Summer Memories #1: June (Gra...

By Dragonscales26

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Due to his/her/their mom's death at the age of eight, (Y/n) feels pretty confident that he/she/they can take... More

The Beginning (Rewritten)
Chp. 1: Mysterious Books, Boys, and Gnomes! Oh My! (Rewritten)
Chp. 2/2: Mysterious Books, Boys, and Gnomes! Oh My! (Rewritten)
Chp. 3: "A Lake Monster with an Expected Rain of Beavers" (Rewritten)
Chp.4: "Hooded Strangers & Waxy Intentions" (Rewritten)
Chp. 6 "Gas Stations and Their Ghostly Owners"

Chp. 5 "Little Boys With Their Magic Bolo Ties" (Rewritten)

1K 33 14
By Dragonscales26

Reader's Pov:

It's an okay day. Birds be chirping, sun be shining, Stan conning tourists-

"Hey look! It's that commercial I was telling you guys about!"

...And I being forced to sit with my twin cousins and Soos as he shouts about something on the tv. Now back to the commercial...

" 'Are you completely miserable?'" A voice in the commercial asks, showing a scene of the sun peeping behind the mountains. Then it changed to a man, who was weeping into his hands while sitting on a bed.

" 'YYYeeesss!'" The man cried out.

" 'Then you need to meet-'"

" 'Gideon~'"

Replacing the image of the crying man was a silhouette of a person, most likely a male, with a question mark in the middle and the name underneath it.

"Gideon?" Dipper asks.

"What makes him so special?" Mabel asks.

" 'He's a psychic,'" the commercial answers.

Clearly Mabel didn't understand, and I just roll my eyes.

" 'So don't go waste your time with other, so called, 'man of mystery,' '" and right at the end was a slow mode video of Stan, who was trying to shake toilet paper off his foot. A second later, the word 'fraud' is placed on top of him.

They were right about that.

" 'Learn about tomorrow, tonight! At Gideon's tent of telepathy!'" And it ends with the credits.

"Wow! I'm getting all curiously inside!" Mabel exclaims, grinning.

"Well don't get too curiously!"

Standing at the door way was Stan, who did not look happy at all. Well, whenever is he happy? Except when it comes to money, of course.

"Ever since that monster Gideon rolled into town, I've had nothing but trouble!" Stan explains, hanging up his jacket.

"Well is he really psychic!?!" Mabel asks, jumping off the couch.

"I think we should go and find out," Dipper says, looking to both me and Soos.

"Never! Your forbidden from patronizing the competition. No one that lives under my roof is allowed under that Gideon's roof!" Stan says, shaking his fist.

"Do tents have roofs?" Dipper asks.

"I think we just found our loophole," Mabel smiles, holding up a string with a noose. "Literally."

"Have fun with that," I say as I leave them to their shenanigans, yet a hand grabs my shoulder and I'm pulled back into the room.

"(Y/n), you're going with them!" Stan orders me, having a stern face plastered on upon his wrinkles. My mouth drops in disbelief, not believing the words coming from his mouth.

"What the heck!?! I thought you didn't want any of us going to that 'Tent of Mystery'!" I blow at him, his face not changing one bit. The other three start to back away from us, knowing full well what would happen if they got in between Stan and me.

"Look, I want to make sure that Gideon doesn't have something to make me lose my business!"

"Dipper, Mabel, and Soos are already going! Surely they can tell you what's there!" I shout, motioning towards the three who were trying to sneak out through the kitchen. Stan face fell from stern to surprise, and glances towards them before shaking his and having his stern face face me again.

"Uh- L-look kid, I won't say it twice. Go with them!" Stan says, bending down slightly and pointing towards the said group who eyes are wide with terror.

"Or what?" I question him. Tension are high at this point that even wolves would cower in the glares we give each other. Then Stan smirks, stands straight up and crosses his arms.

"Or... I'll take away your books for the rest the time you kids are here!"

"You wouldn't..." I say, venom lacing my voice.

