Cold Embraces and Hot Kisses...

By BrujaWrites

9.6K 144 110

It's been about 6 years since you've left Japan because your father scored an official hero job in America. N... More

Blissful Memories
An Interesting Start of The Day
A Grand Reveal
Old Friends and Old Enemies
Revenge is A Dish Best Served Cold
It's Not Your Fault
Friends and Strangers
What Does Love Feel Like?
The Wonders and Mishaps of Dorm Life
A Decision is Made
That Unforgettable Smile
A Hero in Need
~ Lemon ~

Mysterious Feelings

571 7 11
By BrujaWrites

"I'm standing in your line
I do hope you have the time
I do pick a number too
I do keep a date with you"

~ Nirvana, About a Girl

"That's such a cute outfit!"

"That definitely suits you, (F/n)-chan!"

"I should've chosen that outfit! It's too cute! It has a little hint of sexy, if ya know what I mean," Ashido winked and giggled.

You changed into the outfit and walked to the mirror to see how it fits on your figure. The wrist cuffs had a sparkling, (f/c) jewels that were pear-shaped, as well as the tiara and waist adornment. They were made out of a durable, shiny metal that didn't seem to weigh much. The shoulder pauldrons and choker were made from the same metal. The choker had a unique, (f/c) jewel that was heart-shaped. The dress was made from a silky, (3rd f/c) material that brought out your curves. The bottom of the dress seemed to be longer in the middle and shorter on the sides. The thigh-high boots had very nice traction to the ground and were a (3rd f/c) hue. The top of the boots was lined with about 2 inches of metal. Your thighs were exposed and almost looked thicker. 'Ashido was right. It's a mixture of cute and sexy.' Ashido, Uraraka, and Hagakure gasped and applauded.

Wait until the boys see you, (F/n)-chan," Hagakure said.

"Can I trade bodies with you? You have such a nice shape," Ashido giggled.

"You're so cute, (F/n)," Uraraka giggled.

"Thank you guys. I didn't expect the costume to be this cute," you smiled.

Once you adjusted the costume, you walked out of the dressing room and approached your desk, but you were stopped by All Might.

"I almost forgot to tell you about features of your costume! Those jewels store energy that you can manipulate, which allows you to use your quirk without a headache since drawing in energy using your mind is quite harmful. The metal of your outfit absorbs quirk and earth energy, meaning you basically have an unlimited supply of energy! However, you should use your energy wisely so you do not lose control and absorb the energy too quickly, making you vulnerable to a headache or sickness. Also, the metal is pretty strong and acts like armor. It took the tailors awhile to make your outfit due to these cool features, but I'm happy all went well," he grinned.

"You don't know how much I appreciate this, All Might-sensei. Thank you," you warmly smiled.

"Not a problem at all, (L/n). Also, what is your hero name?"

"M-My hero name? Um... Can I decide on it tomorrow," you grin awkwardly.

"That's fine! I know it's pretty difficult to decide on what people will be calling you for basically your entire life."

You followed All Might and the rest of the class to the obstacle course. Midoriya blushed upon seeing you in your hero costume and looked away. Todoroki had the same reaction, which made you wonder if your costume was really that revealing. 'Oh well, at least it's light.' Your team reached the starting line, along with the rest of the teams. All Might explained the rules as you whispered to your team.

"It would be nice if I can make a portal to the end of the course but I have to know what the end looks like," you whisper and sigh.

"I think we are fine," Todoroki said, staring at the teacher.

"Maybe I can fly us over?"

"Y-Yeah! That can work but I don't want you to do all the work! Let's all contribute," Midoriya pitched in, smiling.

You and Todoroki nodded at his suggestion. As soon as All Might blared the horn, everybody took off. Todoroki froze the ground like he did at the Sports Festival. Some of the teams took note of his trick from the sports festival and successfully dodged it. You activated your quirk and grabbed Todoroki's hand.

Todoroki's hand connected with Midoriya's hand and you manifested (f/c) energy from your unoccupied hand. You forcefully blasted the energy from your palm, making your group shoot through the air. Surprisingly, you didn't feel any backlash from your quirk. 'This is... AMAZING!' You grinned as you continued to blast your group over the track. You saw that the dangerous obstacles on the track included tripwire traps, mines, rocky terrain, and water. 'Good thing I can fly.' A robotic machine appeared, reaching its hand out towards your group. Midoriya's veins on right hand glowed red and a green, electric-like energy swirled around his arm. He retracted his arm and smashed the robot's arms to pieces. 'Holy shit, his quirk is strong,' you thought while Todoroki incinerated the robot's other arm. Bakugou's group was nearly catching up to you. Todoroki formed an ice barrier in their path, but it was destroyed by Bakugou's explosions and Kirishima's hardened fist. 'Oh shit.'

