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By AnimationzRule

22.2K 1.1K 220

๐— ๐—ฎ๐˜€๐˜‚๐—บ๐—ถ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐—ถ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐—ณ๐—ผ๐—ฟ ๐—ฆ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฏ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ to finish the battle by killing her to confirm her defeat, but... More

Masumi Arc
Sasan Arc


857 54 6
By AnimationzRule

Masumi Arc || CHAPTER 9 : The Magnificent Duo

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

° ☆.* + °.

The sun's light beaming upon King Rashid's blonde hair resembled golden riches and treasures, while the pair of teenagers gaped in absurdity at his casual grin.

What the fuck?

Masumi's chapped lips failed to express her insolent words, for she had rendered speechless, while her purple-haired comrade stuttered incoherent sounds. The Fanalis, who rarely ever reacted in shock, betrayed her stoic demeanour, narrow eyebrows lifted and ruby red eyes widened.

"Were you not just listening to me? The longer you stand here, the less time you have to join the Union," Harun; or more like Rashid, snapped the teenagers out of their daydreams. With astonishment glazed over his golden eyes, Sinbad stirred awake from his daze, only for the fire of determination to ignite in his molten amber orbs once again.

"You're right, there's no time to waste. Come on Masumi! Our journey to the Union awaits!" Sinbad cheered boisterously with a toothy grin smeared from ear-to-ear. At the sight of his enthusiasm, the redhead indulged herself in his bouncing excitement, unable to resist her own small smile lingering upon her sealed lips.

Erupting with eagerness, Sinbad bounded past Rashid with a hefty laugh of excitement and the sack of gold coins, hair of violets trailing behind him in the wind. Masumi deadpanned as her crimson eyes watched the foolish boy hasten through the busy street, in the opposite direction of the Union

"You're going the wrong way!" Rashid yelled to Sinbad, lips curled upwards in amusement. His grin grew wider as the purple-haired fool sprinted past him again, in the right direction this time.

"I knew that!" Sinbad shouted while the Fanalis chased after her enthusiastic comrade. She followed behind the lavender strands of his hair drifting through the breeze, a sweet chuckle tickling in her throat at Sinbad's idiocy

° ☆.* + °.

Once the orange rays of warmth in the sky began to kiss the emerging darkness before the sun disappeared for the night, King Rashid joined Sinbad and Masumi for dinner at their accomodation. It was a small celebration, where the dungeon capturer would proudly present the Company Verification Document to Rashid.

"Mentor, thanks for all your help. The Union approved of my request to join. Now that we're in, we can do business in Narpolia without a problem," Sinbad stated with a grateful smile, "I can't wait for the new goods from Imuchakk to get here."

Rashid nodded briefly in response. "So while you're waiting, how about a theatre performance?"

"Really?" Sinbad exclaimed at his mentor's suggestion, honey coloured eyes radiating brightly, yet his excited smile faltered while the stony expression on Masumi's face never wavered.

"I'm not so sure mentor, I only performed to raise funds for the Union Admission fee. That's not a problem anymore." The violet-haired boy explained.

"You are quite mature for your age Sinbad..." Rashid began. His first few words earned a scoff from the Fanalis, which provoked a sweat-drop from the dungeon capturer, but Rashid disregarded the teenagers and spoke again.

"But to be blunt, you're still a novice when it comes to being a merchant. You've joined the Union but you still haven't set up a shop. How about a warehouse to store inventory, and a carriage to transport goods; you must also advertise your new shop and work hard to build a strong foundation."

Throughout the situations Rashid had listed even further, the dungeon capturer and redhead realised how many more problems they had yet to solve.

"There is still time until your return to the port. Until then we must prepare everything I have stated, naturally using your own abilities," Rashid finished.

"I see," Sinbad muttered, thick brows furrowed together while his red headed comrade remained silent.

"In Reim, there is a policy to sponsor various amusements for its citizens. There are gladiators at the Colosseum, gambling houses, bath houses and theatre. However, the gladiators and theatre attract the most citizens by far," Rashid informed.

"So I should try for one of those?" Sinbad asked. Masumi dozed out of the conversation for a second and into her deep thoughts, quietly planning her own ideas.

"I wouldn't advise becoming a gladiator. It's a severe spectacle where you're forced to do battle, where at times you may battle terrible beasts. At present, your body is the only asset you possess. You must not expose yourself to danger. If you are a merchant, you must understand that you can't do the impossible," Rashid advised. The violet-haired boy understandingly nodded, but the Fanalis piped into the discussion.

