The Dividing Line: VENGEANCE...

By iliannabinoche

65.6K 4.1K 695

(EDITING) THE DIVIDING LINE: VENGEANCE is BOOK 2 of THE DIVIDING LINE Series. This is a Curvy Community Roman... More

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3.4K 246 26
By iliannabinoche

How could he resist kissing such a sweet face?

After they finished loading the rest of their purchases into the vehicle, Angel walked to the passenger side of the SUV as Cole followed close behind her. When resistance prevented her from opening the door, she whipped around to see what was wrong.

Crystal clear blues held her with a grin crinkling the corners of his eyes as he towered over her. Angel stifled a chuckle as the mischievous giant leaned in backing her into the door. Had she any concerns about Cole's true feelings for her, he laid those fears to rest as his hands came to cup either side of her face. Before Almighty God and everyone, the mountain of a man leaned in to claim his woman's lips.

Angel's powers to ignore or banish people from her presence never faltered until she crossed the line with Cole. The man was uniquely gifted with charm that would melt the most frigid heart. As she melded into the granite statue, he sucked in her bottom lip helping her to see just how much she made him feel like a real man. The couple was locked in their little paradise for two when someone eased up to the back of their vehicle. When they still hadn't acknowledged Mr. Parson's approach, his knock on the back-passenger door brought them out of their haze.

"I don't mean to interrupt you love birds, but some odd look'n fellas came up here, couple of weeks back, looking for someone who matched your description." The old man shared as a withered aged finger pointed straight at the young stranger.

Angel and Cole exchanged glances between each other and then back to the old shopkeeper.

With worried-riddled eyes locked on her man, she communicated her confusion regarding the information and what it meant for them.

"Mr. Parson, do you remember what those men looked like?" Cole asked the older man with a raised eyebrow.

The senior rubbed his forehead as if the action would stir up his memories. He raised his eyes skyward as he reflected on the question and patted his lips with the pads of his fingers until he was ready to answer the question.

"One of those fellas was muscled but kinda on the small side. He had a bald head and weasel-like shifty eyes. There weren't nothing sincere or trustworthy about that youngster, so I told him that no one matching that description had been seen in these parts," the old man recalled.

The couple remained in place as he finished what he had to say.

"I can't see why anyone would give those good-for-nothings any information, but I think you should know what's going on just in case someone did tell them something."

Angel watched as rage flashed across Cole's eyes. There were too few instances when she witnessed him truly upset, but the mention of people from his past always produced a similar reaction. With her knowledge of Cole's past life, she considered that Mr. Parson was describing someone who was familiar to Cole.

"I suggest y'all young people be careful. From time to time, bad elements roll into town. Eventually they move on, but those young men looked like they might not be too fond of this little darling right here." The old man smiled as his gentle gaze landed on Angel's face.

Angel saw that the information hinted at a major problem based on Cole's irritated response. With his skin turning beet red, she waited for Cole to say something before sharing her input regarding the matter.

Cole shook the old man's hand and thanked him for the heads up. They entered the vehicle and made their way across town with the news sitting squarely on their minds.

"Baby. I don't know how you feel about guns, but we need to get a few things for protection." His statement confirmed to Angel just how serious the information shared by Mr. Parson had been. She bobbed her head up and down in agreement as she followed his lead.

From the moment they received the warning, Cole's eyes fixated on the road as the skin stretching taunt over his chin bone gave her a clue of Cole's concerns about what was to come.


The ride home was silent.

Neither of them said a word.

As they proceeded along the road to their destination, Cole noticed a truck marching their speed. The vehicle then sped up as if to pass them, but something went wrong. As the truck made an attempt to fly passed them, its breaks squalled as they slowed rapidly.

The driver repeated the action several times speeding up then falling back. Once more, the vehicle positioned itself to pass the SUV when it pulled up alongside the driver's side door.

Cole was forced to confront a ghost from his past when the bastard who had attempted to take his life flashed a sinister grin in his direction as he stared the man down.

