
By the_red_owl

498 24 0

One summer day Riley Gray wakes up surrounded by strangers. She escapes only to find out that her life has be... More

The Funeral
Road to Hogsmade
The Yule Ball
The restricted section
The Lake
The Daily Prophet
Fly with me

Crazy people

90 2 0
By the_red_owl


A small group had gathered to an empty cottage deep in the woods. Two of men were discussing something important with hushed voices, as if anyone there wasn't already in on the secret. Molly was cleaning the dusty room as her husband helped his wife with whatever he could to give Remus and Sirius some much needed privacy. 

Despite Molly's efforts the room remained glum and dusty, but she continued merely to suppress her nervousness at being in a room with Sirius Black, the man she had believed to be a ruthless murderer until very recently.

Molly wasn't the only one nervous, but they needed to do this. Dumbledore himself had asked for their support on the matter. Arthur had his doubts with the plan. They were basically ambushing the one and only Alastor Moody and with Sirius Black no less. If the truth had been unbelievable to the Weasley couple than they would certainly have a hard time explaining it to Alastor. 

Arthur just wished that Molly wouldn't have insisted on coming as well. "I'm not leaving you alone with him." She had said. 

And what Molly says goes!

"Maybe a cup of tea?" Molly murmured and shuffled off to the makeshift kitchen that consisted of a fireplace and a dirty cauldron. The group gathered closer as she made her magic and produced some heavenly tea. With a flick of Molly's wand the steaming cups flew to everyone. "So, when do you think he'll be here?" Sirius asked making Molly flinch. "Might be a while. Alastor is a hard man to find." Arthur answered and took a big gulp of tea to calm his nerves.

They heard a loud thud outside. Everyone stood up and braced themselves for what was about to come. Moody wasn't really known for his hospitality despite what Dumbledore might think.  Of course Arthur knew the ex- auror and held great respect for the man, but Alastor was incredibly suspicious of everything and wouldn't take their sudden visit kindly.

The door slammed open and Moody hurried inside with something in his arms. They didn't have time to react when Moody's protective spells began to fly around the room. Like Arthur had suspected this hadn't been a good idea. "Moody stop this right now!" Arthur bellowed fearing that his dear wife might get hurt. The spells disappeared mid-air and an angry looking Alastor thumbed across the room with a scowl. "Are you impostors. Liars. How did you find this place!" Alastor yelled letting all his suspicions out. "No Moody. We are here, because Dumbledore wanted to inform you about some developments." Remus said slowly adjusting himself in front of Sirius, who Moody had yet to notice.  

Molly on the other hand did notice - not Sirius of course - but a young girl being cradled awkwardly on Alastors left arm.

"Alastor! What- Who is that?" Molly asked letting her concern show. Moody looked at the child in his arms as if just remembering what he was holding. He strode across the room with impressive speed despite his stump leg and let her down on his dusty sofa. The others gathered closer to see who it was, but no one recognized her. 

"Oh dear. She is injured." Molly didn't waste any time she knew what to do after years of healing her rumbustious children. She moved the girls brown locks out of the way to reveal a bleeding head wound. Nothing she couldn't fix. With a swift wave of her wand the blood disappeared and the wound closed up leaving a light scar on the unconscious girls hairline. 

Moody felt a growl escaping his throat when Molly had taken her wand out. He knew she wouldn't hurt the child, but he was still very much riled up. Once Molly had healed her Alastor hurried to make sure that the child was well. He didn't have time to answer any of their questions when the child suddenly woke up.


My head felt heavy and I didn't want to open my eyes, but the voices around me didn't let me rest. A disturbing sight finally woke me, almost on top of me was a large man, his face covered in scars and his electric blue eye that looked mechanic made me muffle a scream. I backed away as fast as I could with the scream still lodged in my throat. The man backed away abruptly and gave me some space. I got up and the sofa I had been lying on creaked with every movement.

