Cardfight!! Vanguard: Spiral...

By kaiishida

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Set 28 years after the end of "Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Z World", the story of Spiral Terra follows the life o... More

Opening 1
Ending 1
#1: A Fighter's Dream
#2: The Queen's March
#3: The Real Hero
#4: Ace of Aces
#5: The Manager's Request
Q n A #1
#6: Kaminari's Roar
#7: Heiwa's Venomous Joker
#8: Tales of Taira Ansei
#9: The Brave King of Heiwa
#10: Spiral Terra
Q n A #2
#11: Ryuzaki
#13: King of Knights
#14: Hikaru's Lesson
#15: Goodbye, Old me
QnA #3
#16: The Past
#17: "We were"
#18: Aftermath
#19: Broken Promises
#20: Hikaru Hata
Opening 2
Ending 2
Q n A #4
#21: Hammer To Fall
#22: Jack of All Trades
#23: Makings of a Coach
#23.5: Turkeyman Begins
#24: Malest Storm
#25: Nova
Q n A #5
#26: Queen of the Celestial Realm
#27: Dragon Empire Rumble
#28: A King's Final Stand
#29: Sunset Train to Nowhere
#30: Strelzia
Q n A #6
#31: Kaido
#32: Beach Break
#33: Yacht People, a Beach Story
#34: Graduation Day
#35: Take Off
Q n A #7
Opening 3
Ending 3
#36: Oracle Queen, Himiko
#37: Guys Meet World
#38: Ryuzaki-con
#39: Renji
#40: Apex
Q n A #8
#41: "He will be mine."
#42: Hatred Burning Like No Other
#43: Masato and the Messiah
#44: Outdated Logic
#45: Spiral Terra and Apex
#46: One
#47: Last
#48: Battle
#49: Until
#50: The Endgame
The Final Author's Note
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Spiral Soul PV (11/09/2019)

#12: Real Blaze

119 6 73
By kaiishida

Emon sighed. He had been walking for about a hour ever since he left Hage and stopped infront of a supermarket. He looked at it's door and shrugged before walking inside. After some quick minutes of exploring the soda can section, he bumped into someone much taller and larger than him. The impact sent him right onto the floor. "Holy jeez, this guy has enough muscles to send me into the floor with just a bump..." He muttered before getting up and looking at the man. "I'm so sorry, sir. I wasn't-" He took a better look at the man's face. "R-ryuuga's dad... You're Ryuuga's dad, right?"

The tall man looked at Emon's eyes. His face showed nothing more than anger. He made the air thicker by jsut looking at Emon's eyes with the most intimidating glare he had ever seen.

'Oh god... That angry face, that glare... I think he might just kill me here and now with that...' Emon thought, fearing for could happen to him in the next minute. "S-s-s-shouto, I-i mean M-mister S-sawada, I-i didn't m-meant to-"

Shouto's angry expression changed into a calm one. He looked at Emon with a simple smirk and normal eyes. "So, I heard you and my boy Ryuuga are on a team together."



"Yeah. I heard from Ryuuga that you two were on the same team. Spiral Terra, was it?"

Emon slowly nodded. "Y-yes... But how do you know who I am?"

"Are you kididng? Ryuuga has a picture frame of your team. I know that you're Emon since he insisted on making us learn all about his team. You use Kagero and your ace is Dragonic Waterfall. You and I are share a blazing hot blood bond through that clan."

"Huh, we do...?"

Shouto nodded. "Trust me kid, back in my days, all Kagero players were bonded by a never ending flame. Don't tell me that you don't have that in you."

"I'm not really sure..."

"Yeesh, kids these days will never understand what was Vanguard years ago. On my high school days, we fought because we wanted to feel action, to have fun, to become the vanguard to our units. Nowadays people fight for power, titles or anything really. It just feels too different from the good old times." Shouto drifted the target of his eyes to the soda cans on the shelf by his side. He started grabbing some cans and placed them in his shopping cart. "But what brings you so far from your usual card shop? I know that Hage is still a good walk away from his supermaket."

