By the8-author

468K 20.5K 7.9K

In which Seungkwan and Vernon met at a bachelor's party. They got very drunk and had a one night stand. One w... More

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์‚ฌ์‹ญ์ด (42) - EPILOGUE

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8.8K 401 146
By the8-author

"Mommy, I'm hungry. Where's food?" Haneul whined for the nth time already.

Jeonghan looks up from his phone and sighs," I already talked to your Father and he's on his way back. Just wait a little longer, okay sweetie?"

The child continues to pout but nods his head nonetheless and hops off the bed, went to Seokmin who welcomed the child and made him sat on his lap and proceeded to teach him play games on his phone. For Jeonghan, Seokmin would make a great father..................and a babysitter.

"Talked? Hyung you practically shouted his ears off" Mingyu chuckled from where he was sat from the corner of the room, earning laughs from the others.

And Jeonghan did scold his husband's ears off because they were already starving but Seungcheol was taking too long buying foods, that man. The twins?, Nurse Jooe and another fellow nurse wheeled the twins out of the room half an hour ago to change them from their pajamas into new fresh ones and to also give them their second to the last check up before getting discharged tomorrow lunch hour.

So Jeonghan had all the power to berate Seungcheol. The poor man.

Seungkwan stood up and went to where his daughter is sitting peacefully in her bassinet again. She was placed back there when Seungkwan felt his arms getting tired and the toddler didn't complain anyways. She enjoys being in her bassinet because she can sit like a boss and watch everything that's going on in the room.

She was even laughing when Jeonghan was scolding Seungcheol fifteen minutes ago, that kid really. Seungkwan didn't know what the child was laughing about but one thing is for sure, she finds the scene very entertaining base on the sound of loud shrieks of laughter.

Seungkwan smiled down at Jaeyoon who immediately returned the smile with a toothed one. She reach her chubby arms towards her mother and Seungkwan was more than willing to take her into his arms again and the two started dancing around the room.

Mingyu, after revealing his part of the deal and got teased about it, is now finally feeling better and no longer flaming red in embarrassment. Currently doodling random things on the sheets of tissue paper with a marker that magically appeared on his pocket.

Soonyoung, after having that call with Jihoon, was now randomly making music and beats with his dubstep app but then stops to watch Seungkwan and Jaeyoon practically prance around the room, the toddler giggling loudly.

Jeonghan was also watching the two with a fond smile on his face but then his phone dinged and he looks down at his phone to see that Seungcheol had finally replied to him.

Sorry for the late response, Hon.
We're at the parking lot now.
Be there soon💞

You better.

"Hey kwannie, aren't ever curious?"

"Huh? Oh, what? Curious of what?"

Jeonghan closes his phone and joins in the conversation but not actually saying anything, just listening.

"About Jaeyoon's other father, haven't you ever thought about him?"

Everyone suddenly stops what they were doing and joined in the conversation, curious on where it may lead while the person in question was suddenly frozen on where he stood. The toddler in her arms looking around in curiosity, mainly wondering why her mother has stop dancing all of a sudden.

"I–......I......uhm...." Seungkwan was lost for words as never in his life did he expect that that question was ever gonna be brought up especially in what supposedly a casual conversation now turned into interrogation......again.

Suddenly, Soonyoung did a dramatic sigh, earning confused looks. "Ah! Don't tell us that you let someone touch you without getting to know them", he then placed a hand on his chest in a dramatic way, again, "how could you?"

Ignoring the look that Mr. Squinty eye, Soonyoung, is now giving him, Seungkwan sighs and sat the toddler down beside Jeonghan who immediately wrap an arm around the child to keep her safe from falling.

Seungkwan then placed his hands on both hips, stands in sassy pose and raised an eyebrow at Mr. Squinty eyes. "Really? You'd think that low of me?"

"Hey! I didn't mean it that way–"

"But it sure felt like it"

And the two began bickering, quite childish but at the midst of the them two kids bickering, Jeonghan made eye contact with Seokmin who instantly understood the look the older was giving him. He nodded and whispered something to the child who suddenly nodded eagerly and the two excused themselves and left the room.

While Mingyu paused what he was doing and joined in once again, not in the bickering, but at the mere act of listening to the two bickering, like kids.

"Hyung I'm not that stupid and not that easy either, if i let some man get close to me, i always make sure to atleast get their names and if they don't give me their damn name then they're not worth my time and that's when i take my leave." Incase wondering why Seungkwan is answering so defensively, it's because in the middle of their bickering, Soonyoung may or may not have said something offensive that now irks the brunette.

