Under the Microscope

By dvdhlzr614

396 46 7

To enter high school is hard enough; what with sports, girls/boys and of course homework. Couple you're regul... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 4

20 2 0
By dvdhlzr614

Crawford POV

Still in his clandestine base of operations, the command center specifically, Crawford heard the news of the Monroe murders' via the media and the internet. Crawford was indirectly familiar with the Monroe's' and felt partially responsible for their murder. After all, it was under Crawford's direction, under the guise of Detective Hector Dillinger, Private-Eye, that Michael and Tiffany moved from St. Louis to Fleming, when Tiffany was pregnant with the now orphaned Zach. Crawford had even received contact from Michael to Crawford's old Dillinger location in San Diego, which Crawford had retired. With his familiarity with the case, Crawford was waiting on a different phone call from his close friend, mentor and superior officer, General Joseph Sanders of the NSA.

Just as sure as he realized this, he received a phone call. The man on the phone was General Joseph Sanders of the NSA and Crawford's direct contact.

"Yes, General." Crawford answered immediately upon the ring through the extremely secured line Crawford kept for only such occasions.

"You've heard the news, Crawford?" The General said on the other line

"I'm on my way, General." Crawford answered without the General saying a word, which was the protocol for all CIA missions he was assigned, for the General just as soon hung up the line.

Unlike any other case, Crawford's history with the family has made his work partially cut out for him. Instead of spending several days of in depth research, it only took Crawford a few hours to gather the information.

Plus, Crawford had to his disposal every intelligence, military and government record database; local and national; in the world. Crawford has developed an incomparable network enterprise, using very well placed sources through thousands of any of his various alias' and cover identities throughout his tens of thousands secret hideouts and bunkers across the globe, including one on the moon.

The information Crawford found on Zachary Monroe and his case shook Crawford to his very Cor. This was a level of concern Crawford hadn't experienced since he was seventeen.

"Utu?" Crawford summoned his manservant and best friend, Utu Sal-Ore through the intercom of his large home base of operations.

"Yes, sir?" answered Utu from the other end, with his Zimbabwean accented Queens English.

"Can you come here for a minute?" requested Crawford, "Could you also bring me the latest issue of the Fleming Tribune?"

"Of course, sir." said Utu, "Would you like me to bring you your coffee and crumpets, as well?"

"Yes, please. Thank you, Utu." said Crawford.

Utu Sal-Ore was Crawford's most trusted confidant and the only other person who knows Crawford's true history, at least as far as Crawford is aware. Crawford fist met Utu in 1977, when the former was on a mission covering as Israeli Mosad agent, Yaniv Kohen, trying to track down a Palestinian agent of a PSP who was also an Islamic extremist and kidnapped an Israeli baby to be brought to the PSP. The agents trail led Crawford right through Zulu country. As was the norm in Crawford's profession, his mission was put on hold in order to help another crisis.

While making rest in Zimbabwe, Crawford got wind that a psychotic warlord had been terrorizing the Zulu tribesmen for months. Crawford agreed to help and was able to neutralize the warlord, who was orphaned, confused and religiously misguided, and brought peace back to the area. That warlord was Utu Sal-Ore, a large, muscular African warrior , excellent tracker but also highly educated at a British school house in Zimbabwe. Crawford offered Utu not to turn him into the authorities if Utu agreed to help Crawford capture the PSP agent and rescue the child.

After little time, Crawford, with the help of Utu's invaluable skills and abilities, was able to apprehend the agent and bring the infant to safety. Utu, under a different proposed identity was relieved of his deal he made with Crawford. However, after holding the happy Israeli baby in his large, bear-like arms, Utu was not content, he wanted to find redemption for the sins and crimes he had committed.

From that day forward, Utu became Crawford's sidekick and manservant, traveling with him across the globe. Due to Utu's history, Crawford could never bring him along on any government sanctioned missions, but would remain his top informant. Other than General Sanders, there was no one else's advice Crawford trusted more than Utu's. Hopefully, he'll have the right advice for me.

"Your coffee and biscuits, sir." said Utu, entering the command center, "As well as the Fleming Tribune you requested." Utu set the coffee and bisquits on the desk and handed Crawford Fleming's local newspaper.

"Thanks again, Utu," said Crawford, "You've read the paper before you got in here didn't you?" This wasn't an accusation, it was more of a curious expectation.

"Yes, sir." answered Utu, as Crawford devoured the biscuits in seconds and began the coffee.

"I assume you want to talk about this Monroe case, as it undoubtedly has a direct connection to your decade long headache." Utu was referring to the case of Charles or Charlie Williamson that had fully occupied Crawford's sanity during the late 90s and most of the 2000s.

"It is, Utu." said Crawford, "I want to know what you think about this case and whether or not I should take it."

"I had been thinking on this matter, as well." said Utu, "Do you know what Sanders intends for you, if you get assigned."

"I have an idea." said Crawford, "It most likely has to do with protecting this boy."

"Huh. Interesting." said Utu thoughfully, "I surely understand why you'd be apprehensive about it. Throughout your illustrious career as the Batman for the world, you've never really been in the position for the need to open yourself up."

"'Open myself up'?" asked Crawford, "You mean emotionally?"

"Of course, that's what I mean, sir." said Utu, in a matter-of-fact tone., "At least not for any extended period of time. Not to mention that it hit so close to home, sir."

"I can't really argue that point, Utu." said Crawford, "I guess that's why I'm so uptight about it. I never get uptight."

"Well, certainly not to the naked eye." added Utu. Crawford ignored Utu's at Crawford's seemingly repressive nature.

"What happened to this kid is almost exactly what happened with me," said Crawford, "and the only other time I had to live up to my second vow was with this boy's uncle, Charlie."

"Indeed." said Utu, nodding his head "Well, you best be getting a move on then. You don't want to keep General Sanders waiting, do you?"

Crawford, taking one last sip of his coffee, shook his head confused.

"So you think I should do it?" asked Crawford.

"Well, sir, its a direct order, you have to do it." said Utu, tersely, "But, yes. In my opinion this will be your most difficult task to date, but in the it may be the most rewarding."

"Okay, then," said Crawford, "I'll do it then. Thank you, Utu." Utu began cleaning up, gathering coffee cup and the biscuit dish.

"My pleasure, of course, sir," said Utu, As usual, sir, I will assume command of the home front, periodically informing you of anything I pick up concerning the case, sir."

As Crawford prepared to leave, Utu said, "Cheers and be safe."

Crawford waved good-bye and he was off.

Through various different modes of transportation, it took Crawford a relatively short while to make it to Fleming, NY. Crawford arrived at the Fleming National Airport at around 11 am est. From the airport, Crawford caught a taxicab to the Fleming city cemetery where the Monroe funerals had already begun. After a lifetime of perfecting his body, the term 'jet-lag' was not on his radar. Crawford got out and was greeted by General Sanders and several other members of the United States Intelligence Community.

