Cold Embraces and Hot Kisses...

By BrujaWrites

10.4K 175 114

It's been about 6 years since you've left Japan because your father scored an official hero job in America. N... More

Blissful Memories
An Interesting Start of The Day
A Grand Reveal
Old Friends and Old Enemies
Revenge is A Dish Best Served Cold
It's Not Your Fault
Mysterious Feelings
What Does Love Feel Like?
The Wonders and Mishaps of Dorm Life
A Decision is Made
That Unforgettable Smile
A Hero in Need
~ Lemon ~

Friends and Strangers

625 8 3
By BrujaWrites

"I want to hold you close
Soft breasts, beating heart
As I whisper in your ear
I want to fucking tear you apart"

~She Wants Revenge, Tear You Apart


You stood on your tippy toes and rang the doorbell. You held a small bouquet of yellow lilies, which symbolized friendship. You waited by your mother's side. She held a cutely decorated container that had a Japanese, jiggly cheesecake inside. The door opened and revealed a beautiful, snow white-haired woman with charcoal grey eyes. She looked at your small figure with a warm smile and kneeled down to your level.

"It's nice to see you again, (F/n)," she said while ruffling your (h/c) locks.

"I missed you so much, Rei-san! This is for you," you gave her the beautiful bouquet of flowers, which made her eyes shine with happiness.

"Thank you so much. Come in! Shouto-kun is waiting for you."

You strode in with glee as your mother and Rei talked and shared laughs. Your mother and Rei had become pretty close friends within the past couple of years due to your friendship with Shouto. You walked into the living room and looked around for any sign of Shouto. Instead, you saw a female sitting on the couch whose hair was snow white with red streaks and had eyes that reflected the ocean. You excitedly ran over to her and jumped on her, giving her a big hug. She flinched at your sudden decision but returned the hug happily.

"Fuyumi-chan! I missed you!"

"You nearly scared the life out of me! I missed you too, (F/n)-chan," she giggled.

"Where is Shouto-chan, I can't find-"

Suddenly, you felt a pair of hands embrace you from the back and a voice say, "I'm right here, (F/n)-chan."

"Whoaaat? How could you sneak up on me, Shouto? That's unfair," you glanced at him and pouted.

He giggled a little before taking your hand and walking outside. Your cheeks flushed a little from his sudden action but you smiled in response. He picked up a red, rubber ball and proceed to play catch with you. From your peripheral vision, you could see Rei and your mother smiling at the two of you having fun. Shouto giggled as you threw the ball out of bounds, meaning that he won the game. You frowned at your defeat, causing Shouto to pat your back and give you some encouraging words.

"You'll win next time, (F/n)-chan! Let's ride on the tricycles!"

"Okay, Shouto-chan," you said, following the boy to the two tricycles.

You raced Shouto around the backyard with the red tricycle. Your pedaling was way faster than his, so you beat him easily. He challenged you to another round and you agreed. You ended up winning again and he accused you of cheating as you laughed. Suddenly, you heard a crash from inside the house. Curious, you hopped off your tricycle and peeked in the window. You seen porcelain plates shattered on the ground and shouting. 'What's going on,' you thought while creaking the door open and peeking in.

"WHY WOULD YOU LET SHOUTO OUT TO PLAY?! HE IS SUPPOSED TO TRAIN ," yelled the bulky male whose hands spewed flames.

"E-Enji, he wanted to play with-"


" Created? You really are some great father, Enji. A child is not a thing to be controlled, rather they should be loved. You're a twisted human being," your mother scowled.

"This isn't your business , Kanna. Tend to your own child. She is enough trouble already since she gets in the way of Shouto and his training," he said while approaching Rei with a balled fist.

You mother stood in front of Rei, protecting her and saying, "The only thing that brings trouble here is you and your abuse . You need to give up your selfishness before your children and wife begin to resent you. A true hero would do that."

Enji's eyes filled with anger as he raised his fist to strike Rei. She cowered and you mother stood in front of her to take the strike for her. Before his punch could even reach within your mother's personal space, you burst into the room and screamed.


His fist was immediately stopped by a (f/c), magical energy. His eyes widened in shock and wandered to your small figure. You glanced down at your hands and seen (f/c) energy fuming from your palms. Shouto walked in and his smile quickly dropped into a terrified expression as he saw his father. However, his eyes widened in amazement at the (f/c) energy stopping his father's fist. His eyes trailed over to you and he gasped.

"(F/n)-chan! Your eyes... They're (f/c)," he said rather surprised.