Soonyoung immediately recognizes his mistake and didn't hesitate to apologize for it.

"Kwannie, I didn't mean to offend you in any sort. I wasn't watching my words and i apologize if i hurt you in any way. Please understand, I'm only being a friend to you, okay?" Soonyoung added a pout making his cheeks fluffier and his eyes less squinty but holds a genuine sorry in them.

The brunette sighs but before he could speak, a certain giant puppy decides to cuts in and asked a question that yet again Seungkwan never expected to hear, casual conversation or not.

"So.....who's the guy that knocked you up Kwannie? What's his name?"

All eyes went to the brunette in question, even his daughter was staring at him thought she doesn't really understand what was going on, she was simply and adorably mimicking what her uncles were doing which was currently staring and waiting for Seungkwan to answer.

It's not like Seungkwan didn't want to answer nor have a problem answering that question. If it were any other day then he would've, maybe even shout out loud, the answer but something about his place, the situation he is in right now, the setting, basically everything, there was something  pulling him back like an invisible tape was being placed over his mouth that he couldn't speak or answer at the moment. He wants to answer, he would've answered already, but something was really making him not do it. Mind? Heart? Conscience? It could be anything really.

Jeonghan notice the brunette falling into the depths of his thoughts and decided that topic was already prolonged and needs to stop, a new topic should be opened to spare the room of silence and to pull Seungkwan out of his deep thoughts.

"You know what? I don't even care about that man who touched boo. He's nothing but a mere dust of the past, nothing we should be bothered about anymore. I mean, it's just a waste of time thinking about that man when he didn't even spare his time to find you and the child. It seems like all he cared about was that one night you spent together, nothing more. Stupid man" Jeonghan finished with a scrunch of distaste on his face.

"Very stupid." Mr. Squinty eyes agreed," I mean, have you seen yourself boo? You're handsome and not to mention hot. Just look at that arse, who wouldn't want to tap that—"He caught the glare the brunetter was sending him and immediately corrected himself, genuinely fearing for his life if he didn't.

"—uh i meant who wouldn't want to date you? you have an amazing personality and a unique talent, you're pretty amazing to be honest. I think if Mingyu wasn't so head over heels for this Wonwoo guy, he would've dated you instead. Right Gyu?"

Both Mingyu and Seungkwan had looks of disgust in their faces, no Mingyu was looking more mortified while the brunette just has utter disgust on their faces. That confused Soonyoung while Jeonghan was trying not to laugh.

"No" "Never" the two had answered but Soonyoung remained confused.

"What? I don't get it? Why won't you like to date each other?"

"Okay first of all," Seungkwan adjusted his stand with now only one hand on the hip being the sass queen he is," never in my life would i want to date an electric pole and Second of all, EW, have you seen how gross he is? He's like the pinnacle of grossness and besides, he's definitely not my type, he barely reached my standards anyways." He finished with an imaginary hair flip.

And the man mentioned, Mingyu, has started pouting like a child once again before childishly answering back, "you're not my type either, you can barely reach the top shelves."

"And you love Wonwoo" Soonyoung playfully added.

"Yeah," answered Mingyu but then realizes what he just said and blushed red in embarrassment. Stammering a "Hey!" While Soonyoung was dying of laughter.

Jaeyoon, now seeing her squinty eyed uncle laughing, also began laughing much to her mother and uncle Jeonghan's amusement. While the brunette watch his daughter with fondness as the weird topic finally drowns away, the long haired male finds himself staring at the almost two year old chubby toddler sitting beside him.

Truth be told, Little Jaeyoon is probably one of the prettiest and most adorable toddler that Jeonghan has seen and been with it, if has being biased it would've been Jeonghwa of course but at the long haired male is basing his opinions in a different but good perspective.

It was evident that most of the toddler's features she got from her mother. The beautiful shaped eyes, the cute button nose, the round pouty lips and down to the famous boo family trait, the adorable chubby cheeks. She has everything a boo family member has but one.

Her smile.

Her smile was obviously different from her mother. While Seungkwan has a more soft fasten lip smile (not showing any teeth), his daughter's smile makes her upper lip appear thin and the bottom lip plump, showing her adorable set of upper teeths (there's already four). Though it may only sound like this was only a weird observation someone can notice, for Jeonghan it felt more than that.

He knows he should not make a big of a deal at the child and mother's smile difference but he can't help it, especially when the toddler's smile was reminding him of something, no someone, and that someone has very same way of smiling, like painstakingly identical with each other. The toddler and the person Jeonghan is reminded of.

