The Alpha's Blessing [On Hold]

By lex_marie8

2.7K 102 4

Alpha Kai Alistair of the White Stone Pack has long since given up on finding his mate. He is known as ruthle... More



221 5 1
By lex_marie8


I continued sitting on the bed for a while after he left. He left, just left after I had told him about the prophecy, about me being the Golden Wolf. 

He left me. 

I had just gotten him, had just found him, and I've already lost him. I sat on the bed for an hour or two -- maybe three. For the first time in a long time, I thought about the prophecy. I thought long and hard about it, as my mind wracked every possibility. I thought of all the research I'd gone through years ago, when I decided I would fight it. The research I'd done before everyone around me had started dying. 

I thought of all of the possibilities, of what those haunting words could possibly mean, but still I came up empty. I scolded myself as I realized what I was doing; I swore I wouldn't meddle with fate ever again, but here I am once more, wishing to change the prophesied future before me. 

A knock came at the open door, and I looked up to see Lyla standing there, a look of confusion on her face, "Forgive me, but is everything all right? The Alpha was seen leaving the territory and looking very angry. Do you know where he was going?" 

"I'm afraid not," I responded, praying that my voice wouldn't break as I spoke. "If you hear anything, though, would you please let me know, Lyla?" 

"Of course," she nodded, before walking back out of the room, leaving me alone once more. I stayed there on the bed for a while, staring at the door as if I could will him to return, so that I could explain to him that there was nothing he could do about the prophecy-- to save him before he meddles too much with fate. That, or to tell him I'd leave, to spare him the pain of losing a mate. 

I stayed up until the early hours of morning, around three, when sleep finally overcame me, and I allowed myself to be consumed by unconsciousness. 

When I woke up, the covers were pulled over me, and Kai's scent lingered freshly in the room. Rising from the bed, I made my way to the attached bathroom, and rinsed my face with water before pulling my hair up into a loose ponytail. 

When I reached the kitchen, I found my mate standing there with a cup of coffee in his hands, an angry frown etched into his face. Walking over to him, he looked up, and an indecipherable look came across his face. He set the mug down and I took the opportunity to take his hands in mine, "Where did you go last night?" 

"I visited a witch I know, to see what I could find out about the prophecy," He told me. Ignoring the flash of jealousy at hearing that he went to find another woman when he left me alone, I was ready to tell him to forget the prophecy and everything to do with it, before he continued, "She told me not to meddle with fate, and that she would do it instead." 

"No one can meddle with fate, not even a witch," I replied. "Only the seer who issues a prophecy can confirm the changing of fate's course." 

He nodded, "I know. I went to Lucy, the seer who told your prophecy. She said she would look into it." 

Again, everything I've been through trying to decipher and change the prophecy flashed through my mind. I don't remember Lucy, I was only a day old when she saw me and issued the prophecy, but I'd heard plenty about her. She was a wandering soul, a witch, and she had the gift of sight, which was very rare, but she did stay in contact with my parents, and swore that if anything in her vision changed that she would call them. 

She never called, but now she was going to look into it? Pushing my suspicions back down, I nodded, reaching for a mug and pouring myself my own cup of coffee.

"Did she say anything else?" I questioned, taking a sip of the steaming brown liquid. 

Kai shook his head with a frown, "She didn't say much that I didn't already know, really. Although..." 

He trailed off and shook his head, as if deciding that he didn't want to tell me what he was thinking. Raising a brow at him, I egged him on, "Although what?" 

With a sigh, he continued, "He said that, though you're not evil, what's inside of you may be, and that's what could be the end of all of us." 

"What's inside of me?" I reiterated. "What does that even mean?" 

"Your powers, your abilities-- they lie inside of you. I think she was saying that the power itself that lies within you could be dark, and even though it's not you, if it wakes up, you won't be able to stop it," He finished, setting down his empty mug on the counter. 

Reaching up slowly, I cupped his cheek in my hand, "I know the powers inside of me, I've used them for good for almost 21 years now, Kai. Nothing, not even some gigantic, looming prophecy is going to change that, okay? For all we know, it won't even happen. After all, a seer once predicted I'd meet my mate exactly on my eighteenth birthday, but here we are now. Not all prophecies come true, so let's leave it alone and forget it for now." 

"Forget it?" Kai growled, as if that idea was ridiculous. 

I smiled softly, nodding, "Yes, forget it. I'd like to do things other than worry about something that is completely out of our hands. Wouldn't you?" 

"I suppose," He nodded stiffly. 

Grinning at him, I took his hand in mine tightly, "Great! Then we should go get ready and then you can take me around the pack. I'd love to meet everyone." 

With a sigh of defeat, he nodded, "Alright, let's go then." 

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