"I could become a gladiator," Masumi suggested. The dungeon capturer whipped his head towards the girl in a bewildered manner.

"No way! Didn't you just hear mentor?" Sinbad rejected her bizarre idea without hesitation, "Besides, I thought we were both doing theatre."

"A Fanalis gladiator would definitely entertain Reim citizens. Our seperate performances would earn more funds, and your safety will not be risked," Masumi reasoned logically.

"But then you'll be in danger."

"He's right Masumi. I sense you are a strong warrior, but I believe that you are also smart enough to know the length of your limits; being a gladiator may bring you harsh consequences during battle, and your performance will earn" Rashid persuaded, "but I respect that it is your decision and only my opinion."

"Thank you, because it is in consideration," Masumi replied.

"No it's not!" Sinbad exclaimed.

"We can discuss this later. There are more important things to do right now," Masumi said. The violet-haired boy parted his lips to retaliate, but the redhead glowered threateningly, ruby red orbs darkening to a dangerous shade of scarlet underneath her matted lashes. Obediently, the dungeon capturer averted his gaze from her narrow-slitted eyes and focused on Rashid in silence.

"As I was saying,  Sinbad's adventure stories and Masumi's singing talent will make solid performances. It would be the talk of the town, if you perform them in a theatre. I truly believe this is the best thing to do, for your business to flourish. Well?" Rashid raised his eyebrows, receiving a determined smile from Sinbad in response.

"Bring it on, I'll start preparing right now! Thank you mentor, for everything," Sinbad replied. He leapt from his seat in a hurry, bubbling enthusiastically with energy as he bowed to Rashid in respect and dashed to his room. Masumi removed herself from the table in a composed manner to follow after the purple-haired boy, until Rashid softly gestured with his hand - cladded in gold jewellery - for the Fanalis to stop.

"Masumi, would you stay a while longer please? I understand if you are yet to grow settled around me, but I was hoping we could converse," Rashid requested. After a brief nod in response, she seated herself and silently stared at the men, plump lips sealed close and crimson eyes examining suspiciously.

"I've noticed you're not the chatty type, are you? That's fine, I'll gladly start the conversation," Rashid offered a polite smile, "If you don't mind me asking, why is it I never see you with your hood off?"

"Personal reasons," Masumi answered bluntly.

Respect was an important offering for people; a value given in order to be returned. The Fanalis believed in respect.

Trust however, was a rare moral given by the Fanalis. To trust was to devote her entire faith in a being; to sacrifice any part of herself, no matter the risk. Trust was given in certitude that those blessed with it would not break it, for once shattered, the value would never be fixed entirely. Like a mirror, the cracks would still be visible.

Henceforth the reason, Masumi acted hostile towards King Rashid - a royal. She had witnessed the ugly truth of people from upper class. Royals were power-hungry and corrupted with greed. Therefore, she respected, but didn't trust him.

"Fair enough. How is it you acquainted yourself with Sinbad? You're always by his side and he seems to be the only person you communicate with," Rashid asked, questioning further in hopes to receive more than short responses.

"I'd rather not say," Masumi answered. The redhead was not embarrassed to admit aloud that she had attempted to murder Sinbad. She still struggled to restrain herself from strangling Sinbad.

But she didn't want to mention her former profession of being an assassin. Royals tended to own assassins to perform their dirty work. What if this King tried to capture her once he discovered she was an assassin, in order to serve him?

"What makes you cautious of me? I apologise for reselling your merchandise, if that is the problem you are still upset about," Rashid sighed.

"You are a Royal," Masumi replied honestly. The King hummed in an understanding manner.

"I suppose you've experienced unpleasant encounters with royalty?" Rashid asked, a silent nod sent his way in response.

"They own boundless of riches yet they desire more. Royals only care to satisfy themselves," Masumi seethed in spite, her tone dripping with venom and breaking through her composure.

"I understand your perception towards royal class, but not all royals are power-hungry beings consumed by greed. My top priority - my people - are protected with the power I possess, rather than harmed," Rashid stated.

"I believe you are a good king. I can sense it. But because of your position, I still struggle to waver my concept of you," Masumi admitted. Pure aura radiated from the king; petite, magical butterflies of saintly energy fluttering around Rashid. The winged creatures - visible to only Masumi - hummed happily to the redhead, muttering soft whispers as they glowed brighter in her presence.

However, despite the angelic spirit she sensed, her past experiences with royalty clouded her judgment. The dark experiences of terror; burned into her mind for eternity, fogged her vision of Rashid's aura.

