Studying (with) You

By Double-P

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The first exams are due at the School of Friendship and Gallus needs help with a subject. Luckily Sandbar off... More

The Last Day of School
A rough Start
How to Teach a Griffon
A Fresh Start
A strenuous Morning
Having Fun > Studying
Fauna the Fan
A Visitor on a lazy Day
The Griffon's New Clothes
Path 1: Sometimes One has to trust one's Heart
Path 1: The Answers are in your Head
Path 1: A different kind of Blooming
Path 1: Birds of different Feathers can still fall in Love
Path 1: Epilogue
Path 2: Sometimes the Truth hurts
Path 2: Test of Distress
Path 2: Sound of Silence
Path 2: True Words, True Feelings
Path 2: Epilogue

A Night to Remember

683 26 16
By Double-P

The days go by as if they only consist of three hours and not twenty four and so only three more days remain before the first exams, Miss Rarity's and Fluttershy's, take place. Every day since Sandbar's little confession the two spend together either being in his room or being outside and just having fun. They rarely talk about the exams, mostly because Sandbar dodges this question every single time so Gallus refrained from asking about that anymore. Today Sandbar has something really special prepared for him. Right after lunch the two males return to Sandbar's room so Gallus can continue his work he started the day before but before he gets the chance to get inside his equine friend stops him in front of his door.
"Wait", he says as he places his hoof in front of the griffon's chest to block his way, "I need to prepared something first."
He unlocks the door and quickly whizzes into his room, leaving Gallus in the hallways. He waits patiently but it feels a bit weird to stand in front of his door for what feels like an eternity (only three minutes). Suddenly the door opens again and Sandbar lets his friend inside with a faint smile on his face. The griffon enters and instantly notices some new fabrics and other objects like gemstones, buttons and patches laying on the desk. He stops in place and stares at them as his jaw dropped and Sandbar's voice rings out behind him.
"I thought you might want to try something new today so I got them from Miss Rarity."
The two males walk closer to the table so Sandbar can continue his explanation while showing his friend all the different additions to his repertoire.
"It can get boring doing the same things over and over again so I thought you could switch it up a bit. The gemstones are really hard to work with but I'm sure you can do it and watch out for the zipper. I once attached one upside down and it ruined the jacket. It worked but it looked really weird and was very uncomfortable to wear. The rest is pretty simp-"
His voice dies as he opens his mouth wider to let out a yawn.
That came... out of nowhere. He does look a bit tired today... His eyes seem a little big baggy too but I don't think I should mention it... Not the best topic to talk about.
"Sorry. The rest is pretty simple", the teal-colored pony apologizes as he repeats his last sentence and actually finishes it this time.
Gallus can't believe how much effort his friend went through but he tries to brush it off as another pony-thing even though it.
He would have done that for Yona or Smolder too...right? Of course! Don't get the wrong impression! He is a pony and that's what ponies would do for every friend. Still feels awesome though, can't deny that. I can't believe how much trouble he went through... That explains why he was late today for lunch and why he's tired. Must have woken up pretty early today.
"That's really cool! Thanks Sandy", the blue male shows his gratitude and Sandbar, who begins to blush slightly, accepts it with open arms, literally.
This time he is the one going for a friendly hug and this sudden approach catches the griffon off-guard. He feels his friend's arms around his neck, his hooves on his back and the tickling feeling of his teal-colored mane as the heat runs though their bodies. Any physical contact between them, no matter how small or unimportant it may seem to others, is a chance to fulfill their urges for the moment. They both know damn well that they can't lose control and ruin the friendship they rebuild by doing or saying something wrong. That's why those short moments are the most significant for them.
So... good..., their brains rave synchronized before the short reunion of bodies comes to an end.
The remain silent as each of them takes their old position: Sandbar on the bed and Gallus in front of the machine surrounded by his new possibilities.
Let's see... What could I try today?, the griffon-boy asks himself as he takes a closer look at all the stuff on the table.
A few patches in blue, green and pink catch his attention and he soon begins to sew them together with a pattern in his mind,
Blue, red, green, red, blue, red..., and after an hour or so he finishes something that could be used as a scarf or maybe a very long tie.
A strong feeling of joy fills his heart and especially the part of it filled with pride.
Not bad, not bad Gallus. And the colors are also great! Blue, red and, his mind stops for a second as it puts the pieces together and a blush invades his face, blue like me, green like Sandy and red like a h...heart? Was that why I choose them?! Ahhh! Even random stuff is now no longer random, great!