They were gathered under the shade of a big oak tree, a number of acres away from the main funeral ceremony. Surrounding the caskets, there were hundreds of people gathered in mourning. Behind the caskets was a small stage upon which several people Crawford did not recognize were eulogizing from a podium. Behind the podium, there was a row of chairs where the eulogizers sat and at the end of the row was the sobbing, shaking form of Zach Monroe, leaning against a tall, portly, graying dirty blond man with a mustache. Crawford was too far away to make out what they were saying, but from his research and just seeing the emotional body language from the speakers, Crawford could tell that the Monroe's reverence was deeper than for just a sheriff's deputy.

"You know why we brought you in, don't you?" Gen. Sanders said coming to Crawford's side,

"No, but I know why I agreed" Crawford said, as the two men stood side by side, Crawford watched Zach very intently, studying his body language, hand motions, anything Crawford can pick up about the boy without him saying anything. "This boy was once like me; lost, confused, direction-less; compound that with the pressures of entering high school will certainly take a grave emotional toll on the Monroe boy."

"Firstly, Agent Crawford, but you should refer to him as 'Zach'. The reason I'm telling you that and the reason I called you here is we need our best to be on top of this situation and the CI and myself personally need the very best, meaning you, to put your 'Microscope' epithet to good use", Gen. Sanders said pointing emphatically at Crawford. Just to let you know, the local police will be taking Zach to the station, following the funeral for questioning and we are meant to go as well. I'm sure you've already over went an extraordinarily comprehensive personal investigative research, two nights ago Zach received an email, which was supposedly from his first-cousin, Ashley Williams, the daughter of the infamous Charles Williamson."

"You mean 'Charlie', General." said Crawford, "Ten years of having to hide Charlie and his family will put us on a first name basis. Of course, Charlie knows me as Hector." "Speaking of, Agent Crawford" said Gen. Sanders, "our sources say that the attack came from The Long River Mafia, or the LRM."

"I am all too aware of that, General." said Crawford. "If you recall, I uncovered that the LRM had direct ties to the infamous and debunked Las Vegas-based Sin Desert Mafia, or SDM."

The Sin Desert Mafia was one of the oldest organized crime organizations in the world. It had its roots in the old Mexican mobs of the 1920s, all the way back to the early drug cartels of Spain of the 1800s. The SDM was a family business and the reigns to its control is given to an heir, either by the passing of a predecessor, predecessor relinquishing his control or deposed by the other mob members. The height of its power was from the mid 1960s to the early 90s was under the golden thumb of Alfonzo Martinez, V, the son of Alfonzo Martinez, IV, one of the Rolands' murderers.

Under Martinez, V, the SDM controlled every crime venue in Vegas and had tremendous influence at the world community of organized crime at large as the most dangerous crime boss in the world.

Crawford became involved with the Charlie case when he learned that when Charlie was born he was given up for adoption. And just like Crawford himself, Charlie was to be part of the brand-new and improved Perfect Soldier Project and facility in Death Valley, California. But it was not to be.

Before Charlie could be transferred to the brand new facility in the secluded desert landscape of Death Valley, California, he was kidnapped by a hired gun that fled with him to Las Vegas, to the SDM. Until the present day, Crawford has never figured out the real connection between the SDM and the PSP.

Originally, Crawford had presumed through the help of his superior officer, General Joseph Sanders of the NSA, that the SDM were backing the new PSP, but further indication proved that not to be the case.

Martinez, V had a son, Alfonzo Martinez, VI, who was married to Danielle La Roux, the granddaughter of Jon-Luc La Roux. Reportedly, the couple was unable to have kids so Martinez, V arranged with Pang, through Gustav to take Charlie, having already been injected with the PSP serum, would mold him and raise him to be their own private assassin.

But, things did not go as planned. Charlie was kidnapped again when the Martinez's caretaker for Charlie felt remorse for the child. She hired a homeless man to take Charlie away. She didn't know where they went, but they ended up in San Francisco and dropped the baby off at an orphanage.

Aaron Williamson, who was a divorced doctor and had no idea of Charlie's history, first adopted him. When Charlie got older he was adopted again by Michaels parents, who lived in St. Louis, when Aaron was murdered by an assassin far more deadly than Pang, Toko Nakatichi, a former Japanese Yakuza and the PSP's greatest success, making him so lethally dangerous, he makes Marcus Pang look like an innocent child. Nakatichi was hired because he hired to do things that Pang or any other hit man was willing to do. He's the one man on the planet that Crawford truly fears.

Charlie and everyone involved thought they were safe until Charlie was a graduate student in Wash-U and just won over Jessica from her ex-boyfriend, Kevin Depper, ironically the same first name as Scott's daughter's ex, who's bike Zach had stolen. It was then that Charlie came out with his own secret; he had an affair with his teacher, Audrey Wellington, when he was a freshman in high school. It came back to haunt him when the teacher's husband, Arthur, got him arrested for not paying child support for Charlie's ten year old son, CJ. Charlie didn't know that CJ existed until that point and since he was a minor at the time of conception, he was innocent on all charges. Audrey was already in prison at that point for not being able to put up child support and her sentence was extended in light of her statutory rape.

Begrudged, Roy and Arthur teamed up to get back at Charlie and went to the Gustav in the Long River Mafia. Unbeknown to them, that the LRM was an offshoot of the SDM. Charlie, Jessica and the rest of his family had been under the radar ever since. Crawford had spoken to Michael and Tiffany Monroe four years prior to all this, right before Zach and Ashley were born. They were worried about their son's safety from the PSP and the mob. So Crawford, based on his own experience with the city and under the tutelage of Gen. Sanders, had encouraged them to move to Fleming. It was Michael and Tiffany who introduced Dillinger to Charlie when things went sour.

"I do recall Agent Crawford, and duly noted." said Gen. Sanders, "Following its demise, we've been unable to locate any of the former SDM members other than Alexi Gustav and his LRM."

"You mean 'the Operator', General?" asked Crawford facetiously, "What I find funny is that the SDM's end did not come from any intelligence agency, military personnel, government officials, cops, but from a group of kids from a small town outside Carson City, NV."

"You had a hand in that too, didn't you?" asked Gen. Sanders

"I was involved only much later." answered Crawford.

"Ah, yes." noted Gen. Sanders

The two stood there for several minutes in silence, watching the speakers eulogize.

When a new speaker got up, Gen. Sanders pointed at the man, "That's Scott Adams," he said. Crawford studied the man in question. He was a white-collar looking type, average build, middle-aged, glasses and lavender button-down shirt. "He is the principal of the local high school, Ronald Reagan where you will be conducting a bulk of your work."

Crawford had been waiting for Gen. Sanders to spit it out, "Please excuse my impatience, General but what exactly is my assignment, General?" asked Crawford.

"You are to be the boy's guardian angel until we bring down these bastards once and for all." said Gen. Sanders.