"YOU GUYS WON'T FUCKING BEAT ME," screamed an angry Bakugou as he aimed his arms toward you.

"But that seems to be the case, Bakugou," you teased and stick your tongue out.

"YOU FUCKWAD, YOU WON'T WIN," he yelled as his cheeks heated up in anger.

Smirking to yourself, you thought about the scenery of the starting line; the cracked, dry earth beneath the black and white painted line, the few, cherry blossoms that had flourished due to Spring, and the huge, ivory arch that was an entrance to the course. You looked down to Bakugou's group as your eyes misted with a (f/c) hue. A portal appeared below them and sucked them in, closing off as Kaminari's head was last to exit.

"WHAT? DID (L/N) SEND BAKUGOU'S GROUP BACK TO THE STARTING LINE? HOW IMPRESSIVE," you heard a voice over the intercom say.

"Wow, (n/n)-chan! Good job," Midoriya cheered as he hung onto Todoroki's hand.

"Yeah, great job," Todoroki said with a slight smile, which made your heart throb.

You smiled and nodded at their compliments. Your eyes met with Todoroki's dreamy ones and your heart throbbed even more. 'Why do I feel this way?' I looked back onto the path and seen a tree overhead, ready to knock us off balance. Midoriya and Todoroki, with quick thinking, destroyed it. You flew down onto the path as you seen the course was getting easier. You set Midoriya and Todoroki down.

"We should just run the rest of the course out since it's simple," you said.

"Alright," Todoroki and Midoriya replied, running on the path.

You ran not too far behind them, looking out for any more obstacles. You look up and see a giant, robotic hand approaching Todoroki. He attempts to freeze it, but the robot swiftly grabs him with his other hand. You and Midoriya run to rescue your teammate. You grab Midoriya's soft hand and propel him towards the robot's chest using your quirk. He draws his fist back and smashes it into the robot's chest plate. The robot's chest implodes, making its limbs slowly fall to the ground.

The dislocated, metallic arm releases Todoroki, who is now falling to his death. You immediately flew down and scooped him up with your arm. You almost dropped him due to his weight and below-par strength, but you send energy to the arm holding him, making it a lot easier to carry him. You slowly floated to the ground and Midoriya let go and giggled a bit at you. 'Why is he laughing?' You looked over to Todoroki and noticed you were cradling him on one arm like a baby. '..Oh my god.' You quickly put him down and flushed like a tomato.

"I'm sorry I held you in such an awkward position," you whispered.

"...It's fine. Let's go," Todoroki slightly blushed and ran towards the exit.

You nodded and ran with them towards the finish line. You heard loud explosions behind you and cocked your head a bit over your left shoulder. Your eyes met with infuriated, red orbs. 'Fuck, he's back.' An angry Bakugou propelled himself in the air with explosions as he abandoned his team.


"You wanna win so bad? So be it. But you won't win with honor," you smirk.

You projected your energy towards Bakugou, which surrounded him like water. You wavered your hand toward the finish line and he flew over the finish line. He furrowed his brows, enraged that he won so cheaply. Todoroki and Midoriya stopped and looked at you slightly confused. You deactivated your quirk and walked towards them.

"(F/n)! Why did y-you-"

"He wanted to win, so I let him win. Now come on, let's go," I ran and crossed the finish line.


Bakugou approached you with balled fists, "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!"

"Isn't it obvious? You wanted to win, so I let you win," you cooed and giggled.

"I DIDN'T WANT TO WIN THAT FUCKING WAY, DUMBASS," his veins on his forehead popped out as a faint pink brushed his cheeks.

"Oh well. You will never have the satisfaction of truly beating me," you smirked, which made the ash blonde seethe with angry breaths.

He reached out to strike you, but All Might stopped him and grinned. He gave you three silver badges and gave Bakugou three gold badges. Iida's team came in third, earning him three bronze badges. The rest of your classmates eventually made it and struggled for air. 'Like I thought, Mineta's team lost. Poor Yaoyorozu and Jiro.'

"So you're saying you won because (F/n) let you? That's so unmanly," Kirishima teased Bakugou, who clenched his fists.

"Well, if I was her, I would feel bad too if Bakugou is losing because I would be much stronger, Kaminari and Sero laughed.



You held your lunch bag and glanced around for an open table. 'Damn, they're all full... oh! Lucky me!' You slid by Shinsou and nudged him, earning a glance and toothy grin. You looked at his shirt and noticed that he seemed more bulky than usual. 'He got some sick gains,' you giggled to yourself. YouI sat by him and opened up my bento. 'Ahh, Uncle Shouta packed my favorite; tonkatsu, tuna sashimi, and yakitori over a bed of rice.' You dug into my bento and savored every single bite. 'Man, Uncle Shouta is a great cook.'

Shinsou cleared his throat before saying, "I was going to ask you something on Monday but you left."

