Be With me so Happily

By justalongforthetride

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Mia Colvert is just trying to get by with life, and so far its not playing very nice. Shes always got her fiv... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.

Chapter 24.

33 0 0
By justalongforthetride


The New Year rolled around a lot faster than anticipated, on my part and Zayn and Liam's. We've still managed to keep it a secret, which is a good thing. I've let my friends talk me into going to a party tonight, I would rather spend the night here with just them, but I can't tell them the reason why, so I agreed to go.

"Lou, are you gonna get super drunk tonight?" I was worried that tonight was going to be awful

"No, I just plan on having a couple of drinks, why are you so worried about it?" he looked at me from where he was laying on my bed.

"I just want to have a good time, no offense but I don't want to take care of drunken people all night." I smirked at him, knowing he wouldn't be upset.

"Well, I don't wanna take care of sad people all night, so I guess we're even." He had a smirk of his own on his face. I smiled and jumped on the bed next to him. I straddled his waist and leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"Good thing I'm not sad today, then." And I wiggled my hips. He grabbed them to still my movements.

"Mia, don't you have a shower to get into?" he laughed and rolled us so he was on top of me.

"Maybe, but I like it better here." I winked and leaned up to kiss him. He quickly dominated the kiss and his hands roamed my body. "Loouuu, we've got to get ready." I moaned as he moved his lips to my jaw.

"We can be late," he winked as he leaned back in to kiss my lips again.

About fifteen minutes later I was finally getting in the shower so I could get ready for this godforsaken party. I stood under the stream and let it wash away all of the tension and worry in my body, I quickly got out, but decided I didn't want to get ready yet, so I sat on the bathroom floor, mind blank. I don't know how long I'd been sitting there, but Louis was knocking on the door to make sure I was okay.

"I'm fine, I'll be out in a minute." I said, climbing off the floor. I got dressed in some leggings and a wide neck sweater and bounced out of the bathroom.

"What time are we leaving?" I asked my boyfriend who was on his phone.

"We need to leave in a couple of hours." I nodded and went to the hall way. "Bea! I'm ready!"

"No offense baby, but you aren't ready." I heard Lou say from behind me.

"I'm ready for her to do my hair," I glared at him and he got the message.

"I'm going downstairs with the boys, see you later." He kissed my cheek and left, just as Bea got up the stairs.

"So what do you want me to do to your hair?" Bea questioned as she sat me down in front of my mirror,

"Doesn't matter, something curly, I think." I smiled at her in the mirror,

"Okay, turn around then, you'll have to wait to see." I nodded and spun around in my chair.

We made small talk as she worked with the curling wand, on my hair. It took a total of an hour to finish my hair and make-up and we went to my closet to pick out my clothes and headed to Bea's room to do the same over there for her.

"Where are you and Niall staying tonight?" I asked while I was waving her hair.

"I think we're staying here at the house, where are you guys staying?" she questioned back

"I'm not sure; I think Harry is staying with Hannah, so I'll probably stay with Louis there. I feel bad for Liam and Zayn, maybe they'll find someone there."

"What about that girl Liam was seeing a while back?"

"Bea! That was over five months ago." I laughed at her.

"No way; was it really?" I laughed harder and nodded as best as I could. "Oh gosh, okay then."

I finished curling her hair and she put her make-up on, and we went to pick out her clothes together too. After a while of arguing I finally got her to wear a dress.

"Go get dressed, then come back in here and help me with this thing!" she shouted at me. I laughed and mock saluted her.

Once I was dressed in black tights, with polka dots, black jean shorts, and a long sleeve red shirt with a black studded collar. I went back to Bea's room; I didn't put my shoes or jewelry on, knowing this would be a long process. "I'm baaackk!" I called out once I walked into her room.

"Good, come zip this thing for me." I picked out a tight black party dress that had one strap and hit mid thigh. The strap was removable and the last time she wore it she took the strap off. I easily zipped the dress and set to work on trying to hook the strap back on. Twenty minutes later we were finished and I went back into my room. I quickly put on my combat boots and gave my hair a once over with hairspray and set off downstairs.