"Oh ho! I sure can!" Stan says, an amused smirk plastered on his wrinkly face. He wasn't kidding. Every time I wouldn't do something for him, I would later find one of my books missing from my bag. And until I don't do what Stan asks, I won't see my books again. And it's always for going with someone or just helping someone in the shack.

"...Fine! Guys, let's go!" I shout, stomping away from the old man and past the wide eyed group.


"Woah. This is like a bizarro version of the mystery shack," Dipper states, looking over to Soos who sits next to him while I sit beside his left and right of Mabel. "They even have their own Soos."

"Better too," I growl, still grumpy about Stan saying he take my books away. I really hope this psychic thing blows away the Mystery Shack. Soos gasps as he places a hand over his heart, mistaking what I meant.

"I didn't mean you Soos, I meant the tent."

Soos sighs in relief when he heard my words.

"Oh, cheer up (Y/n)!" Mabel says, elbowing me as she is also along with the townsfolk excited for this act. "I'm sure Grunkle Stan is just being the old man he is! Besides, you get to hang out with us! Where's the smile~?" Mabel sings, leaning towards me as I lean away from her.

Suddenly, the sound of clapping fills the tent, causing Mabel sit up straight along with me as I take a breath of relief.

"It's starting, it's starting!" She chants.

The lights go out, causing two spotlights to go to the center of the stage.

"Let's see what this monster looks like," Dipper whispers, watching the shadow of who I presume Gideon as he comes closer to the closed curtain.

When the curtains did roll back, standing there no taller than a first grader, was a little, chubby boy with freckles, and a white, large Elvis Presley hair due. His clothes are consisted of a blue suit, a cape that was about his height, and a large bolo tie.

"Hello America! My name is little Gideon!" He shouts out to the crowed with this weird, small voice. This is the psychic? I imagined him being old-

The my stomach dropped.

'Uh oh...' I stare up at the kid who looks younger than the twins as he waves to the audience. With a sudden clap of his hands, pigeons flew out of his hair, causing people around us to cheer. How is this kid a danger?

"That's Stan's mortal enemy?" Dipper says in disbelief.

"He's so little," Mabel gushes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is such a gift to have you here tonight! Such a gift," Gideon says, giving off a strained smile while nodding. "I have, a vision."

I feel one of my eyebrows go up as I stare at him. Vision, hm?

"I predict, you'll soon all say, 'aw~'."

After that sentence, he turns around, and looks back to us with a weird, baby face as he puts a finger to his mouth.

"Aw~" The crowd goes. Except for the others and I, of course.

"It came true..." Mabel says.

"What? I'm not impressed," Dipper says to Mabel.

" I agree with you Dipper." I state. Besides, my stomach felt like it was getting worse.

"You're impressed," Mabel smirks to the both of us.

"Hit it Dad!" Gideon shouts.

After his song, everyone was standing up and cheering, but I'm the only person sitting on the bench while playing with my pendent. To sum Gideon up, he's just a con like Stan.


"Man, that kid's an even bigger fraud than Stan," Dipper says to us as we exit the tent. "No wonder our Uncle's jealous."

"You can say Stan has a rival," I say, causing Dipper to laugh slightly at my words. As we walk away from the tent, my stomach starts to feel a bit better as I rub my pendent to keep my mind of it.

"C-Come on, his dance moves were adorable. And did you see his hair!?! It was like, whoosh!" Mabel says as she throws her arms over her head.

"You're too easily impressed," Dipper states.

"Yeah, yeah!" Mabel shouts, causing her and Dipper to laugh as they poke each other and I walk behind them. But the sudden comeback of pain in my stomach makes me stop and slightly bend over, clutching tightly to my pendent.

"Hey you okay?"

I look up slightly to see Dipper and Mabel coming towards me, each on both sides on me while Mabel places a hand on my shoulder with a concerned look as I twitch from the sudden touch. Not wanting any attention at all, I remove Mabel's hand from my shoulder as I breath in.

"Fi- Ugh..." I say, not able to conceal the pain growing from within as I clutch my stomach. Mabel wraps her arms around me as I slightly loose the balance in my legs. What's happening? My stomach pains weren't as bad as this before.

