Nothing Could Fall

By EM_Mace

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After pulling herself out of the raging waters, Alicia makes her way back towards the blown dam, determined t... More

Single By Choice
Ride the Ride
More Than Meets the Eye
Nickel Romeo
Bell Jar
Dover Beach
Here Right Now
What a Life
Something to Believe In
Crash and Burn
Ask Me No Questions
Hero Takes a Fall


825 33 2
By EM_Mace

Alicia curses herself as she yanks her body up from the ground. She should not have fallen asleep. She scans the room searching for the sound that woke her from her slumber. She turns, her eyes landing on Elyza's shivering body. The blonde is wrapped tightly in her jacket, and even in the dim light of the library, Alicia can see the glossy sheen covering her companion's face. She presses the back of her hand gently to her cheek and tsks. She touches her forehead.

Elyza is burning up. One of her wounds, maybe both, must have gotten infected as they slept. Alicia panics internally a moment before calming her mind. She rises and makes her way to the library break room. Alicia picks through every locker, every cabinet, and every discarded bag meticulously. She lets out an audible cry of misery as she sinks to her knees in defeat. Elyza needs antibiotics. She knows there are no antibiotics in the first aid kit. She's become more than familiar with its contents these past few hours. She now knows there are no antibiotics in the library. Alicia has only one choice.

Alicia walks solemnly back to the main room of the library. She pauses for a moment, staring at the blonde as she sleeps. Alicia's eyes focus on the contours of her face, the way her nose scrunches randomly while dreaming, the rise and fall of her chest as she breathes deeply, the quick shudders as her body tries to regulate her temperature. She wonders if Elyza would do what she's about to if their roles were reversed. Would she risk leaving the relative safety of the library just to find her some medication? Would she try to save the life of a person she just met?

Alicia shakes her doubts from her mind. Of course Elyza would do it. She already has. The sudden realization gives Alicia the last needed little push, and she closes the remaining distance to the couch. She gently caresses Elyza's cheek, willing her to wake. "Elyza?"

Elyza nuzzles into Alicia's hand as she stirs. "That's nice," she mumbles, and Alicia can't help the soft smile that invades her face. "I'm bloody freezing," Elyza grumbles as she opens her eyes.

"You have a fever," Alicia replies. She presses the back of her hand to Elyza's forehead and tries to hide the concern she feels as her hand heats instantly. "A pretty high one at that. You need antibiotics."

Elyza nods weakly, "There might be some-"

"I checked already," Alicia interrupts shaking her head wearily. "We don't have any, and there aren't any here." She subconsciously looks to the front door of the library, and realization suddenly dawns on Elyza's face.

"Don't," Elyza starts, shaking her head.

"I'm going to go find a pharmacy," Alicia confirms. She stands, ready to grab her supplies and head out. The faster she finds what she needs, the faster she can get back here to Elyza. Alicia may not be a real nurse, but she's knowledgeable enough to realize that an infection from an open wound in this new world needs to be contained as quickly as possible. Alicia's movement is suddenly pulled to a stop by a warm clammy hand wrapping around her wrist.

"Don't, love," Elyza pleads, a look of pure fear and concern bursts from her fiery blue eyes. Alicia blinks and the look is gone. It's replaced by that smirk, though a somewhat subdued version of it. "I'll be fine. It's just a little fever."

"I'd agree with you any other day, but with your wounds..." Alicia shakes her head. "Your body is already fighting so hard. You need the help. Antibiotics will help."

"I don't want you going out there alone," Elyza states firmly.

Alicia removes her wrist from Elyza's grasp and takes a step back. "I'm not asking for your permission, Elyza." She turns her back to the blonde and walks towards the motorcycle sitting in the middle of the library, grabbing a few items before walking back over to the couch. "I've made up my mind. I just wanted to let you know so you didn't freak if you woke up to find me missing."

"Alicia-" Elyza tries once more but is quickly cut off.