"With all due respect, General, could you please elaborate on that?" said Crawford.

"Its quite simple really," said. Gen. Sanders, "After Williamson went completely off the grid, the Operator was somehow able to locate the Monroe's' and make them tell where Charlie is. The local police say that according to Zach, the gunman was not told of the boy as if it wasn't in the plan. Knowing the Operator, he probably blackmailed a civilian who owed him money into sending him here. Now that there's a new element, the Operator will send in someone to clean up the mess. And you know who I mean."

"'The Janitor' Marcus Pang," said Crawford. Anyone else besides Crawford would be shaking in his or her skin when hearing that name, "He was a former buddy of mine in the Academy and he was the one who kidnapped Charlie from the PSP in the first place. Marcus Pang is the most dangerous gun-for-hire in North America. He's been on the list of America's Most Wanted for decades. Basically, he's me without the morals."

Gen. Sanders gave stoic smile at this remark.

They then noticed Zach himself get up to the podium. The same portly fellow and Scott Adams helped him.

"Then you realize that you will have to keep an eye on that boy" said Gen. Sanders. "Become his role model, his friend. He's going to need someone like that now. Additionally, Agent Crawford, you will be working very closely with Mr. Adams. Not only as Zach's principal, but Adams and his wife have arranged with the local police that they would foster him"

"Is that so?" said Crawford, "So I will be living in the house next door, yes?"

"Indeed, Agent Crawford." said Gen. Sanders, "You and your partner will be covering as married Cuban couple, Hugo and Anita Belano, the school's new custodian and school nurse, respectively."

Crawford had dreadfully prayed he had just miss heard the General.

"Excuse me, General?" said Crawford, "Did I hear you correctly? Did you just say partner?"

"Yes I-" whatever Gen. Sanders was attempting to retort Crawford, it was abruptly interrupted by the delirious screams of Zach from the stage.

"Stay safe! Is that what you fucking wanted?" Zach was hollering at the inanimate coffins of his parents, "Look at you now? You're not safe anymore!!! No one is!!!" There was a huge uproar from the crowd. There were too many bodies in the way for Crawford to get a clear look at what happened to Zach. He heard someone shouting trying to restore order.

"Lets go now!" Gen. Sanders whispered aggressively at Crawford and escorted him to a limousine.

The driver opened the door and Crawford entered the limousine behind Gen. Sanders and they were in such a rush from the chaos outside, Crawford didn't notice another figure sitting against the door at the opposite end and the momentum of Crawford's entry caused him ram his shoulder into the other person's.

"Ouch! What the hell?" exclaimed a female voice from under a head shawl and a sunglasses clip? She was wearing a black silk button-down blouse, with same-color skin-tight trousers and high-heels to match.

"Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am, I didn't see you there." apologized Crawford.

"You should be sorry, asswhole!" said the woman, "I just got off a 14 hour flight from Moscow to D.C. Unlike you, I know what 'jet-lag' means. I was trying to get some shut-eye."

"Well, I'm happy to hear my reputation precedes me, ma'am." said Crawford.

"Oh, save it, Crawford," the woman retorted snidely, "From here on in, don't you dare call me again 'ma'am, or I'll have to castrate you!"

"'From here on in'?" Crawford turned to Gen. Sanders on his right, "Um, General? What is she talking about? Who is she?"

"As I was beginning to inform you before Zach decided to cause a ruckus of his own parents funeral, you will guide and protect Zach from the harm Gustav can cause, while at the same time tracking him and whoever he's working with down for good. This is the most difficult assignment you've ever undertaken and I know you've always done everything alone, but you cannot do this alone. That is why I have assigned you a partner, one of the best female agents the NSA has to offer."

Oh no thought Crawford, "What, her, General?" Crawford thumbing to the insolent woman on his left.

"You were expecting Batman, Mr. Telescope?" said the woman, her face still distorted by the shawl and glasses.

"Its Micro-" Crawford began to correct.

"I don't really give a shit." she said.

"That's, right, Agent Crawford." said Gen. Sanders, trying to contain an out of character smirk, "I'd like you to meet, Major Alice McKay."

"You're pleased to meet me, I'm sure, Batman." said Alice, finally removing her shawl and sunglasses. The woman was very attractive, with long red hair, freckles and eyes as red as a Coke bottle under very thin, gold rimless glasses. She looked to be in her mid thirties, young enough to be Crawford's daughter.

Crawford said nothing but sat back in his seat stunned for the rest of the trip.

Crawford has always had the utmost reverence and awe for General Joseph Sanders. It was Gen. Sanders who helped Crawford get recruited for the CIA, when Sanders was a Senior Agent himself. After the Rolands' were murdered, Crawford hunted far and wide for Martinez, IV and La Roux. During his chase, he came at odds with Sanders, who said Crawford's pursuit was interfering with official business of the CI and the United Sates government, whom had their own issues with Martinez, La Roux and the rest of the PSP.

After seeing Crawford in action when he actually found and killed Martinez and La Roux, and was en route to finding 'the Director' and making him pay, Sanders was impressed enough by the display to offer Crawford an opportunity to join the CIA in exchange, Sanders would not report Crawford about the murders. Much like Crawford had done with Utu years later, Crawford accepted and from that day in 1969 and they developed one the best mentor/protégé relationships in intelligence history. Even after Sanders was transferred to the NSA in 1985, became Crawford's most trusted advisor. Sanders did not know Crawford's history as well as Utu did, but his experience, skills and knowledge were a large part in Crawford becoming "the Microscope".

Sanders was only six years Crawford's senior and broke racial boundaries in an era when segregation was still quite potent, becoming the first African-Hispanic American agent in the CIA's history. All the history between these two men and this was the first time Crawford found reason to severely question General Sanders's decision in not only giving Crawford a partner for the first time, but one so abrasive and impudent as Miss McKay here.

Crawford was still thinking about his predicament when the limo arrived at the FDP central precinct. When they got out of the limo, Crawford noticed Alice's slim, athletic, picture figure. And I thought this mission couldn't get anymore-difficult thought Crawford. As they entered the building and into interrogation window where Zach was being questioned by two police officers on the other side. There were several other people standing behind the window as well.

"Agent Crawford, Major McKay." said Gen. Sanders, "I'd like you to meet Sheriff of the FDP, Chief Henry Callaway."

Callaway was a heavy-set, bald on top, mid seventies looking man. Crawford and Alice each shook his hand.

"Call me 'Hank'." said the Sheriff, with a southern drawl, being that he's originally from Memphis, Tennessee, "Its a crying shame what's happened. Michael Monroe was one of the best cops the we'd ever seen. He didn't know it, but he was supposed replace me as sheriff after I retire on Christmas. His wife was a sweetheart, too. Always baking stuff for my wife and eye and Zach is like a grandson to me."

"Do you have any leads as to possible suspects?" asked Crawford.