"Let's get back to the shack," Dipper quickly says, helping Mabel to walk me away from the tent.


I slowly walk down the stairs in the shack, feeling restless since the pain in my stomach only has dwindle down a bit from last night. Along with that, once we got back to the shack, I just went to straight upstairs and went to bed, hoping the pain would just leave. For the whole night, I swear I could feel it in my sleep. And to my luck, it's still here.

"(Y/n)!" I hear someone shout, yet I'm too tired to figure out who as I drag myself into the tv room and towards the table.

"Look look! I bedazzled... my... face?"

Through that whole sentence, I manage to sit myself down at an unoccupied seat and slam my head on the table, groaning. I feel someone come behind me, rubbing my back as they put their head on top of mine. I'm too busy dealing with the pain to care about my space right now.

"Aw, there there."

"You doing okay?"

I swivel my head so the side was laying on the table, glaring up at Dipper who quickly leans back with a cup of water in his hands and eyes wide with fear.

"...I'll take that as a no."

" I'll know what will make you feel better," the person from behind me exclaims, taking their head off my head and stop rubbing my back. I look over to see Mabel smiling down upon... me...

"Mabel Juice!"

"No," I hear Dipper say flatly.

"Come on, everyone loves my juice!"

"Mabel," I say, making her look down at me. "...What happened to your face?" As a frown grows to replace her usual smile, the diamonds that covered upon her face loose their shine.

"You didn't notice?"

"...What?" I ask. I see her look over my head, yet I can't see her face.

Then the pain strikes, the pain from last night returning as a groan erupts from my mouth as I turn to have my forehead on the table, clutching my pendent tightly. I feel myself start to shiver right before the back doorbell rings.

"Somebody answer that door!" Stan shouts.

"...I'll get it!" Mabel says after some hesitation, wiping off the diamonds as she goes to the back door leaving me with Dipper.

Dipper's Pov: (Pinetree's back~)

I watch (Y/n) with concern as (s/he/they) has (his/her/their) head on the table, shivering. I set down my glass, moving my seat over to (Y/n) to sit next to (him/her/them). I lean my head to the side to see (Y/n)'s face, yet having no success in it. I start to think back to times if I ever saw (Y/n) like this, yet can't think of any as (s/he/they) slightly slam (his/her/their) head on the table again.

"Hey, if this keeps up, we can go see the doctor," I say, trying to get (his/her/their) mind off the pain. I get a groan as a response as (Y/n) looks towards me, (his/her/their) face looking slightly pale.

"I don't think the doctors going to help..." (Y/n) slowly says, turning (his/her/their) head back onto the table.

"What do you-"

"Who's at the door!?!" Stan shouts, interrupting my question. What did (Y/n) mean that a doctor can't help?

"No one, Grunkle Stan!" Mabel shouts back. Suddenly (Y/n) shakily stands up, having one hand grip the table and the other holding the pendent that (s/he/they) always wears .

"I'm checking on Mabel," (Y/n) whispers, wobbly making (his/her/their) way to the back door.

"Wait, (Y/n)!" I slightly shout, standing up slightly as I raise my hand out to (him/her/them). But (s/he/they) dissapear around the corner, making me sit down and ponder what the heck is going on.

Reader's Pov:

Ignoring the pain, I head to the backdoor by having a hand on the wall to keep me steady. Why am I in this much pain? As I get close, I hear Mabel laugh along with someone else talking.

"Whatta you say, we step away from here? Chat a bit more? Perhaps in my dressing room?" The voice says, sounding awfully familiar to a voice I heard last night...

"Huh! Makeovers!" Mabel exclaims while I make it to where i'm behind her.

"What about a dressing room and makeovers?" I weakly ask, making Mabel jump.

"Oh! Goodness (Y/n)! You scared me!" Mabel wheezes out, placing a hand on my shoulder as she bends down to get over the shock. Looking forward, I see no other than Gideon, wearing the same clothes from last night while holding onto his stomach. The pain in my stomach worsens slightly, making me wince.

"Gideon," I slowly state, glaring at him.

