Raising Riley

By experiment--626

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Jackson Gray. The guy who's had my heart since moment I laid eyes on him. We now have a baby together. He's... More

Chapter 1- Our Little Creation
Chapter 2- Why Are You Still Here
Chapter 3- He Can't Help His Disorder
Chapter 4- What Did I Get Us Into
Chapter 5- I Can't Do This Alone
Chapter 6- How 'Bout Another Round
Chapter 7- I Take The Blame For Everything
Chapter 8-Females Can't Get Pregnant All By Themselves
Chapter 9- You Mad?
Chapter 10- Trouble in Paradise?
Chapter 11- People Get Curious
Chapter 12- Are You On Your Period Or Something?
Chapter 13- Amigo o Novio?
Chapter 14- Please Say Something
Chapter 15- And Who's This?
Chapter 16- Why Couldn't It Be You?
Chapter 17- Be A Teenager
Chapter 18- Those Ocean Eyes
Chapter 19- Date Night
Chapter 20- That Night At The Mall
Chapter 21- Your Something Else
Chapter 22- Daddy Daughter Time
Chapter 23- Awkward
Chapter 24- Tunnel Vision
Chapter 26- Coincidence
Chapter 27- Like A High School Party
Chapter 28- Three
Chapter 29- Sounds Cliche
chapter 30- Making Plans
Chapter 31- Thanksgiving Party Thing
chapter 32- Going Good
Chapter 33- News
Chapter 34- Scared
Chapter 35- Arguments
Chapter 36- Aftermath
Chapter 37- My Reality Now
Chapter 38- There's Still Hope
Chapter 39- Maybe Baby
Chapter 40- Happy Birthday Mommy
Chapter 41- Series of Events
Chapter 42- New Addition and Subtraction
Chapter 43- Graduation
Chapter 44- Epilogue

Chapter 25- Just Wanted To Talk

351 18 7
By experiment--626

Part Twenty-Five

Julie's POV

"Momma, let's color" Riley was running around the living room. She been feeling better these last two days. We just got home from school and daycare about an hour ago. We had sandwiches for lunch and now were just sitting watch Barbie: Life In The Dreamhouse. They only have about ten episode on Netflix so we've been watch the same ten episode for a couple of weeks now.

"Okay Princess. Where the coloring book?" I asked and she make a face as if she was trying to remember.

"Hmm, this one?" She asked grabbing a random book.

"No not that one" I said looking around trying to help her.

"I found the crayons though" I said picking up the beat up box of Crayola crayons.

"Found it!" She said picking up the coloring book from the pile of magazines as well as knocking them over. She looks at them fall over and continues walking.

"Hey, wait. It fell over" I said seeing if she was going to pick it up.

"Oh, sowy" she said putting the coloring book of her small table and going back to the other small table to try and fix it.

"It heavy momma" she said pleading for me to help her.

"Oh okay, I got it" I got up and went to fix it since it didn't seem like she was gonna do it.

"Thank you momma" she said all happy.

"There" I sat back on the couch and she dragged her table over to me with the crayons slipping and sliding but only two manage to fall and she immediately went after them.

We spent some time coloring in her Shopkins coloring book. I haven't had time like this with Riley in so long. But it was temporary because I had some homework I had to do.

"Baby, I have to do homework, you can color by yourself"

"Awh" she sighed but did it anyways.

I went to my went to my room really quick to get my bag and bring it to the living room.

We sat in peace for a while, me doing my homework and Riley keeping herself entertained. Eventually she stopped coloring and went to her bin of toys and took those out. She had them sitting with her she watched a different Barbie movie.


I finished my homework around the time my mother got home.

"Mom!" Riley shouted jumping up and down and clapping her hands. She went over to my mom and hugged her legs.

"Hola Riley!" My mom answered back just as enthusiastically.

She sat on in couch in exhaustion.

"Tu novio esta afuera" she said catching my attention immediately.
(Your boyfriend is outside)

"What?" I questioned not sure if I heard her right.

"Si, anda mira" she nodded her head in the direction of the front door.
(Yeah, go check)

I got up giving my mom a questionable look. But went to check it out anyways and he was in fact sitting on my porch steps. I know his ass is cold because of the concrete.

