Secret Opposites || JJK

By bivantae

154 2 0

The classic world of supernatural, but what happens when humans evolve and produce a new species. Where there... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

11 0 0
By bivantae

I'm shaken awake as Thomas, my brother slaps me across the side of the face running away into school gates before I can get him. I sigh opening the door to Worthy High an all luminescent school, expensive but lets just say you can understand why you wouldn't go to a mixed school where most supernaturals gain their power from birth or an early age, luminescents were fresh meat.

I step out and wave to my friends Lucy, my best friend since birth, Jessica, the classic bitchy blonde, Aaron, our secretly closeted superhero and Maria, Jessica's platinum blonde partner in crime. 'Hey bitch,' Jessica calls out to me, I wave to her as they all giggle, 'So tomorrows the day guys,' we all smile brightly.

'I would love to be purple,' Lucy smiles brightly, the purple luminescents interact with a persons mind and can often control or manipulate depending on the strength and will of either side,' I want to help people, especially with mental disorders,' I smile at her brightly, she would be an amazing purple lumi, she is so selfless, caring and kind, there was nearly never a dull day with her.

'Boring, I would love to be blue,' Jessica pipes in a small agreement from Maria and Aaron, 'Water would be so cool,' I laugh at their antics, blue luminescents control the water manipulating shape, movement and even temperature.

'Yeah but that means you would go into the fighting positions, you can't even survive gym,' I retort, we all laugh with each other

'What about you Scarlett, what do you want to be?' I think, a small glow from my dreams clouding my vision, the bell rings snapping me out of my phase.

'I guess I'd want to be like my dad, a red, it would be amazing to help in the field of battle,' They all nod in agreement, my dads a red and mums a green, she can control the nature and earth, and well dad, harnesses the power of fire.

'Well lets go,' Jessica grabs all of us and walks into the front of the school to homeroom.





'Here,' a gruff voice enters the room, and everyone goes quiet, I stare at him as he is the descent of the red leader and rarely attends school, his presence highlighted by his dark hair and muscular stature probably from intense combat training. He looks directly me our eyes connecting but I dont look away, an old teaching from my father, never look away from someone who THINKS they are superior. He stares but has to look away to find a seat I put my face forward ignoring him, his eyes now burning into the back of my head, I guess hes not used to that.

'Move,' the smaller kid next to me moves as he sits down next to me, 'So who do you think you are to stare directly at me?' I ignore him listening to the rest of the names being called out.

'Scar, he spoke to you,' Lucy says nervously gesturing with her eyes. I shrug, facing back forward, a deep chuckle rings through our row, Aaron and Jessica looking at me like I am crazy.

'I said who do you think you are?' his piercing blue eyes sit in front of my own, I glare deeply, I see his eyes waver, slightly shocked at my brazen behaviour. Reigning from the royal red line, socially we are taught not to mess with or anger as consequence were usually harsh but both alike we had not received our colours.

'You see, it doesnt matter who am I, who do you think you are?' I shock him slightly with my words but quickly composes himself, as he opens his mouth the bell goes, 'anyway, I need to go to physics,' I smile triumphantly, strutting away from a very shocked Jungkook, but his once gapping mouth is wiped clean with an arrogant smirk

'What a coincidence, so do I?' I am slightly surprised as he follows my movements, I grab Lucy and quickly exit, him hot on my heels. Moving quickly to physics, I wave good bye to Lucy as she enters her business class, Jungkook still walking with me. I move and sit in the front and to my surprise he sits with me. I roll my eyes while taking out my physics notebook and stationary; red, blue, black pens, ruler and whiteout. He looks at me while I glare at him, I look away wanting this to stop.

'Can you leave me alone now?' I say frustrated, he chuckles and picks my red pen up, no one touches my pens quickly I grab my ruler and slap his hand make him drop it directly into my hand, 'paws off,' I smirk as his eyes are left wide and jaw slightly ajar.

Then it was the usual day, Physics, AP Mathematics, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, Literature and then Gym. Lunch could not of come quick enough after Jungkook's obvious persistance.

'So, hows everyones day been?' Jessica asks, we have no classes together except for homeroom so its a great conversation starter.

'Scar has a literal follower,' Lucy giggles, Aaron, Jessica and Maria lean in waiting for me to explain.

'Fucking Jungkook has been following me everywhere and apparently he has every class with me, he will not leave me alone, I mean Cindy was flirting with him all Lit, didn't even move, just because I stood up to him,' Their eyes go wide, staring at something behind me. A deep chuckle greets his presence, 'Like I said he wont leave me be,' I keep my eyes and face strong as I shook slightly inside, I might be playing with a dangerous fire.

'That's not why I have been sitting next to you,' He smiles, his pearly whites gleaming, I see Maria, Aaron, and Jessica drool slightly, 'You intrigue me, no one has dared me to look in the eyes because of my status,' He places his food tray next to me and sits down, all eyes in the lunchroom locked to our table.

'You mean your fathers status,' a gasp echoes through the room, he smiles brightly at me.

'See, this is why, you dont care about my status, but I just want you to wait and see for tomorrow, to see if you will truly bow down to me,' His smile turning into a smirk.' He begins conversing with the rest of the table while I think about tomorrow.

'So what do you think you will get?' Jessica asks Jungkook, she leans forward her cleavage on display, Jungkook doesn't dare let it go unnoticed looking her up and down, I laugh to myself classic Jessica.

'Well what you may not know is that purples can give a prediction, based off the many years off studies blah blah,' he gestures with his hand, 'But I'm looking to be a very likely a red but theres also a small possibility for another,' He grins. The bell signals the end of lunch, 'Well dont we all have gym right now,' Aaron eyes widen and smirks as Jungkook walks to get changed for gym he turns around and raises his eyebrows Perv I say to myself.

The girls all chat as we walk to change rooms, as we enter I get to change and my eyes go wide, 'Please tell me someone packed a spare pair of shorts,' all the girls shake their heads as they look over to me, 'I think they shrunk in the wash,' I turn slowly holding up a small pair of shorts that would barely cover my ass, I slip them on, they were mini-shorts you would wear to a club. Lucy laughs at me as I test my movement in them, 'They wont split but yeah,' I turn showing the very small fitting of the shorts on my lower body.

'Come on Scar, its your favourite day, sparring,' She laughs while Jessica looks at me, our size of shorts now the same size due to the shrinkage.

'Yeah but you dont spar the guys.'

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