"Why hello there," he greats, releasing his stomach. "Why, you're that (boy/girl/person) that I saw sitting with Mabel here last night. Are you perhaps her (brother/sister/sibling)?"

I glare more harshly at him, making him slightly laugh in an awkward state as his smile starts to falter.

"Ha ha... No? Hey, you look pretty rough right now, so why don't I just make this quick and take Mabel out-"


"...No?" I hear Gideon say, suddenly having a dark look on his face. I honestly didn't care though as I stand my ground through the pain.

"No," I state again, my voice slightly raising as Mabel nervously starts looking back and forth between me and Gideon. She suddenly laughs, making me look over in surprise at her as she slightly walks in front of me.

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha... Sorry Gideon. This is (Y/n), my cousin. (He/She/Their) always grouchy-"

"Excuse m-"

"And today (he/she/their) not feeling well, so one moment please," Mabel quickly says, cutting me off as she pushes me back into the shack. Do I really come off as grouchy to others because I don't wanna talk? Once further in the hallway we were in, Mabel turns me around, having a stern  look on my face.

"Look, I know it's clear you don't like Gideon much, but you don't have to be so rude to him," Mabel chaste, having her fist at her hips. I lean on the wall, sliding down as the pain slightly dies down. Slightly.

"Mabel, don't go with him."


"Mabel, I don't think Gideon's a person to hang out with or trust. I think it's better you avoid him," I say, looking at her as I grip my pendent. She just glares at me, looking offended at my words.

"Look, I'm going to hang out with Gideon, and that's finale. You're just not feeling well, so go get some rest," Mabel says, her stern gaze falling as she reaches for me. I flinch though, causing her to take her hand back. I hear her sigh as she starts to walk away, making me glance up in her direction.

'Don't go... Don't trust him...'


Third Pov:

It's been two days, and (Y/n)'s condition has not been getting better. So for those days, (s/he/they) been staying in the attic, laying on their sleeping bag in a curled up position. Mabel or Dipper, sometimes Wendy brings up food up for (him/her/them), but it goes untouched, causing the residents of the shack *cough*besides Stan*cough* to start to worry. Well, Mabel has her own issues to worry about, but can tell that her cousin is not in the best of conditions. Dipper, who has talked more to (Y/n) than anyone else, tries to persuade (him/her/them) to go to the doctor, but our hero knows that no doctor can cure this...

It's now night time, and (Y/n) still lays on the sleeping bag, taking deep breaths to try to sooth the pain within (his/her/their) stomach. (He/She/They) wonder for the fiftieth time again of why this pain was occurring. Maybe the little Gideon everyone loves was not as lovable as he seems...

Suddenly (Y/n) hears noises, causing (him/her/them) to open (his/her/their) eyes and look up slightly to see the twins crouched in a corner, hugging.

Reader's Pov:

When did they get in here? Suddenly Mabel looks up from the hug and spots me, slightly smiling.

"(Y/n)!" Mabel slightly shouts, crawling over to me since Dipper and her are on the ground. I just look blankly at her as she kneels when she gets to me along with Dipper. "How you feeling?"

"...Same as the past few days," I say, curling in more. "How's Gideon?"

I listen to what happened in the last few days, with how Mabel is forcing herself to go out on these 'dates' so she wouldn't break Gideon's heart (I think she should), then Stan announcing she's going to marry Gideon (I'm going to have a talk later with him once I get better), and Dipper agreeing to be the breaker. Once they were both done explaining the whole mess, my stomach grows achy with some slight anxiety. How would Gideon react, especially with Dipper telling him off?

Ignoring the protest from my body, I shake as I force myself up in a sitting position, quivering while using both hands as support. I take a breath once I'm up, looking at the two.

"I'm coming with you two."

"You can't be serious," Dipper voices in disbelief as I weakly get on my knees, going to stand up. "You're not feeling well, and you haven't been eating the last two days!" Yet I ignore him as I finally stand up, my legs feeling numb and noodley from the lack of use.

"Dipper, I don't think going to Gideon by yourself is a good idea," I say, moving slowly towards the door with the other two now standing and following in tow.

"Besides, I don't want a stomach to keep me down."