"That doesn't look half bad!"
Sandbar stood up and went behind Gallus to sneak a quick peak but his results are really good! The colors may be a bit extreme but he likes it for some reason.
"R-really?", Gallus asks and the stallion nods his head in approval.
He picks it up but as soon as it feels the earth's gravity a thread tears and half of it falls back onto the table.
Of course it had to tear..., Gallus feels the anger buildung up inside of him but Sandbar picks up the other half of the tie/scarf and takes a closer look at it.
"Not your fault Gallus. I think the machine had a small malfunction there but I could show an easy stitch to fix it. Only if you want, of course."
"And that will fix it?", the griffon asks with a raised eyebrow and an obvious sign of doubt on his face but Sandbar knows how to answer that.
"Don't you trust me?"
I... I... Of course I trust you! What kind of question is that!
Gallus looks into his friend's eyes but he has to shake himself free from the trance to answer the question, still the only thing he can managed to say is... nothing. Instead of using words he just nods and watches his friend taking the half he is holding into his hoof and placing both halves next to each other on the wooden surface. He then gets one of the spare sewing needles and a thread that looks the same as the one in the sewing machine and starts working on the fabric. He pierces it a few times, pulls the thread to it multiple times and ties a small knot to prevent it from opening again.
"And that's it. Did you get it?", Sandbar wants to know but Gallus didn't really pay attention to the show because he was too busy watching his buddy's face and especially his eyes.
"Gallus?", he repeats and switches his view from the scarf to the other male's face. This sudden action cures Gallus from his paralyzation-like state and he quickly prevents eye contact and stares down at the tabletop.
"Erm... I...", he mumbles before trying to do it but his very first action is already wrong, "I think you did... that?"
No, I did not, Sandbar thinks to himself as he watches his friend's claws perform moves he did not even thought were possible and decides to step in to help him.
He carefully touches Gallus' talons with his hooves and begins to lead his actions and explains how to do it at the same time.
"See... You have to make the loop first and then you can pull the needle through it", his gentle voice elucidates but Gallus' entire focus is on his talon and the pressure his friend's hoof onto it, carefully leading and teaching it the maneuvers.
Is... Is that how it would feel like... to be with him? To hold his hoof in my claw every day...
His thoughts travel further and further away from reality as he imagines feeling this every day and whenever he wants but, sadly, this experience is not meant to last as he feels the pleasant warmth fading away from the back of his claw.
"See? It's very simple once you get the hang of it", the teal-colored stallion finishes his explanation, "Now show me what you've learned."
Insecurity fills the griffon's claws again, especially now that his friend insists on his success, but he calms himself down and takes a deep breath, trying to remember the feeling of his crush's gentle movements and the way he guided him through the act, with impressive results!
"Perfect! That was really good. You even aced the difficult part, good job Gallus!", the earth-pony cheers after watching his best friend's performance.
I... I did it! And that was so easy!
Gallus jumps up from his chair and raises his right talon into the air, "Awesome! Now nothing can bring me down!"
The sight of that catches Sandbar off-guard and he can't stop himself from laughing, catching his buddy's attention that way.
"No lose thread or torn clothing will dare to stand in your way", the stallion replies with a few laughs in-between the words.
The two share a laugh as Sandbar returns to his bed to lay down again so he can continue to watch his student, who gives him a grin before trying something else out.