He never thought in a million years that he would see that motherfucker ever again. As a gun barrel came into view, hellfire rose up in Cole's soul as the shocking truth jarred his mind forcefully into the present.

Bruce rolled down his window and aimed the gun directly at his enemy's head.

"GET DOWN!" he yelled as he saw the gun pointed at him and his Angel.


It was strange how life had a way of repeating itself.

The memory of her first love raged in her mind as Cole and Angel stared down the barrel of the gun. The idea of losing the man she loved was a burden she refused to bear.

"Not again," Angel whispered to herself. 

After all she had already suffered, she refused to go down that path again.

As a sense of déjà vu washed over her body, it was as if her life flashed before her eyes in rewind. She saw the day she met Cole. Going further back, she saw the day she lost KB. Still worse, her mind briefly froze on the day when her first true love was ripped out of her life as if she was undeserving of real love.

Angel rescued Cole from the brink of death and the moment finally came when the people who she feared would find them on day one managed to track them down in an attempt to take him away from her.

The magnitude of the realization sat on her like a ton of weight.

Even though shock and terror rushed in waves throughout her nerves, Angel accepted that this wasn't the time to fade out. She needed to dig within herself to do what she knew to do.



The impact of the car on the right side was so strong, it clipped their vehicle from the front passenger side and as the Jaguar began to spin, the SUV spun around and hit their vehicle once more.

Since accidents were commonplace in Dallas, Texas, most people rolled their eyes in disgust whenever some irrationally selfish driver took out multiple lanes of traffic due to their negligence.

On I-635W just before the Audelia Street exit, a black Ford Expedition accelerated to 85 miles per hour in rush hour traffic. It was 7:17 PM on a Friday night. Even though the traffic was congested, the black Expedition ducked and dodged in and out of traffic. As soon as the reckless driver made a move to cut off the Rosello Red Jaguar XJ50, another vehicle jumped directly in front of him.

The SUV abruptly slowed down and clipped the front of the Jaguar on the passenger side. The car was sent into a spin. Again, the driver of the Expedition tried to overcorrect his vehicle. As he turned his steering wheel to the left a little too sharp, his SUV bumped the already spinning Jaguar once more and caused the car to flip and go airborne.

Even though Angel and Kyle were fastened in their seat belts and holding one another, terror set in as the car took flight. It literally took to the air and began to roll from lane two to the median of the six-lane interstate highway. Landing on its roof, the car lay partially on the fifth and sixth lanes. The occupants were at the mercy of oncoming traffic.

Angel was hanging upside down. It seemed like some invisible force was squeezing the air out of her lungs. She remained still for a moment trying to pull her faculties together.

"KB." Her voice was barely audible, but she had to make sure he was ok.

"Kyle. Baby talk to me, please." Angel could hear the tears in her own voice. Her pleas were greeted with silence. The effort taken to look at him was unbelievable. Her body felt like it weighed a ton as she hung upside down for what seemed like an eternity.

"Kyle say something. KB say something. KB please say something." The hysterical screams heard were hers. Angel wasn't sure what else to do as her vision began to falter due to the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Angel... baby." His voice was faint. Because she was unable to get a good look at him, she was disoriented and afraid. KB's voice was normally booming. To hear him sound so distant and weak conjured up all of her worst fears. What was wrong with him? Why was she nearly unable to hear his voice? Was he okay?

"KB are you okay, baby?" She tried again to gain his attention. Angel needed him to be alright. She needed to hear the same strong voice she had always heard.

"I think I'm alright. I just feel like I'm suffocating. Don't worry baby girl, I'll be fine." He tried to reassure her.

They hung upside down for approximately 10 minutes before the Dallas Police and Emergency Response arrived. Even though the accident was over in a few seconds, it took them about 15 minutes to safely extract the driver and the two passengers from the car.

Struggling to stay awake, Angel held his hand and Kyle held hers. As they were pulled from the vehicle, she managed to grab the small bag which contained her cell phone, cards, and information. Anxiety took over her body as she saw him being placed in a separate ambulance. All three occupants of the vehicle were taken to Medical City Hospital in Dallas, Texas.


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