The place were Mabel was suppose to go on her third 'date' is called "The Club", a way too fancy restaurant full of the rich eat where Dipper and I (trying not to go down in pain) are now inside looking for the "lovable" Gideon. I look around with Dipper in the red draped room, seeing if I could find a certain kid with a hairdo bigger than their head. When my eyes reach the back of the dining area, I see a figure hidden behind the menu they hold in small, chubby hands. Realizing probably that was Gideon, I nudge Dipper and motion my head over to the table, making Dipper walk over with me in tow as we both now stand before the table.

Dipper coughs into his hand while I stand straight with my arms crossed, not wanting the little guy to notice my condition.

"Oh, Dipper Pines, how are you?" Gideon asks, lowering the menu he was holding. He probably was expecting Mabel. Well, not anymore! "You look good, you look good," the small boy continues, obviously not joyful seeing my cousin. Then he notices me, his face growing much darker.

"(Y/n) Pines, what a surprise!" Gideon says, holding a hand up to his mouth in fake surprise. "How great to see you again. Seems to me you look a lot better~"

"(L/n), not Pines," I glare at him, seeing the knowing look in his eye.

"Anyways!" Dipper says, feeling the tension coming from me. "Thanks, you uh- Look, Gideon," he starts after his awkward introduction. "We got to talk. Mabel isn't joining you tonight. She uh- doesn't want to see you anymore!"

I just stare at him as Dipper keeps going, not liking how he was doing this breakup business.

"So what you're saying is-" Gideon starts after hearing Dipper rant, an eye lid going up.

"You've come between us."

As Dipper was trying to explain himself, I didn't miss the dark look on Gideon's face and the forced smile, my stomach aching worse than it needed to, especially when we all came here to confront Gideon.

"What Dipper means-" I interrupt Dipper, deciding to make sure Gideon doesn't try anything. "Is that Mabel doesn't love you. Well, she does, but as a friend," I explain, leaning on the table so I can balance myself instead of falling to the floor. "So don't think of doing anything funny? Ka peesh? (Sorry if I spelt that wrong!!!)"

My glare on Gideon hardened, and his face actually broke down from his pure smile to a dark one. "Are you considering I might do something?"

"To be honest, yeah," I state, not backing down from this kid as my stomach was now killing my insides. That was when I was being dragged away.

"Okay, anyways sorry man, eh thumbs up," Dipper quickly says, giving out a strained smile as he turns us around and we walk on out of there.

As we head outside, I cough slightly, making Dipper look to me as I motion with my eyes to his hands. "Oh, sorry," He says, quickly letting go of my shoulders as we both make it outside with Mabel waiting for us.

"How'd it go? Was he mad? Did he try to read your minds with psychic powers?" Mabel bombards us with questions as I lean on the wall for support, letting my stomach take over.

"Don't worry Mabel, he's just a kid," Dipper reassures her with a hand on her shoulder. "He doesn't have any powers."

Oh, but how wrong we were.


"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!"

I groan as I hear Dipper's voice coming from outside the bedroom door, grabbing a pillow on the floor and covering my ears with it. After encountering Gideon last night, my stomach still has previously felt the same as it has been. Yet the pillow is ripped from me as I see an excited Dipper hovering over.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Guess what-"


"Guess what-"

"Dipper-" I try to say, his shouting not helping my condition.


"Dipper Pines!" I shout, making him stop. "Please, your voice..."

"Heh he, sorry," Dipper says, sitting down next to me with a quieter tone after remembering my condition. "But guess what?"

"What~?" I groan out, wanting to be left alone.

"Remember Toby Determined?"

I give Dipper a blank gaze, his smile slightly faltering as I don't give him a response.

"You know, with the wax figures- Wax Stan- Oh well anyways!" Dipper says, throwing the subject aside. "He want's to interview both of us, tonight!"

"...For what?" I ask, finding this slightly suspicious.

"(Y/n), people are starting to notice what we're noticing everyday in Gravity Falls!" Dipper exclaims, looking awestruck. "This could be a big chance! But..." He says, his smile gone as he looks down on me. "You're sick."