(Sandbar's Part)
Many hours go by as if they were just mere seconds and Gallus finally finishes up his last piece of fabric, unsparingly decorated with gems in various colors, shapes and sizes. He carefully places it on the pile next to the machine and turns it off.
"You wanna go already?", Sandbar asks from the bed but Gallus can't help to snicker at that question.
"Already? You do realize that it is almost past midnight, right?", the griffon answers, which causes his friend to take a look outside.
He is right! The bright moon already started it's journey across the dark sky filled with beautiful stars, glittering like dew in the sunlight.
Wow! Time sure flies by when you're watching a good-looking grffon, the stallion thinks to himself but his thoughts die as he notices the griffon getting up.
"I think I will head back to my room before I fall asleep here."
"I wouldn't mind that", Sandbar comments on his friend's idea but immediately covers his mouth with his hoof after realizing what just said.
It's as if any shame or fear disappeared and only his deepest desires control his body and mind.
Gallus, obviously a bit confused, stares at him as if he can't believe what he just heard. He doesn't answer or laugh like he does when things gets strange or react in any other way. He just stares at him with a wide eyes.
"I... mean... only if you want...", he tries to correct himself as awkwardness fills the room and brings back his insecurity. It takes a moment for Gallus to finally make his move and, much to the equine male's surprise, he comes closer and sits down on the edge of the bed, his eyes practically piercing through Sandbar's eyes into the depths of his mind.
"Oh... So you wouldn't? Would you mind if I did that?", the griffon boys asks teasingly as he wraps his talon around the stallion's hoof and, after staying like that for a few second, slowly bringing it to his beak and placing a gentle kiss on it's back, sending shivers down Sandbar's spine and coloring his face in a dark shade of red, feeling the heat rush through his entire body.
Sandbar watches his friend as he continues to caress his hoof like they always do in those romantic movies before parting way for a long time or seeing each other again after many years.
"I... don't mind that at all...", he whispers and that seems to be the magic word Gallus was waiting because as soon as he heard it he places on last passionate kiss before slowly backing away from the hoof and finally get on the same lever as his fellow classmate's face, looking at him with a reddish shade covering his face and a look in his eyes that shows more than just kindness. It's love in it's purest way. They don't need words anymore, they don't need to ask for permission anymore. Both of them wanted it for so long and now it's finally time to fulfill their dreams and become more than friends. It's time to become Lovers, led by their feelings and the wish to make the other one as happy as they can.
"I love y-", the pony tries to forms with his lips but he gets cut of by an overwhelming sensation tingling through his body as the weight of two other lips land on his. Their first kiss! They first real kiss and it feels as perfect as he dreamed it to be. He closes his eyes and enjoys the feeling of his boyfriend's talon on his hoof and his feathers tingling him all over the body as he embraces him completely and holds him close to his heart, his body and all of his warmth. He tries to let himself go entirely but something forces him to come back. It's as if the warmth grows colder, the tingling feeling begins to fade away and the pressure on his lips and hoof becomes weaker and weaker until it completely disappears.
Gallus? Gallus! Where are you! Come back!
Sandbar reaches out his hooves to find his significant other but nothing meets his touch. He forces his eyes open and shouts one more time.

"Come back!", the pony screams as loud as he can as he shoots up from his bed, frantically feeling and searching his surroundings but everything he tries is in vain. He can't see anything, only Darkness meets his eyes. Darkness is the only thing surrounding him. It was a dream and nothing more, just a very, very intense dream...
What? Where am I?, Sandbar asks himself but he quickly realizes that he is, in fact, in his own bed in his own room just like before but... alone.
"G...Gallus? Are you there?", he asks while trying to make anything out in the darkness but no one replies.
He attempts to raise his upper-body but something catches his attention.
"Is that... my blanket? When did I tuck up myself?"
He throws it aside and finally leaves his bed and moves to the light switch, filling his room with illumination. aside from himself, the room is empty.
The realization that everything he just experienced was nothing more than a dream saddens him as he feels chills running up his spine. But that unwanted sensation fades away as he notices something strange on the desk next to the sewing machine and a small pile of fabrics, he has not noticed before. A piece of paper is laying there.
What's that?
He sits down and takes the paper into his hooves and reads his name on it.
For me?
He unfolds the piece of paper and reads the text it hid inside.