"I know." Emon grabbed the soda can he had dropped when he bumped into the adult from the floor and returned it to the shelf before grabbing a another can and dragging it out. "We decided that it would be better if we didn't just fought the others over and over again, so we are training by ourselves. Fujiko stayed in Hage, Hikaru-"

"Fujiko? You mean the young lady by wife never stops talking about? Blonde, blue eyes, totlaly into Ryuuga to some degree?"

"Eh, I guess you're wife and Hikaru both want those two together. But again, Hikaru is a wackjob, so what can you-"

"Are you calling my pretty Yu a wackjob?" Shouto asked, looking at Emon with the same glare from before. "Hmmm?"

"N-no, sir...!"

"Good, or else I would leave you worse than Joe left Yuri at the end of Megalo Box."

'What...? I don't get that reference...' "I-if I may ask, what brings you to this side of town? I'm sure that there are supermarkets near your house."

"I know, but this one is the only one who has the type of mushrooms I need for my stew. But what were you saying? Something about kid Hikaru."

"Oh, right. Fujiko satyed back at Hage, Hikaru literally said he was going to goof around and Ryuuga went to the Mikazuchi building. As for me, I'm on my way to fight a friend of mine. I decided to stop by to get a drink and then bumped into you."

"Maybe it was fate, maybe it was just luck. Two Kagero players meeting just like this. And you know, I'm not surprised that a Kagero user is a member of a school's Royalty. Ace, right?"

Emon nodded. "I've been the Ace ever since I entered Heiwa and am not planning on leaving the title behind until I graduate out of Heiwa."

"That's a good spirit. You know, not to brag or anything, but in the goold old days, I had the biggest burning spirit anyone ever saw in Vanguard! I made my own title with my own hands. I didn't needed to become an Ace or a Jack or a King. I was my own king because it was my own future." The man grabbed the handlebar of his shopping cart and started walking away. "But again, these are just the words of an old adult. Have a good day, Emon."

"Make my own title and my own future..." Emon muttered, taking a look at his bare hands before looking back at Shouto and rushing after him. "Hey wait! That thing you said about making your own future and title!"

"What's so special about it? Like I said, those were just words of an old adult."

"Exactly! For ages I didn't know what I wanted to do. All I did was follow a friend's footsteps into the Royalty. All I did was fight and win to become the Ace! I didn't knew what I wanted to do with the future that awaited me..." He looked at Shouto with a determined look on his eyes. "But now I do! I want to become strong for my team and win with them! I want to make a name for myself with them! I'll grab that future with these bare hands for them! Can you help me? I need to get stronger for my teammates!"

'Such a determiantion... It reminds me of Ryuuga when he returned from the internship interview...' Shouto thought. He then smirked. "Then answer me this. What is the real meaning of Kagero?"

Emon flinched at the question. "What is... I'm sorry, what?"

"What is the real meaning of Kagero? I want to be sure you know it before I decide an answer for you. It's an easy question to answer. Kagero users would be able to answer it within seconds, maybe even right away."

"I am a true Kagero user because I know that the answer to that is Heat Haze! Kagero is the literal translation of Heat Haze!"

"Wrong answer, don't go by what the wiki says. You can try to answer the question as many times as you'd like. You have until the end of the day." Shouto informed. After placing all the things his bought in shooping bags, he left the supermarket.

'True meaning of Kagero...' "Hey wait up!" Emon called out before rushing after Shouto once again. "I need a clue!"

"Giving you a clue or be telling you the answer. What would be the point in that? If you don't know the answer, then just try to find it. When you find out, meet me on the local bath house by the end of the day. I have some groceries to leave at home before heading there so I'd say you have alot of time to find out."

"Right... I'll see you then with the right answer!" Emon started to run on the opposite way. A certain thought hitted his brain, but that didn't stopped him. 'What am I doing? Going on a quest because of some question just like a little kid? But again, it's for them so it's worthy it. But Kagero? What other menaing can it have?'