My stomach said otherwise. When would the townsfolk ever notice the strange stuff happening here, since I saw one person have a rat climb on their face before it disappeared into the sewers. And when did anyone notice about me? I don't really talk about this stuff unlike Dipper. But seeing how focused Dipper is about this, I think changing his mind isn't going to happen. So, I decided to go dumb.

"When we going?"

"But, what about-"

"I need the fresh air anyway."


"Dipper, I don't like this," I say, standing next to him as we look to where the interview is. Where we are suppose to be is 412 Gopher Road at 7 p.m., which takes us to an old, abandoned looking factory that sits on top of a cliff.

"I'm sure we're fine," Dipper says as we both start walking to the building. Yet I don't miss the suspicious look on his face.

"Hello?" Dipper asks as we enter, his voice echoing through the dark building as I could make only boxes stacked upon another and a lone chair in the background. Curious, I walk to a box, opening the flap to see what could be inside. My eyes widen in surprise, but mostly fear to realize with what I was right before.

"Dipper, we have to leave! NOW!" I shout, grabbing his arm and running towards the door that is left open.

"What- Why-!"

The door slams shut in front of us, making the both of us screech into a halt. I grab the handle and pull, yet find my efforts useless as Dipper pounds on the door. The lights suddenly start to turn on, causing the both of us to turn around and see the lights stop when they reach the chair.

The chair turns, and on the chair is-

'Gideon,' I growl in my mind, glaring at him as he has a tight smile on his face and pets a small doll that is a replica of him.

"Hello friends," he says, his voice low.

"Uh, Gideon," Dipper says in an annoyed tone as he turns his body to face the small kid in the seat.

"Dipper Pines and (Y/n) (L/n). You've been living in this town for a week, two... Enjoy the scenery?" Gideon darkly asks while playing with the doll between his legs.

"What do you want from us man?" Dipper asks, getting to the point.

"Listen carefully boy, this town has secrets you couldn't begin to comprehend!" Gideon states, his voice dark.

"First of all, you're probably younger than Dipper here, and second, too late for the secrets buddy," I state, my glare not lessening on him.

"Is this about Mabel? I told you-"


"WE told you she's not into you!"

"LIAR!" Gideon shouts after Dipper's response. "You turned her against me!" He keeps shouting, hopping off the chair and coming towards us. He then grabs his bolo tie, and I don't miss the glow that emits from it. "SHE WAS MY PEACH DUMPLIN'!"

"Uh, you okay man?" Dipper asks while I slowly step away, my stomach becoming unbearable. Gideon suddenly lifts up a hand, a green glow surrounding Dipper and lifting him up from the ground.

"Dipper!" I shout, just as he is thrown towards a mountain of boxes. Tumbling out of the boxes is all the Gideon merchandise that was there back at the tent. I rush to Dipper, helping him sit up as one of the dolls talks. A dark shadow looms over us, making me growl as Gideon stands before us.

"Readin' minds isn't all I can do."

"But- But-" Dipper starts to stutter, starting to look confused. "You're a fake!"

"Oh come on Dipper, is this fake?" Gideon asks, raising his hand again. What is raised is all the merchandise, which start to float over our heads.

"Oh doughnuts," I mutter, just as it starts raining merchandise. Dipper and I both jump in separate directions, missing the first wave of merchandise that either smashes or shatters upon impact with the ground. I run as objects kept crashing behind me, and when it does stop I bend over and pant. How long have we been at this?

"Grunkle Stan was right about you!"

I look up and see Dipper sitting against a wall, having a swollen eye on his face. "You are a monster!"

"You're sister will be mine! HA HA HA!" Gideon proclaims with the most stupid laugh ever as a doll repeats after it. "Who's a cute little guy? You are!" He says, pointing to said doll in his hand. Gideon suddenly raises Dipper from the ground, who tried to hit him with a bat. I look around frantically, seeing and picking up a baseball that has Gideon's face printed on it. I throw it at him, yet it was effortless since he got it with his magic bolo tie.

"Don't think I forgot about you," Gideon darkly says, turning his whole body towards me without  dropping Dipper and making the ball pop.

