Avengers Academy Series

By NhanLa2

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The famous Avengers are teens and young adults attending the Avengers Academy in a never-ending fight against... More

Prologue: The Invite
Chapter 1: The Author
Chapter 2: Author's Powers
Chapter 4: Prank gone too far...
Quick Note
Chapter 5: Revenge Time! ...Oh look. Hydra's here too...
Chapter 6: Captain's Great Booty
Chapter 7: The Merc with a Mouth

Chapter 3: Odin and Fury play Poker?

178 5 2
By NhanLa2

Time for chapter 3! So this is the episode where Loki is finally gonna join in. Expect a lot of pranks in this chapter. Janet, do the disclaimers.

Janet: UTLukka doesn't own us or Avengers Academy. Hope you enjoy!






Chapter 3: Odin and Fury play Poker?

Two days later...

Wasp was flying around the campus taking photos of everything. She was gathering some promotional pics of the academy for the website. After discussing with Fury that a website would greatly help the academy, Pepper and Tony went to work and got the website running in just a few hours.

Janet: Alright! I think that's enough pics for today. Better go thank Tony for the new phone later too.

After landing on the ground, Wasp suddenly remembered that she had target practice at the Blasting Range and facepalmed herself. Janet broke into a sprint and arrived at the Blasting Range in just a few minutes. Iron Man was leaning on a pile of bags near the Range while Author was in the middle of practice.

Janet: Sorry I'm late! I was just getting pics for the website.

Author: It's cool. I'm almost finished with practice so fill free to do your thing once I'm finished.

Wasp nodded and sat on the pile of bags near Iron Man as she watched Author practice. Author stared down the training dummy in front of them, their sketchbook levitating in the air next to them. With a snap of their finger, Author's sketchbook glowed purple and blasted the dummy with three fireballs followed by a beam of light.

Janet: That was awesome! I honestly can't get enough out of watching you blast things with that book of your's.

Tony: Yeah. As long as those things aren't my Captain America merchandise.

Iron Man and Author had a bit of a fight a day ago and Author burned some of his Captain America plushies and posters out of revenge.

Author: Oh please, you deserved it. If I remember correctly, the fight was about whether Swiss or Cheddar was the better type of cheese.

Tony: If it doesn't have holes, it ain't cheese!

Sensing a possible fight happening, Wasp decided to intervene.

Janet: Well I guess it's time for me to start practicing! Btw Tony, thanks for the new phone. I loved it so much, I couldn't help but want to ignore you!

Tony: ...No prob...

Wasp rubbed her hands together before shrinking herself down and using her wings to fly. Her hands glowed a yellow light before she shot the training dummy. Author didn't stick around long because they had to go check out the process on Club A and the Timeless Archives. Don't ask why they're called that, Author isn't sure themself.

Making their way around the campus, they had a pleasant smile as they saw the Archives was finished. After reorganizing the books in alphabetical order, Author left towards Club A and saw that is was still under construction.

Author: That's odd. It should've been finished by now.

They shrugged it off and walked back to the Blasting Range. Author saw that Iron Man and Wasp were talking about something and walked towards them.

Author: Hey guys. What did I miss?

Tony: You missed out an awesome display of awesomeness is what you missed! Wasp looked so cool shooting down that dummy!

Janet: Aww c'mon Iron Man! It wasn't that awesome. But yeah, I'd say I did a super job with target practice.

Author: Even though I didn't see it, congrats Wasp. How did you do it anyways?

Janet: That's easy. All I had to do was imagine that the dummy was some jerk about to unfollow me.

Author: Ah...

Tony: I bet I can aim better with my gauntlets if I upgrade the stabilization and target visualization systems.

Janet: Thats what I was going to say!

Wasp and Iron Man shared a high-five while Author just sighed.

Pepper: Hey Author? I need to discuss something with you for a second. Also, the construction for Club A is finished.

Iron Man and Wasp seemed excited when she said that and they took off. Iron Man may have been very intelligent but he was so childish most of the time. Author honestly felt bad for Pepper having to put up with the brunette since the two of them were friends.

Author: What did you want to discuss?

Pepper: It's about our new student.

Author: Really? Director Fury said that it was a secret who the new student is. At least until he wants us to know who it is.

Pepper: Well... don't get mad but there was a reason he didn't tell us... the new student is Loki. God of Mischief and Chaos.