"What, who..." I whimpered and felt my back hit a wall. The tunnel vision finally gave in and I saw the room in completion. We weren't alone, there were four other people with us. Everyone was looking at me. "Who is she Alastor." A woman with wild read hair asked and slowly approached, only for me to take a decisive step away from her. She stopped and gave me a warm smile. "Hello Dear, I'm Molly Weasley, don't be afraid I'm sure we can sort this all out. What's your name sweetheart?"

I looked at her for a while. Should I tell her my name, what harm could it do? "Riley Gray." My voice sounded hoarse and my throat felt like I had been screaming my lungs out.

"Gray, you say?" A man with sandy brown hair asked as if my name meant something to him and I nodded.

 "Yes, now what the hell am I doing here!" I said a bit louder finding my courage in the ridiculous situation. 

"Yes Moody, what is she doing here?" an impatient voice asked - Moody turned towards the impatient voice and lunged like tiger.  I crept further from the chaos and tried to make sense of what the hell was happening around me.

"THOUGHT YOU'D GET ONE UP ON ME, DID YOU BLACK!!" Moody yelled swiftly revealed wooden stick from his cloak, which at first looked incredibly stupid, but suddenly light busted out of it. The others followed suit, but not to help Moody - but to stop him. I distinctively dodged a few orange sparks, the situation felt weirdly nostalgic, but I ignored it as it was followed by a strong headache. 

"YOU TWO STOP IT THIS INSTANT!" Molly screamed her face as red as her hair and everyone ceased. "Moody, like Arthur was about to tell you, we came here to inform you that Sirius is innocent." She continued. "And you believe this criminal?" He asked looking doubtfully at the rest of them. "He didn't do it. It was Peter Pettigrew, he framed Sirius and hid himself as a rat until very recently." Remus said carefully. "With no proof no one will believe him." Alastor began, but Sirius came out of the shadows and interrupted him. "Dumbledore does!" And there was silence. I finally got a good look at the one called Sirius. He looked like he just escaped form an 18th century asylum. His eyes held a gleam of insanity which made me more uncomfortable.

They continued the conversation with hushed voices. I only heard bits and pieces such as - rat, Azkaban and Potter. None of it made sense to me, but I had to admit it was intriguing. Wait I'm supposed to be scared shitless.

"What is Azkaban. That sounds odd?"

They all turned to me as if just now remembering that I was still here.

"Who is this girl?" asked the basket case look alike.

Without anyone answering me Alastor Moody sighed and began explaining. "I received a notice about magical abnormality around the Gray household, but when I got there..."

 I recognized my surname and understood that he claimed to have visited my house but I couldn't remember any of it.  Why?

"I had to subdue some wizards – don't know who they were, but I can bet my good eye that they were death eaters."

 Now he just didn't make any sense but I listened, wanting to find out what the hell was going on. "This young one was fighting back somehow, but they were getting the better of her, while we fled they hit some curse on her, seems like she just forgot some of what happened."

"Some? I can't even remember how I got here! You're not making any sense at all!" I raised my voice over Moody's, but my head felt dizzy and I slumped back down to the dusty sofa.

Maybe I was in shock - or these guys had given me roofies - or something to get me this disoriented, it's the only thing that makes sense.

I scanned the room carefully trying to remember their faces for the police report I'd hopefully be giving in soon. 

 I tried to avoid eye contact - And failed. The man with sand colored hair and the scar looked at me with subtle interest, he had a reassuring and kind smile that made me feel at ease. At least they didn't seem like they had any intentions to hurt me.  Right ? 

"Hello - Riley, I apologize, this all must be confusing for you. My name is Remus and this here is Sirius - "

"AND this very violent man is Alastor Moody!" Sirius interrupted, but quickly quieted down and looked at me sheepishly.

"Yes – well, I am Molly Weasley and this here is my husband Arthur, but I believe that's enough of introductions Riley you've had quite a night, and right now it might be for the best if you get some rest. We'll continue this tomorrow."

I wanted to demand answers and my hand instinctively grabbed the helm of my shirt in to a fist, but in that moment of me opening my mouth I had a sudden plan to get me out of this insanity. "Yes, I think you're on to something there - sleep sounds good right about now." God had I meant it, but I wouldn't have time for it if my plan was to be successful. I gave her my most reassuring smile and she returned it with gushing motherly warmth.

