Use Your Heart || D.Swing

By Vintage_Chicc

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Two strangers, a detective named Dominic Lorenzo and a artist, Robin Lewis, are being forced to work together... More



353 33 33
By Vintage_Chicc



"A system cannot fail those it was never meant to protect." W. E.B Du Bois

"Motownphilly's back again,
Doin a little East coast fling
Boys II Men goin off
Not too hard, not to soft.
It's long overdue but now
Philly is slammin'
Boyz II Men, ABC, BBD,
The East coast family."

The lyrics to Motownphilly blasted through the speakers as everybody were either dancing by themselves or with a partner, while I stood in the kitchen of this huge condo sipping on a a cup of myself. I didn't know where Lena wondered off to, one minute we were both making our way to the kitchen, then the next minute, she was nowhere to be found.

She probably ditched me for that nigga Zeke.

Speaking of Zeke, he had a nice crib. I hope he put away his valuables because there are alot of people in here that they could easily catch him lacking.

I rolled my eyes placing my red solo cup on the marble island trying to make my way through this crowd. I said a few 'excuse me's' and 'thank you's' until I made it out of the crowd...barely.

There has to be almost 100 people in here. I know he doesn't have this my friends.

As my eyes scanned the large living room I saw a empty couch. I quickly walked to it and sat down.

I exhaled in satisfaction because my feet were staring to hurt from all that standing.

I've only been here 20 minutes and I'm ready to go home.

"Excuse me." I heard a voice say near me.

I looked up to see a dark skin male smirking down at me, "Yeah?"

He licked his crusty lips, "I seen you over here sitting here all alone and I wanted to know if yo fine self wanted to dance with me?" he smiled widely revealing his fake gold grills on the top and bottom row of his teeth.

I tried not to cringe, "No I'm okay." I replied

He smacked his lips before walking away disappearing into the crowd.

"Robin!" I heard my name being called from afar.

I rolled my eyes already knowing who it was. I sat up from my seat to see Lena waving her hand in her direction wanting me to come to her.

I made my way through the crowd again to be presented with a smiling Lena with a red solo cup in her hand.

"Red where were you? I've been looking for yo ass." she spoke loudly over the music sipping on her cup.

"Oh really. You're the one who ditched me Lele, what's with that?" I frowned

She pouted her lips, "Red I'm sorry I had to look for Zeke and I was calling your name and I guess you didn't hear me."

"Whatever. I think I'm bout to bounce.'' I turned around ready to walk away before I felt Lena grab my arm and she turned me around.

"I'm sorry Robin for flaking out on you, I know I shouldn't have done that. I was just excited to see Zeke, but that isn't an excuse for me to ditch my best friend. Forgive me?" she had he arms out waiting for me to hug her.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "You lucky I love you." I reached out and hugged her.

She let go of me and smiled, "Mhm, ya know you wouldn't leave her by yourself. Anyways, let me introduce you to Zeke and his friends." she pulled my arm in the direction she was walking and we made it back into the kitchen.

"Zeke." she was trying to get his attention. A dude that was wearing purple turned around from the people he was talking to to face me and Lena.

"Zeke," Lena spoke up, "This is my best friend Robin, but she likes to be called Red. Red, this is Zeke." she introduced us

I held my hand out ready for him to shake it. Instead, he took my hand into his bringing my hand to his lips softly kissing it.

I looked over at Lena glaring at Zeke.

I took my hand from his, "Nice to meet you Zeke."

"It's a pleasure to meet you to, Lena talks about you all the time." he smiled towards Lena's way

I nodded, "You have a nice home." I complimented

"Oh thanks, I'm thinking about remodeling it...with Lena's artistic help if she's up to it." he pulled Lena into him placing his arm over he shoulder while she blushed.

I stood there awkwardly while they whispered things into each others ears.

I cleared my throat breaking whatever they were saying to one another as they looked towards me.

"Zeke are you gonna introduce Red to your friends?" she looked up at Zeke.