"You know what's awesome? My aunt owns this goddamn cinema. You know what also is awesome? I'm her only nephew so she let's me have a full cinema room just for myself. You wanna know what's even more awesome? It doesn't affects the business." Hikaru whispered to exactly... No one really. Like he said, he had the cinema room all for himself so whatever he said either was meant for him or for the screen. The big silver screen showed what it seemed to be a tall and muscular being covered in fur fighting a much smaller human holding a knife. "Go Atsa! Fuck the Chaos Furry with your Demon Shank! Feels good to rewatch an anime that was on TV when my parents were teenagers on a big ass screen. I could spend my whole goddamn life here. Shit's not just good, shit's gucci perfect. I wonder what Emomon is up to. Maybe he's tryna figure out the answer to some question a dad asked him. That would be fun to see or read. I should start doing narrations. Or maybe I'll just call Ryuuga and tell him to call Ryuzaki a Furry Boruto's Dad. I bet those two are already having a cardfight or something."

"Hey Emon. Wake your ass back up into reality and get your shit together." Akira said, snapping his fingers in front of Emon's disoriented eyes. "I've been waiting for your red haired ass to end the turn for three minutes."

"Huh? Yeah, I'm done with my turn, Snow White Wannabe." Emon replied, focusing on the four cards in his hand. "I was just thinking about something else. Nothing important."

"Y'know, we could have this fight literally any other day instead of having it on a day where you are face to face with an existencial crisis caused by nothing important. Rise from the depths of darkness and illuminate the darkened skies with your holy shine! I ride the avatar of light, Soul Saver Dragon! (Grade 3|13000) Attacking for 13000. With's skill, soulcharge."

"I use Aermo to guard. (20000)"

"Just that? A one to pass?" Akira shrugged at his own question. "Fine by me. Twin drive. (Flogal - Critical|High Dog Breeder, Akane) Critical. All to SOul Saver Dragon"

"Guess that guard was a bust." Emon flipped over the top two cards of his deck and grit his teeth before placing them in the damage zone. "That's two Waterfalls out of the game. Better topdeck one before I get shafted."

"Get your head out of your ass, you got shafted the moment you used Aermo to guard. You wasted shield and a good card just to lose two of your main cards. Jauron for 23000!"

"Tahr for 25000."

"Yeah, that's it for me. But really, get your game on dude. You play Kagero, you're supposed to be overpowering me without breaking a sweet."

"I guess." Emon drew a card and looked at it. "Too bad for you, I'm able to draw the card I need at the right time. Ride!"

Hikaru yawned, holding his phone next to his hear. "Next time don't allow Furry Boruto's Dad to put the team in danger and don't go by the bullshit he says. It's that simple, fam. Just do some 'Oh, screw you.' with some 'Nonono.' and the sprinkle it with 'We are Spiral Terra.'. Yes Ryuuga, this last bit is very important. People need to know that are Spiral Terra. The best team there is out there. Man fuck your C4, Furry Naruto! Give the phone back to Ryuuga! Oh yeah? Well Kumos were never good to start with so screw you! No, screw you! Well at least my wife wasn't asked if her tits were real on live TV! Fuck you, Ryuzaki!" He ended the call and crossed his arms. "Oh wait, I didn't called him Furry Boruto's Dad! Goddammit!"

Emon sighed as he walked down the street. He was on his way to the local bath house. He still hadn't figured out the answer to the question Shouto had asked him earlier on and the fight with Akira didn't made things better. What did Kagero really mean? He didn't know. After about half a hour of walking, he entered the establishment and headed towards the counter. "Hello, I was told that a man named Shouto Sawada usually comes here around this time. Is he here?"

Behind the counter, there was a sweet old lady. She nodded and pointed to the door that lead to the male changing room. Then, she placed a key connected to the black bracelet and two packs of sleeves, one that was see-through and one that was red on one side, ontop of the counter and shook her head as a way to tell Emon that he didn't had to pay to enter.

"I see. Thank you, miss." He grabbed the key and sleeves and entered the changing room. His locker was the number 27, which was at the fartherst left corner of the entire room. The room was overall empty, so Emon didn't had any problems making his way to his locker. Luckily for him, there was a sign saying that if someone would like to enter to the bath room or sauna with cards, they would have to put double sleeve them. After seven stressful minutes of double sleeving all of his fifty cards, he changed into nothing more than a towel around his waist and headed into the bathroom. The overall place was very steamy and hot, but there was no one other than Emon in there. "This is... Strange. I thought someone would be here."