Bea and I met at the top of the stairs and I looked over at her. "Damn Bea, you look good." I winked and she shoved me playfully.

"Are we gonna make an entrance?" she giggled when she asked me

"Yes, yes we are, shall we?" I held my arm out for her to hook hers into.

We bounded our way to the living room and everyone turned to look at us. Harry started to say

"Took you guys long enough now we'r-" but Niall hit him.

"Bea, you look... great." He smiled at her and I shoved her towards him, I walked to Louis' side and he smiled down at me.

"You look amazing baby. Tonight must be my lucky night." He winked at me and leaned down to kiss me.

"So much confidence" I joked and nudged him in the side. We posed to take pictures since it's New Years Eve; one of Lou and I, one of Bea and Niall, one of Zayn Niall and I, one of Lou with the three of us, one of Harry, Liam and Bea and then finally one of all of us. Bea of course, made sure Louis and I matched, with his black skinny jeans, and white and red baseball tee.

We all piled into my SUV, since I was the only one planning on not drinking tonight, I knew Liam and Zayn wouldn't drink a lot, but I don't know about everyone else. The party wasn't far from our house, but it's still cold so I drove.

"Okay everyone; we meet at the car at 12:45, no later. Understand?" I asked as everyone piled out. They all groaned in response but agreed reluctantly. Louis gave me a stern look

"What? You'd go home right now if it meant what 12:45 means and you know it." I smirked at him and climbed out of the car. Once I got around to his side I grabbed his hand and we headed into the crowded house. It wasn't overly crowded but it there was a decent amount of people here. Louis pulled me into the kitchen to get himself a beer and a cup of coke for me.

"Wanna go dance?" he questioned into my ear, close enough I could hear him over the music.

"Let's go." Once we got back to the makeshift dance floor Louis pulled me close, my back to his chest. "You know I'm not one of those girls, right?" I stated in his ear, pointing to one of the girls that was bent in half in front of a boy she probably didn't even know.

"No, but you are one of those girls." He pointed to Bea and Niall, Bea was grinding back into Niall lightly, but not enough to make it look like you're having sex on the dance floor. I turned to smile at him and nodded my head; so he pulled me back into his chest and we started dancing. I couldn't hear the song well enough to know what it was, but it was upbeat. The song quickly changed and I immediately recognized it, Girls Chase Boys by Ingrid Michaelson. I put more energy into dancing because it's one of my favorite songs. Louis was nursing his beer and kissing the back of my neck.

I turned my head to talk into his ear. "No marks 'til later, okay?" he whimpered but nodded anyways. So he continued just to kiss my neck and jaw while we danced in sync in the middle of this party. Soon enough it was midnight and we were all standing in a group, counting down to the New Year.

"I love you so much Maz." Louis whispered in my ear as if it were classified information.

"I love you too babe, I love you too." I whispered back before leaning in for a knee weakening kiss. Lips on lips are all we needed, it showed each other the love we had and nothing could be better than this. Liam eventually tapped on both of our shoulders to break us apart.

"Sorry Li!" I called out as he walked away. "C'mon Lou, we've only got half an hour left." I pulled him behind me into the kitchen knowing he would want another beer. He opened and downed half of it before we left the kitchen, Lou walked me over to the couch and told me to stay there, he would be back soon.

Not even two minutes later I saw my boyfriend walking back towards me with a wide smile, "hey baby, wanna dance?" I pretended to think about it, and nodded as he went to pick me up.

"I'll go willingly, just put me down!" I laughed, hitting his back.

We made our way back to the dance floor and Louis pulled me close, chest to chest. "This is our song." I realized then that it was Tenerife Sea by Ed Sheeran. I smiled gratefully at Lou and lay my head on his chest. I felt the vibration of Louis speaking and looked up to see that he was singing along with the song. I smiled even wider and leaned up to kiss him slowly, when I pulled back I heard

'Should this be the last thing I see;

I want you to know it's enough for me,

'Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need.