"Shotgun is propped here," Alicia leans the gun up against the arm of the couch, making sure it is easily within reach if she needs it. She then places a full water bottle and a granola bar on the floor next to it. "There's water and some food. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Alicia-" Elyza's plea is cut off by a choked cough. Alicia leans down and wraps her long fingers around the blonde's hand. She gives it a gentle squeeze.

"Don't you dare die before I get back," she commands. With a final deep breath, Alicia stands and makes her way back to the motorcycle and grabs her shoulder pack.

She empties the pack of everything save a bottle of water before tossing it over her shoulder. Alicia unlocks the front door, sparing just a moment to glance back at the blonde currently staring daggers at her. She gives an awkward wave goodbye before exiting the building and chaining the door from the outside.

Standing on the steps of the library, Alicia looks up at the bright sky. The sun is still high, and she guesses she has around five hours before the sun sets. Should be plenty of time to find the pharmacy, grab some antibiotics, and make her way back to the library. Alicia hops off the steps in the direction they came, vaguely recalling passing a pharmacy on their way here. She mentally prays that her memory isn't playing tricks on her.

Alicia treks quietly through the small town streets, dispatching a random infected every now and then. Just as Alicia is about to turn onto the main road, she spots a tiny little thrift shop, and her eyes immediately fall on the mannequin in the storefront window. She contemplates for only a moment before trying the front door. It swings open without any resistance, and Alicia quickly hops into the display.

She unbuckles the mannequin's belt and slides the black leather sheath off easily. Once in her hands, Alicia removes the weapon, marveling at how powerful it feels. The slight curve of the blade is perfectly balanced by the curve of the wooden handle, and Alicia gives it a quick little twirl in her hand. Elyza was right again. She really needed a bigger blade. Alicia quickly replaces the machete in its sheath and buckles it into place on her left hip. Wasting not another minute, Alicia races out of the thrift shop but not without grabbing the vintage looking shirt hanging on a nearby rack. Alicia stuffs the shirt in her pack as she makes her way down the main street.

She sighs in relief as she spots the sign for a pharmacy just in the distance. It can't be more than half a mile away. Alicia would be there in less than ten minutes. Eager to get back to Elyza as soon as possible, Alicia breaks into a jog cutting her travel time in half. As she approaches the front door, Alicia slows her pace and draws her machete.

The pharmacy doors are propped open with cinder blocks, and Alicia can see from where she is that the store had been previously looted. Hopeful that not everything had been taken, Alicia slowly enters the store. She makes it not even five feet inside before she is startled to a stop. Hushed voices echo in her alert ears.

"Shhh! Did you hear that?" a woman's frantic voice whispers into the air.

"Hear what?" a man replies.

Alicia looks around her, trying to spot the couple, but they must be further in the store, hidden behind shelves.

"I thought I heard something. Are you sure there aren't any dead in here?" the woman whispers.

"I looked around. You looked around. We didn't see anything," the man reassures.

"Doesn't mean they're not in here."

"Would you relax, please? Just keep looking. There has to be some left."

Alicia stands frozen, unsure if she should make herself known or not. Her gut instinct is to trust these people. They seem to be here for the same reason she is: to find medicine for someone. She wants to still believe in humanity, the general notion that people are still inherently good. Maybe they could help each other find what they need. She shakes her head at herself, feeling foolish. She can't trust these strangers. In this new world, people can't have the benefit of the doubt any longer. She's seen what humanity can do. She's witnessed it more times than she'd like to remember.

Alicia's internal debate is suddenly ended as she sees movement above her. She looks up at a security mirror just in time to see a couple of corpses approach the woman in the aisle ahead. Without a second thought, Alicia sneaks up behind the first infected and swings her machete towards its head. The long blade easily sinks into its skull, ending its afterlife. Alicia effortlessly rips the blade from its head and turns to see the remaining infected stumble towards the woman now lying on the floor. Poor fool must have tripped. Alicia leaps over the fallen corpse and lands another killing blow to the infected's head, just as it was reaching its rotting hands towards the woman.

Its body hits the floor with a heavy thump, and Alicia stands above it staring at the other survivor. The woman stares back at her, wide-eyed, clearly surprised by the events of the last twenty seconds. Alicia breaks the silence.