I went outside while my mom and Riley talked for a bit.

"Wyatt?" I asked still not even sure it was him I saw.

"Hey Julie" he said nervously.

"Hey" I smiled. Since it was November it was pretty chilly and I didnt think about bring something heavier than a sweater.

"You wanna come in, its kinda cold" I suggested. Mainly voicing my concern since I'm feeling a bit cold.

"Uh, yea ok" he said and went inside with me.

"You okay? You seem a bit off" I commented.

"Umm, I just wanted to talk for a bit" he smiled nervously.

"Okay" I have to admit, I was a bit nervous. It's been two days since our encounter with Lissette in the hallway.

"I sorry for showing up like this. I just didnt want to leave things the way they were in school the other day" he said looking down at his shoes as he sat down in my couch.

"Hi, Ms. Garcia" Wyatt smiled at my mom.

"Hi. I going inside to eat with Rye" she smiled and took Riley.

"So" I so awkward.

"While you were with Jackson when Riley was sick, I was with Lissette and our baby. We kinda had a moment" he explained. I didnt really know what to say so I just nodded my head meaning he could continue.

"And...we had sex" that, was something I was not expecting him to say.

"Oh" I too startled to think. I should have known he wouldn't have been able to last this long. Especially if he was a lot of sex before we got together.

He kind of just looked at me, expecting me to say something.

"I dont know what to say, if thats what ur waiting on" I responded.

"I don't know" he mumbled.

"Maybe we should take a break" he suggested. But he just cheated on, and he wants to take a break.

"You do realize, you just cheated on me right?" Making sure were on the same page.

"Yea, I know" he answered confused.

"So then your in no position to ask for a break" I said rather calm. I think it's because I felt less guilty about my thoughts. But they were just thoughts, I never acted on them.

"I know that. And I'm sorry. But she is having my baby" He was speaking nonsense right now.

"And what? That gives you a free pass to have sex with her?" I scrunched up my face in confusion.

"I said I was sorry" Wyatt spoke up defending himself.

"How would you feel if I said I slept with Jackson while he was here helping with Rye?" I spoke up as well.

"What the fuck?" He got up from the couch.

"That's how I want to feel right now" I got up to be closer to his level.

"But I'm tired of fight with everyone" I calmed myself down.

"You wouldn't be doing this if it was him" I knew he was talking about Jackson by the way he said 'him'.

"You'd take his ass back like the little bitch you are. Right?" He was talking out of his ass.

"Y'know what, your a stupid ass bitch. I knew you wouldn't put out. But if it was Jackson, you'd spread those legs real quick" he spoke with venom in his voice.

"Get out" I said looking at his face since he didn't met my gaze. He didn't move though, he just stood there.

"Get out! Get out of my house, asshole!" I felt my voice crack in my throat. The tears were welding up as I pushed him out.

"I'm sorry" his eyes got soft as he saw a tear or two slipping out.

"Leave!" I wiped my tears and kept getting him to leave.

"Baby -"

"Don't. We're done" I let out a breath. I was hurt from what he said. I didn't think he though that way about me. It had me thinking if what he once said was a lie. All the things he said about liking me, and middle school or whatever.

At this point we were at my front door already and he looked defeated. At first when he walked into my house telling me that he wanted to talk, I wanted to use this time to see if I brought up the question about breaking up. But he did that all by himself. I didn't want the break up to be this messy or to feel like this.

"Que paso?" My mom came back with Riley at her hip.
(What happened)

"Momma?" Riley looked at me.

"Wyatt and I broke up" I looked at the ground so she would see my face. But I already knew, she knew.

"Mija" she said with pity and hugged me but I just cried.

Now I'm worried. I didn't think I'd feel like this.


"So what you'd say" Shirley asked on the phone. I called a few hours after the whole thing even though it was late.

I explained everything that happened. Even the thoughts about Jackson. I normal didn't mind keeping my business to myself, but I couldn't with this.

"This is what I get for missing school" she whined. She wasn't there when Lissette and I argued, nor was she in school today.

"Speaking of, where have you been" I asked with concern.

"Just, some stuffing going on at home" she sighed.

"Everything good?" Giving her reassurance incase she wanted to tell me something.

"Another story for another time" she giggled trying to change the subject.

