meat. "You'd better not do anything, or... or else!" I looked at her with a raised brow in curiosity.

"I doubt you can do anything in your situation." I paused after seeing her unamused expression. "Nevermind that. I'm here to actually help you out of your situation. Not throw you into another one." I began digging through the meats, tossing it onto the ground, cooked and raw alike.

"Nobody messes with my plans!" I turned around and spotted the Lunch Lady, looking rather angry at me. Laughing lightly I backed up a bit and put my hands into the air. Apparently she didn't think it was funny, and started pummeling me with ectoplasmic steaks and kebabs. I dodged most of them, some unknown knowledge of intangibility and dodging skills kicking in from the back corners of my mind.

"Maybe if you didn't make horrible plans then no one would mess with them!" I shouted back at her, grinning as I lead her away from Sam. This seemed to anger her enough to chase me, launching pork and meats towards me. Once I was far enough away, she landed a huge slab of meat right between my shoulder blades, causing me to tumble to the ground. I turned over and used what energy I had to blast her back, at least to where she was in front of Sam again. Before she could come back after me, Danny seemingly appeared out of nowhere, taking over the fight.

I stood up and hid behind some of the storage boxes, groaning as I turned back. I definitely wasn't used to this... I glance over my shoulder, to see the lunch lady had covered herself in meat (ew) and was attacking Danny with shish kebabs. Not long after, the ghost began chasing Danny, Tucker and Sam, leaving a trail of meat behind it. I tried to change back to help, but the ring wouldn't appear to change me. Instead, I watched as Danny grabbed hold of Sam and Tucker, pulling them through the wall and letting the ghost smash against the wall. 

The meat pile didn't seem to move, so I staggered over to it, poking it a bit. The ghost seemed to be gone. I could feel a bruise forming on my back, but ignored it and headed back upstairs. It seemed that school had been dismissed, so I blended in perfectly, slipping into the crowd, and filing out of the school.

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