"I was just about to do that," he paused, "Aye fellas come here." he yelled waving his hand in his direction.

I looked behind me to see three men making there way towards us. One was bald headed, the other one was a white dude and the one next to him had on black shades.

I moved my body to that I would facing them. They approached us waiting for Zeke to speak to them. I looked up at them and saw the one with the shades staring at me. I diverted my eyes elsewhere, waiting for Zeke to say introduce me to these men.

"Yall already know Lena, but this is her friend Robin, but she likes to be called Red,'' he said, "Red, these are the detectives I work with in my department. This is my detective partner Roger," he pointed to the white guy.

"Nice to meet you.'' he held his hand out as I could hear his English accent as he spoke.

"Likewise.'' I shook his hand smiling

"Now that's how you shake hands." Lena looked at Zeke as he laughed lowly.

"The brotha right there is Amaru." he pointed at the bald dude

I shook his hand.

"And last but not least, the quiet man over there his Dominic but he go by Dom.'' I slightly lifted my eyebrow when he said his name. It sounded familiar.

He walked up to me and took his shades off and that's when it hit me.

It was the dude from the library. I know because of his green/hazel eyes.

I tried to hide the somewhat shock look on my face as I took his soft hand into mine shaking it.

"Nice to meet you." he put emphasis on meet and had a playful smirk on his face.

He remembers me...I think.

"Now that where all acquainted," Zeke spoke, "Does anyone wanna have a drink?"

Lena, Amaru and Roger nodded as Zeke grabbed a bottle of Henny from his cabinet taking out 4 solo cups.

I walked up to Lena, "You sure you wanna drink some of this liquor,'' I whispered in her ear, "You know how you get when you drink this brown shit.'' Zeke continued to pour the cups.

She smacked her lips, "Red you buggin, I know how to control my liquor okay. I'm a grown woman." she protested as she took the cup from the island drowning almost half of her drink.

I held my hands up in defense, "Aight you all big and bad now, but don't call on me when you can't walk straight or when you need help holding your hair back when you throwing up in the toilet, Ms.Grown Woman." I remarked.

"Can you tell me where your bathroom is?'' I looked over at Zeke. I need to cool down.

"Yeah sure, just go upstairs, walk to the end of the hallway and make a left.'' he directed me as I said thank you before glaring at Lena making my way through the crowd once again.

That's what I get for being a good friend.




I watched Red walk past me with a mug of her face as she made her way upstairs. I laughed as I thought about how she said that we would probably never see each other again. It's funny how things work out.

I wonder who or what made her have that angry mug on her face.

"Whatchu thinkin bout?" Amaru asked breaking me from my thoughts as the vibe of the party started to become more chill as SWV I'm So Into You started to play.

I shrugged, "Nun" I sipped on my Coke.

"Yeah right, I saw you staring a shorty. Do you know her or sum?''

"I don't know her like that, we rapped a lil bit at the library a few days ago. Why you ask?''

"Just the way y'all was looking at each other. Especially you.'' he stated as we walked across the floor going out onto the empty balcony the night wind making contact with my exposed skin.

I closed the sliding door, "Watchu mean by that?" I paused, "I just shook her hand and said nice to meet you."

He shook his head, "Naw it was more than that. The way you was looking at her and the way you said meet seemed a lil bit more deeper than just rapping at the library.'' he spoke leaning against the banister.

I waved him off, "You got it all wrong. I didn't even know her name until tonight. She just told me her nickname was Red. "

"She kinda fly,'' he spoke, "I might have to get that number." he rubbed his hands together.

I rolled my eyes, "She don't want yo roach looking ass." I sipped the last bit of my drink.

"Nigga please!'' he explained, "Nobody could ever resist this Sexual Chocolate!'' he imitated Eddie Murphy from Coming to America by stomping his feet on the ground.

I laughed at this fool as he continued to stomp his feet on the ground.

"I can't take you nowhere." I finally stopped laughing as he smoothed his head with his hand.