"Okay" I didn't want to pressure her into telling me if she wasn't ready.

"So what's going to happen" I heard her yawn. I checked the time and was 12:09 am. I didn't even realize we had been talking for that long.

"I don't know, but it's late. You sound tired. Well talk at school tomorrow" I yawned as well and we said our good nights.

I woke and did my usual morning routine with Riley. Getting her ready and fed for the day ahead of us.

I poured myself a bowl of cereal as my mother left her bedroom. She kissed me and Riley on the head since we sat in the kitchen.

"I finished mommy" Riley told me. She got up and threw out the rest of her cereal. She couldn't exactly reach the sink but she still tried and did it successfully.

"Good job Rye" I said with excitement. She giggled and came running on her tippy toes. Yes, her tippy toes. We high fived and that's when I heard the doorbell ring. We went to answer it. Before I opened the door Riley looked through the curtain and saw who it was.

"Hi daddy" she waved with joy. Why is Jackson here?

"Hey babe" he reached down to grab Rye up and attack her with kisses.

"Hey" he said after he was done and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi" I smiled. "What are you doing here" I added.

"I was hoping you let me take you to school again" he looked at me questioning.

"I don't want to make this a habitat, Jackson" I confess. It was true, I didn't want to get too comfortable too quickly because I'm afraid of the outcome later.

"I know, but I just trying to make up for lost time" he said with pleading eyes.

"Okay" I gave him a small smile because I wasn't gonna deny a small smile.

Same as the other day, I went inside the daycare with Rye. Said hi with her to some people and left. Got back to the car and we drove to school. I guess he could sense, I didn't want to talk since he didn't start conversation.

We walked in the building and Wyatt was near the front entrance with Bryan and Shirley. They saw us walking in together, but I didn't really care. It's not like Jackson and are together or anything. He just gave me a ride. Besides I don't have to explain myself to him. 

"Julie" Bryan waved his hand around telling me to go over to them. I wasn't gonna let Wyatt's words affect me so I walked over.

"Hey" I said Bryan gave me a hug when I reached them.

"I feel like I haven't see you in forever" he smiled.

"I know right" I hugged him back.

"So Wyatt was just talking about you actually" Shirley stated awkwardly.

"Good things, I hope" I giggled this hint of sarcasm. I eyed him and he seemed nervous. Good.

"Wassup guys" Jackson came out of nowhere.

"Hey man" Bryan pounded his fist with Jackson and Shirley gave him a side hug. I completely forgot Bryan was new at the beginning of the year. It seems as though we've know him since we were kids.

"I just wanted to say you're still invited to Lissette's baby shower" Wyatt said shyly.

"We already told you, it's the same day as Riley's birthday. Were not making it" Jackson said bluntly and everyone looked at me confused as to why I was talking to him like that.

"I know, but if you could stop by-"

"I don't want to" I said calm but stern.

"Julie. Chill" Jackson said looking at me cautiously. I glare back at him. Why is he getting involved?

"I'm sorry" I turned back to him even though I didn't mean it. He knew it.

"Yea me too" he said looking in my eyes.

"Imma go. I have to put my jacket away before the bell" I said and walked away.

I went to my locker and put my jacket in it. I leaned my head on it. I already feel stressed out. It's too early for this.

"Hey. You good?" Jackson asked as he touched my arm. I jumped from his touch because I wasn't expecting it.

"Not really but, what can I do about it" I sighed.

"We could talk about it" he suggested.

"I don't wanna talk about" I said a bit aggressive.

"Okay. Relax. I didn't mean to upset you" he said putting his hands up.

"You're full of shit" I said to his face and he looked at me confused.

"You were the first the person who hurt me. No scratch that, my dad was. But you were the first one that matter. And now you're here trying to act like everything is okay and all good is between us" I explained.

"Woah. I'm not the bad guy"

"Yes you are. Because of you, I got pregnant. Because of you, we couldn't be together. Because of you, I push people away. Because of you, Wyatt thinks I'm a slut. Because of you I feel so broke" I was feeling upset all over again.

I'm tired of this. All of this.

"Wyatt what? Wait what?" He brows knitted together.

"Is that all you heard?" I looked up at him.

He kept opening his mouth but no words came out. Typical.