"Put him down right now!" I shout at Gideon, not wanting to make any rash moves that could get Dipper hurt, or worse...

"You know, you make me curious," Gideon starts, starting to observe his nails. "You seemed to hate me the first time we officially met. How so?" He asks, a shadow growing on his face. I glare at him for the hundredth time now, thinking about what to say. I glance at Dipper, who worriedly watches from the air and back to Gideon who has a dark smirk playing on his lips. My stomach still aches, yet I decided to go bold.

"Why should I?"

Gideon smirk turns into an insane smile, his hand closing into a fist that causes Dipper to start struggling, seeing that he was getting pressed.

"NO STOP!" I shout, making Gideon stop what he was doing and 'purely' smile at me. I breath out, relieved  that Dipper was saved from some tragic fate, and explain.

"To be honest, when I first saw you on the stage, I didn't like the feeling I was getting from you," I start off, trying not to say anything that could potentially make Gideon strangle Dipper again. "And that feeling grew worse, causing me to actually feel sick. When I personally first meet you, it just got worse, feeling as if you're a person to not trust or be around with. And it grew overtime," I say, not looking at either of the two boys and keeping my gaze on the ground. "But we are right about Mabel. She just sees you as a friend, so please respect-"

"LIES!" Gideon shouts, pointing a finger at me. "You're just keeping me away from Mabel!"

"You know what, maybe it's best we do!" I look up and shout back, making Gideon glare the most darkest look I ever seen so far on his face.

"Oh do you?" He lowly says, and suddenly thrusts a hand towards me. I squeeze my eyes shut, putting my arms up in defense of what's to happen. Yet, as some time passes, I squint open an eye. Seeing nothing is happening, I open both my eyes and lower my arms, looking quizzically around to see if any merchandise was coming towards me. Nothing.


I look over to Gideon, staring at him as he keeps thrusting his hand towards me in the same motion. I look up to Dipper, but he mirrors my confusion as well as we both look back to Gideon.

"Huff- Huff- Why doesn't it work on you!?!" Gideon screeches in frustration, literal sweat coming from his hairline. I look at him for a second, wondering what he was talking about.

'Was he trying to lift me like Dipper? But, there's no green glow, so-'

"(Y/n), behind you!"

Dipper's warning was too late though as I feel something coil around my body. I look down as I see a green glowing rope start to tighten around my body.

"Ha ha, not so safe now, are-"

Yet Gideon's victory is short lived as the rope suddenly goes slack around me and drops to the ground, the glow dispersing.

"...WWWWWHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTTT!!!!!!!" Gideon screams in a high pitch tone, completely sweating his head off. "How the- When did- You-!"

"Alright that's enough!" Dipper shouts, making us look up to him. "She's never gonna date you man!"

"That's a lie! And I'm gonna make sure you never lie to me again, friend."

My eyes widen in terror as I see a pair of shears suddenly levitate from the boxes, opening in front of Dipper.

"DON'T!" I shout, running towards Gideon. Yet suddenly, pairs of scissors fly from the some boxes and bomb towards me.

"(Y/n)!" Dipper shouts, yet thankfully I'm only pinned to the floor with the scissors as a few keep my legs and one of my arms down. The shears start to advance towards Dipper, opening and closing.

"Gideon, think about this! How would Mabel feel if she found out who you really are!?!" I shout, moving my free arm over to a pair of scissors that have my other arm pinned to the ground. I pull on the scissors, yet they're plunged into the ground pretty deep as I start to frantically pull harder on them.

"She'll never know, for you're next!" Gideon exclaims, the shears ready to cut Dipper.

"Gideon, we have to talk!"

As the scissors finally flings out from the ground, I sit up and turn as much as I can to the doors. There stands Mabel, a serious gaze painted on her face.

"M-Mabel, my marshmallow!" Gideon stutters, the glow around the shears disappearing and falling to the ground. Realizing he's distracted, I quickly work on the scissors pinning my legs down, successfully pulling them out one at a time. Once I finish, I look up to see Dipper being suffocated again, and turn to see Mabel and Gideon talking.