"There ain't many people in here around this time. All 'em are either leaving their jobs or startin' their shifts and stuff, y'know?" A man spoke. His bald head popped out of a large bath tub to Emon's left. "You gotta be the guy Shouto said he was gon' waitin' for. He's on the sauna, behind the wooden door in the wall at your left."

"Got it. Thank you, sir." Emon bowed and started heading towards the said door. 'This has to be the weirdest place to have a cardfight. But if it is for the team's future, I don't mind it.' He grabbed the handle of the door and took a deep breath. "We are Spiral Terra!"

Hikaru shivered on his seat. "Somebody just said the catchphrase I made hours ago, I can feel it. Hopefully it was a certain someone who has a katana. Does he really have one though? Hmmmmmmm." He rubbed his chin before taking out his phone and calling someone. "Hi hi! Yup, it's me! Yeah, I'm your brother's Emomon's pal Hikaru! So tell me, does your brother really have a katana? WOW HE DOES?! HOLY FREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK! WHEN DID HE GOT ONE?! ON THE DAY THE TEAM WAS FORMED?! THAT'S SO COOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Aight thanks kiddo, now go get a Gauche to your Marie or whatever."

Emon opened the door infront of him,c ausing a large cloud of steam to be released. "What the hell is up with all this steam?!"

"It's called a sauna for a reason. Come inside and close the door!" Shouto ordered. He was sitting down on a bench and relaxing after a stressful work day. "Spending so much time drawing buildings makes saunas be even better, don't you think?"

"I can barelly draw a hand so I don't know, you tell me." Emon replied, entering the sauna and letting the door close it self. He sat down on a bench in front of Shouto's. Between them there was a wooden table. "My answer is... I don't know."

"Hm? Can you repeat that?"

"I don't know. I have no idea what Kagero truly means. For me it is a clan with fire dragons and some times wtaer dragons. But that is all I know. If it isn't Haze Flame, then I don't know the question to what Kagero really means."

"Honestly, I wasn't expecting you to find out so easily. It took me a whole to find out the answer when the question was first asked to me. A whole week of going insane over a simple question."

"That story is pretty and all but I have a question for you too. Why do we have to use sleeves in here?" Emon asked, holding up his sleeved deck.

"Because steam, fire and water can ruin our cards. Simple thing, don't you think? But we both know we aren't here to talk about sleeves. I told you earlier that your answer to my question would determine my answer to your request, didn't I?"

Emon nodded. "I guess that means that you won't train me since I don't know the answer. I expected that, honestly."

"Then you must suck at guessing. I never said that you not knowing the answer would mean that I would refuse to train you. If you want me to train you, then you need to know what Kagero really means. That's why we are here." Shouto revealed his own sleeved deck. "I want us to have a cardfigth in here. For old time's sake."

"So if I fight you, you'll train me? Just like that?"

"Exactly. A simple fight for old time's sake. What do you say?"

"If it is for Spiral Terra's future, I'll do anything! Yes, I accept your challenge!" 'A mirror match between Kagero. This will be rushing towards Waterfall and nuking fields all the time. I just need to make sure I get to the best place of the game first.'

"That's fantastic to hear! Now, come at me with everything you have!"

After five minutes of setting up their decks, drawing their cards, and raising the heat level of the sauna room, Emon and Shouto started their cardfight.

"Stand up, vanguard!" The two players called out before flipping their respected starting vanguards face up. Emon's vanguard circle expanded yellow while Shouto's expanded dark red. "I ride Lizard Runner, Undeux! (Grade 0|6000)"

"I'll take first turn and ride Embodiment of Armor, Bahr! (Grade 1|8000) I draw one card and end my turn!"

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

'He has a full art version of Undeux, that was expected.' Emon thought, drawing a card and taking a good look at it. 'Taking in account the fact that he'll most likely retire any rear-guard I call, I'm better off riding this one.' "I also ride Bahr! (Grade 1|8000) I draw one card and attack your vanguard! (8000)"

"A mirror battle between two units? No guard!"