"I'm sorry. I know sorry doesn't cut it, but I am" he said looking down at me.

"Why do I always feel unsatisfied when you apologize" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

Before he could speak about my rhetorical question, the loud speaker goes off.

"Juliana Garcia, if you are present can you come to the college office. Juliana Garcia, college office"

I smiled at him, closed my locker, and walked away.

"Juliana, haven't see you in a few...months. how you been" Ms. Davis greets me as I walk through the door.

"Just great" I threw a fake smile.

"Code for, completely distraught. What's up" she said patter her desk so I could sit at the seat across from it.

"Oh y'know. Life." I simply answered.

"I hear you're dating Wyatt Taylor. Decent kid. How's that going?" Ms Davis is more like a friend that a teacher. That's what I love about her. She's involve with her students just to understand them.

"It's not going. We broke up" I said sadly.

"So we don't talk about. Unless you want to?" She went to sit behind her desk.

"Nope. Don't wanna talk about it" I smiled thankful she wasn't going to force it out of me.

"I called you to talk about college" she turned on her desktop and started typing and clicking. 《 I can't remember if I talking about college. yikes. Let me know if I did lol》

"You didn't exactly finish your applications. You do plan on going right?" She turned into to serious teacher mode. But not scary serious.

"I did. But...what about Riley" I need to stop holding myself back with excuses as if there aren't solutions.

"We could look into colleges with day cares. We could definitely look into community colleges, so you don't have to move away if that's an issue.." she went on explain different outcomes for different scenarios.

"I get it, if you're nervous or something. Senior Year is almost half way done. But we have to start prepping for the future okay" she nodded her head.

"Yea. Of course" nodding my head.

"We could start with your fasfa application. Go to one of the desktops. Sign in. And I'll help you in a second" she instructed and I followed.

After about a period and a half later, I completely most of it. I just have to file my mother's information and I should be good to go. I still have time to do my application and what not. But Ms Davis just wants to make sure I'm getting started at least.

Jackson was also called in for some questioning about college and what not. I kept to my computer screen and he did the same. We were somehow let out at the same time so right now we were walking to class.

"I'm sorry" we both blurted at the same time trying to murder the awkward silence that was lingering.

"Can I talk?"he asks and I nodded.

"I never meant for you feel like that. I let things get too out of control and I'm sorry. I'm your little bitch, and you know that" I chuckled at him calling himself my 'little bitch'.

"I just want to work things out. I heard what happened between you and -" before he could continue.

"Am I not good enough?" I blurted out.

"I mean, I'm good enough to tell secret's too. And maybe even good enough to have baby with. But am not good enough for people to want to stay?" I asked but wasn't expecting an answer so I continued.

"My dad left me and my mom for another woman and a another daughter. You left me for Natasha. Wyatt left me for Lissette" I confessed, more of a mumble. 

"Julie, I want to stay this time. I do. I really do" He reaches for my hands but I pull away. 

"But you can't. You'll be going to Harvard next fall. You'll be doing great thing. But I want to do great things too. For me and for Riley"

He took a moment like he was gathering his thoughts.

"I'm not going to Harvard in the fall"


"I applied, just cause Ms. Davis kept bothering me about it. But I'm not going"

"Why not?"

"Because, I have family. I can't just pick up and leave. I'm done playing games. I promise Juliana" he sounded sincere. But I was hesitant to believe him.

"I'm being dead serious Julie. I've applied to other Ivy Leagues just to see if I'll get in. But my main focus is here in New York. I don't plan on going anywhere. Not anymore" Again, very hesitant to believe.

"Where are you going then?"

"Maybe, Columbia. I don't have to dorm or anything. I would still have my apartment. I'll just have to commute. Or even community college, its not a big deal to me anymore"

"It's something I've been thinking about. A lot" he added.

"I don't really know what to say" I shrugged my shoulders.

"You're giving up your dream of going Harvard" I thought out loud trying to process things.

"I have a new dream" I look up at him while he stared back. I wanted to ask what he meant by that, but I just let it go.

I left things like that and continued on, walking to class, even though I'm already late.

《Welp. That was interesting. Not really. Lol. Idk.

I noticed this chapter had a couple time gaps, even though it was written in a day. I just find that ironic.

Until Next Time》

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