The Life of Ari Isabella Black

By punkeddrama

72.9K 519 284


Chapter 2-POWERS
Chapter 3-FAMILY
Chapter 4-HYBRID
Chapter 5-RAIN
Chapter 6-JUNE
Chapter 6.5(A Shorty)-MUTATIONS
Chapter 7-RETURN
Chapter 7.5-LOVE
Chapter 8-RING
Chapter 8.50-THE RING
Chapter 10-REVENGE
Chapter 11-HALO
Chapter 12-HOBOS
Chapter 14-Teen Pregnancies
Chapter 18-FATHER REVEALED(mwahaha!)
Chapter 20-Punishment

Chapter 1-PATIENCE

15K 53 29
By punkeddrama


Hey this is my first fan fic, so don't judge too harshly alright. 

The girl in the picture is Ari. 

All characters belong to Stephanie Meyer. I own nothing. Comments and votes are beloved! 


I tapped my foot impatiently. What was taking mom- I mean Renesmee- so long? 

I was the true teenager here and I got dressed quicker then all of them. Well maybe its because I don't let Alice dress me, but still. 

I looked over my outfit. 

I had on a gypsy skirt, one that went from light green to dark green and hit my knees. 

I also had on a polka dotted tank top with pink converse. 

"Patient Ari. And you look fine."a voice said behind me. 

"Grandpa-I mean Edward-don't do that to me! I'm nervous enough."I said, whirling around to face Edward. 

What do people see in him anyway? What did Grandma see in him? It's a good thing she chose him though, since then I might not have D-I mean Jacob- as a father. 

"Ari, you better keep those thoughts to yourself."Edward said threateningly. 

"Ari? Why are you bothering your grandpa?"my mom's clear voice rang out. 

"Sorry mom. He's being a nose."I mumbled as she came down the stairs. 

"Apologize to him. Now."said Renesmee, glaring. 

"I'm sorry Edward."I said, scowling. 

He was about to respond when Carlisle called everyone to the dining room. 

My mom sighed and shook her head as we took our places. 

"Okay family,just a short reminder."Carlisle began. 

"One, don't tell our secret."he said, I could see Emmett mouthing the words exactly at the time Carlisle was. 

I grinned at Emmett and he grinned back. 

"Two, Rosalie and Jasper are twins. Emmett, Edward, and Alice are brothers and sister. Renesmee and Ari are sisters. And Jake is our nephew."Carlisle added. This time I noted Emmett recited only the first half. 

"Have a good day kids."Carlisle concluded as we headed off to our respective cars. 

"Sweetheart, are you nervous?"my mom asked as we drove to school with Rosalie and Jasper. 

"No, just freaked out at calling you my sister."I admitted as we pulled into the parking lot. 

'It's okay."Renesmee said as she patted my hand and got out of the car. 

I looked around. A really cute guy was staring at us. Actually a really hot guy. 

"Keep your thoughts to yourself. Please Ari."Edward said shaking his head. 

'Is Miss Perfect getting down and dirty?"said Emmett teasingly. 

"Shut up Emmett."I growled, as a faint blush flashed across my face. 

"YES! Ari can blush. Makes pranks so much more fun! She blushes like you Bella."Emmett said. I could see his wheels turning. 

"Sorry Ari. He's right."Bella said apologetically. 

"It's a bad thing?"I asked curiously. 

"Definitely."Rosalie said. 

I entered the office along with the rest of them. 

"Here's your schedules and a map. "said a old lady at the desk. 

I grabbed mine as she turned to Edward and said quietly,"If you need any extra help dear, come see me."She winked. 

Emmett began gagging as we left the office. 

I ignored Emmett and went over my schedule.

Period 1-Homeroom-Ms. Sara

Period 2 and 3-Literature-Mr. McConnell

Period 4-Gym-Mrs. Dunsky

Period 5-Lunch

Period 6-Math-Mrs. Steams

Period 7-Social Studies-Mr. Stenwick

Period 8-Science-Ms. Fals

Period 9-Study Hall-Ms. Sara

I had Homeroom and Study Hall with Rosalie and Alice. 

I also had Literature, Science, and Gym with Renesmee and Emmett, except Emmett had a different gym teacher. 

I had Math and Social Studies with Bella and Edward. 

And we all had lunch together. 

I smiled as Alice danced off to homeroom. Rosalie and I followed. 

I took a place towards the back and Rosalie sat on my left, Alice on my right. 

I hated starting school a semester after everyone else. Hated it. 

"Alice, Rosalie, Are? Give us a little bit about yourselves please."Ms. Sara said softly, but somehow the class was dead silent. 

"I'm Alice. I like dancing, shopping, and partying."Alice sang out. 

"I'm Rosalie. I like fashion."said Rosalie boredly. 

"Well for one thing, its Ari. And I like reading, fashion,and playing piano."I said. 

"Sorry Ari. I'm no good with names. I even forget my boyfriend's name sometimes."Ms. Sara said with a smile. 

I think I am going to like Ms. Sara.


Listen I need ideas for Ari's powers and at least 3 votes before I will write a new chapter. 

Song ideas are good too. 


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