"Drive check! (Berserk Dragon)"

"I take a damage. (Beserk Dragon) This one hurted."

"I end my turn." Emon took a quick look around the sauna room. 'This steam will get annoying at some point. But at least it doesn't covers our hands and field.'

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 7
Damage: 0

"My turn to make a show! I ride Dragon Knight, Nehalem! (Grade 2|10000) I call Flame of Hope, Aermo (Grade 1|8000) and Embodiment of Shield, Lahm! (Grade 2|10000) Nehalem! (10000)"

"No guard!"

"Drive check! (Crested Dragon)"

"(Embodiment of Armor, Bahr) No trigger."

"Lahm! Aermo's skill adds 3000 to himself! (10000>>18000>>21000)"

"Tahr! (23000)"

"I end my turn." Shouto smirked.

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

"There's something I don't understand." Emon said as he drew a card. "Why didn't you rode Berserk Dragon?"

Shouto just shrugged. "I didn't had it in my hand. There will be times when you won't always have the card you want in hand. That is just Vanguard 101."

"That's fair. I ride Berserk Dragon! (Grade 2|10000) Using his ability, I burn Aermo away from the field! I also draw one. And since a unit was retired this turn thanks to an effect, I get to normal call Cruel Dragon! (Grade 3|13000) I also call Lizard Soldier, Raopia! (Grade 1|8000) Berserk! (10000)"

"No guard!"

"(Dragon Knight, Nehalem) No trigger."

"(Dragonic Overlord) That hurted a bit."

"Boosted by Raopia, Cruel Dragon will attack the vanguard! (13000>>21000)"

"I guard with Rakshasa! (25000)"

Emon grit his teeth. "I end my turn."

Hand: 4
Damage: 2

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

"After seeing you gritting your teeth, I came to a conclusion." Shouto said as he slowly raised a card. "You don't have another Grade 3 in hand other than your Dragonic Waterfall. So it's either riding it without being able to use it's skill, or stay another turn in a Grade 2 vanguard until either Cruel Dragon hits or you draw into another-"

"Even if I can't use it's skill, I'm going to follow my honour code! I won't skip a ride phase just because I'm missing a combo piece or something. That would be unfair of me."

"Good to see you know your stuff about yourself. I asked you what Kagero really meant and it's about time I tell you. Kagero is about overpowering your opponent with everything you got. It's all about facing the world with own two hands!"

"W-what... That doesn't makes any sense..."

"Then let me show you just how much sense it actual makes. The never ending corrousion flame burns it's way to the future! DRAGONIC OVERLORD, RIDE! (Grade 3|13000)" Shouto's vanguard circle expanded in a darker shade of red than the one from before like crazy. "My avatar who has burned it's way into a new generation, Dragonic Overlord! Imaginary Gift, Force! I place it on my right circle!"

Emon widened his eyes. 'He didn't placed it on his vanguard circle?!'

"I call Raopia (Grade 1|8000) and Nehalem! (Grade 2|10000>>20000) Using his counterblast, your Raopia gets retired! Then, add 5000 power! (20000>>25000) My Raopia also gets 5000. (8000>>13000) I also call Dragonic Gaias! (Grade 1|8000) Using Dragonic Overlord's soulblast, I get to add 10000 power for this whole turn! (13000>>23000) And now, battle! Dragonic Overlord, attack Cruel Dragon! (23000)"

'He isn't using his Dragonic Gaias to boost... He wants to use it for when he restands Overlord! I can't let him hit Cruel Dragon!' "I guard using Genjo and Bahr! (43000)"

Shout smirked. "You fell for it."


"People usually assume that Gaias was called to give a critical on Overlord's second attack but... In reality, I call him as bait to make the opponent guard and avoid me getting a second vanguard attack."

'That... That is actually pretty smart...' "Go ahead with your drive check. Two triggers and the attack hits."