"There's a bedroom behind that door. Alastor you don't mind right?" Molly asked while pointing at an old door that had its green paint shedding off.

Alastor looked at me with suspicion which made a cold sweat drip down my sore back, but with a gruff he said, "Go ahead, just don't complain about the mess." Yess.

Molly, with her hand on my shoulder ushered me to the room and closed the door behind me. I heard her mutter something at the door and their voices quieted down.


Molly had made sure the girl could sleep without hearing their conversation and soundproofed the room before continuing.

"Alastor would you just tell us how on earth a Gray could cast magic? You know better than anyone that the Gray's are squibs."

"Like you said I do know the best and to be frank, the youngest Gray wasn't tested  – we all just assumed that she was one as well."

"This is all very surprising, but not at all impossible. "Lupin said "- but what on earth happened – you said there were death eaters?"

"Yes, like I said I was sent to the Gray residence by the ministry and when I got there they were shooting spells at the girl. She was unhurt, but the rest - Lyra and...  - they were already dead." 

"I saw Riley crouching down with a powerful shield cast around her it looked  like a sphere of light. She was white as a sheet and tears kept pouring from her eyes. I had managed to subdue one of the death eaters and in all the confusion Riley had lowered her shield – giving me access. I got the second one and wanted to go after the last one, but the bastard  turned into a cloud of black smoke and flew away.  The kid was hit with a spell while I was distracted with those bastards. I didn't stick around who knows If they'd have returned in numbers.I took her to the only place I knew for certainty was safe – here." 

Molly gasped after hearing about what had befallen to the Gray family. She didn't know them well – nobody did, due to them being squibs, but she couldn't help but feel bad for the girl who had just lost her family and seemingly doesn't even realize it yet. She couldn't be older than Ron or Harry who she counted as part of the family.


I didn't waste any time in the messy room. I looked around for a way out only to find a small window. Gladly I was in the was the first floor. The landscape was covered with trees and I knew it was going to get difficult to find a way back home or even to a town, but I wasn't going to stay here listening to bullshit from those strangers. No sir! The window was stiff, but I managed to open it and I propelled my torso out to the cool mist, it was a struggle to get my leg on the ground with my other one still inside the house. The position felt incredibly awkward, but I didn't have time to think about that. as long as I get out of here.


"'Oh shit!" with a yelp I fell out the window and landed directly in front of an old Gandalf looking man.

Enough with the wizard stuff already.

The man helped me up and smiled at me with a sparkle in his eye.

"Oh my dear. It seems like you're in a hurry, but you'll have to wait for a little longer."

He introduced himself as Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. The name was just as odd as the man was, he had the ability to calm me down, but then I heard loud sounds from inside.

"And what is your name. miss-?"

"I'm Riley Olivia Gray." Why did I do that!?

 "Well then miss Gray- shall we?" he gestured towards the house. I made a silent grunting noise which seemed to amuse him - of course he was with them - but I followed his lead anyway – not like I had a choice.

He steered me back to the house just as a fuming Alastor was about to exit. 

 Most likely to hunt me down.

"Hrrmph, oh good Albus you're here - and you Riley should be more careful if you were trying to make a run for it I suggest something more creative." 

I felt like a child with a hand caught in a cookie jar. Are kidnappers always this patronising?

Dumbledore's presence somehow reassured me and I walked back inside with him. Alastor made another gruffing noise but I swear he looked relieved, was it because I hadn't escaped or because of Dumbledore - I didn't know.

I tuned out their conversation - again this time voluntarily as they began discussing the matter of Sirius' innocence and the guilty party being a rat or something the room calmed down and I felt their eyes back on me which made me extremely uncomfortable. "So miss Gray, what do you remember?"

 Dumbledore's question hang in the air, it made me confused and even more so as I glanced around the room which was filled with anticipation, worry and curiosity. 

I tried to remember - as I had noticed earlier, I couldn't - I had lost my memory from an entire day.