Callaway shook his head, "The brass from the FBI are sending some people to do fingerprints and what-not." said Callaway. So I have to deal with the Bureau now, too? Wondered Crawford. "I know ya'll think its connected to some big mafia, but Monroe had made a ton of enemies during his years." said Callaway, "Ya ask me, it could have been an ex-con he nabbed a while back or a family member of one. Hell, the amount of crime this town has seen lately, it could have been just random."

"'Crime'?" said Alice, "What's the crime rate in Fleming?"

"I don't know if ya'll know this, but this town is a hotbed and breeding ground for gang members." said Callaway, "Its mostly in the east outskirts of town. We in the police force call it Little Harlem. Monroe practically lived there. But its never been as crazy as its been the passed several months. There's been violent gang warfare all over the city, groups fighting for territory. As a matter of fact, the last guy Monroe brought in was the right-hand, Jesse 'Golden Grill' Buford, to the biggest gang boss in town, David 'Big Dave' Rutherford.

"Big Dave was a gargantuan, 7'2'', 320lb black tower of muscle. Played very briefly in the 70s for the American Basketball Association or the ABA before it merged with the NBA. After being permanently sidelined after a severe thyroid injury and became a bouncer in a Vegas nightclub and from there, was handpicked by Alfonzo Martinez V to be his personal lackey.

"What's his name? The gang leader I mean." asked Alice. Crawford noted how cordial Alice was being toward the Sheriff, despite her saying she was jet-lagged. But the question annoyed Crawford.

"Why is that important, Major?" asked Crawford.

"Its essential we know possible connections to the attacks." answered Alice calmly

"But we already know who's behind It." snorted Crawford.

Everyone was looking uncomfortable.

"Can I have a word with you alone, Agent Crawford?" Gen. Sanders said to Crawford in an undertone so Alice and Callaway wouldn't hear.

Alice was still talking with Callaway when the Crawford and Gen. Sanders moved to the side.

"Agent Crawford, I fully understand your uneasiness and unfamiliarity with having a partner," said Gen. Sanders, "but whatever problems you have should be addressed privately when we're not with outsiders. You should know that better than anyone."

"General, you've always been my greatest influence and I have rarely ever challenged your judgment," said Crawford, "But I don't do partners under any circumstance. Much less one as insubordinate as her."

"Once again, you have every right to have these questions," said Gen. Sanders," Major McKay is not just a partner." Gen. Sanders paused a moment, "Well, technically she's your superior, so that little act you did back there would be insubordinate on your part."

"So I have to take orders from this woman now?" asked Crawford, flustered.

"Well, yes, Agent Crawford," said Gen. Sanders, "one of the purposes of me putting you with her so I could concentrate on my other duties in Washington. This is a huge case that requires my full attention with other agents and officials. I need someone to delegate my responsibilities toward you and this assignment requires me to utilize someone I trust most dearly. She is, after all, the only other close protégé I've took under my wing since yourself"

"You never told me about that, Joseph." Crawford switch to address Gen. Sanders more informally because this was Crawford speaking to Gen. Sanders as a friend.

"Well, Max, you're not my wife." said Gen. Sanders, "Must I confer with you every time I use the bathroom?" They both laughed but Crawford was still bothered.

"You don't trust me on this assignment alone, General?" said Crawford.

"Quite frankly, Agent Crawford, no." answered Gem. Sanders, "I know your track record for cutting corners, which I admire most of the time. But this assignment must be done to the letter or we lose everything."

"Okay. But why her?" asked Crawford.

"Because, as I stated earlier, this assignment is unlike any you've had before", said Gen. Sanders, "you'll need to open up to this boy on his level and I know you haven't really gotten over the deaths of your parents, so this may be very difficult for you. In addition to being a top-notch field agent, Maj. McKay is also wonderful at being woman. A woman who's been in countless other cases like this and this boy will need a real feminine touch that she can provide."

"What about his foster parents? The Adams'," asked Crawford.

"They won't be enough." said Gen. Sanders, "I've met Scott's wife and for lack of a better term, she's a handful."

"So'es McKay." said Crawford.

"Oh," Gen. Sanders laughed a grunt, "She's like that with all her partners at first, but she'll warm up to you." Gen. Sanders looked back at Alice, who was now chatting with a police officer, the portly fellow that was sitting next to Zach at the funeral and Scott. "Well, eventually." Gen. Sanders said with a wry grin.

The two men joined the group and Crawford met Officer Ralph Miller, Michael Monroe's former partner, best friend and the son of one of Zach's best friends. Crawford also met the portly man, Jonathan Tinsley, Sr., an Englishman, who's accent was obviously more thick and pronounced than Utu's. Tinsley, Sr., an attorney, and his family were also close friends with the Monroe's'. Tinsley, Sr.'s son, Jonathan, Jr. was also Zach's best friend, while his twin sister, Gail, was Zach's ex-girlfriend. Crawford also spoke with Scott for a few minutes.

"So what gave you the decision to want to foster Zach?" asked Crawford.

"Well, as his principal, it's my responsibility to help him find a place to stay." said Scott, "For security purposes, he's unable to stay with the Millers' or the Tinsley's', and no one else was willing so I stepped up to the plate. In fact, the Tinsley's' are so concerned for safety that they sent their boy, Jonathan, to boarding school in Newfoundland along with his sister and my own daughter, Kimberly."

"Oh, you have already have a daughter?" asked Crawford, confused as to Scott's reason for fostering Zach.

"Yeah and a son, Timmy," said Scott, "But Wanda's not their mother."

"No?" said Crawford.

"My ex-wife and colleague at the school, Margaret, is their mother," said Scott, "She's the one who convinced me and Wanda to take Zach in."

"Is that right?" said Crawford.

Scott nodded, "Its not entirely selfless reasons for doing this. Wanda and I have tried for years to have children of our own with no success." said Scott, "Zach's a real good kid and it was unfair for this to happen. I've worked with Michael very closely in the school and I think I owe it to his memory to do this. Also my daughter would kill me if I didn't. She and Zach had become close this past summer"

"That's very commendable, Scott," said Crawford, chuckling.

"Thank you, Agent Crawford," said Scott, "I'm looking forward to working very closely with you." Scott leaned in and said quietly, "No one. Not even Margaret or Wanda knows about your whole undercover thing."

"And I assume it will remain as such." said Crawford.

Crawford felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Alice.

"Its our turn with the kid, Batman." she said., Gen. Sanders standing right behind her. Crawford excused himself to Scott and the three of them walked into the interrogation room and it was just them sitting across from Zach.

"How are you feeling, Zach?" asked Gen. Sanders. Zach just sat there saying nothing, not moving an inch from his slouched position on the chair, seemingly staring at the table in front of him.

"Maybe we should come back another time." Crawford whispered both Alice and Gen. Sanders.

"No, we stay here as long as it takes, Batman," Alice whispered back, "This boy has just lost his parents for Christ sakes. Of course, he's going to be like this. I know compassion isn't your strong point, Batman, but you'll be wise to learn some."