"I know that. But my plan wasn't to actually hit Cruel Dragon. It was all for the hand reducing. Twin drive! (Red Gem Carbuncle - Draw) Draw trigger! I give all the effects to Lahm! (10000>>20000) I also draw a card. Second check! (Embodiment of Spear, Tahr - Critical) Critical trigger! I give all of it's effects to Nehalem! (25000>>35000/2) Nehalem attacks! (35000/2)"

"I don't guard! (Dragonic Waterfall|Dragonic Gaias)"

"The wonder Kagero tear Dragon duo. Boosted by Raopia, Lahm! (20000>>33000)"

"I also don't guard that one! (Wyvern Guard, Barri - Draw) I got a draw trigger. I give all the power to my vanguard and draw. (20000)"

"That's it for this turn. Next turn, I'll end this game."

Hand: 4
Damage: 2

Hand: 5
Damage: 4

"I can't believe I'm actually going to quote that dumb guy, but like Hikaru once said, people who say that don't usually get a next turn! Stand and draw!"

Hikaru sneezed and hugged himself. "Somebody just quoted me! Thats so badass! If only it had been someone with a katana."

"Our never ending flame turns even the deepest oceans to ash! Ride the vanguard! Dragonic Waterfall! (Grade 3|13000) Imaginary Gift, Force! To the vanguard! (13000>>13000) And then, Waterfall's skill! I retire your Lahm! I call Aermo (Grade 1|8000) and Berserk Dragon! (Grade 2|10000) With Berserk's skill, I retire Nehalem! And then with Aermo's skill, I draw a card and countercharge! I call Aermo once again! (Grade 1|8000) Dragonic Waterfall, attack the vanguard! (23000) Dragonic Tempest!"

"Eh, no guard!"

"Twin drive! (Dragon Knight, Nehalem|Wyvern Guard, Barri - Draw) Draw trigger! I give all the effects to Cruel Dragon! (13000>>23000)"

"Damage check! (Crested Dragon)"

"Take him down, Cruel Dragon! (23000)"

"Tahr will guard! (28000)"

"Then Aermo will boost and Berserk will attack! Since I have more rear-guards than you, Berserk's second skill gives him an extra 3000 power! Then with Aermo's skill, another 3000 is added to the attack value! (10000>>18000>>21000>>24000)"

"I don't guard. (Berserk Dragon)"

"I end my turn. You can try to end this game on the enxt turn, but I won't go down that easily!"

Hand: 3
Damage: 4

Hand: 6
Damage: 4

"I wanted you to say that. It just goes to show how much the spirits of the new generation of cardfighters burns. Stand and draw. Final Turn! The flame of victory shall never die! Dragonic Overlord, Persona Ride! (Grade 3|13000) And again, Force! Vanguard circle! (13000>>23000) I call Crested Dragon (Grade 3|13000>>23000), Dragonic Gaias (Grade 1|8000) and move Raopia up! Dragonic Overlord's skill, add 10000! (23000>>33000) Boosted by Gaias, Dragonic Overlord attacks! Gaias' skill, counterblast, put it into the soul, add one critical! (33000>>33000/2)"

"Wyvern Guard, Barri! Complete guard!"

"Twin drive! (Demonic Dragon Mage, Rakshasa - Critical) All effects to Crested Dragon! (23000>>33000/2) (Dragon Monk, Genjo - Heal) And again, to Crested Dragon! (33000/2>>43000/2) This attack will finish the game! Boosted by Dragonic Gaias, Crested Dragon attacks your vanguard! With his skill, add 5000 power! (43000/2>>51000/2>>56000/2)"

"Genjo from my hand, Nehalem too, Berserk Dragon from the field, and Rakshasa from hand too! Guard! (58000)"

Shouto sighed. "I wasn't really expecting you to have a Heal trigger in hand. But no matter, I can tank your next. Or will you overpower me?"