"Damn, that stomping got me sweating like a muthafucka." he wiped the sweat from his forehead. "I'ma go inside and get me some water or sum cuz a nigga bout to die." he dramatically walked away back into the party leaving me alone.

I looked out into the night as the lights brightened the city and the car's below making honking noises and ones that made it know you where in New York. Sometimes, I miss home because for one, my family, mainly my mom, sister and the family members that are on my mother's side of the family...some of them.

I gotta talk to my brother Sean about us visiting back down to North Carolina. Twice every year we bring our little sister Denise up to NYC so she won't be so sheltered and small minded in Carolina and so she won't think that's all to this world. Whenever she visits, I get the urge to send her little ass back home because she be getting on my last nerve about stuff and her attitude is just terrible for a 10 year old. But, I love her irritating ass though.

I heard the sliding door open from behind me, "Did you calm down Sexual Chocolate." I laughed waiting for Amaru to answer.

"What?" I heard a soft voice that was defiantly not Amaru's

I scrunched my eyebrows together as I turned to see a confused Robin looking my way.

"My bad, I thought you where someone else."

"It's okay. I didn't know anyone was out here so I'll leave." she was about to step back inside as I held my hand out for her to stop

"You good, you don't have to go," I said in an almost desperate tone by accident. I cleared my throat, "I mean if you wanna stay you can, it don't matta to me." I spoke nonchalantly as possible as she closed the door back walking to the other side of the balcony looking out into the city.

She zipped up her sweater and toyed with the small necklace around her neck as she admired the city.

"So," I began, "How have you been since our encounter at the library?" I wanted to start a conversation.

She laughed lightly, "Fine I guess, just been busy with my art work. Ya know, boring stuff. "

''Your an artist huh? You got that artistic look about you." I complimented

She shrugged, "Uh I guess, I never heard anyone call me that..thanks." She turned to look at me, "What do you do for a living?"

"I work as an detective for NYPD, the Narcotics department." I answered

"So you investigate into drugs and dealers, all that detective stuff"

"Well it isn't just stuff, my job is to get the drug dealers and addicts off of the streets. These people bring down there own communities by pushing drugs in and out of them and it's my job is to serve the people in the community justice. So no I just don't do stuff for a living." I defended

She scoffed, "You don't have to get all defensive, I was just asking you a question an-"

"And I answered it," I cut her off

"Ya know what," she paused, "You have no reason to spazz out on me after I asked you a question. All you had to say was yes or no. I thought you where a cool person, but you just an entitled, uptight asshole." She snarled before stomping away slamming the door behind her as people inside looked our way.

I sighed deeply turning my back to the door. Who gives her the right to call me out of my name? She doesn't know two shit's about me and she's defending herself like I said something about her momma. I was just telling her what I do at that's all. Maybe I did go a little bit to far concerning my work but I don't care.

After a few more minutes I went back inside to look for Amaru. I saw him dancing with a female, I didn't want to interrupt his groove but I was ready to bounce. I walked up to him and dragged him over towards the other side of the room.

He snatched his arm away from my hand as he straightened his shirt, "Man what is up with you." he huffed, "I know you saw me dancing with that hoonie so why am I over here with you and not with shorty?" he had a blank look on his face waiting for me to answer.

"I'm sorry man but I'm just ready to be out. I'm tired and ready to go home." I replied as he rolled his eyes at my response

"You were just fine a few minutes ago, what's wrong with you now?" he asked

"I'm just not feeling this party anymore aight."

He huffed in response, "Man okay, let me go get our coats from Zeke's room." he wandered back into the crowd as I waited by the front door.

What a night...


Hey yall, how was yall day?
Good? Great 👍

I hope yall liked the chapter, and I hope
you guys are enjoying this book so far.

QOTD- What's a better movie to you, Boyz in the Hood
or Menace to Society?

Answer in the comments.

See you guys next time.

Vintage Out ✌

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