Before Crawford could retort, "They tell me your name's General Sanders." Zach spoke up weakly.

"That's right, Zach," said Gen. Sanders, "Joseph Sanders to be exact."

"So I guess before you were General, you were Colonel Sanders." said Zach without lifting his head. The three adults laughed out loud at Zach's sudden wit, despite what's happened to him.

"That's right, Zach," said Gen. Sanders, "and this is CIA Special Agent Max Crawford," Crawford waved his hand hello, "and this is NSA Agent, Major Alice McKay."

"A major, huh?" Zach said finally raising his head at Alice, "Well, I think you're majorly hot." Both Crawford and Gen. Sanders looked at each other stunned, not knowing how Alice would react.

"Why thank you, Zach, that's very sweet of you." Alice said sweetly, "I know this is a very traumatic time for you, but Agent Crawford and I will be here with you every step of the way until we find the people responsible for murdering your parents."

"Unfortunately, you've become the target of some really bad people." said Crawford.

● "What am I twelve?" said Zach, Gen. Sanders and Alice laughed, "You don't think I don't know this shit, asswhole!" Zach starts yelling.

"There's no need to shout expletives." said Crawford.

"'No need to shout expletives'?" said an irate Zach, "You sound like my former best friend, Jonathan."

"'former'?" said Gen. Sanders, "We understood that Jonathan Tinsley is one of your closest friends. Can you tell us what happened?"

"Listen, Colonel Sanders, I don't have to do shit for any of you people!!" screamed Zach rising from his chair. The door was beginning to open for officers to intervene, but Gen. Sanders placed up a hand for them to hold off.

"You very well, do, boy!" said Crawford, having no clue how to deal with this, "You were the person who received the email and the last one to speak to your parents."

"So you're just like them," Zach pointed to the cops behind the window, "you think I killed my own parents you dick. And as much as I'd like be nice to be babysat by a sexy NSA chick, I don't like the idea of being watched every second of my life. I've decided that I'm going to do my own investigation! They're my parents and I'm going to find their killers!"

Zach started to violently pound the table and was about to toss the chair through the window was stopped by Crawford and Gen. Sanders restrained him. Then Alice did the unexpected, she grabbed Zach by the arms and planted Zach with a huge kiss on the mouth. Crawford was appalled, but Gen. Sanders seemed very amused. Zach sank to the floor, sitting and staring in mesmerized silence.

"Is that legal, General?!" Crawford yelled.

"Oh, Max, like you've never broke the law to preserve order." said Gen. Sanders sarcastically.

Alice went up to the two men, "Can you two let us alone for awhile?" she asked calmly, "I think I can get through to him if its just me."

"What? You're going to statutorily rape him?" said Crawford annoyed. Alice ignored him.

"Lets go, Agent Crawford," said Gen. Sanders with a grin, "she knows what she's doing." And the men left the room.

"That's quite a woman ya got there, boss." said Callaway to Gen. Sanders as they reentered the hallway. Ralph, Jonathan, Sr. and Scott were still there as well. They saw Alice go up to the window and turned off the outgoing sound.

"She sure is, Sheriff Callaway," said Gen. Sanders. "Sheriff? When are the FBI agents coming here?"

"Actually, their supposed to be at the crime scene as we speak, General." answered Callaway.

"Thank you, Sheriff," Gen. Sanders turned to Crawford, "I think you should take the limo to go meet with them, find out what they know and what they've picked up."

"I don't like this, General, any of It." said Crawford, "But I'll do it none the less. Something stinks about this whole thing and I'm going to find out what it is."

"I wouldn't expect any less, Max, I'm sure you'll only do what 'the Microscope' does best and that's to get to the bottom of it." said Gen. Sanders, "I must return to Washington now, but following you're meeting with the FBI, you're to confer with Major McKay via your walkie, where to rendezvous next."

They thanked the other men there and the two left.

"Good luck, Max," said Gen. Sanders as the two shook hands good-bye, "I really mean that. I know this seems like a tall mountain to climb but there's no one else I'd trust more to climb that mountain than you."

"Thanks a lot for that, Joseph." Crawford knew Gen. Sanders was being sincere as they two parted ways.

Crawford told the driver the address to the Monroe house. Once the driver raised the separator, Crawford pulled out his self-custom-made satellite phone to call Utu.

"Oh, hello, sir," Utu said jovially, once he answered the phone, "I've been expecting your call, sir, for quite a spell. I have information concerning your case that you might find of interest. But first, what's happened with you so far?"

Crawford filled Utu in on everything, his discussions with Gen. Sanders, Zach's outburst at the funeral, about his not so courteous first meeting with Alice, the FBI's involvement, his meeting with Callaway, Miller, Tinsley and Adams, and finally, of his questioning of Zach, including Alice's kissing of Zach.

"Well, you've had yourself quite the first day, haven't you, sir?" said Utu, "And it looks as if you've finally found your soul mate, sir. Should I send out the invitations?"

"Don't even joke about that, Utu," said Crawford, "I don't know how I'm going to do this. I mean I've worked with women hundreds of times but this one's really getting to me. And the kid? As much as I thought I could handle this because of my own history with orphanhood, but I have no way to relate to him."

"Of course, you don' but I'm sure you'll come to adapt just like you've trained." said Utu, "And of the woman, I know what's happening here, sir, and so do you. You're just too stubborn to admit it. Its not that you're falling for this woman, its that this mission has given you a challenge you've never before faced. You have to truly care about someone's personal well-being for an extended period. Yes, you've managed on many occasion to rescue civilians, you've even been in love once before, you've led revolutions against tyrants, you've scaled the peak of Mount Everest and swam the depth of the Dead Sea. But you've never done anything like this, which is good for you, but you've made yourself susceptible to being vulnerable to emotional traps like this. From what you've told me, this Maj. McKay is breath-taking, which usually exudes some form of emotional attachment."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Utu." Crawford sighed reluctance, "So what about the info you've got for me?"

"Ah yes," said Utu, he was moving around on the other end, "as it turns out, Major McKay may be correct with connecting the local gangs with the Operator and company."

"Is that right?" said Crawford, "Can you find anything on her?"

"Sir, don't let your troubles with this woman distract you from the task." said Utu.

"I've never heard of her before, Utu," said Crawford, "and something tells me that I've done something in the past that has affected her in some way. I don't care what General Sanders says, Alice seems like she has a legitimate grudge against me. Can you please do this?"

"As you wish, sir." said Utu, reluctance in his voice.

"So what's the possible connection?" asked Crawford.

"Well, sir, do you recall how Martinez, the fifth, was actually killed in the end?" said Utu.

"Sure, as part of the plan, his personal body guard, David Rutherford." said Crawford, "How is he connected to the local gangs here?"