"Hey," she says simply, offering her left hand to the woman.

"Hey," the woman echoes before taking her hand and pulling herself up. She offers a sheepish smile to Alicia before muttering a weak, "Thanks."

Alicia is about to respond when a man comes sprinting around the aisle. "Babe? Oh my god! Selma, honey, are you okay?" He reaches for the woman and grabs for her, running his hands up and down her body, searching for any sign of injury. When he finds none, he finally looks up at Alicia and offers a genuine, "Thank you."

"Yeah, sure, you're welcome," Alicia dismisses. She looks from the woman to the man and back again trying to figure out if these people will give her any problems. She decides the best line of approach is to just be direct with it. She takes a deep breath, resheathes her machete, and states firmly, "I don't want any trouble here."

"No, no, neither do we," the man says quickly. He straightens his back and grabs the woman's hand, taking a slight protective step in front of her. "We're just looking for something for our son, Connor. He's six," he rambles quickly.

Alicia nods in response internally wondering if that little story is true or not. It would be the perfect cover, playing on people's general sympathy for small children. Even ruthless people in the apocalypse still have a soft spot for cute kids. She decides to keep her skepticism to herself for the time being.

"Right, well, I'm looking for something too. So I'll just..." she trails off as she begins to walk past the couple towards the back pharmacy. If there are any antibiotics left in this place, that's where it would be. She pauses in her tracks as she hears the woman turn and practically shout at her.

"What are you looking for? Maybe we could help each other?"

Alicia slowly turns, unsure if she should let these strangers know what she's looking for. "I..." she begins uneasily.

"Please, our son, he has asthma," the woman begs. "We're looking for a refill. Anything that says salbutamol or albuterol on it will work. Sometimes it's marketed as Ventolin. Please?"

"Okay, I'll grab any if I see it," Alicia concedes. There isn't any harm in grabbing those meds if she finds any. She certainly doesn't have a use for them, and there could be a kid out there who needs it. Maybe. If these strangers are telling the truth.

"And you?" the woman asks politely.

"Any type of penicillin," Alicia answers without thinking.

"Penicillin? That's an antibiotic, right?" the woman asks. She cocks her head to the side, suddenly studying Alicia closely. "You don't look sick."

"It's not for me," Alicia deflects. She turns and starts to make her way to the back again. "My friend, she-"

"Where is your friend?" the woman interrupts.

"Safe," Alicia answers succinctly. She turns from the woman, cursing herself for her stupidity. She should not be offering this information to these strangers. They know too much. They know she's here to find antibiotics for Elyza. They know Elyza must be vulnerable, and the woman is beginning to really rub Alicia the wrong way. She is far too interested in her, and the way she is staring causes shivers to run up Alicia's spine.

Alicia busies herself checking discarded prescription bottles on the floor in front of the back pharmacy, searching quickly for anything that could help Elyza. Eager to find what she needs and get out of here, Alicia nearly misses the hushed whispers coming from her left. Alicia strains her ears, trying to pick up on what the couple is saying.

"James, do you think that's... She could be..." the woman whispers. Alicia's muscles tense.

"Selma, no," the man pleads. Alicia stands.

"They said we'd..." the woman's response is cut off sharply by the man.

"No, we can't. We don't even know if it's her," he states firmly.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" the woman calls out loudly, her voice deceptively sweet.

Alicia doesn't bother with an answer. She's heard enough to realize that no good can come from this situation. She'll just have to find another solution for Elyza. She's no good to her dead or captured. Alicia turns on her heel and sprints towards the exit.

She is just a few feet from the door when she feels a body slam into her, knocking her to the ground. Alicia tries to roll to the side, away from the woman, but a pair of strong arms wrap around her own, pinning her hands behind her back and her face to the floor.

"Thanks, James," the woman groans as she stands up. Alicia struggles as best she can, but the man easily outweighs her and effortlessly keeps her in place.

"Just don't," she hears the man spit at his wife. Alicia feels him lean down, and flinches away from the hot breath on her neck. She hears him whisper a pitiful, "I'm sorry."