~Time-skip brought to you by Tony's sexy legs!~


Fury didn't know what was happening. One moment he was dealing with important paperwork involving the latest shipment of food and weapons, then all of a sudden Author kicked down the door to his office and started cussing him off. Now he was busy waiting for them to stop ranting.

Fury: Are you done?

Author: For now...

Fury: Good enough. Now mind telling me why you barged into my office and started talking to me with sailor words?

Author: The reason why, matey, is because of the fact that you recruited LOKI for the academy?! Might as well invite Thanos as the janitor at this rate!

Fury sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew Author would react like this. He knew it hundreds of years before he even considered the idea for a school for heroes.

Fury: I understand your concerns but I'll have you know that it wasn't my decision. The only reason I even considered him for a student was because of a poker game that I lost to Odin...

Author: Okay 1) you and Odin play poker? And 2) ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

Fury: First off, yes we play poker. Second, I'm not kidding. He insisted that Loki has potential as a hero. He just needs proper... 'guidance'. At least that's what he told me. Besides the more firepower we have, the better.

Author just stared at Fury as if he was wearing an ice-cream man suit. This can't be real, can it? This is real.

Author: Fine. But I've gotta go Loki-proof the academy real quick.

Fury: That's actually what I was going to ask you to do.


~Back with Iron Man and Wasp!~


After the two of them had a little fun at the new club, Iron Man and Wasp were back at the Blasting Range so the brunette billionaire could test out his newly upgraded repulsors.

Tony: Just so you know, the last time I tried my repulsors, I blew up half my lab, and almost melted my arm off.

Janet: Awesome!

Iron Man gave Wasp a little glare when she said that. Sadly, the fashionista ignored it.

Tony: It's not awesome. I almost died.

Janet: You're right, I'm sorry. I definitely shouldn't video this...

Tony: ...No, you should. Just get my good side.

Wasp rolled her eyes at his comment but pulled out her phone anyways. Iron Man got into position and began firing away with his repulsors. Unbeknownst to the two heroes a figure in a green, fur-collared coat was hiding behind a nearby tree. Their mouth was curled up in a wicked grin as they chanted something.

As Wasp was videotaping Iron Man's practice, her phone suddenly started glitching with green electricity coming off of it. She dropped it in surprise as the green electricity suddenly went towards Iron Man. Once it hit him, the billionaire started spazzing from the shock as his boosters started to malfunctioned. They turned on without his order and off he went into the sky.

Janet: Hold on Tony! I'mma coming!

Wasp quickly got out her wings and flew after her best friend. The chase took the two all over the campus. Iron Man crashed into almost everything and may have torn up some paths. He even tore through some trees. He almost flew into the fog but Iron Man fortunately got enough control back to steer away from the clouds of purple. He really didn't feel like breaking apart and turning into crystals.

Janet: Tony! Slow down!

Tony: I would love to, Janet! BUT IN CASE YOU DIDN'T NOTICED, I CAN'T!!



Janet: OKAY!

Wasp started shooting at Iron Man's boosters and hopefully not shoot off anything that was important. It wasn't easy because he kept flying from side to side and Wasp wasn't all that good with moving targets yet. After much time has passed, the satisfying sound of metal bursting was heard. She finally shot the boosters.

Tony: Finally! Here I thought I was gonna be stuck up h— AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

The two of them seemed to have forgotten that they were still in the air. Wasp quickly flew towards Iron Man and grabbed his hand. She pulled with all her might but her current size wasn't really all that strong.

Janet: Tony, if we die I just want to say I'm the unluckiest person in the world because you're my best friend.

Tony: Feeling's mutual.

They both closed their eyes and braced for impact... only to land on something soft and cushiony.

Author: You guys good?

Wasp and Iron Man realized they landed on a giant pillow curtesy of Author. The purple-haired teen was on the side along with Pepper.

Tony: Uh... I'm good...

Janet: I'm good too.

Iron Man got off the pillow first before helping Wasp down. Once she was sure they were unscathed, Pepper quickly asked them what happened.

Tony: I'm not sure either! I triple-checked my boosters this morning and they were in tip-top condition until...

Iron Man suddenly looked at Wasp and pointed a finger at her.

Janet: Excuse me?! We're friends! Why would I want to kill you... on purpose?

Tony: I'm not accusing you. ...Okay a little bit but what I was trying to say is that it was your phone.

Janet: That's right. This... green electricity started coming out of my phone. I got surprised so I dropped it, and that's when all this started...

Author: Wait... green electricity?

Tony: Yeah. You know something about that?

Pepper and Author shared at look before walking off without giving them an answer.