"What? Oh, I'm sorry Toshi-chan! I guess I was really rushing, heh. What did you wanna ask me?"

"W-well...," he flushed a bit before saying, "I wanted to know if you wanted to go get some dangos sometime after school?"

"Of course! We could go next Friday, if that's fine with you," your lips formed into a small smile.

"Yeah.. That would be nice," a small smile crossed his face.

'Did he ask me on a date? First Shouto, now Histoshi?!' You looked up and your eyes met with orbs that resembled the ocean. 'Oh shit, I forgot I was supposed to meet up with The Big Three!' Hadou grinned and gave you a big hug. You returned the hug but felt so awkward since your breasts were squishing against hers. 'Oh... well this is an experience.'

"(F/n)-chan~ Did you forget about me, Mirio-chan, and Tamaki-chan?"

"N-no! I'm sorry, Nejire-chan," you laughed awkwardly as she stared at me with a bubbly expression.

"Ah, are you (f/n)-chan's boyfriend? Nice to meet you! I'm Hadou Nejire," she grinned at Shinshou, who flushed violently.


"You're lying! I can clearly see the truth by the way you look at her-"

"I'll see you later, Toshi-chan. Sorry about that," you giggled while grabbing your stuff and heading with Hadou to a small, circular table.

You were greeted by a smiling, goofy blonde and a shy, sleepy bluenette. Toogata gave you a tight, side hug as Amajiki peeked at your figure and trembled. You sat in between Toogata and Hadou, who seemed cheery due to your presence.

"It's good to see you again, (F/n)-chan," beamed Toogata as he slurped on his ramen.

"Same here, Toogata," you smiled and ate some of your bento.

"You don't have to be formal. Just call me Mirio-chan or Lemillion," he winked.

"Oh, well alright! Mirio-chan it is."

"I've been thinking about a hero name for you. How does Dream Warper sound? Mirio-chan came up with that! I thought Captain Impossiblesounded cool," Hadou chimed in.

"Those both sound really nice, Nejire-chan," you smiled a bit.

"Oh! What about Wonder Woman or Phenomena ? They sound pretty cool, if you ask me," Toogata said.

"I think Wonder Woman is already taken, but the other name sounds good! I had my own hero name in mind though."

"Really? What is it? I bet it's good," Hadou and Toogata tuned in as Amajiki's ear twitched.

"I was thinking (H/n). I've been giving thought to it and thought it sounded nice."

"Awwww, it totally suits you! I think it's an adorable name, (f/n)-chan," Hadou grinned as you ate another piece of tonkatsu.

"I agree with Nejire-chan! It's a name that I would like to do hero work with one day," Toogata shot you a grin which made your cheeks heat up a bit.

'Was he trying to flirt? Who knows.' Amajiki slowly nodded after Toogata spoke. 'Wow, he was actually listening?' You thanked them as continued to eat your meal. The four of you ate and conversated about a handful of subjects. You learned about all their quirks, which made you realize why they are given the name The Big Three. 'So Nejire's quirk is somewhat similar to mine since it involves energy. That's cool how she can convert it into shockwaves.' A smile crossed your face as Hadou and Toogata were talking about their internships. 'They're such nice friends.'

After your last class, which was Modern Hero Art History, you were finally able to go home. 'Oh right, I almost forgot.' You walked towards Class 1-A and glanced around for any sign of Todoroki. 'Hmmm, where is he?' A hand opened the door and your uncle stepped out.

"Ready to go home?"

"I- uhh... I was going to go on a date-"

"No," he bluntly said, staring at you.

"W-Wait! I mean- I was going to have dinner with Todoroki, if you don't mind."

He stared down at you for a second before replying , "Be back by 7:00 pm. No exceptions or you're grounded."

"Okay! I will be back by 7:00 pm. I was wondering, when can I move into the student do-"



"I don't care. You are my responsibility," he sighed, looking slightly annoyed.

"I can take care of myself, pleaaaaassssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee ," you begged.

".... Ok fine. As long as you stop your begging. It's irritating ."

"Thank you so much," you said as you hugged him.

"Yeah, whatever. You can move in next weekend," he patted your head and walked down the stairs.

As soon as he left, Todoroki arrived with his phone in his hand. He greeted you and pulled up the directions to the soba restaurant. You noticed he was dressed in a cute, black turtleneck and dark denim jeans. His shoes were grey and red sneakers that seemed untouched. 'Damn he's cute... WHY AM I THINKING LIKE THIS?' you blush furiously. He inputted the address on his phone and motioned for you to follow him. You walk alongside him down the stairs and across the street.

"So, is this a date or something?" you blurted out, not even thinking of what you said.

Todoroki, who blushed from your question, responded, ".. If you consider it a date, then I do too."

'This feeling... Am I... crushing on Shouto-chan?'

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