"(Hopefully) Good Morning Sandy,
Thanks again for everything today. Was really cool hanging out with you and you were right, I had a lot of fun with all the stuff. Thanks for that too, was really / cool of you.
Sorry for leaving without telling you but you I didn't want to wake you up. You / seemed so peaceful and I couldn't really bring myself to ruin that. I hope you'll have good dreams and rest up."

Intense dreams would be more fitting, he comments on the text before continuing it.

"I hope it is okay for you that I come back tomorrow after breakfast. There is still something I really wanna try out. I gave the gems a shot but I don't know if it's good. Maybe you could take a look at it. It's on top of the pile.
See you later,

That is so... sweet of him to leave a message behind... Hmm now where is that thing he mentioned
Sandbar puts the note back and now carries his attention over to the pile of fabrics and, especially, the piece of fabric on top of it.
It's a silver-gray piece of chiffon with various sized gems attached to it.
"Good Morning Sandy :)", the stallion whispers as he reads the letters the gems form.
That's so romantic! It's like a secret message from a secret admirer except it was Gallus and not a secret admirer. But it still is super romantic! Buuuuut it's not meant to be romantic but I can at least dream, right? Why am I even asking myself? Yes, I can dream! And now quiet!
He shuts off how his inner voice while carefully picking up the piece of art but as soon as he tilts it a gems fall of and tilting it even more causes a few more to break up with the fabric, causing the message to read something else entirely.
"Go ringS :)", he reads it again and bursts out in a loud laughter.
Oh Gallus, you never fail to make me laugh.
He turns his attention back to the note and stares at it for a few seconds before putting down the fabric, not noticing that most of the gems fell down while he was distracted. The message on it changed once more as most letters left their place and the g lost his tail, leaving two short words behind: o no
A gentle smile adores his face as he takes the note with him back to bed. He quickly covers himself with his blanket and reads the note over and over again. Every word seems to be increasing his heartbeat and every time he finishes it his body feels warmer and warmer as if his friend embraced him, just like he did in his dream... But this time he knows that this feeling won't melt into thin air.

(Gallus' Part)
This fabric feels amazing! I want a shirt made out of it one day. And this color is stylish.
Gallus' mind is writing it's own novel as he keeps himself busy with all the things his friend gathered for him, losing not only any sense for time but also totally forgets his friend, who has been awfully quiet the last hour. He forces his eye away from the slightly vibrating machine to get a quick glimpse at his equine friend to check on him. Much to his surprise he finds him with closed eyes, a barely noticeable breathing and a relaxed body.
What?! What happe... Is he... sleeping?
Gallus turns off his machine to take a closer look to make sure he is really just sleeping and not sick or something. He sighs in relief after assuring that his assumption is, in fact, reality.
Makes sense. He seemed pretty tired and I believe I noticed him forcing his eyes open a few times after they shut themselves on their own. Poor guy...
Gallus shows a smile before sitting down on his chair again and turning on the machine. He continues his work for a while but runs into a massive problem he has never faced before. Something seems to be wrong with the machine as it stops working properly.
That's strange... Why doesn't it work anymore? The needle isn't moving one bit. Something like that never happened before and Sandbar never mentioned any difficulties like that... I should ask him for help, he will know what to do.
"Hey Sandy, I think someth-", the griffon begins to inform his friend but quickly covers his own beak after remembering that he is resting.
I really shouldn't wake him up... He deserves to rest. I am sure I can figure it out on my own. Let's see...