"Nothing - absolutely nothing, I don't remember anything before waking up from this couch - I know that something big happened and I somehow recognize those sticks you people keep waving around. Its like I feel they are familiar but I don't exactly remember seeing one before." '

That was a lie. I had seen one before but it was a long time ago, when I had found one in my aunt Florence's attic as a child. I had played with it and imagined that I was a magician but soon after I had told my father about my game, it had disappeared so I didn't feel the need to open the subject again.

Dumbledore gave me a knowing smile. And I had the distinct feeling that he had somehow known my thoughts

"They blasted a spell on her before we got out. Seems like some sort of confusious charm or forgetting spell,"- Alastor said while looking at me with his good eye, the other one scanning the room furiously. I listened as he told about what had happened. 


Apparently I am a witch. 

I had casted a spell spontaneously and it had alerted the ministry. That is why Alastor went to take care of the situation- what taking care of it meant I didn't know but I silently let him continue as did others. It felt like a fabricated story that Moody had made up. Some dark wizards had  entered my home before him and caused mayhem. He told us that he got me out after dueling a death eater and that I was out of it before we arrived at the house -meaning this house apparently.

"What now?" Lupin asked, not really expecting any answer.

"I don't know about you mister, but I would like to leave now." Lupin looked a bit surprised but smiled at me sadly. I calmed myself down a bit, stood and made my way for the door. Lupin's  sad smile made me feel as though they might have been telling the truth and I wanted to find out just that - the truth.

"No!" Was all Alastor said. He had grabbed my arm in an attempt to stop me but he let go when I gave him my death glare. I doubt my glare had much affect on him, but he let go nonetheless. He didn't have any right to keep me here. 

My mother has probably called the police and my sister would be pretending to not care but secretly going through all our friends to find out if they knew anything. At least that's what they did when I had disappeared last year when I had accidentally locked myself to our tool shed and fallen asleep on top of the old swimming mattress. 

"Riley they are dead - they died" Alastor said in a final attempt to stop me from leaving.



I heard the redheaded woman give a silent cry, but besides that the room was yet again silent. Alastor was unreadable. Lupin suddenly found floorboards interesting and Dumbledore looked at me like a wounded animal that was about to attack, Sirius seemed eerily calm and simply sat there. I didn't believe them- I didn't want to and I wasn't going to, but I had to admit I was afraid that Alastor might be be telling the truth.

"No" my voice wasn't silent or loud it was normal and I surprised even myself with the lack of emotion in it. "I don't believe you." And then I walked out. They must be lying.


Nobody  had followed me, and if they were I didn't notice I calmly walked for a few blocks thinking how insane this day had been. Only to be reminded that I didn't remember most of it. There was no way that my family would be hurt in any way- I would know- I should know. It all just seemed too impossible, but the way Alastor had said it and the way my head started acing made me painfully aware that something wasn't right. I started running only to notice that I didn't know this place. I lived in a small town, but I was now on an old country road in the middle of the woods.


With determination and a bit of luck I arrived to my hometown. The sun was way up as I thanked some elderly couple for driving me this far. Their car was probably older than them and it smelled like cats, but they had been more than kind towards me.

"Remember, don't go around hitch-hiking you'll never know what kind of bad people might snatch you away." I assured the old lady that I didn't do this often and waved her goodbye while her nearly senile husband floored the car and drove away, leaving a smoke of dust on their trail.

I walked ahead feeling cheerful as I had slept in the smelly car and seeing my home made me relieved. Nothing was out of place even the spare key was beneath an old broken flower pot. Only thing standing out was my parent's car - which was still on the drive way, even though they should be at work, but I doubt they would have gone to work if they thought that I had been kidnapped or worse- stuck in the tool shed again.


The second I placed my hand on the door I felt it, but still didn't believe it, not until I was inside. The first door to the right was my sister's room. She always slept till noon, but when I looked inside, the bed was empty. That was enough to get the cold sweat running, my breathing quickened as if I had ran all the way home and I felt numb as I walked in the kitchen and saw them.