"Like hell you are," Alicia growls, never stopping her struggle. "Let me go!"

"We can't," the woman states.

Alicia grimaces as tough thin plastic wraps tightly around her wrists. She hears the rapid click click click as the zip ties are pulled snug against her flesh. Alicia struggles as best she can, but the man maintains his iron grip on her.

Alicia suddenly finds herself being pulled up and haphazardly thrown over the man's shoulder as he carries her to the back of the pharmacy. She bites and screams and kicks her legs against his body. She yelps as he suddenly drops her to the floor. The woman is on her in seconds and forcefully ties a gag around her head.

The man reaches down and grabs her again, mindful to secure her legs in his grasp this time. He carefully drops her to the floor near the back counter. The woman walks behind her, and Alicia glares at the man as she hears another zip tie fastened to her bindings and then to the heavy desk behind her.

She struggles futility against the bindings as the woman unclips her Beretta from her holster, places it out of reach on the counter behind her, and removes her newly acquired machete. Alicia can do nothing but stare at her captors. She furrows her brow as they turn their backs to her to speak.

"Look at her, James. She's the right age, pretty, about 5'5'', long brown hair, traveling with a blonde girl. You remember what they told us?"

Alicia continues to struggle against her restraints as the couple speaks, the harsh plastic digging into her soft flesh. She can feel the blood dripping down her hands as she jerks the bindings, cutting her wrists just a little more with each pull.

"I remember," the man grumbles.

Making no progress in wriggling out of her bindings, Alicia throws her head back against the desk in defeat and silent tears of frustration fall down her cheeks. As another stream of blood oozes from a fresh cut in her wrist, she suddenly inhales. The bracelet.

"Connor wouldn't have to go without his meds. We wouldn't have to worry."

Keeping as calm as she can, Alicia wiggles her left wrist towards her right hand and lets out a stuttered exhale as her fingers trail over the metal clasp. She finds the hidden catch and struggles to press it. The small knife springs free, and Alicia wraps her fingers around it. She awkwardly turns the tiny curved blade in her fingers and blindly tries to find the plastic zip tie. Alicia hisses as the blade slices the back of her hand, but she doesn't let the temporary pain stop her.

"They also said she needed to be delivered with the other. She's useless alone."

Her heart speeds up as she finds the bindings with her blade and begins to work the small knife up and down. With a quiet little snap, Alicia's left wrist pops free. Keeping her hands behind her, she easily cuts her right arm free. Thankful that her captors are foolish enough to keep their backs to her, Alicia reaches silently into her boot and opens her balisong.

"So we find the blonde. She can't be far if this one is looking for antibiotics for her. This is it, James."

Alicia throws her hands behind her back just as the couple turns back towards her. The woman approaches her and leans down. She drops her voice dangerously. "You're going to tell us where your friend is hiding, Alicia."

Alicia breathes angrily through her nose at the use of her name. The woman lets a small quirk of a smile escape as she realizes that Alicia is who she thinks she is.

"Yes, I knew it was you. We know who your friend is too. Elyza, right?"

Alicia glares at her. She can feel her blood begin to boil. Her survival instinct and her drive to protect her own rears its head. She struggles to wait for the right moment.

"Here's the deal, Alicia. You tell us where your friend is hiding; we'll make sure you get to Proctor John unharmed, okay? You don't cooperate, and we'll make sure you get to Proctor John bleeding and broken. Do you understand?"

Alicia stills. Proctor John is behind this. He has spread their description around, offering rewards for their capture. The news makes her stomach sink.

"Do you understand?" The woman suddenly repeats harshly. Alicia snaps out of her thoughts and offers a single nod.

"Good," The woman leans down and pulls the gag out of Alicia's mouth. "So where is your friend?"

"Screw you!" Alicia shouts. She quickly grabs a fistful of the woman's shirt and places her blade to the underside of her throat. The tip presses easily into the soft fleshy skin, and Alicia is suddenly struck by how fragile the human body really is. All it would take is the slightest pressure, and she could open this woman's throat in an instant.