And as if on que, the door opens and Seungcheol walks in, many paper bags in hand while following closely behind the older is the person Jeonghan wanted to see.

Mingyu takes the bags from the older and Seungcheol immediately went to the long haired male's bedside. Sitting on the bed and pulled his husband in a one arm hug, placing a kiss on Jeonghan's temple and reciting his apologies while Jeonghan has yet to let go of the person from his deep stare.

Luckily the person was unaware of Jeonghan's eyes on him and was more occupied on watching the mother and toddler playing together by where the bassinet is. The person's eyes held longing and another unreadable emotion that  Jeonghan noticed and knitted his brows together in confusion but before he could ponder more about it, a kiss on the base of his neck has snapped him out and he sees his husband starting to plant hickeys on his neck again.

He subtly elbowed the older who groaned in pain and pulled away, pouting childishly but turns serious when he saw the disinterested look on Jeonghan's face. Seungcheol stood up just as the door opens and two familiar baby cots were wheeled in in the room.

Everyone's face lit up at the sight of the twins, both fully awake and now dressed in a different set of adorable pyjamas. Nurse Jooe went to the parents and informed them of how the check up went while Soonyoung and Mingyu practically rushed to the twins' cot side and carefully took the twins out of their cots and into their arms.

Seungjae with Mr. Squinty Eyes and Jeonghwa with the giant handsome puppy. The door opens for the third time and in walks Seokmin and Haneul, no less than five mini plushies and toys in the child's arms, making it obvious that the two went to the arcade.

But upon seeing the twins, Haneul throws all his toys on his mother's bed and went to the first twin which was Jeonghwa. Mingyu, when noticing Haneul standing next to him, carefully crouched down until he reach the kid's level and the kid can see his sister upclose.

In the corner of the room, Seungkwan was putting the bib around Jaeyoon, because it was time for her to be fed, when done, he takes the freshly made baby milk from the night bag, shaking it lightly before opening the lid and gently nudge the nipple of the bottle to the toddler's mouth but the toddler decided to be a stubborn baby and kept her mouth shut, refusing and whining, swatting Seungkwan's hand away everytime the baby bottle comes near her.

That frustrates the brunette because his daughter was never like this and yet here they are. Sighing deeply, Seungkwan was about to give up when he felt a presence behind him and he was right when he turned around and saw Vernon just standing there, watching them two, the toddler moreso.

"May I?" The caucasian male suddenly asked, a hand reaching for the baby bottle and Seungkwan just wordlessly hands it to him and takes a step aside.

Vernon carefully moved closer and instantly smiled when the toddler immediately smiled at the sight of the caucasian male, happily grabbing on her toes as she continues to smile at Vernon.

Seungkwan just standing there, watching in amazement.

The toddler then began reaching her chubby arms towards the caucasian male much to the brunette's surprise. While the caucasian male felt a tug on his heart at he carefully carried the toddler our of the bassinet and into his arms, the toddler immediately nuzzling her cute face on the man's chest, warming up the man's heart in an instant.

Vernon, trying not to get overwhelmed with the fluffiness he's feeling, softly pressed the nipple of the milk bottle to which the toddler immediately opened her mouth and begun drinking her milk, again the brunette was surprised and a little shock.

Suddenly the caucasian and the brunette made eye contact, the latter began blushing furiously while Vernon just smiled and gave a nod gesture for the brunette to come close to them. Seungkwan, still blushing, complied and went to stand beside Vernon who lets him hold the baby bottle and then wraps an around him and pulls him closer.

Seungkwan shyly wraps an arm around the caucasian's waist and smiled a shy smile. He holds the baby bottle carefully and a small chubby hand reach for him and held into his hand. Seungkwan continues to smile, unconciously leaning closer until his head now lays on the caucasian male's shoulder. He felt Vernon pull him even closer but this time he didn't mind anymore.

There's two pairs of eyes watching the sweet scene but neither the caucasian nor the brunette noticed that, more focused on the toddler than the other people in the room.

Nurse Jooe has already left, leaving the twins in the room and their parents who are watching the scene by the bassinet with different emotions in their eyes.

Seungcheol with concern and Jeonghan with wonder.

Jeonghan leaned closer into his husband's arm and sighs, still watching the scene with the two younger men now playing with the toddler.

"They'd make a cute family" the long haired male yawned and before Seungcheol could answer, he hears soft snores and he looks down on his chest to see his husband has fallen asleep, cuddled on his chest.

Seungcheol smiled down at his husband before a loud giggle made him look up and saw the younger men still playing with sighs, and he sighs deeply, the concern never leaving his face.

"Yeah, They would have"

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