"(F/n)... your quirk-"

Your mother was cut off by you furrowing your brows and throwing your palms towards the front door. The (f/c), magical energy surrounded Enji's body and forcefully threw him outside onto the cold stone pathway. Rei stared at you, awed by the strength of your quirk. Your head began to throb with pain, which caused you to drop to your knees and hold your head. You winced and cried from the pain and your mom picked you up. She apologized to Rei for the commotion and ran out of the house. Your teary eyes met Shouto's as your mother carried you off. His mouth was slightly agape from shock. You waved him goodbye and he returned the wave with a slight smile. Enji was barely getting up when your mother ran past him. His eyes looked into yours with pure hatred. The fear from his glare made you tremble a bit, but your mother reassured you and rubbed your back. He went back into the household and you heard screams again.

"Mommy, we need to help Rei and Shouto-"

"We can't, (F/n). I would love to help but we just can't. It's not our place to do that," your mother said, her voice cracking from her anger and oncoming tears.

You rested your head on her shoulder as the pain significantly increased. 'It hurts... so much,' you thought through tears.

You wrapped your arms around your mother's neck. You closed your (e/c) eyes and nuzzled your head on the crook of her neck. Soon, you were greeted with a pleasant feeling as you fell into a quiet, calm sleep.


You awoke from the bizarre dream. 'What the hell? Did that actually happen?' You sat there for a minute, contemplating whether that was a memory. 'Wait a minute.. That did happen! That's the day I discovered my quirk.' You tiredly rubbed your eyes and began your morning routine; take a shower, cleanse face, brush teeth, cook breakfast, wake up Uncle Shouta, get dressed, and do hair 'That's so odd... Why did I dream of that?'

Your phone buzzed as you were styling your hair. You glanced down to see a new message from Izuku. 'Hmmm?'


Hey (N/n)-chan! I wanted to know if you wanted to walk to school together? I'll meet you by the stop sign that's 4 blocks away from the school, it's near Matusdo Elementary School!


I would love to walk with you to school, Zuku-chan. I will leave in about 20 minutes :)


Alright, see ya soon!!! :)

A little giggle slipped out of your breath as you read Izuku's message. 'He's such a cute guy.' You decided to style your hair into two loose, twin buns. You left a few stray strands of (h/c) locks out to emphasize the 'messy' look. You checked the time on your phone, 7:40 AM . 'I should get going soon. I need to ask Uncle Shouta if I can walk with Izuku.' You peeked into his room and found him still asleep. 'I woke him up like an hour ago?'

"Uncle Shouta, can I please walk with Izuku to school?"


"How come? I already told him I would," you trailed off.

The male sighed before sitting up, "I can't have you out there alone with those villains after you."

"Please don't worry about them, Uncle Shouta. I'll be fine. I promise," you smile a bit.

He blankly stared at you a bit before standing up, "... Since Midoriya has a strong quirk, he can protect you. Be aware of your surroundings and text me once you meet him."

Grinning ear to ear, you joyfully replied, "Yep, I will. Thanks!"

You left the house with your bag. You popped your earbuds in and played your favorite song while walking through the neighborhood. You looked around and admired the scenery. 'It's so verdant in this part of the neighborhood.' You crossed the road and soon seen the stop sign that Izuku was talking about. You saw the timid, freckled boy standing at the stop sign, looking around for you. His eyes landed on your figure and he smiled with a faint blush. You put your earbuds away and greeted Izuku.

"Hey! Sorry if I'm a little late," you giggled.

"It's fine! Don't worry, (N/n)-chan. We don't want to be late to class so let's get going!"

Smiling happily, you walked with the greenette to school. You talked about American heroes and he pulled out a notebook, taking notes as you described all types of heroes. He seemed particularly interested in your father's quirk, which you mentally smiled at. 'Maybe I'll tell him that's my dad one day, he seems trustworthy.' You shared giggles and small conversations. He would often get nervous and blush a lot. You didn't seem to understand it, but it was definitely adorable. You felt an uneasy feeling creeping on your neck and immediately turned around. You saw nothing but shrubs and flowers. Midoriya asked you if you were okay, and you told him not to worry about it. 'I can't just shrug off the feeling... like I'm being watched.'


'Why was I the one sent out on this mission?' I sighed as I hid behind a tree. A (h/c) haired girl with brilliant (e/c) orbs that illuminated in the sun came into my vision. 'Bingo! That must be her!' I watched her as she approached the stop sign. 'Perfect time to catch her! She is so clueless!' I crept closer into the bushes, but I realized she's not alone. 'Is that the boy from the forest training camp? Why would she meet up with him? Are they... dating?' I poke my head out a bit and see them talking to each other. I can't make out the words clearly, but it seems like nonsense. 'He does seem to blush a lot around her,' I observed. They walked across the street and into the next neighborhood. 'They seem pretty close but it's pretty obvious that he's in the friend zone. How sad. I'm sure this information will be of some use to Shigaraki.'

As soon as I walked in the door, Shigaraki cocked my head and a wave of disappointment washed over his face. Dabi barely glanced over at my figure and continued to relax on the recliner. Shigaraki stood up and approached me. 'Is he really going to lecture me now?'