Shaking the disturbing thought from her head momentarily, Alicia stands, bringing the woman with her. She flips her around, keeping the blade to her throat and gives it a little press, just barely drawing blood. She sets her eyes on the man standing in front of her. He raises his hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay, Alicia. Calm down. You don't need to kill her," he tries to reason.

"Why not?" Alicia bites back. She sets her jaw and continues coldly, "You were going to deliver me to my death."

"He doesn't want you dead," the man explains, his hands in the air. He takes a tentative step forward. "Just the blonde. He just wants the blonde dead. Come on now, I can tell you're a good girl. You don't want to do this."

Alicia twists the knife slightly in her hand causing the woman to flinch in pain. She can feel the woman's blood drip onto her hand. The movement got the reaction she wanted. The man stops in his tracks as Alicia deadpans, "You don't know me."

"That's fair," the man acquiesces. He nods and takes a deep breath before continuing. "Look, Selma isn't a bad person. We're just trying to make the best life we can for our son. Connor, remember? We'll leave. You don't have to do this. We'll just walk away like it never happened."

Alicia closes her eyes for a moment. She snaps them open, a newfound fury boiling in her blood. She hears the woman whimper as the blade continues to press harshly on her throat. "Shut up. Just shut up!"

"Alicia," the man tries again.

"I can't let you leave..." Alicia all but mumbles to herself. Realization floods her mind. She doesn't know these people. They threatened her. They tied her up. They were ready to sell her and Elyza to the Proctors for their own personal gain. It doesn't matter what this man is currently saying. His actions tell a different story. He restrained her, even if he didn't want to. He did it.

Alicia shakes her head and more firmly states, "You'll tell them where you saw me. You'll tell them Elyza's hurt."

"No, no, we won't," the man frantically confirms. "Will we Selma? We'll just walk on out of here."

Alicia knows in her heart that she shouldn't trust his words. Words are just whispers on the wind. Meaningless, gone the second they leave someone's mouth. Actions speak volumes.

"I can't trust you," Alicia argues.

"You can," the man tries again. His eyes widen as he clearly sees what is about to happen. "Alicia, no." He lunges towards her, but he's not fast enough. "No!"

Alicia slides the balisong along the exposed throat in front of her. Before the body even hits the floor, Alicia grabs her Beretta from the counter behind her and squeezes off a single shot into the man. He slumps to his knees, touching the blood as it drips from the bullet wound in his chest.

Alicia drops her pistol to the ground and sobs as the body of the man crumples before her. They aren't the first living she has killed, and they won't be the last, but this is the first time she has killed without a direct threat to someone she loves. Sure, they could have turned her over to the Proctors. They could have found Elyza, but she doesn't know that for certain. She killed out of precaution. It was as truly as easy as the first time, and the thought makes her feel sick.

Alicia can't bring herself to look at the face of the woman as she sinks her blade into her head, preventing the change. It's the least she can do for the woman she just murdered. She makes her way over to the man, prepared to do the same for him when something catches her eye. A photograph lies wrinkled on the floor next to the dead body's hand. Alicia glimpses a young boy, no more than six, with curly blonde hair. Tears fall down her cheeks as she runs her balisong through the dead father's skull.

They had told the truth. They were looking out for their son. A cute little boy that Alicia just made an orphan.

Alicia shakes her head as the tears continue to fall. She takes a deep breath before wiping them away with the back of her hand. She mindlessly cleans her knife and tucks it safely back in her boot. She walks back over to the dead woman and picks up her fallen Beretta from the ground. She clips it back into place and sheaths her machete. Alicia then grabs the bracelet and fastens it back onto her wrist.

She numbly hops over the counter and rummages through the picked over medication. With a few choice curse words, Alicia angrily tosses bottle after bottle behind her, searching for the one she so desperately needs to see. After what seems like hours, Alicia grasps the small orange bottle. She lets out a sob as she reads the single most glorious word printed on the side of the bottle: amoxicillin.