The blue male shuts he machine down and tries to get a better look at it but fails to accomplish anything.
Damn... I don't know enough about this thing!
He stands up from his chair and searches for some kind of manual in the drawers of the desk but nothing he should worry about can be found there. He searches the top of the table and carefully lifts the machine. A thin, white book infiltrates his line of sight and he quickly pulls it out of the way with the tip of his tail, causing it to drop on the floor. He then carefully places the machine back on it's spot so he can pick up the manual. The cover just says the name of the machine and a number, which is most likely there to show the version or what type of machine it is.
Yeah... Knowing it's name isn't going to help me fix it:.., the feathered male comments as he rolls his eyes and opens the manual, finding a table of contents. His eyes quickly analyze it but stop as soon as he reads the words 'Malfunctions'.
Perfect! I'm sure I will find something useful there!
His assumption proves itself correct as he flips the pages until noticing something that fits his situation perfectly. After reading that certain part carefully he places it next to the machine and starts working on the problem. I takes a few attempts and he has to read the page at least four times but he finally succeeds and the machine works as if it were new.
Haha! The master strikes again! Bow down to my intimidating wisdom and skill!
After shaking his own talon over his head and cheering for himself he tries out a few more things and, at least for his standards, acing all of them with ease! (They look okay but I am sure Rarity would faint as soon as she even sees them... but only for a bit, they are not as bad as you might think!)
The success really ignites a fire of motivation in his chest and the urge to challenge himself grows.
The gems are very difficult, isn't that what you said Sandy. I am sure I can master that too!
With a grin on his beak he picks up on of the smaller gems and takes a middle-sized silver-gray piece of chiffon and begins to work on it. But his attention span decreases quickly as he hears his equine friend grunting next to him as he moves his body a bit before falling silent again, seemingly finding the perfect position for a good night's sleep. He tries to concentrate again but something forces his eyes to drift away from the machine to gain a quick look at Sandbar, who has a faint smile on his face.

He looks even cuter when he's sleeping... How is that even possible! I wonder what he's dreaming about... Hopefully it's a good dream. I could watch him all night... Wait? Night?!
Something sparkly gains his attention and so he takes a quick look outside the window to see a few bright spots in the sky but his thoughts are still focused on the stallion.
I could watch him all night... Night?! What!?
His full attention is now targeted at the formerly white sky, which is now coated in darkness and the small white dots all over it. Hundreds of stars sparkle as bright as they can, hoping to gain the attention of anyone who watches the sky at night, like Gallus is doing it right now.
It's so late already? I totally lost track of time! Maybe I should get going soon... but...
He looks back at the machine and at Sandbar as an idea slowly forms in his head.
I will go after I'm done with the gems. I have a great idea!
With the concept in mind the blue male starts his last project of the day but noticing how rare the chance is to see his friend sleeping, not to mention in such a cute position, distracts him more and more. With his eyes mostly on Sandbar and his attention only occasionally on the machine and the fabric, he finishes his project and puts it carefully on top of the others.
And now I should let him know I left. And... I should thank him again for everything he did for me today. I'm sure I saw a notepad in one of those drawers... but which one?
He opens a drawer but no notepad can be found, then the one below with the same results.
Then it must be that one!
Gallus quickly opens the last drawer and, no surprise, he finds the notepad he remembered seeing. He carefully separates one of the pieces from the rest, making sure not to tear it apart that way, and takes one of the pencils he saw in the same drawer alongside some books and a few other pencils.
'Dear Sandy'... No... 'Hey bro!' ... Wow, even I had to cringe there... 'Good Morning Sandy', Yeah, that works but what if he slept bad? I could... '(Hopefully) Good Morning Sandy, Thanks again...'
He continues his note while thinking carefully about how to put what he wants to say and how to make it sound personal but not too cheesy. It's a real struggle but he manages to come up with a great text... a few small 'mistakes' still manage to sneak into the sentences but luckily Gallus reads every single one three more times before starting the next one, finding every little faux pas and crossing them out as often as possible, making sure they can not be read anymore.
'...too, that was really sweet of-' SWEET? Nononononono, I can't say that! What about... really rat? nice? cool? COOL! That's it! 'really cool of you. Sorry for leaving without telling you but you I didn't want to wake you up. You looked so adorable' Wow... seriously? 'You seemed so peaceful'
It takes him about thirty minutes to think about stuff to write, build normal sentences and replace words he isn't sure about but the results are something he can be proud of.
Let's put it here next to the machine. That way he won't miss it. And now I should get going.