"He is the local gang, sir." said Utu, "He's the gang boss, Sheriff Callaway mentioned. He controls the drug cartels in Little Harlem, sir, and is only known to the general public as 'Big Dave'." Crawford was silent after hearing this, pondering in deep thought.

"Sir?" said Utu when there was no answer.

"It makes perfect sense, Utu," said Crawford, "he and Pang were buddies back in the day. After Pang went rogue from the agency, he and Rutherford were Martinez's problem solvers."

"Indeed, sir." said Utu.

"How, pray tell, did you come across this, Utu?" Crawford extremely curious.

"You still have a hidden bunker there in Fleming, sir," said Utu, "and it still contains a working signal to a high-proximity radio." Utu said cheerfully.

Crawford chuckled, "That's right, I forgot about that. Do you know where it is?"

"I was hoping you could tell me, sir, it's your bunker." said Utu.

"Well, I'll try to find it myself, Utu." said Crawford, "Thanks a lot, Utu, this is a big help."

"Not a problem, this will not be the last, sir, so keep your satellite phone on." said Utu, "Cheers." And they hung up. Crawford soon realized that the limo had been parked in front of the crime scene for quite awhile.

"How long have we been here?" Crawford asked the driver. Crawford noticed a tattoo on the small of the back of the driver's neck.

"Oh, not long at all, sir." the driver had a young New England accent, "By the way, the name's Tom. I'll be you and yours transportation for the duration of your assignment."

"Thanks a lot, Tom," Crawford said, shaking Tom's hand through the patrician, "but we don't need a driver."

"Well, it ain't up to me, sir." said Tom.

"Its 'Max'." Crawford said, "I guess its up to General Sanders, huh?"

"It sure is, sir, I mean, Max." said Tom.

"Will you be staying with us too?" said Crawford.

"Sure will, Max." said Tom, "I'm not even from here, and I'm from Boston."

"Are you an Agent?" asked Max

"Kinda" said Tom, "I don't have any nitty gritty spy experience, although I did fight in Iraq back in '03. I'm more of an assistant."

"I see." said Crawford. He was surprised to hear Tom was in Iraq. Crawford himself posed as a military officer during Project Desert Storm. He was also grateful that it wouldn't just be him and Alice sharing the house.

"Can you at least get rid of the limo?" said Crawford, "Its going to catch too much attention, y'know, when we go on missions."

"Oh, this old thing is a rental," chuckled Tom, "I wasn't supposed to keep it."

"Well, I'll see you later, Tom," said Crawford, "I've got to meet with these Bureau creeps."

"I here ya, man," said Tom giving a small wave, "I've got a radio here wired to you and Maj. McKay's walkie-talkies so I'll be able to pick you guys up for the next meeting."

Crawford got out of the limo, the sun was still coming down hard in the early afternoon. The Monroe house was in ruins. There was caution tape and barriers all around the perimeter with a couple of traffic-cops redirecting the passing cars. There were several city and sate police vehicles, a couple of FBI police SUV's and even an armored National Guard Hummer. There were also several reps from the local, state and even national media congregated outside the barriers.

Crawford flashed his CIA badge at the security wall guards and he was let inside. The first sound he heard was the annoying screechy New Yorker voice of Crawford's biggest thorn in the FBI, Chief Detective, Skip Harris. However, as far as Crawford was concerned, he wouldn't want anyone else on this case than him. Yes, Crawford found Skip irritating and obnoxious, but he was forty-year veteran and no one worked harder than Skip Harris. Crawford's worked with Skip more than any other FBI agent.

In middle of the first-story of the house, Harris was talking to a large group surrounding him, consisting of several uniformed FBI officers, four National Guard soldiers in camouflage jumpsuits, two other men in suits Crawford didn't recognize and Skip's young partner, Topher, who was more friendly but far less experienced than Skip. Skip and Topher were wearing the usual detectives garb of black suit, thin black tie, white shirt and long, open wind-breakers over everything.

Skip caught Crawford's eye, but the former continued talking.

"This is a highly secured area, folks, but we're here to solve a moida. And we ain't leavin' until its solved." said Skip. "We need to find out how the shoota got in and how he got out without the cops catchin' him. This ain't a picnic, folks, this case has become the Bureau's top priority. Also why the cops took so lounge ta git he'a. You can confer with Commissioner Phillips and Superintendent Daniels with specific details on how to proceed. Lieutenant Roscoe and his men of the Guard are here by order of the Department of Homeland Secoiety." Skip glanced at Crawford," Also fellas, we have workin' close with kid of the kid of the deceased, CIA's own, Special Agent, Maxwell Crawford. Aka 'da Micrascope'. Or as I like to cauoll him, 'Maxipad'" everyone laughed and looked back at Crawford who greeted everyone with a friendly nod." Skip turned back to the group and said. "Aright, Genamin, let's git ta woik. We reconvene at seventeen hundred."

"So, de Agency's decided to let you outta ya cage, huh?" laughed Skip, as the rest of the men dispersed, with exception of Topher, the two suits and the four Guardsmen.

"'Cage'?" Crawford said jokingly, "As usual, the Bureau forgot to pad-lock yours." The men laughed.

"Max, ya already know Toph," said Skip, Crawford and Topher shook, "and these two gentleman are Superintendent of the New York State Police Department, Richard Daniels, and Fleming's Police Commissioner, Bob Phillips." Crawford greeted them pleasently, "Also here is Lieutenant Jeffery Roscoe and his three Sergeants." The four of them saluted Crawford at once.

"Its an honor to be working with you, sir." said Roscoe, "you are a legend in our ranks."

"Thanks for that." Crawford saluted back, "At ease, men."

"CIA, huh?" said Phillips, "You're going to be around here for a while?"

"As long as it takes to take down the people behind these horrendous attacks." said Crawford.

"Well, then, I'd like to schedule a meeting between your team and Mayor Sanford Granger and the city councilmen." said Phillips

"I need to talk to my partner, but I'm sure we can make time." said Crawford.

"Also, Agent Crawford," piped up Daniels, "eventually, you'd do well to make your way to Albany and meet with the governor."

"And we're here to keep guard on the crime scene, but we're more than willing to help when you need us." said Roscoe.

"Thank you, Lieutenant," said Crawford, "And I'll make meeting the governor a top priority, Superintendent." The rest of the men separated, leaving Crawford, Skip and Topher alone.

"So what's the low-down, Skip?" asked Crawford, "Any leads?"

"Nuthin solid yet, Max. Ya buddy, Sanda's told you's comin' 'ere." Skip replied, "In the autopsies of the victims, the doctors discovered these." Skip pulled a zip-lock evidence bag out of his windbreaker pocket. In it, were three bullets. Crawford examined them after putting on Latex gloves. Crawford recognized the type of gun the bullets belong to almost instantly.

"These were shot from an AMT AutoMag IV." said Crawford.

"That's right, Max, its a .45 Winchester Magnum round." said Skip

"What do you think it means?" asked Crawford..