"How about we plant a stepping stone, towards growing comfortable with each other? You could remove your hood as a start. I understand your wariness of me, due to the mishaps you may have encountered with other royals, but I believe if you move forward from your past, we can form a trustful bond," He suggested in a genuine tone.

The girl made no movement at all, but gentle murmurs from the gleaming birds, washed realisation upon the redhead.

Rashid was right.

She had to release her grudge for people in a position of royalty. Masumi could not let events from the past consume her, for grasping onto history would create hostility, resentment and malevolence.

Her rough fingertips brushed back the raggedy hood, a sigh escaping her lips as her identity was revealed. Thick locks of scarlet tumbled past her shoulders; dancing like wild flames, framing the soft shape of her bronzed face. Underneath the thickness of her abundant lashes, orbs of crimson glimmered like rubies.

King Rashid stared at her features in scrutiny, both himself and Barkak (his guard) amazed. "If I'm not mistaken, you are a Fanalis. I've heard of your kind. Is this why you keep hidden?" King Rashid asked.

"Yes. I'm also an assassin. I targeted to slaughter Sinbad, but my defeat resulted in me becoming his comrade, in exchange for him sparing my life," Masumi bluntly answered his previous question in a monotone voice.

Expectantly, Rashid And Barkak gawked in shock at her casualty. "Do you wish to continue conversing?"

The king composed himself, lifting his dropped jaw into a pleasant smile once again. "Of course. You might have been an assassin before, but now you're a friend and comrade of Sinbad and myself."

"I have not befriended anyone and I am still an assassin. It's all I know in life," She retaliated.

Rashid interjected with a frown. "That's certainly not true. Each time we interacted, I've never had the assumption of you being an assassin, and I know that you are capable to be something greater, even if you don't believe it. Also, we may not be friends yet, but you and Sinbad have developed a bond that is sure to grow stronger ."

Before Masumi could make a remark, the king continued. "Why is it you think being an assassin is your only worth?" Rashid asked, sipping his wine.

"I can't possibly deserve a title higher than an assassin, after sins I've committed throughout my life," Masumi answered honestly. In that time, it must have been the most words she had shared with someone other than Sinbad, and it definitely was unusual for her.

"Your past doesn't define neither you or your future, unless you allow it to yield that power over you," Rashid shared his wisdom upon the Fanalis.

"The things I've done are unforgivable. For the unjustifiable sins I've committed, I deserve nothing but the worst," Masumi spoke through gritted teeth.

"Everyone does bad things, it's human nature. That doesn't mean we should pay for them for the rest of our lives. Plus, I know assassins are usually forced into that life. Might your former job as an assassin connect with your bad experiences with royalty?" Rashid asked, joining together the pieces like a jigsaw puzzle.

Assassins were usually owned by royalty or secret organisations. A rogue, like Masumi was uncommon, indicating that she had escaped the clutches of whoever possessed her. The silence from the Fanalis was enough to confirm Rashid's suspicion.

"You are not an assassin anymore and have much potential. Don't let yourself believe that you aren't worthy of anything beyond your past" Rashid reassured. She made no response, mouth clamped in a sealed line as a moment of peaceful silence passed.

The Fanalis then stood up and bowed respectfully towards the king. "I will be leaving now."

"I must be off too. Thank you for your time Masumi," Rashid displayed his appreciation with a smile.

Despite the stern features on her face remaining hardened, a soft gleam glazed across her crimson eyes. "And thank you mentor," She replied, her tone laced with sincerity.

As Masumi left, Rashid felt the corners of his mouth tug upwards even further at the sound of her words while he watched her departing figure.

When the young Fanalis reached her room, she found Sinbad seated on the bed, legs swung over the edge as he hunched over the bedside drawer with a writing quill in his hands. At the sound of Masumi entering the room, the dungeon capturer paused through his scribbling of notes and lifted his attention on the redhead.

"Wanna help me with the preparations for our performance in theatre?" Sinbad asked with a gesture towards paper he had been writing his plan on.

"I'd rather become a gladiator rather than perform," Masumi declined. The violet-haired boy dropped the quill into a pot of ink; droplets of pitch-black ink smeared across his fingertips as his broad grin fell.

"Everyone, including me, would love to hear you sing. But if you aren't comfortable to perform, you don't need to become a gladiator," Sinbad reasoned. Unlike most people, he could never influence the stubborn Fanalis easily.

"Then I would be useless by doing nothing," Masumi retaliated.

"You've assisted me greatly during our time here, and I'm certain my performance will earn enough funds. Not only would you risk your safety by fighting, but I'd also be worried about your opponents," Sinbad joked. His humour was disregarded by the stoic Fanalis.