Gallus gets up from his seat and heads for the door but a sudden voice paralyzes him. It's Sandbar's voice but its not trying to form words, only strange, uncomfortable sounds.
Sandy? Is something wrong?, the feather-covered male asks himself before turning around and observing the stallion, whose faint smile was replaced with a frown and clenched teeth, the typical symptoms of a also notices something else that he totally ignored the other times he watched him: Sandbar's blanket is on the other side of the bed!
How can anyone sleep without a blanket? No wonder he dreams bad. Should I... Or is that weird? I don't know how I would react if som-
Another grunt interrupts his inner monologue and seemingly activates something inside Gallus' body. A reflex or some sort of specific reaction but without thinking about it he rushes for the bed and takes the blanket into his claws. He then carefully covers his equine crush with it and waits for him to calm down and for the frown to disappear. He watches his face carefully and moves his own a bit closer to see it in more detail. It takes a minute or so but the smile returns and the grunting also stops for good, much to the griffon's relief.
Phew... good to know your dream is back on on the right track Sandy... Seeing you like th-
Silence in his head and every sound around him ceases to exist as he stares at his friend's face only inches away from his, feeling his faint breath against his own face like a hot summer breeze. Every control he has over his body disappears and something else takes over and leads him closer and closer until he meets his friend's cheek and giving him a small and short peck. Not more nor less than a peck but a peck nonetheless! The mysterious force vanishes and his body is back under his own control but the image of him kissing his crush just mere seconds ago serves as an emergency shutdown. Every command his brain gives him dies as quickly as it is send out and so he just stands there, silent and looking down at his friend who is still sleeping as if he were Sleeping Beauty.
I...I...I..., is the only thing his brain is able to come up with before he carefully sneaks out of the room and shuts it's door as gentle as possible.

The spell seems to be broken and the brain regained his power and the first command he puts into action is: Panic. He flaps his wings as fast as he can and in not even ten seconds he reaches his door, which he immediately opens to hide inside his room.
I just kissed him! Why did I do that? What if he wasn't sleeping? What if he was awake? What if he noticed what I did?! That would be super weird AND it could end out friendship!
Fear searches it's way into his mind but something tells him that everything will be alright.
No... There is no way he was awake. He was asleep for sure but... it is still kind of weird to kiss a friend while they sleep! I should not do that! ... It felt really nice though... His fur was soft and it felt so right but so wrong at the same time!
Still lost in his own thoughts he drops himself on his bed and begins to talk to his flower, like he promised to do.
"You won't believe what happened! Sandbar and I- It could be a long story so maybe I should get you your water first so you don't die of dehydration. I'll be right back."
He fetches the water as fast as he can and practically bathes the little, blooming flower with it.
I can swear it looks a lot healthier than yesterday... Could be my imagination...
He drops the topic, lays down on his bed and, once he feels comfortable under his blanket, continues their talk where they, or more precisely, he left off.
"So Sandy really outdid himself today. He prepared so much just for me so I can try something new! That was so awesome and then he showed me a new technique and even held my claw. I couldn't even concentrate but I nailed nonetheless, which is not very surprising. We totally lost track of time and when I left I... I... I kissed him! Well, it was more of a peck but still! I couldn't believe it myself but it felt so good! I know it's a once-in-a-lifetime thing but I am kinda glad I took it."
He begins to snooze away as the adrenaline in his body seizes to exist and drowsiness finally gets the upper hand. He doesn't even notice that the colors of the Aurora's Kiss become brighter once more.

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