Chapter 8.

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Driving down the road I turned to Louis “Have you eaten yet?” He shook his head no. “Do you wanna grab something to eat then?” I asked.  “Sounds good to me.” Louis replied but he didn’t meet my eyes. I pulled into the small diner down the road and parked, both of us climbing out of the car quickly. Once we got seated and the we ordered our drinks we settled into a comfortable silence, I could tell Louis was thinking about something and I was just thinking about how to start this conversation.

 “We need to talk Lou.” I decided to break the silence and cut to the chase.

“Okay, I have something to say though.” Louis finally made eye contact with me.

“You first then.” I replied “I need to apologize for this morning, I really overreacted but I didn’t think you would take any of it to heart, and I really didn’t think you were going to leave.”

“Hey, you don’t need to apologize. It was my fault and I should have been more considerate with my feelings and that wasn’t the only reason I left, I had a lot on my mind and I really just needed to clear my head. It wasn’t my intention to leave either. I went for a walk and fell asleep, I swear.” I laughed at myself, along with Louis, for just how pathetic that sounds. “But what I need to talk to you about involves this morning, actually.” As soon as I finished the waitress brought back our drinks and asked for our food order. Thank you waitress.

“I’ll just have a cheeseburger with a side of fries.” Louis ordered,

“I’ll have a chicken salad, thank you.” I handed over my menu.  Lou just looked at me. I waited until she walked away.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Really Mia, a salad? You haven’t eaten all day.”  Louis looked at me like a disappointed parent.

“I’m just not hungry, okay?” I didn’t wanna tell him before I told everyone else so I tried to keep it at that, “You haven’t been eating a lot lately M, whats wrong?”

 “Just wait, okay? We’ll talk about this at home.” And the subject was dropped.

“All right, so back to what we were talking about before…” Louis implied, playing with the condensation on his cup.

“Right,” I cleared my throat, “So like I said, it has to do with what we talked about this morning.” Louis nodded, “I guess I’ll just come out with it. I reacted the way I did with my dad because I didn’t want you to think I had feelings for you if I just laughed it off.” A look of hurt crossed his face. “Oh, god. That came out wrong. I didn’t want you to find out that I did have feelings for you if I laughed it off.” He just stared at me. “What I’m saying is I feel the same way you do, Lou. I just didn’t want you to find out because I didn’t want everything to get messed up.” I finally met his gaze. A grin was slipping its way on to his face.

“So, what now?” He asked after we had gotten our food.

“I don’t know, but I want you to wait until after I have to tell everyone to decide what you want to happen, okay?” He looked at me confused.

“yeah, of course, whatever you want Maz.” I smiled.

We ate our food and talked about random things, we watched the people around us. They were pretty entertaining, especially after the days we have both had. After Louis paid, he insisted, we headed back to the car. “I really wish we would have walked, its super nice out tonight.” Louis said, surprising me.

“You always make fun of me for wanting to walk every where, now you want to walk.” I laughed as we got into the car. Louis flicked on the radio and Ed Sheerans new album flooded the car. We both screamed out the lyrics when ‘Don’t’ came on and before we knew it we were home. I pulled into the driveway, seeing everyone else was still here and got out. I let out a huge sigh and Louis looked at me.

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