"My duty is to aid and protect you. I have no concern in putting myself at risk of harm in order to lend my assistance," Masumi stated, standing in a strong stance with her arms folded across her chest.

Sinbad rose from the bed and stood in front of the Fanalis, eyes of molten honey glancing upwards to meet eye contact with the taller girl. Instead of his regular carefree demeanour, his furrowed brows crinkled in severity and a glaze of apprehension clouded his amber eyes.

"Your safety might not be of importance to you, but it is to me. You're my friend who I care for and I won't allow you to be in a position of danger, so I'm asking you to respect my request and don't consider becoming a gladiator," Sinbad pleaded, his words bringing an unfamiliar, aching sensation to Masumi's chest.

Both teenagers stated at each other like their time had been paused, neither willing to break the intense eye contact or suspenseful silence. The Fanalis and dungeon capturer both possessed a terrible combination of personality traits; inflexibility and competitiveness.

But in the end, a defeated sigh heavily escaped her lips as Masumi rolled her head back. "Fine. I'd rather avoid the possibility of ending someone's life anyway." The Colosseum of the Reim Empire could act ruthless at times.

"Yeah, it sounds like a deadly battle for entertainment. But I know that both of us would make great gladiators," Sinbad grinned overconfidently, before he leapt back with his unsheathed scimitar and pretended to battle an imaginary opponent. Masumi narrowed her ruby red eyes at the sight of his egotistical grin.

"You have a big pride, so let me remind you of Rashid's words. You must understand that you can not do the impossible," Masumi quoted. Sinbad refocused his attention on the redhead and sheathed his weapon.

"Don't worry, I was listening and I completely understand," Sinbad replied and tucked the wild strands of lavender behind his ear with ink-stained fingertips, smearing black liquid across his cheekbone.

"Seriously, no matter how much power you gain, don't let your pride become your downfall. You are only human," Masumi stated commandingly, her speech slow and clear. His melted-honey coloured orbs met her piercing eyes of crimson.

"Of course I won't, I'm not that cocky," Sinbad assured with a light-hearted grin. His face dropped when the Fanalis deadpanned in mockery of his statement.

"Don't look at me like that Masumi!" Sinbad bickered, pouting angrily as she rolled her eyes at his over dramatic behaviour. The Fanalis planted her hand on the side of his flawlessly-shaped face and wiped off the jet-black smudge from his cleansed skin with her thumb.

He blinked repeatedly in surprise at the sudden physical contact, which she rarely offered. Despite the toughness of her calloused hands (a symbol of her endless labour), Sinbad found comfort in the warmth of her touch. Under the strokes of her finger, his tanned skin heated and tingled; a feeling he was unfamiliar with, yet it relaxed him.

Sinbad leaned his head into her bronzed hand, a smile playfully lingered upon his mischievous lips while he intently watched Masumi focus on his ink-stained cheek.

"I promise I won't let my pride become my downfall," Sinbad promised in a low voice earnestly, his eyes glued to the Fanalis stoic face as he rested his hand on her own. Masumi's attention diverted from his cheek, to their touching hands and her ruby-red eyes flicked to Sinbad's unwavering stare.

"Good," She replied shortly and pulled her hand away, ignoring his gaze and gorgeous orbs of amber.

"I think I've prepared enough, so how about I start teaching you to write and read?" Sinbad asked, her touch still lingering on his cheek. The Fanalis answered in response with nod.

The violet-haired boy taught her the basics, using an inked quill to demonstrate his teachings while the redhead intently followed his instructions. He guided the girl with her elegant strokes across the paper, their hands brushing against each other and feet accidentally bumping together from the small distance separating them.

Despite her quick learning and clever mind, the Fanalis muttered curses to herself in irritation when she struggled at times. But Sinbad, being the best teacher possible, always reassured Masumi of her progress and calmed her frustrations.

"I know you don't want to, but would you reconsider performing with me? You have amazing talent," Sinbad asked during their lesson.

"No. I'll just watch you."

° ☆.* + °.

"How the fuck did he get me to perform with him?" Masumi questioned herself angrily, hiding behind a large pillar of stone, at the back of the stage.

As usual, Sinbad would announce his story of wonder to amaze the audience, before the Fanalis would sing as their mesmerising finale. The only difference is that the dungeon capturer would introduce Masumi for her to perform.

In the front of a large audience.

Out of the shadows.

Without her hood.

Why did she agree to this plan?

Most likely because the persistent, purple-haired boy continuously nagged at the inflexible girl, even after being growled and threatened each time he begged.