"MABEL!" I shout, yet I'm ignored. Not the best time to talk to him!

"We can still be makeover buddies, right? Wouldn't you like that?" Mabel asks Gideon as she takes his hands.

"Really?" Gideon asks in a hopeful tone.

"NO, NOT REALLY!" Mabel shouts as she rips the amulet from Gideon's chest, causing Dipper to fall to the ground. I scramble over to him, helping him up slightly as I see what happens next.

"You were like attacking my brother! And my cousin! WHAT THE HECK!" Mabel shouts as she holds the bolo tie high in the air so Gideon can't reach it.

"My tie! Give it back!" Gideon shouts, yet is ignored as Mabel throws it in Dipper's and my direction. Dipper catches it, smiling in victory.

"Not so powerful with this-"

And then Gideon charges, which causes all three of us to crash out a window.

'Is this how I die?' I think to myself as we all fall of the side of the cliff, me just falling head down first while the other two are slapping each other. Annoyed, I swim in the air over to them and push the two apart.

"Quit it! We're falling to our deaths right now!" I shout at the two, making them both look at me then down, starting to yell.

"What- oh," I say, starting to yell also as the ground gets really close. I shut my eyes tight again and raise my arms, ready to go see mom again. Yet nothing happens. Opening my eyes, I see that I'm cased in a familiar green glow, along with Dipper and Gideon. Looking up, I see Mabel floating above us, one of her hands glowing as she floats down and drops to the ground next to Gideon.

"Listen Gideon," Mabel starts. "It's over. I will never ever date you."

"Yeah!" Dipper exclaims, just as the glowing stops and we all three of us fall to the ground. Mabel then raises her hand and throws the bolo tie, the trinket smashing against a rock and disappearing.

"My powers!" Gideon cries, standing up and giving us a dark look.

"This isn't over," He starts, walking backwards while pointing at us. "This isn't the last you'll see, of lil'.  Ol'. Me!" And with that, the darkness of the forest consumes him. The twins and I watch the area Gideon disappeared in for a time, making sure he wasn't coming out again. We look at each other before I sigh out, placing a hand on my chest.

I pat my chest again, then again, and kept at it, fear suddenly coming over me.


I quickly walk away from the twins, getting on the ground and rummaging through the grass where we were.

"(Y/n)?" Dipper weakly calls out, but I ignore him as I frantically run my fingers through my hair, standing up and rummaging through some bushes.

"It's gone!" I frantically shout, falling to my knees as I have my hand fly to my mouth. My eyes start to water, and I desperately try my best to keep them from flowing.

"What's gone?" Mabel asks.

"My pendent!" I say, taking my hands from my mouth as I stand up again, frantically looking around. "It must of fallen off! I have to find it!"


"Look, I can't afford to loose it! Just- Give me some time!" I shout, pacing in random directions before searching in the grass again. Yet a pair of hands yank me from the ground.

"(Y/n)!" Mabel shouts, making me stop yet breath heavily as Mabel securely holds my arms slightly back.

"Look, we all had a rough night. So we'll come back here in the morning and look for it," Dipper says, kneeling next to me. I look over to him, now noticing the banged up state he is in. I look down, taking deep breaths as I realize what a mess I must be acting right now. I weakly nod my head, tiredness washing over as I can't speak.


Too exhausted leads me back to the bedroom, making me close the door and fall upon my sleeping bag.

'How...' I start to think, turning my body to face the ceiling. 'How could I have lost it?'

I always made sure I kept my pendent on 24/7, never letting it go. My hand goes to the area where my pendent would be laying on my chest right now, but nausea overwhelms me as I don't feel it there. I raise an arm to my eyes, and silently start to cry.

'Mom... I'm sorry...'

And then the window above the beds breaks. I sit up in shock as something small skips to me on the wooden floor, and that object is...

"My pendent!" I shout in relief, picking it up and holding it close to me. Yet, that relief is over when I see something attached to the string. Ripping it off, I see it's a small rolled up paper. And unrolling it made my eyes widen with the message inked upon it.

"Don't loose this, for it could save you again."

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