Janet: Hey! Where are you guys going?

Again, no answer from the two of them. If their backs weren't turned, Iron Man and Wasp would've seen the glare on both of their faces.


~At the Academy entrance~


Odin: It thrills and gladdens me to see that you're taking upon my offer to join the academy!

Loki: Yes, I suppose... don't think I'm doing this for your sake though. I'm only here because mother thought I could 'learn' something here. But what could a Midgardian possibly teach me?

Odin opened his mouth to respond when his son was suddenly yanked out of his field of vision. Turning to the side, he saw Pepper and Author yelling at Loki about something.

Author: You little, conceited, no-good, trouble-making—!

Loki: Do go on. Keep on complimenting me.

Odin: I do not mean to interrupt, but what does thou want with my son?

Pepper: Greetings to you, Lord Odin. What we want from Loki is an apology and some punishment for his actions. He endangered the lives of two students.

Odin looked at his son with a bored yet disappointed look. Judging from his expression, this wasn't the first time Loki endangered the lives of others. He simply shook his head and wandered off to who-knows-where.

Loki: I'll apologize once that Bug-Woman apologizes first.

Author: Bug-Woman? You mean Wasp right?

Loki: Yes her. Let's just say that there was this one party and I was not pleased by a certain picture she took. So I broke her phone with a special technology virus I recently made.

Author: I understand why you targeted Wasp, but why Iron Man?

Loki: He was more of an unintended victim but he was the one who threw the party in the first place.

Pepper: You're unbelievable.

Loki: I thank thee for the praise, Lady of Spices.

If looks could kill, Loki would've have been nothing but ash inside a volcano at this point. Author was able to get Pepper to calm down before she did something that would've gotten her on Odin's bad side.

Author: So all we have to do is get you an apology from Wasp?

Loki: A heartfelt apology, my reputation repaired, and something extravagant. I'll consider apologizing and not destroying all of you afterwards.


~Time-skip because I'm a lazy f**k~


It took several hours but they managed to get everything resolved peacefully... well, as peaceful as it can get when you're dealing with the God of Mischief. Iron Man was able to use the tech in his Tower to hack into the internet and erase the picture permanently from every site it was on. He also got a good laugh when he saw what the picture was.

Wasp was very angry about him destroying her phone but decided to write the apology anyways. It would be a bad idea to get someone who can easily turn you into a frog angry. She didn't put any actual effort into the apology but she did put a lot of work into the card the apology was on.

As for the 'something extravagant', Author took  care of that. They had actually pondered over what to get the frustrating god. It took the entire afternoon and evening before they decided to get him a staff. The staff itself was gold with silver highlights and intricate carvings. The top of the staff itself was shaped like a crown with emeralds and sapphires adorning it.

Once everyone finished their assigned task, they quickly reported to the Quad area where Pepper was keeping Loki busy. The trio cringed when they saw Pepper's state. Her hair was all frizzy with strands sticking out in weird places. Her clothes were all muddy and looked as though an animal attacked her. The last thing they noticed was the insane eye-twitch. Feeling bad for the strawberry-blonde, Author gently told her she can leave which caused her to run back to her office the moment they said that.

Author: What the heck did he do to her...? Anyways here's the extravagant thing you wanted.

Author handed Loki the staff. The god inspected the item and was very pleased with it.

Tony: I managed to hack into the internet and remove that picture completely. I may have also hacked into a few accounts that might have saved the picture and erased it from those too. It's as if the picture never existed in the first place.

Janet: And here's the apology I wrote. Now take it.

Wasp handed Loki the letter which he began reading. It literally took ten seconds for him to finish reading. His face scrunched up in disgust and annoyance. He clearly didn't like the apology.

Janet: We did what you wanted. Are you happy now?

Loki: Your apology was thoughtless. And your grammar is questionable at best... but since you've given me an amazing gift, I humbly accept your apology. In return I apologize for the hassle I have inflicted upon your pathetic mortal lives.

Author: Does that also mean we can count on you when Hydra attacks the Academy?

Loki: Oh please, everyone knows you can always trust Loki...

The grin on his pale complexion put the trio of students on edge.




End of Chapter 3


And that wraps up Loki's enrollment into the academy. I was originally planning on having a segment where he plays pranks on everyone after he joins but I was prepped for time so I had to cut it out. Sorry if you were looking forward to that.

This story will be mostly Slice of Life so I apologize if it seems really slow-paced. I really have fun writing this story so I hope you guys like it. Later!

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