Nothing made Sinbad surrender. He had even convinced Rashid to help persuade the Fanalis. After she rejected them again, Sinbad went to drastic measures and involved Miss Aisha. The pudgy woman babbled for hours about her excitement for their theatre performance and attempted to use her cooking as a bribe, yet Masumi refused to submit, almost caving into Aisha's bubbly enthusiasm.

It was only the day before the performance, that Masumi had grown completely furious at Sinbad and surrendered to his pleading. If the Fanalis had endure the annoying nuisance any longer, she would tear him apart with her bare hands.

But at the sight of the bustling crowd surrounding the stage and various murmurs echoing around her, she regretted her decision to perform.

The Fanalis tried to settle the sickening churn in her stomach just as the crowd gasped and pointed to a figure standing above the crowd, who was none other than Sinbad.

"Welcome my friends... into a world of action-packed adventure!" Sinbad introduced, before he unsheathed his scimitar and summoned Baal's lightning.

Illuminating strikes of electricity crackled in the midnight sky, the power of pure energy rumbling the entire theatre as it neared dangerously close to the frightened audience. He then summoned the element of winter with Valefor's ability, specks of snow floating amongst the starry-night.

Light from the electricity reflected off the ice crystals, shimmering in the sky as if Sinbad had created stars, with the combination of his djinn's powers. The audience gawked in wonder at the astonishing talent they had witnessed.

"You're in for a treat tonight. Prepare to hear the heroic tales of a boy named Sinbad, and from the bottom of my heart I hope you enjoy the show!" Sinbad declared as a loud cheer erupted from the audience.

Sinbad's story captivated the people of Narpolia who hadn't  seen the power of a dungeon capturer before. As he performed, the violet-haired boy couldn't stop his thoughts from wandering to Masumi.

He wishef to see her face, for Sinbad already knew without looking, that she would be gazing adorably like an astounded child. His bewitching performance passed by much quicker than she expected, because Masumi felt her stomach drop when the dungeon capturer suddenly finished his act and prepared to introduce the Fanalis.

"Some of you here tonight may or may not have heard of the mysterious person with an angel's voice. Rumours have spread that she is a siren, enchantress and even a goddess. But the truth will be revealed tonight. Many of you have longed to see her, so it is my greatest honour to introduce my friend, Masumi!" Sinbad announced.

A chorus of cheers rose from the audience, who had heard the myth of the mysterious temptress, capable of hypnotising any being that heard her enchanting voice

An unfamiliar twist in her gut made Masumi hesitate, a heavy lump lodged in her throat as sweat trickled down her paled face. She peered at Sinbad from behind the stone pillar, his back facing towards her while he trustingly waited for is comrade to step out and join him. Masumi scrunched up her face in frustration, displeased with her behaviour.

What was wrong with herself?

She feared nothing. No matter how unsettled she felt, the Fanalis never backed down, and a crowd of people wouldn't make her cower.

From the shadows, Masumi stepped out into the light and courageously sang the lyrics created by her and Sinbad. No one in the theatre could avert their attention from her. Everyone became trapped in a trance, the melody of her majestic voice drowning out any other noise and thought.

The Fanalis sang as she approached Sinbad, standing by his side while the dungeon capturer wore a proud grin, admiration gleaming across his molten-honey eyes.

People wondrously gawked, teared up in star-struck and savoured the raw emotion pouring from her heart as she chanted, her voice like an addictive drug which no one could have enough of.

As the redhead neared the end of her act, Sinbad astounded the audience further with his djinn's abilities again, creating miniature stars of ice and lighting above him and Masumi.

"For the world we're gonna make," Masumi finished, followed by a loud uproar from the people of Reim as they applauded for the duo.

The Fanalis felt something stir inside her stomach, but it was not disturbing like before. Instead, she felt herself smile without resistance and her anxiety settled at the noisy praise and adoration she received from the audience. Both teenagers bowed to their adoring fans as Rashid clapped along with the crowd, wearing a proud smile.

After their first huge success of a performance, Sinbad and Masumi's name became known to all and spread beyond Narpolia, about the dungeon capturer's stories and the Fanalis with the voice of an angel. Day after day, the duo's performance filled the theatre day from people who had travelled all the way from across Reim to see the magnificent Sinbad and Masumi.

Sinbad had also taken Rashid's advice and worked on his autobiographical novel. He also added the lyrics of Masumi's song 'A Million Dreams' in the beginning of his story, since he loved it greatly and thought his friend needed more credit for her talent. The dungeon capturer only created his novel as a marketing effort for his upcoming business, but his story and Masumi's song would later became a world classic.

° ☆.* + °.


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