Hand: 3
Damage: 3

Hand: 1
Damage: 4

"I'm going to do what all Kagero players must do! Overpwoer their opponent with their abre hands! I stand and draw!" Emon smirked at the card he drew. "Road wildly, savage oceans of the world! Dragonic Waterfall, Person Ride! (Grade 3|13000>>23000) Imaginary Gift, Force! Vanguard! (23000>>33000) With his skill, burn away Crested Dragon! Aermo's skill, countercharge and draw! I call two Dragonic Gaias! (Grade 1|8000) (Grade 1|8000) Boosted by Gaias, Waterfall attacks your vanguard! Gaias' skill, add a critical! Waterfall's soulblast, add 10000 power, a critical and a Sentinal block! (33000>>43000/3) Dragonic Atlantic Collapse!"

"Guard! Genjo, Rakshasha, Red Gem Carbuncle! (53000)"

"Twin drive! (Embodiment of Spear, Tahr - Critical) All to Dragonic Waterfall! (43000/3>>53000/4) (Cruel Dragon)"

"Eh." Shouto nodded. "You got me good. (Dragonic Overlord|Embodiment of Shield, Lahm|Red Gem Carbuncle - Draw) And that's game. You overpowered me just like a true Kagero user. I'm proud."

"Thanks. I'll guess that that's also a yes to my request."

"Hell yeah it is. Get ready to wake up at 6 every day until regionals start!"

Emon looked blankly at Shouto. "What... What.... WHAT?!"

Shouto simply laughed the room started getting filled with more and more steam.

"hEy DoN't IgNoRe BeCaUsE oF sOmE sTeAm!"

"Trust me kid, we still have alot to learn! Both you and me!" Shouto said produly before letting out a cough due to the large amout of steam within the sauna room. "Okay, we better leave now before we start breathing on steam and not oxygen!"


Emon sat down at a table in Hage after the events at the bath house. He let out a long sigh. "Ryuuga, your father has a thing for heat. I'm telling you."

"M-m-my father?!" Ryuuga shyly asked, sitted across Emon.

"Yeah. Believe it or not, but he's going to train me for regionals. He also told me something very interesting."

"H-hm? W-what is it...?"

"You dye your hair brown instead of keeping it red!"


Hikaru and Fujiko, both standing in opposite sides of the coutner, wheezed at Ryuuga's reaction. "Hey hey, we only have space for a red haired guy in this team and that guy is the one with a katana! A.k.a Emomon!"

"I don't have a katana, dumbass."

"Yes you do, I called your younger sister earlier on to confirm it."


"I asked for it to your mom."


Fujiko giggled at the on-going argument despite the loud screams. 'I can't really tell how my life would be if I hadn't met these three... But I can't really tell how it would be if I didn't made her go away.' In her hands, she holded an old photo of both herself and her nemesis, Aijou Fukai. the look on Fujiko's face while looking at that photo showing a bit of sadness mixed with regret. What happened between the two?


On the next chapter:

#13: King of Knights

"Why did you stay behind? You could go with them if you wnated, I can handle my own shop by myself."

"Do you like Ryuuga?"

"What did it cost you?"

"I sometimes regret losing her because of my selfishness of a year ago... But I also feel happy because I got to meet the three best people in this whole world."

"Why did you became the Queen?"


MINI TERRA: "Having a Thing for Heat"

Shouto: *raises the heat level of the sauna* So nice...

Emon: *starts sweating* This already feels worse than summer...

Shouto: *raises the level again* So perfect...

Emon: *starts melting* Oi Shouto, I'm melting... Literally...

Shouto: Nothing than a bit of heat can't fix. *raises the level*

Emon: *already turnd into a puddle* Stop this!

Shouto: Just a but more. *raises the level* That really hits the spot. Huh? Where did he go? Welp, guess he evaporated.

Hikaru: *slamming on the door using Emon's katana* EMOMON!!!!




Emon: And I finally win a fight in this book! It's coming home, it's coming home!

Hikaru: I know someone who may have said that. Said someone has beef with me >:3

I can't believe I actually expected no OC to barge in...

Ryuzaki: Hey guys, let's make this A/N go on and on until we hit 5k words!

oI sToP!

Ryuzaki: Shut up and get boycotted already!

Not if I have something to say about it! Thanks for reading, don't be ghost reader, vote and comment if you ejoyed and I'll see you later! Bye bye!

Ichigo: I give up on the pockets.... I SHALL GET MY REVENGE, SCRUBS!

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