"No-no nonnonono no," I kept repeating to myself as I got closer to my sisters motionless body. She was staring at the roof her eyes glazed and empty. As I looked at her I heard a memory of a scream in my head - hers it was definitely my sisters even though I couldn't be sure because I had never heard her scream- yell yes, but never scream, she was a strong person and she had never made a voice so full of despair. I closed her eyes with my shaking fingers and the cold skin on skin contact made a pile rise up my throat.

My parent's bodies were more restful. It simply looked like they had fallen asleep on the table still holding their coffee mugs that had gotten cold. I noticed a third one and figured that it had been for me as my sister never drank coffee. I sat down on my usual place and an old habit made me grab the mug and take a sip it was too bitter without milk and too cold to be even room temperature. I had stopped crying by now, finally letting thoughts flow through me. What do I do now? -  was it all true, am I really a witch like Moody had claimed? - who would do this? - why? - why did it look so clean - so normal. There were no sings of struggle, no blood or weapons. The only thing that stood out had been my sister body lying on the floor. I was getting hysterical as I tried to make sense of things. There they were - my family - cold and dead, almost looking like they had just fallen a sleep in strange places. There were a few boxes in the hallway meant for my sister's things. She had been so exited to move to London, now she never could. 


I was in still in the kitchen trying to figure things out when I heard a knock on the door and noticed that the sun was setting. I went to open the door, with my fathers old baseball bat at hand. Just in case .

 As I suspected Alastor Moody was standing there with Dumbledore. I still couldn't get a read on Alastor but Dumbledore was openly giving me a sympathetic look." I am truly sorry for your loss."

I waved my hand as silent a gesture to enter.


They agreed to help me with my family and with a flick of Alastor's wand, their bodies disappeared. If Dumbledore hadn't warned me beforehand I would have freaked out.

"They are at the ministry. The proper arrangements are being taken care of."

Alastor placed his hand on my shoulder. I figured it was a rare gesture and gave him a small smile. "Thank you."

"Perhaps we should talk about the next step." Dumbledore stated and sat down on the couch of our- my living room. "I think a nice calming cup of tea would do us some good." and with a wave of his wand, cups appeared. 

 Alastor added a sugar cube to his and stirred it for a while, but didn't drink any. He looked out of place with the tiny rose decorated teacup in his callused hands - the sight was a little funny.

 I sipped from my cup and instantly regretted it tea- of course it had to be tea. Despite my aunt Florence's attempts I still didn't like it. 

Dumbledore took his and drank it with ease. "I believe you know nothing of your heritage?" Dumbledore asked, his questioning eyes shining behind his glasses.

 I didn't know what he meant, but he seemed to realize it from my silence and continued. "Alastor Moody here has some information about it. If youd like to hear?" 

I nodded and looked over Moody who stared at his cu of tea leaving an awkward silence to the room. Dumbledore opened his mouth, but Moody's low voice interrupted him.

"Your parents - both of them come from strong wizarding families but they were born as squibs- unable to cast magic, but magical nonetheless, apparently your older sister was one as well - and we - everyone assumed you wouldn't be an exception - but." 

"But here we are." Dumbledore continued, his tone curious as he said it. "Your magical abilities seem to be stronger than usual, maybe because they skipped an entire generation, but I'm afraid that you might become dangerous to those around you as much as to yourself if you aren't properly trained."

I kept myself calm- it began to make sense. "So my aunt is a witch as well." - that was meant as a statement, but Alastor answered anyway


"So how do I - um - contain my abilities safely." I asked hoping that the answer wouldn't mean getting me locked up somewhere.

For a moment Dumbledore seemed struck "miss Gray I wouldn't suggest containing anything, in fact I suggest you embrace it and learn to use it at my school, for young witches and wizards."

" and — and how do I  — get there?"

"Of course I'll give you the details later in time but for now I believe it would be safe to escort you to your aunt Florecense's house, I believe she is waiting for you - and I suggest that you pack everything now since this house is no longer safe." 

I did what he told me to do, I didn't want to stay in this house and I felt relived knowing that I'd have someone familiar to go to, and apparently a new school to get to, but it was hard to let go. This had been my home for as long as I remembered and I knew that when I'd leave this house, my life will never be the same.

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