I'm so in love.'

Nothing could be more perfect than this moment, I'm so in love with the man in front of me, he's my entire world and that scares me. When the song was over Lou leaned down once again to speak into my ear "Let's go sit in the car and wait for the others." I nodded and grabbed his hand, made sure I had my purse and keys and headed outside. We walked hand in hand down the block to my car, swinging them between us. We shared a few giggles and climbed into the car, turning the heat on high.

"This thing takes forever to heat up." I shivered from my seat.

"Maybe if you wore real pants, you wouldn't be so cold." He winked and I glared at him. "Come here, baby," he tried to pull me onto his lap.

"No, you made fun of my clothes." I pouted and leaned against the door away from him.

"Aw, baby. I'm sorry. I think you look hot in those clothes. You shouldn't ever wear pants again." He winked at me again. I reluctantly climbed over the middle console and cuddled into his lap sideways. "See? All better." He smiled and kissed the side of my head. We sat like that until everyone else made their way back to the car.

"Really guys? You couldn't even wait until you got home?" Niall asked, mischievous smirk present

"Fuck off Niall." I smirked back through the rearview mirror. "Harry, are you guys going back to ours, or to Hannah's?" I questioned.

"Ours, definitely." He smiled at Hannah and you could see just how much he loved her.

"So, Li, do you wanna come back with us, or stay at home?" Zayn asked from behind me.

"Yeah, that's fine."

I didn't have to deal with too much drunken banter before we reached our house. Liam went in to get his things "We'll just stay here Li, hurry back." I smiled at him

Lou looked at me "I'm gonna run in and use the restroom be right back."

"Breaking the seal Lou, you were doing so good!" I exclaimed as he slammed the door and flipped me off.

We quickly got back to the flat and went to bed, Louis' because he's a horny teenager and Liam and Zayn because they know what the morning brings. I kissed Zayn and Liam on the cheek before bouncing off to Louis' room, hearing a 'use protection' and 'keep it down' before I shut the door.

Louis pulled me over to the bed and laid me down, crawling over the top of me and whispering "You know what 12:45 means..."


I didn't sleep at all last night and now we're trying to be quiet as to not wake Louis up.

"Li, when we stop at our house, can you run in and grab my bags? I'll make sure the laptop is set up with the note." He nodded and we headed out.


I woke up to cold sheets and an empty bedroom. None of Mia's things were to be found. Thinking she may have just moved them to the living room I pulled myself out of bed and wandered down the hallway. Not seeing anyone I went into Nialls room to check for Liam and Zayn's to check for him.

Not finding anyone I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Mia, not getting a response for 15 minutes I decided to call her and it went straight to voicemail. So I called Zayn,

"Um, hello?" he answered

"Where are you?" I questioned, slightly worried now.

"Um, I don't know. Driving."

"Are you with Mia?" he hesitated and answered


"Can I talk to her?!" I exclaimed.

"No, go to her house, her car is still at ours. Go to her room call when you're done." Click.

He hung up. I jumped into Mia's car as quickly as possible and sped off to her house, praying I would find the three of them in the living room. I was greeted by an empty house except for the others asleep in their rooms, so I followed Zayn's instructions and went to Mia's room. Seeing her laptop opened and on I shook my head and flew across the room. I saw a note sitting next to it on the desk and I picked it up.

Hey guys,

Make sure everyone is here before you press play.

All I can say is I'm sorry.

Love you all,

Mia xx

"BEA, HARRY, NIALL." I yelled as loud as I could and soon enough I heard heavy footsteps coming towards the room. "We have to be together to watch this, some one text Zayn and ask if we have to wait for them."

A few seconds later Bea told me to hit play and my baby's voice filled the room

"Just thought I'd come to tell you all goodbye,"

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