"This gun's too cheep for the mob, so my hunch is whoever did dis may very well have acted on his own volition and not through a crime organization, like de Agency says."

"But, Skip the email-" said Crawford.

"Yes, de email. Everyone's tawkin' about the fuckin' email." said Skip, "Its very possible these tings have nuttin' ta do wit eachudda. Amd if it was hit, its more likely dat it came from Little Harlem then the Operator."

"Its too coincidental, Skip." said Crawford, "My sources tell me the two are connected." Crawford told Skip about how Gustav operated with blackmailing a civilian to do this and if he's messes up, Gustav sends his man Pang. David Rutherford's history with Gustav's predecessor, Martinez, and his friendship with Pang.

"I knew all dat shit aready, Max We woiked togeda wit da Charlie case remember? Don't mean that dis' killa' was one of dem. The locals are soichin' foi 'im." said Skip, "This is just my opinion, I've been known to be wrowong befoaw again, we didn't find anyting of substance yet, but wier getting' der. And by the way, I know dis' is really your area, but we've out a search out for Charlie Williamson because he's really crucial to da case."

"Yes, he is crucial," said Crawford, "keep me posted on how your tracking him. He's Zach's last known relative."

"Sure ting, Max." said Skip.

Crawford stroked his clean shaven chin, thinking for a moment.

"Now that you mention it, Skip," he said, "the Sheriff mentioned the high crime rate here and that Michael received threats in the past. Also, Zach, that's the kid I'm supposed to be watching, he said the cops blame him."

"Oh dat?" said Skip, "I know all about dat. And we don't need to find out why it took long fa dem ta respond, I know why. This town's crawlin' with phony cops."

"What makes you say that?" said Crawford.

"We've researched that many of the local policemen are former members of Big Dave's crew or some other gang." said Topher, "They still may be loyal to him. He's been wanting to declare Fleming as his own for years, but recently, as you've heard, the crime rate has risen tremendously over the past few months and Skip and I believe its because the cops were paid to look the other way. One of the few who kept completely in line was Michael Monroe, so someone planned to sideline him. However, we don't think they intended for he or his wife to die."

"And between you, me, Toph and the burns on this house," whispered Skip, "I have a strong hunch that these locals that we here are Rutherford moles."

"You're making really good points, Topher, Skip." said Crawford, "Its definitely something I should look into."

"'Look into?'" said Skip, "We go over this every time we woik togeda, Max.. The murda investigation is FBI territory, your job is to keep da kid from danga and whateva infamation is pertinent to da case, run it our way. Othawise, Maxipad, stay out of our way." Crawford attempted to protest, but Skip silenced him, warningly raising his foreginer. "We ain't lookin' to stir up no trouble wit' the heavy hitters if don' need ta. If we find out der fer sure involved den we call you. But until den, don' intafere wit' FBI. I really mean dis' time 'round."

There was a sound from Crawford's walkie, as was from all the people who had in the vicinity.

"We got a code red, the killer's been found dead! Gunned down! Repeat, the body of Monroe's murderer has been found! Gunned down! All Units respond!" shouted a voice on several of the officers; FBI, state, local; walkie-talkies and radios.

"You come too, Batman." said Alice's voice from Crawford's, "Tom and I are waiting outside by the baseball diamond, a couple blocks west of you."

Crawford ran and swiftly dodged people and vehicles until he saw the baseball diamond Alice mentioned and then he saw her and Tom in an old, rusty, yellow 1985 Buick Electra. Tom waved Crawford's attention and he came.

"Zach's back at the Adams'?" Crawford asked Alice.

"Safe and sound. I had him smoking a cigarette, Batman?" snapped Alice.

"After your little silencing technique at the station, I wouldn't put it passed you?" said Crawford. "What's with the Batman stuff anyway?"

"Zach was getting hostile and I took his advantage of his attraction to me, it certainly worked." Alice said. Crawford couldn't take it anymore. "But as your commanding officer you have no right to question my motives."

"Do I know you from somewhere?" challenged Crawford, "Did I do something that's affected you in any way? Did I kill or imprison your boyfriend or something? You still didn't answer my second question. Why do you call me Batman."

"'Because like Bruce Wayne, you think you're above the law. You think that if the mission doesn't go the way you want, you'll go rogue like always."

"Who are you to tell me what I always do?" said Crawford "You don't anything about me."

"If this insubordination keeps up-" she said.

"You'll what?!" said Crawford." "You'll go to General Sanders and tell him big bad Microscope is being mean?"

"And what if I do? Just because you know him longer doesn't give you a free ride. You are to take orders from me. Period." said Alice. "And another thing, just like Bruce Wayne, you don't have to act like you're above the law and think that you are the protector of the world, asswhole! What the fuck makes you so special and who are you to play god?!"

For one so beautiful, you sure have an nasty attitude." said Crawford, "I don't care what Sanders says, from here on in I'm taking over this mission before you bring it straight to hell! Face it, Alice, you need me a hell of a lot more than I need you. And for Gods sake, we should be talking about what I discovered with the Bureau, not behaving like children."

Alice was silent didn't say anything. Her pale, freckled face was red from end to end.

Tom hadn't done anything but drive the whole time, almost as if he were oblivious to the whole argument.

"So uh, Max." Tom said after a long awkward silence, "What did you talk about with the FBI?" Calmly, Crawford went into detail about the whole conversation he had with Skip and Topher, his introduction to the city and state police cheifs and the Guardsmen. Crawford noticed that Alice made a sudden jerk with her head when he mentioned Topher's name, but he said nothing.

But everything in Crawford's mind went to a sudden halt. For when they arrived where the emergency call came from, Crawford saw a tall menacing figure in a Black Ops jumpsuit. It was Marcus Pang with a sinister smile, hoisting a body over his shoulder also in a Black Ops uniform. All the personnel at the Monroe house pulled up all around him, with the exceptions of Phillips and Daniels but he was looking right at Crawford. Crawford saw out the corner of his eye, Alice looking at him staring back at Pang.

Crawford was the first to get out of the car. The FBI, state and city police officers got out of their cars, holding up their pistols in a stand-off, as did the Guardsmen with their long-range shot rifles. Crawford glided over to Skip, who was in one the SUV's ready to use the negotiator microphone

"Let me handle this," Crawford whispered to him.

"No, I told you, this is FBI!" Skip said back quietly.

"He wants me, Skip." said Crawford.

"Of course, he does, its always about you!" said Skip.

"Would you shut up about your politics!?" said Crawford., "Give me an ear piece so you'll be able to hear me from your radios."

"In case its not clear, I only want Roland!" said Pang's thunderously grotesque growl out of his own mic.

"He means me." Crawford said to Skip, "Make sure Alice McKay, as well Lt. Roscoe and his men hear me too. If thing's get nasty, wait for my signal."

"What the hell's your signal?!" said Skip.