"I thought I was very clear, Twice."

"She was with another person and I couldn't watch her," I seen Shigaraki's lips form into a scowl.

"Useless. You're so useless," he spat out, "Who was she with?"

"She was with that little green-haired, freckled brat. Midoriya Izuku."

"I see. Do they seem like they are close?"

I popped open a cold, crisp soda before replying, "It's obvious that he likes her. You should have seen his face! He was blushing like a schoolgirl."

"I see, perhaps we could use this to our advantage. If we kidnap Midoriya, we would get her attention....," he sat and thought deeply.

"Tch. Maybe he doesn't actually like her. Maybe he just wants to fuck her-"

" Woah , Dabi! Don't be so vulgar," Mr. Compress said as he was polishing his cane.

"At that age, they can't control their sexual frustrations. I'm just being real," Dabi sighed and turned over.

"Don't be silly, Dabi~ I'm sure Shigaraki has a good plan," Toga cooed and giggled.

"Yes, Toga knows well. With careful planning, we could finally take over and end the heroes," Shigaraki grinned psychotically.

"Since we can't really bust All for One out of jail, how will we handle this? "

"Don't worry about that. I have a plan of my own."

Sometimes, I questioned why I got into this whole 'League of Villains.' I always felt that I fit the persona for a villain, but did I really? I can't even figure out who I am and I'm aligning myself with villains. I mentally sighed and sat on the chair beside Dabi. I lifted up my mask and drank the soda. 'Am I doing the right thing?'


You struggled to keep your eyes open as you rested your head on your hand. 'Man... Why am I so tired?' You see everyone diligently taking notes as Aizawa was lecturing the class. 'I learned about this twice already.' You close your eyes and feel yourself slowly drift to sleep, but you were started when you felt a hand tap your shoulder. You popped up frantically and looked around. You saw Yaoyorozu's hand on you as she slightly smiled.

"(F/n), class is over," she said.

"Whaaa? Oh... no wonder why this room is empty. How long was I out," you tiredly rubbed your eyes and stood up.

"You were out for about 15 minutes. Luckily, Aizawa sensei didn't notice. Here, take this. It should help you wake up since we have hero training next period," she handed you a bottle of ice cold water.

"Thank you, Yaoyorozu."

You sipped on the cold water as she walked with you to class. She chit chatted with you about the lecture, music, and other things. 'She seems like a cool person.' She seemed 'bouncy' about particular subjects that she had a fiery passion for, which caught you off guard. 'I didn't expect her to be so... 'bouncy'?'

"So when are you going to move into the dorms?"

"Ummm, I'm not sure. I need to ask my uncle," you sweatdropped.

"You live with your uncle? Where are your mother and father? Oh, I-I'm sorry for prying-"

"No it's fine," you giggled, "They're in America. I live with my uncle for now since my father and mother have jobs."

"Ah, I see. Hopefully, he will let you move into the dorms. There's a room available between my room and Ashido's room," she smiled.

You walked into your class and was greeted by a cheery All Might. You greeted him and walked to your seat. A few minutes later, Bakugou entered the room with his friends who were giggling. You made eye contact with him and seen his cheeks flush. He quickly averted his gaze and walked to his desk. '....What the fuck?' As soon as the bell rang, All Might stood in front of the class with his iconic grin. His cape seemed to carelessly wave in the cool breeze that had come through the open door.

"Today, you will go through an obstacle course, similar to the one that you all did in the Sports Festival," you heard a few people groan at his announcement.

"However, I am twisting things up a bit! You will work with three people. The first person in any team to overcome the obstacles wins! I will be at the end of the course. Go ahead and find your team! After that, I will dismiss you all to change into your costumes."

Everyone scattered around the room. Kirishima grabbed Kaminari's arm and dragged him to Bakugou, who seemed rather annoyed. Mineta pervertedly grinned at Yaoyorozu who was talking to Jiro. 'I feel genuinely bad for them.' Todoroki was looking around the room for a partner. His gaze met yours and your cheeks blazed red. You approached him, smiling.

"Do you want to be on my team, Shouto-chan?"

"Mhmm. We should find another person though," he glanced around the room.

"H-Hey! I'll join your team," a freckled, greenette said.

"That's great, Zuku-chan! I thought you were on a team with Tenya-chan and Chako-chan?"

"...Tokoyami beat me to it," he sighed.

"I see. We will be fine," Todoroki said.

"Alright! It seems that everyone has a team now! Go ahead and get into your hero uniforms," All Might said, causing everyone to walk into the changing rooms.

"Young (L/n)! I have your costume right here. It has some pretty unique features if you ask me," he said, handing you a box.

"Thank you, All Might-sensei," you bowed and walked to the girl's dressing room.

'Time to kick some ass.'

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