Alicia safely tucks the bottle in her shoulder pack and makes her way out of the pharmacy, grabbing what little first aid supplies and food is left. Just as she is about to exit the small shop, Alicia throws her head back and sighs at the ceiling. She makes her way back into the pharmacy and easily finds the beauty section.

With her last minute supplies safely tucked into her shoulder bag, Alicia leaves the little shop of broken dreams and makes her way back towards the library.

As she walks back down the main street, retracing her steps, Alicia stills her mind. She had no other choice. She knows she had no other choice. She had to kill those people. If she had let them live, the Proctors would know where they are, and Elyza certainly isn't in any condition to travel. They'd be sitting ducks. She knows they would be.

The further she gets from the pharmacy, the easier it is for her to rationalize her choice. She did what she needed to do to protect herself. It was as simple as that.

Alicia stops dead in her tracks as she looks up. The shadow of the building in front of her startles her. She already made it back to the library. Without a second thought, Alicia sprints up the stairs and unchains the door. She hastily closes it, relocking it from the inside.

Alicia squints in the semi-darkness of the barricaded library and lets her eyes adjust for a moment. She looks over to the corner and sees the blonde still curled up in a ball on the couch. Even from this distance, Alicia can see the shivers wreck Elyza's body as she battles the infection. She fights back the tears at seeing the woman whom she has grown to see as strong and nearly invincible look so small and fragile.

She cautiously makes her way over to Elyza and kneels at her sleeping companion's side. Alicia rests her hand on Elyza's forehead and lets out a stuttered breath at the heat radiates into her palm.

"Elyza, wake up. Elyza," Alicia says as she gently caresses her face. The blonde remains unmoving beneath her. "Elyza," Alicia says louder. "Wake up, please."

"Hmm, you're back," Elyza mumbles, her voice raspy and weak. She flutters her eyes open and locks her gaze with Alicia's concerned one. "I missed you, love. The world is a much darker place when you aren't by my side."

Alicia lets out a choked laugh, "Well, you really need to take these now. The fever has clearly caused you to babble delusional confessions."

Alicia holds a single pill in her hand and offers it to Elyza along with an opened bottle of water. The blonde gratefully swallows the medicine and weakly shakes her head. "Not delusional, love. You make this bloody world worth living in."

"Right, I'll be sure to remind you that you said that when you're better," Alicia teases.

"I won't need a reminder," Elyza hums. "It's true. I knew it the minute I saw you." She gazes up at Alicia with a sad look in her eyes and mutters, "That's why I needed to leave you, back at the dam."

"Aren't you the charmer," Alicia says with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"I think you know it's true," Elyza states.

"I think you need to rest," Alicia reiterates. She knows Elyza is telling the truth. Alicia's observant enough to recognize when someone genuinely cares for her. She knows Elyza does, and she knows, by Elyza's own admission, that the blonde runs from attachments. It's how she thinks she needs to survive.

Alicia spares a glance down at her new companion and watches her eyes grow heavy. Alicia can see the physical battle as Elyza tries with all her might to stay awake. With what looks like a herculean effort, Elyza throws her eyes fully open. "You'll stay with me?"

"I'm not going anywhere," Alicia smiles down at her. "Sleep."

"Okay," Elyza mumbles as she finally lets her eyes close fully.

Alicia watches the blonde settle into the couch and drift off to sleep. Maybe Elyza is changing her mind. She seems to be pretty honest in this fever-induced delirium. She cares for Alicia. She doesn't want her to leave. Maybe Alicia is not crazy in hoping that this woman remains a part of her life. Maybe, just maybe.

Alicia leans her back against couch wanting to just forget the past few hours. Forget the firefight, forget Elyza's injuries, forget murdering the parents of a small child. She reaches over to the small pile of books she gathered earlier and pulls out her copy of "Practical Magic."

After a few chapters, Alicia hears the rhythmic breathing of a deep sleep coming from behind her. She turns to see Elyza's face, peaceful and beautiful, in slumber. Alicia leans forward and presses a soft kiss to a flush cheek, smiling to herself as she feels the fever finally breaking.

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