"You've worked with me long enough to know my signal when I give it." Crawford gave a knowing nod at Skip. The Chief Detective grinned widely knowing what Crawford had in mind.

"I'm waiting, Roland!" shouted Pang.

"I'm coming!" shouted Crawford.

Once Crawford was close enough to Pang, Crawford lowered his guns and Pang followed along with the body. Crawford guessed the body to be that of the original shooter.

"Here's something you might want" Pang grunted, "Its the body of the original shooter. His name's Lee Jacob" Pang looked closely at Crawford, "Its been a while Roland, the years have been real good to you old friend."

"Cut the crap, Marc." said Crawford, "What do you want?"

"First off, tell your men to stand down." said Pang.

"You're not really in a position to make demands." Crawford.

"Aren't I?" Pang turned his head and nodded at someone, but Crawford couldn't tell what was happening. Then, the FDP officers that were there turned around and aimed their guns at the rest. Crawford heard a squeal, he turned his head and saw Tom covering Alice's mouth with one hand and holding a gun at her temple with the other.

Ts ts ts were the sounds Pang made, "Same old Roland. Always so overly trusting. Always paranoid and suspicious at the wrong people and for the wrong people, to notice what was right under your nose. That's man that's been driving you around, his name is not 'Tom' and he wasn't sent by Sanders, you fool." The man in question came forward next to Pang, still clutching Alice.

"What? You think I care about this girl? Or the FBI for that matter?" said Crawford intensely.

"You shut up and listen, Roland!" said Pang, "Now, because we used to be friends, I will offer you two options. You can hand tell me where the kid is and let me take him to my boss or my associate will give you a new ex-girlfriend."

Alice looked terrified. Crawford didn't know what to do. He was totally unprepared for this, but he trained himself to prepare for the unexpected. As Crawford was thinking, he needed to stall. So he started taunting Pang.

"What's Gustav offered you this time, Marc? Tuition for your kids or paying to keep your ill mother alive! Oh yeah, that's right, Marc, your kids hate you and the Operator is responsible for your mother's death! I guess there's a price to pay when you're puppet!"

In response, Pang shot a couple throwing knives out his sleeve and nailed a state trooper square in the forehead.

"This has got nothing to do with loyalty, asswhole!" Pang bellowed, "I only ever and always work for yours truly, he's just always the highest bidder. It wasn't even Gustav, he's been taking orders from someone else. You know damn well I wouldn't tell you who even if I knew." Its Martinez VI, thought Crawford. Crawford then remembered 'Tom's' tattoo said. He also remembered that whenever he and Alice were arguing or when he was talking to Utu about it over the phone, it was always in 'Tom's' presence.

Crawford discerned that Pang expected him to give a lavish signal, but all he did was turn around and simply nodded at Alice and then Skip and Lt. Roscoe.

"You know what, Pang, shoot the girl." said Crawford "She was getting on my nerves." Crawford knew that he'd caught Pang completely off guard, which was exactly what Crawford's was counting on.

"I know you're bluffing, but I'll do it anyway." Pang turned to 'Tom'. Who was about to shoot, but Alice elbowed 'Tom' in the gut and flipped him over her back. Crawford clocked Pang in the head. The FBI and Guardsmen quickly overtook the rogue cops.

"Marc, let me give you a couple words of advice." said Crawford, with Pang on the ground. "Number one, never use local thug cops to take out highly trained FBI agents and freaking National Guard soldiers. Number two, do your research, don't assume that just because she's a woman, she can't fight, she's an NSA Major for heaven's sake. And lastly, Marc, never trust what your idiot assistant tells you. I knew about 'Tom' all along I just had test him until he brought us to you." Crawford turned to 'Tom', "That's right, Fred Nichols, that is your real name isn't it? From the second I got called, I found out all about you. So Maj. McKay and I started our little charades in the limo purely for your benefit."

"Well, Roland, you forgot one thing." said Pang resentfully, "The Janitor always cleans up, even his own mess." Pang pulls out a detonator with a sinister grin, "I had my guys rig all the cars with explosives, including yours." He pressed the button.

"Everybody move the car are gonna blow!" shouted Crawford. Everyone ran for safety as the cars exploded. Crawford lost sight of Pang, who managed to grab a cop car and drove off in the smoke. The dirty cops also ran away but no one was going to shoot them. There was no way to pursue any of them. This isn't over, Marc. Not by a long shot.

However, Fred 'Tom' Nichols was still there.

"Oh, Fred, you're still here." said Alice. "It looks like Pang played for what you are. An idiot."

Two of the FBI officers grabbed him and cuffed his hands and his feet together.

Crawford walked over to Alice. He was surprised to see her smiled brightly at him.

"That must have been the best bullshit job I've ever seen, Agent Crawford." she said. "Thank you for saving my life."

"That's why they call me 'the Microscope', honey." He smiled back. "So do still hate me?"

"Only a little now," she said still smiling, "I am sorry about how I've been, I'm just a little insecure about ordering someone around who's so much better than me."

"Are you kidding, you were amazing there." said Crawford. "Not to mention your method of calming Zach back at the station.

"I'd like you to do me a favor," she said, "can we start over?"

Crawford extended his hand, "Hi I'm Max." he said with a grin.

"I'm Alice." She giggled.

"For something so impromptu as what we just did, we're gonna make one hell of team." said Crawford.

"I agree," she said, "But I'm still calling you Batman."

"Fair enough." Crawford said.

Skip and Topher came up to them.

"Hey, Toph," she said smiling. She looked so pretty with the sun setting on her carrot top. "We used to date." She said to Crawford.

"Stop! Listen before we start celebratin', I got a ten-four sayin' the Zach ran away from the Adams' and he's out on the streets. And we still have that dead body."

"We can track him, Skip, I placed a microscopic homing dart on him when no one, including him wasn't looking." Everyone looked at Crawford like they didn't believe him.

He pulled out of his pocket a GPS looking device that placed a dot on Zach's location and he showed it to everyone.

"I guess I should be calling you James Bond," said Alice.

"Yeah, dat's very nice, but how are we gonna git der." said Skip, "Our rides have been totaled."

"Not a problem, Skip." Crawford pulled out another gadget that looked like an electric car opener. He pointed at the Hummer and pressed a button. Like magic, it began to repair itself and activated. "This device is design to automatically activate and repair any official military transport in the universe."

Skip was completely amazed, "F'get what I said 'bout not intafering, but there ain't enough room."

"Um, we can open up the back caboose and that should be enough for ten people." said one of the Guardsmen.

"Everyone else can walk back to the house, it needs watching anyways." said Skip, "It ain't that far."

"That won't be an issue" said a voice. Everyone turned around. It was Scott, Ralph, Jonathan, Sr. and Hank and a squadron and an ambulance of legit cops pulling up. "We're all a team now, so we're going to find him together. The ambulance will be taking this body for autopsy. Agent Crawford, lead the way."

And they all got into cars and drove away, with the Humvee leading the charge.

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